12th House in Libra: Meaning, astrological houses, birth chart and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of having the 12th house in Libra

The 12th house is responsible for ruling what we do not see, that is, the hidden unconscious. Therefore, people who have Libra in the 12th house, in most cases, show a lot of hardness in their appearance. They may seem coarse and even rude, but that does not mean they are like that. Inside, they are very sweet and gentle people, with a unique refinement.

It is also interesting to note that they are very fair-minded people, but uncertain of what they believe, and can easily get carried away by the opinion of others, because they lack much firmness in what they believe. Do you want to know more about Libra in the 12th house, its traits, positive and negative aspects as well as lies, deceit and dependency? Then continue reading the next section.

Personality traits of those who have libra in the 12th house

People with Libra in the 12th house are very fair-minded and feel distressed to see any kind of unfair scenario in front of them like a puppy being mistreated or even a child suffering at the hands of irresponsible parents.

They will also be very secretive people and may hide forbidden loves and passions, for example a second family. Also, although they are docile and loving people, they show in the first instance, to be very rigid and thick, causing a bad impression.

Positive Aspects

As already mentioned, the main positive aspect of people with Libra in the 12th house is the sense of justice. This, without a doubt, is a good thing, because although they seem to be thick and unfeeling people, they are very friendly and companionable, and may surprise you, if you give them a chance to know.

Also, because they have this sense of justice very aflorado, they can easily agree when you try to reach an agreement with them, offering the necessary arguments for this, of course. They are easy people to deal with, and very serene when relaxed.

Negative Aspects

One of the most evident negative aspects of people with Libra in the 12th house, is the difficulty in making friends, because in the first impression, they show themselves to be contrary to what they really are, showing a face that is not faithful to what reality is.

Because of this, they end up distancing people from themselves, because they can be thick, harsh and on the outside do not show anything of what they really are. Sometimes it is interesting that these people control themselves and try to show at first what they really are, because if not controlled, these attitudes can disturb their image before others.


People with the 12th House in Libra, have a "gift" of telling lies from time to time so that they can get what they want. They are also very discreet people and like to have some secrets, as this amuses and even excites them.

Because of this, they tend to be the kind of person who has a lover or a mistress, and who can keep up this lie for so long that they form one or more families out there.


Hypocrisy can speak loudly, for Libra in the 12th house hates to be deceived, but loves and has a fissure to deceive. This is highly dangerous, for it can be disloyal and drive away even the people who cared about it, and has a tendency to be alone.

On the other hand, they are very crafty and hardly ever let themselves be found out, but when they do, they can be quite glib in trying to convince you that they won't do it again and that they're sorry for what they've done.


Despite their naughtiness on the outside and are very rigid and unloving, inside, people with the 12th House in Libra have a very high emotional dependence on people around them, getting highly offended or hurt when they realize they are not or are no longer being reciprocated.

In addition, being fond of luxury and the good life, they may submit themselves to situations of financial dependence if they see that it will be profitable for them to make this choice, having little or almost nothing, inspiration to run after their goals.

Libra and the Astrological Houses

The astrological houses are important in the astrological chart, because they are the divisions of the sky, being seen at the time and moment of birth of each person. They are ruled by the planets, giving meaning to the sign of the Zodiac. For example, when Libra is in the 2nd house, it will be different if it was positioned in the 1st house.

It also has the planets to interfere in the behaviors, having to be analyzed together to come to a conclusion about the personality of each person.

To know more about the 12th house in the birth chart, as well as the influences of Libra and the effects of this sign, continue reading the next part.

Meaning of 12th house in the birth chart

The 12th house in the Astrological Chart is ruled by Neptune, and is nothing more than the representation of mental health, as well as the form of the unconscious of each one. It is also a house that will demonstrate the weaknesses and blockages given by the life experience of each person.

