10 of Wands in Tarot: meaning of the card, in love, work and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the card 10 of Wands mean in Tarot?

The 10 of Wands is a minor arcana belonging to the suit of clubs and the element of Fire. Like the other cards with these characteristics, it has a strong connection with the idea of work, effort and achieving goals through these characteristics.

These aspects are present since its iconography, which shows a figure walking on his back while carrying a great weight. They are also present in the history of the arcane, which received the nickname Lord of Oppression due to the burden that those who find it start to carry.

Thus, the present article is going to explore in detail the meanings, rationale and messages brought by the 10 of Wands for Tarot consulters. To find out more about it, read on.

Fundamentals of the 10th of Wands

The 10 of Clubs is also known by the name Lord of Oppression. This is directly connected to his iconography, which shows the figure of a man carrying a weight above his capacity while walking to a distant place. Due to the fact that he is on his back, we never know his feelings, but his efforts.

Both denote energy of action and a strong connection with work, especially in its most practical sense and of daily sustenance. Therefore, this arcane is indicative of demanding situations in the life of the consulent.

How to know the fundamentals of a card, such as its history, is important to broaden your Tarot reading. The next section of the article will be dedicated to discussing these aspects. Read on to learn more about them.


The 10 of Wands is also known by the name Lord of Oppression. This happens because of the iconography of the card, which shows a man with his head down and back arched while accepting a workload far beyond his capacity. Therefore, this arcane is the representation of a time of hard work and the burdens that the consulent needs to bear.

Because of this, it is important to find a way to take something positive out of these situations and make your needs something that can be used throughout your life.


In terms of iconography, it is possible to point out that the 10 of Clubs shows a man working beyond his abilities. He carries ten pieces of stick and walks towards a building that seems very far away. It is impossible to determine how the man in question feels, since his facial expression is not shown by the card. However, the body language allows us to infer that he is tired.

In addition, the situation portrayed makes it seem as if the man has no choice but to move on, a feeling that is repeated for consulters who encounter this arcane in their Tarot readings.

The suit of clubs

In Tarot, the suit of clubs is the representation of work and all activities which have a connection with sustenance. It also speaks of the effort that everyone needs to make to achieve their goals. Therefore, by finding a card of clubs in the Tarot game, the consulter receives a message about what he needs to do to get where he wants.

In addition, it is worth noting that pauses have a dynamic characteristic, but are never associated with pauses. This only happens when these intervals are caused by external and opposing forces, which interfere with their course.

Fire Element

Fire is considered a gift from the gods to mankind. It possesses characteristics such as impetuosity and creativity.

In addition, it is often associated with a greater awareness regarding abilities, something that is called a born talent. However, since Fire has an association with the idea of creation, there is a belief that this talent can also be developed by anyone working towards it.

Thus, it is an element of impulse, of vital energy and that speaks volumes about movement and actions. Fire also denotes enthusiasm and the will for adventure.

Meaning of the card 10 of Wands

The 10 of Wands is a card that speaks about the burdens that the consulent carries in his life. They are capable of generating an impressive overload, especially from the mental point of view. This happens mainly due to the excess of responsibilities assumed, which generate the feeling of tiredness and constant stress.

However, this card also indicates that a cycle is being finalized in the life of the consulent. But, to finally get free from all that oppresses, it will be necessary to understand what should be prioritized at the moment. Thus, the minor arcane indicates that mental health should be the focus, as well as self-care.

The next section of the article will be dedicated to exploring in more detail the meanings of finding the 10 of Wands in a Tarot game. Read on to learn more about this.

Cycle end

When the 10 of Wands appears in a Tarot reading, it indicates an end of a cycle. Due to the connection of this card with physical fatigue and the need for change, the consulter who finds it in a reading is about to end a phase of his life that was quite stressful.

So it is very important not to forget that all that is left is to move on. The figure represented in the card reminds you of this by being walking even while holding a weight. Just like her, you feel the same way and it will not magically disappear, but it is necessary to find ways to continue until you free yourself.

Unnecessary burdens

The 10 of Wands in a Tarot reading indicates that the consulent has invested a lot of effort in his plans. However, they are not going as well as expected and give him the feeling of carrying an unnecessary burden. Thus, this responsibility generates a feeling of guilt for everything that happens around him.

