12th House in Virgo in your birth chart: meaning, personality and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does it mean to have the 12th house in Virgo in your birth chart?

When Virgo is in the 12th house, it means that the individual has an analytical mentality and is prone to look at the realistic and scientific side of events that occur daily. In addition, he is also prone to have a great interest in the areas of health, applied to physical and mental well-being. Therefore, he tries to exercise, take care of his sleep, diet and emotional balance.

Natives of this position have a critical environmental sense connected to the preservation and maintenance of the environment. They use their vast knowledge and critical mind for actions in favor of nature. The compulsion connected to cleanliness and health is another point that can be observed in this position.

In this article we have separated the main personality aspects of those who have Virgo in the 12th house. Check it out!

Meaning of the 12th House

The 12th house is considered one of the most difficult to study and understand. Since it is the last of the water element, it indicates that the emotional is at the deepest level. In this way, the unconscious has a great impact on the life of the individual.

However, this house can also teach that the collective is more important than your own desires. Below, we will see the main aspects of the 12th house for astrology. Read on to find out more!

Meaning of life

The meaning of life can be found by practicing isolation and diving deep inside. With this, the individual who completes these feats begins to know himself better, when he recalls all the good and bad experiences he had to go through.

The 12th house represents the discovery of self-knowledge, which allows the arrival of the moment of transition. In this phase, the liberation from the ties of the past "I" occurs, to transform into a new version of oneself.

In addition, this position also has the association with the mind and the emotional. In this area, the individual may be some health professional such as a psychiatrist or a psychologist, or be subject to illnesses such as depression, anxiety or panic disorder.

Shadows and fears

Fear and darkness arise in the 12th house, especially when the Sun is over it. While it grants the possibility of enlightenment, it also provides a dark environment, without security and stability.

Often, the 12th house is referred to as the position of the unknown, because the dark is its realm and dimension. Trapped in this vacuum, the individual ends up developing negative feelings, such as helplessness, fragility and phobias.

In this way, the demand for a safe place leads the person to close in on himself and isolate himself from the world, generating even more fear and instability. By enclosing himself in the dark, more shadows shroud his personality and his will, until he is lost from himself and the world.

Spirituality and charity

Spirituality is one of the strong characteristics of those who have a planet in the 12th house of their birth chart. Often these people can have mediumistic talents and a propensity to work as therapists, as they can quickly connect with the individual and interpret their emotions.

This house is the one that holds the strongest predisposition to demonstrate aptitudes involved with the spiritual environment. Assistance causes also provide strong attraction to the individuals with this chart position, as if they were the chosen ones to provide support. Voluntary work and donation are the closest ways to help those who need it most.

Hidden Mysteries

The mysteries and enigmas that involve the 12th house are difficult to decipher. The unconscious hides from us several issues that we do not know, but we have some power over. It also involves that perception of right and wrong, called intuition. We do not have an understanding of how this phenomenon happens, but it exists and takes possession of the mind.

It is worth noting that some elements that were dispersed in past lives can be found again in the next one. One of the most popular cases is love at first sight. There is that feeling of knowledge that is an indecipherable mystery.

The attraction to the occult and to the mysteries of life, spirituality and the mind has a strong protagonism in the 12th house.

Hidden Enemies

The depth found in the 12th house is essential to carry out the analysis of all the parameters found in life. Through this, it is possible to find where the enemies hide.

It is important to point out that these enemies do not represent only people. There are several variables that can become adversaries in life. Even the individual's own actions are capable of being opposed against him or herself.

For this reason, the negative aspects detected in the astrological chart help to unveil which are these antagonists. For this to happen, a long reflective and meditative process is necessary, in order to sharpen one's own intuition and be able to stop this adversary.


Intuition appears as a mystery. It is what we know or feel, without understanding how or why. In this area, the 12th house holds great volumes of knowledge from previous lives.

This hidden knowledge, which comes to light in some specific situation, is our intuition communicating. It is the mastery of practices and learning that have deepened in the unconscious and do not fade away with the passage of time.

In this case, the intense sense of intuition can lead to premonitory dreams or increased caution in the face of certain demands.

Karmas and past lives

Reincarnation is seen as a mark of the past, so those who see this information as true believe that the 12th house is the place of preparation for the next life.

In this way, it allows the soul to prepare to return to the earthly world with the possession of previous knowledge. For example, a person who has the planet Jupiter in the 12th house has stored a lot of content and learning.