This means that the way this person is in his occult is effectively demonstrated by this House, and can strongly influence spirituality and artistic talents. It brings together emotions and fears, as well as intuitions and strength to deal with life, being one of the most important houses.

Libra's Influences on the Birth Chart

Libra is known for being a sign of balance and a great sense of justice. Because of this, it seeks truth, equality, always striving for peace. Having this sign as an influence in your birth chart shows where the part of you that cherishes these aspects lies.

Depending on which house the sign of Libra is disposed in your birth chart, this will directly influence how you are in terms of personality and the way you see the world and deal with life. Because of this, it is important that you are aware of this detail to understand even more about your own way of dealing with situations.

Effects of the Placement of Libra in the 12th house

People with Libra in the 12th house, possibly, will have an ascendant in Scorpio. Because of that, they will be ruled by Venus and will be very balanced people inside, but very difficult to show that to others, exactly because of their ascendant.

The 12th house says much more about my relationship with others and the rest of the world, offering me intuitions so that I can understand, for example, who wishes me harm without me even having any idea of it, consciously.

All this, being influenced by Libra, provides a more secure and balanced way of dealing with situations, offering calm and tranquility with such delicate details

The 12th house, house of spirituality, secrets and faith

The 12th house is responsible for everything that we are in the occult, where our secrets, ways of being, personality, beliefs, and mainly our faith are. It is where we meet our spirit, our "inner self", the place that inhabits our unconscious.

It also interferes with many aspects of rebirth, which are necessary because of the emotional prisons that are often part of our process of self-knowledge.

To learn more about this house, the secrets involving past lives, reunions, faith and much more, just keep reading the next part.

House 12

The 12th house mainly has functions related to the interior of each one from the world view, that is, the relationship with the whole and with other people. Here our ways of thinking are put to the test, based on our values of society or as a consequence of the rebellion of these same values.

Because of its depth and scope, the 12th House is one of the most difficult to analyze, because, as it involves many diverse factors, it can become diluted very quickly and again escape its definition from those who seek it.

Past lives

In relation to past lives, the 12th house can indicate a lot about who you were before, as it is something very deep and mystical. It can bring meaning, for example, to why you are afraid of spiders, even though you never had the memory of going near one.

This indicates that perhaps in past lives you have had problems with this and therefore cannot stand the feeling again. Furthermore, your present life has a direct bearing on what you were in the past, always bridging the gap between your former self and your now self.


What you believe to be part of your spirituality also has a direct relationship with the 12th house. You have this way of thinking about what governs you and your religiosity exactly because of this influence. Usually those who have a sign in the 12th house have great empathy and believe in something that makes sense to them.

These people have a strong tendency to be more loving and cherish love among family and friends, being kind at heart and showing many attitudes of kindness and love for others.


People with the 12th house in important signs have great faith in life and in any religion they have. They are optimistic people who, despite the difficulties of life, have a tendency to be very cheerful and available for joy. They are hardly sad or boring people, always cherishing the belief that things will get better.


Easily these people have a feeling of reunion, which is nothing more than the feeling of already recognizing places, situations and even people. This is because the 12th house gives you this feeling of memory, what is internalized because of past lives.

In it, you possess these sensations and by discovering these characteristics, you can understand more of why you possess certain sensations of deja vu or something like that.

Karmic House

The 12th house is also known as the house of Karma, because what you were in your past life will directly influence what you are being in your present life. This means that sometimes you may pay for attitudes which, not consciously, are crucial for your present life.

Does having the 12th house in Libra indicate that a bad omen is coming?

Based on the facts mentioned in this article we can understand that the sign of Libra in the 12th house indicates that you are a very good and loving person at heart, but unfortunately you are not able to demonstrate this.

This is not a sign of a bad omen, but it may mean that you have to watch out for the negative traits and aspects brought by Libra, such as exaggerated lying and rudeness in the way you are and show yourself to others.

Other than that, Libra is a sign of balance and can surely bring you many positive aspects as well, both your way of being and your personality.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.