It is worth noting that this card asks you not to be so attached to the plans you have made. Try to be freer when you notice that something is not working well and know how to let go of it to achieve balance.

Excess of responsibilities

The consulter who encounters the 10 of Wands is receiving a message about the excess of responsibilities present in his current life. From its iconography, the card reveals a figure that works too much and strives to achieve something that seems very distant. The consulter is behaving in exactly this way in his routine.

Therefore, avoid overloading yourself with commitments and take some time to reflect on how you got into this situation. From this reflection, it will be possible to find a way to lessen your responsibilities and prioritize them, even if you don't seem to have many choices at the moment.

Tiredness and stress

The load you have been carrying is making you tired and stressed, the 10 of Wands present in the game indicates exactly that. Therefore, this is a card that speaks about the importance of taking some moments to relax and to meditate, things that can help you find the answers you need in your life right now.

Try to pay attention to what is really important. In addition, the 10 of Wands indicates that your current moment should be focused on yourself, to the point of selfishness in some situations. So do not let yourself be absorbed by other people's problems, as they can stress you even more.

Need for renewal

It can be said that the 10 of Wands is a card which indicates the need for renewal, but this happens more internally than externally. Because of its overload, it is important that you learn not to accept situations which oppress you in order to grow spiritually.

Remember that your work will always be in the same place and that, to do it properly, you need to be psychologically well. Therefore, the excess of commitments and physical wear caused by your current routine are more harmful than interesting for you.

Search for independence

The 10th of Wands speaks a lot about the importance of seeking independence, but it is not connected to what is material, but to self-care. Therefore, the consulent must find a way to dedicate himself more to himself, putting the things that are truly important to him in the first place.

In this way, the moment you are living asks you to distance yourself from the needs of others, especially the emotional ones, and to prioritize taking care of your own needs. In this way you will be able to achieve that independence and you will be at the forefront of your life.

10 of Wands in love

The energy of the 10 of Wands, when applied to love, speaks about the need to find a partner who has worldviews aligned with yours. In addition, the card also highlights that it is necessary for the consulent to be with someone who supports his dreams and does not make him leave aside what he wants.

For those who are in a relationship, especially a marriage, the minor arcane also brings some interesting messages regarding stability, especially from the financial point of view. However, it warns about the expenditure of energy that will be necessary to keep the union working in a positive way for both parties.

More points regarding the 10 of Clubs in love will be explored below, read on to discover the meaning.

For committed people

When thinking about love, the idea of work is kept in the reading of the 10th of Wands, so people who are in a relationship will need to find a way to work together to fulfill their dreams as a couple and also to nurture the love they have for each other. This will require a lot of energy from both parties.

In addition, it is worth noting that when talking about the material aspects of a union, especially a marriage, the 10 of Wands is indicative of stability of achievements, being extremely positive in this sector.

For singles

People who are single receive quite an interesting piece of advice from the 10 of Wands: if they are looking for someone to get involved with, they should look for a person who shares your values and who is able to allow you to live your dreams fully.

The chart asks the consulter to remember at all times that a couple needs to share their achievements and that individual goals cannot be abandoned or neglected for the sake of a relationship.

10 of Wands at work

Due to its energy of action and effort, the 10th of Wands is an extremely positive card for career-related Tarot readings. Thus, people who are employed receive messages about the need for careful decision-making and the importance of always analyzing the work environment.

Those who are looking for a job, on the other hand, are warned that their dreams will come true. However, they receive some warnings that cannot be ignored regarding the behavior they should adopt during job interviews to win a vacancy.

Some aspects regarding the 10 of Wands applied at work will be covered in the next section of the article. Read on to learn more about it.

For employees

People who find the 10 of Wands in their Tarot readings about work are receiving a warning about the need to pay attention to career-related decisions. This need remains even if the consulent feels that everything is going positively and exactly as he wishes.

You need to be analytical to really get to success, so paying attention to your environment and how you behave is something that will never become dispensable and the arcane reinforces this idea strongly.

For unemployed persons

The unemployed who find the 10 of Wands in a Tarot game are receiving a positive message. This minor arcane denotes that the consulent will find a way to make their dreams possible soon and will be able to achieve what they want in the near future.