At the same time, karma is this baggage brought from the past life and which influences the current one. It can have positive or negative aspects, according to what was previously cultivated.

The problem is when you reap what you no longer want. For this reason, you can live in a cycle of planting and reaping until you achieve what you want. This is known as spiritual work and the 12th house has the power to show you what you need to do to get what you want out of this cycle.

How do I know which sign my 12th house is in?

First of all, it is necessary to know that each house is connected with different signs and planets. When the astrological chart is made, it is necessary to know the position of the stars in the sky and the exact time of birth of the person.

The astrological chart is divided into 12 houses, and in order to know which sign is in each one, first of all you need to find out which is the ascendant. To find out the ascendant, all you need to do is locate which constellation was appearing on the easternmost side of the horizon at the time of birth.

When the ascendant is revealed, it is fixed in House 1. To set up the rest of the houses, it is only necessary to move them in increasing order and counterclockwise.

To determine the signs, we follow the order of the zodiacs, starting from the ascending sign in the 1st house. So, at some point, this count will reach the 12th house, revealing its ruler.

Personality of those born with 12th house in Virgo

The person with Virgo in the 12th house shows great concern for cleanliness, detail and perfection in everything they do.

Their negative points are more salient and known, and for this reason their manias and compulsions are always seen with strangeness. The rigidity and the search for control of everything in their lives make these people hold on to facts that are not so important to society.

To know more about the personalities of those who have Virgo in the 12th house, read on!

Excessive concern

The excessive preoccupation of those who have Virgo in the 12th house is associated with compulsive behaviors that bring back the idea of disease, danger and lack of care. Therefore, habits related to hygiene and health are their main targets.

Hygiene is performed in order to clean everything that can be dirty, even if the germs cannot be seen. This compulsory need to get rid of dirt is linked to the internal impurity factor. This would be, then, a way of cleaning oneself from within.

Fixation by details

The hunt for high quality in everything he does is one of Virgo's strongest characteristics. In all the areas he works in or seeks to know, he has the need to fulfill them with the utmost rigor.

This extreme fixation on detail generates more worry in the mind of the person who has Virgo in the 12th house. Even if he can search for mental balance, this is much more difficult to achieve if there is a constant preoccupation with details.

Concern with own health

The concern with the health of those who have Virgo in the 12th house is not only limited to the physical realm, but also to the mental one. These individuals always try to maintain an excellent mental balance, to stay healthy and achieve longevity.

However, the most important aspect in this case is physical health. They are always looking for physical activities and healthy eating, avoiding stress, sleeping well and maintaining other positive habits.

The natives of this position see the mind and body as the true temple of the human being, which needs to be cared for and maintained as something sacred.

Eternal feeling of insecurity

For the native who has Virgo in the 12th house, the eternal quest for perfectionism can lead to a lot of internal pressure and develop terrible negative feelings, such as insecurity. This can bring down the confidence of someone who is exceptional in his area, but not confident enough to act.

With this, these individuals seek to do even the impossible to try and achieve the highest standard of quality, which sometimes no one has demanded. They do this to show how good they are and that they can do the job to the best of their ability.

Search for perfection

The extreme search for perfection is better known as perfectionism. In this case, individuals who have Virgo in the 12th house are very detailed when it comes to achieving the best mental balance possible.

This can be achieved through activities such as sleep hygiene, physical exercise and constant building or repairing of mental health. Religion and spiritual means are also means which assist in this journey, and are very important for natives of this position.

Exaggerated self-criticism

The exaggerated self-criticism of the Virgo native in the 12th house originates from the fact that everything has to be raised to the level of perfectionism. If something happens differently than expected, there is a shower of negative emotions, leading to psychological torture, as if the person is not competent enough.

Even in small mistakes or minor slip-ups of details, these individuals cause martyrdom to settle in the mind for many days. They always want to be the best and give their all to achieve their goals. However, their mental health can be damaged because of the high demands and demands fed to them.

Can having the 12th House in Virgo indicate an insecure personality?

When the sign of Virgo is in the 12th house, there is a tendency of incessant preoccupation with the order of how everything happens. Therefore, this obsession with details, with perfection and with compulsive and obsessive acts leads the person to nurture feelings of insecurity.

This, in turn, may cause her to believe that she is not capable or competent enough to perform the role for which she is responsible in her job or in her family.

So, it can be said that, in this context, people with Virgo in the 12th house are more likely to present an insecure personality, especially in the work environment. So, it is important to be careful for the tendencies to feelings of this type and to take care of your physical and emotional health.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.