However, to get to that point, you will need to be very attentive and careful during job interviews. It is important that you focus on not passing off an air of superiority, as if you are above the position being sought.

Combinations with the card 10 of Wands

When combined, tarot cards can have their positive or negative characteristics accentuated, depending on who appears with them. Thus, this section of the article will be dedicated to talk about some combinations, good and bad, for the 10 of Wands.

Among the best pairings for this minor arcana, you can mention The Star, which highlights the ability to have a better future through effort. On the other hand, if the 10 of Wands pairs with The Hanged Man, the Tarot reading is alerting you to the fact that your work is constantly behind the scenes.

So these and other combinations for this arcane will be explored in more detail in the next section of the article. Read on to find out even more.

Positive combinations

The 10 of Wands has some positive combinations that can enhance its meaning. Among them, it is worth mentioning The Hermit, which speaks of the consulent's organizational capacity and leadership potential. Besides it, it is also possible to highlight The Star, which when combined with the 10 of Wands indicates that all your efforts will lead you to a better future.

Finally, it is also interesting to point out the combination between the 10 of Clubs and the King of Cups, which highlights your ability to get to the top through your own effort.

Negative combinations

There are also some cards that, when paired with the 10 of Wands, can bring out its negative aspects. One of these is The Hanged Man, which indicates that you are, yes, trying hard, but you have been behind the scenes and this is not always satisfactory. Also, The Priestess, in a reading, can indicate that you will be meeting a particularly demanding boss soon.

Other combinations worth mentioning are The Empress and The World. In the case of the first, the pair warns about the care you should take when trying to please everyone around you. The second says that your work has demanded too much of you.

A little more about the card 10 of Wands

The 10th of Wands also has some interesting messages for the health area. They are associated with the idea of work and indicate that the consulter may experience problems related to stress, something that should be looked at carefully.

In addition, like all Tarot cards, this arcane holds some challenges and offers some tips for the consulters. In this sense, the main obstacle related to the card is dealing with overload and the tips work as a way to ease this scenario.

The points described will be covered in more detail in this section of the article. In addition, some aspects regarding the inverted 10 of Clubs will also be discussed. Read on to learn more about it.

In health

The presence of the 10 of Wands in a Tarot reading is something that demands attention to health. This happens especially because of the stress derived from all the effort you have made to get where you want, which can impact your body in a negative way and take a form of physical pain.

Thus, it is very common for the consulents who encounter this arcane to suffer from bruises or other types of injuries. It is worth emphasizing that this card is a warning for self-care and highlights that you need to be more responsible with your health.

Inverted card

When it appears in its inverted position, the 10 of Wands represents a retrograde step in the life of the consulent. Thus, an obstacle will arise on the way, causing the individual to remember and relive a specific moment of his life that does not connect with his current dreams and desires.

However, it is important that you don't let yourself get down in front of this scenario. You need to find the strength to get out of this situation of loss. It is also important to remember your capacity for effort and that everything you need to get back on your feet is already within you.


The great challenge for those who find the 10 of Wands in the Tarot game is to know when to stop and prioritize their own needs. The card puts everything in motion, especially in the career sector, and this can end up making the consulent overload themselves, taking on too many responsibilities.

However, this charge can also be emotional and be associated with trying to help others' problems. It is important that you remember to focus on yourself, since this is one of the messages of the 10 of Wands.


Without a doubt, the greatest advice that the 10 of Wands gives to a consulent is that renewal is the way to have a better life. Therefore, he should go after living his best phase and strive to achieve his goals.

Also, because of its energy of movement, the arcane is an indication that a new project may be on its way. Your old cycles have been duly finalized, and now your problems will resolve themselves for you to walk towards the new.

Can the card 10 of Wands signal that this is a good time for reflection and internalization?

Although the 10 of Wands is a card focused on action and the achievement of practical goals, something that has a direct connection with its suit and element, it is also a card that asks for some level of reflection from the consulter. Thus, he must be able to look inside himself and find his points of overload.

From this, you will be able to determine what should or should not be a priority in your life, acting more accordingly and, therefore, wearing less on your path to success. The arcane denotes a phase of selfishness and focus on yourself, and this is exactly what those who find the 10 of Wands need to figure out how to do.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.