2nd house in Aries in the birth chart: meaning of this house, sign and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does it mean to have Aries in the 2nd House?

Astrology is composed of several elements: signs, houses, planets, conjunctions, squares, positions. All these points may seem like too much information, but together they bring up a whole range of information about who we are.

These alignments speak also about our destinies and potentialities throughout life, traced when we put together our birth charts. The alignment of Aries in house 2 is the main focus of this article, aimed mainly at all those who have this combination in their birth charts.

In this article, we will talk more about the sign of Aries and the second house separately, how the union of the two influences people, what this means in the career and what are the challenges that natives of this alignment need to face in their lives. Be sure to check out the topics below!

Aries tendencies

In astrology, each house, sign and planet has alignments that are more favorable to it, in which its characteristics combine and strengthen (called exaltation), or unfavorable (called detriment), whose traits are opposite and end up undermining each other.

In the case of house 2, it is with the sign of Taurus that we see it in exaltation, since this sign also values moral, material and financial issues. Moreover, both house 2 and the sign of Taurus are associated with the earth element, harmonizing them even more.

But, to the Aries natives in the 2nd house: don't worry, it doesn't mean that your chart will be unfavorable for not following the exaltation alignments! To understand better about this, keep reading the article!

Being the first sign of the whole astrological cycle, Aries certainly carries the characteristics of a pioneer, bringing strong energies of creation, innovation and drive to action. This sign is also recognized by its courageous, lively, dynamic and competitive influences which lead the person to constant movement.

Arians are also very independent, quick-thinking and emotional, and prefer to live in the present rather than overthinking the past or future - which in some aspects of life can be a positive trait.

Negative tendencies of the sign of Aries

Life is not only made of flowers, not even signs or astrological alignments. In the case of Aries, some of its negative tendencies involve the effects of its positive traits taken to the extreme: its exacerbated dynamism and courage may end up leading to domineering, brusque, even violent behavior.

When independent "too much", Aryans can act in an arrogant, intolerant and selfish manner, valuing their own goals over those of others. This behaviour can also result in a certain intolerance to suggestions from those around them, which they interpret as a form of domination rather than help.

Also, when their dynamism and tendency to live in the present gets out of hand, Aryans can end up losing the persistence that would be needed to achieve their goals in situations that require long-term planning.

House 2 and its influences

The astrological houses show us everything about certain areas of our being and our life, following a visible cycle from the formation of identity (in house 1) to the end of our life and karmic influences (house 12). Therefore, understanding their meanings explains a lot about how each alignment influences who we are and our life paths.

The house 2, right after the house that speaks of our ego, will show us mainly issues related to our morals, gifts, freedom and financial issues. To understand better, keep reading the topics below, in which we will approach this house with even more details. Check it out!

House 2

The Second House is directly related to possessions, the financial aspects of life, and also to the moral values that we form throughout life, as well as about our abilities, ideas of freedom and sense of self-worth.

In this way, depending on which planets and signs are aligned with this house, it would be possible to predict how the person deals with these issues and what situations they could face in the future.

The 2nd House and the Sign of Taurus

In astrology, each house, sign and planet has alignments that are more favorable to it, in which its characteristics combine and strengthen (called exaltation), or unfavorable (called detriment), whose traits are opposite and end up undermining each other.

In the case of house 2, it is with the sign of Taurus that we see it in exaltation, since this sign also values moral, material and financial issues. Moreover, both house 2 and the sign of Taurus are associated with the earth element, harmonizing them even more.

But, to the Aries natives in the 2nd house: don't worry, it doesn't mean that your chart will be unfavorable for not following the exaltation alignments! To understand better about this, keep reading the article!

House 2 and the ego

While the 1st house talks about the emergence of the ego and about our personality, the 2nd house goes deeper into the particularities of the individual, showing better about what we value both materially and morally, what is our sense of ethics, of recognition of ourselves, and what we feel leads us to freedom.

This is why even people who have similar alignments in the Sun or even in the 1st house can reveal to be completely different from each other when we analyze what their placements are in the 2nd house.

House 2 and the relationship with the material

The 2nd house talks about everything that refers to our goods, possessions and our personal vault, which can either represent personality traits and ideas (especially if Venus is positioned in this house), or the material meaning of these points (which would address the earthly side of this alignment).

Through it, we can see not only how successful our finances or our relationships with material possessions will be, but also what our typical strategies are for gaining and maintaining such possessions.

Our values and security

When we say that the 2nd house represents our personal vault, this also means about how secure we feel and what we value (materially and ethically). By analyzing the alignments of this astrological house, it would then be possible to identify what are the things that most bring us a sense of security and stability.

In the same way, we can also identify what our moral and financial values are. Depending on the sign or planet that accompanies this house, a person can be more closed, more open, follow a certain standard of rules or aim to break the rules to get what they want.

House 2 and the money

As the second house is related to our values, our material goods and everything that refers to our possessions, through it we can also find out which are the possible paths of our financial life and which obstacles we may face.

By analyzing the alignments of the 2nd house, we know how we will deal with our finances, how important money will be in our lives and how we tend to seek it, keep it or spend it.

House 2 in career

The 2nd house in astrology shows us not only how many personal possessions we will have or how much money we earn or spend, but also what our strategies and attitudes are towards all these situations.

Unlike the 10th house, which shows clearly about our professions, status, the possible promotions in the future and how we are seen by the community, the 2nd house is more connected to how we plot our tactics to conquer finances.

It also talks about how much we value for our sense of security and stability, and what our feelings are towards our financial life. So while with the 10th house we can see the career itself, with the 2nd house we will know our paths to it.

Aries in the 2nd House

The alignment of Aries in the 2nd house makes people born under it proactive, always seeking success and putting into practice their creative plans - which are many and encompass several areas of activity.

These people are passionate, optimistic, determined, pragmatic and love challenges - which makes them feel more powerful. They make decisions quickly and don't change their minds easily, a trait that can be an advantage or a failure depending on the situation. To find out more in detail, read on!

Relationship with money

Those with Aries in the 2nd house are ambitious and dynamic, and therefore they will look for good positions and well-paid jobs to achieve the best possible income. As they are very imaginative, it is possible that they found their own projects throughout life, which thanks to their energy and creativity, can turn them into visionaries.

The problem, however, would be in working on your patience to reach higher goals and positions, which is a flaw for people with this alignment.


Natives of this astral alignment value success, good reputation and social influence. They like to feel that people around them (whether in social life or at work) regard them with esteem and as irreplaceable. Being natural leaders, they like to be at the forefront of change.

As they also value practicality and proactivity, they may seek out lifestyles that allow them to work on these issues to the fullest extent, and they are not very fond of people they consider "slower" or who plan more than they take action.


People with Aries in the 2nd house seek to ensure their financial security as one of their greatest goals in life. As long as they feel that they have not achieved this stability which guarantees them comfort and health, they may feel fearful about their situation.

To do so, they will use their creative and bold skills to pitch ideas that catch the attention of employers and/or the public not just because they are cool, but because they are useful.

Strengths of the 2nd House in Aries

Aries natives in the 2nd house have as their main advantage their creative, dynamic and visionary thinking, which gives birth to wonderful ideas for making money. As you also like to attract attention, you may end up striving in your career to win the bosses' glances which can earn you good promotions if you are disciplined enough.

If the person has Mars in a stable sign and the Aries combination in the 2nd house, he is likely to learn to plan his career steps well in a way that is advantageous to him.


Considering that their main traits are creativity, boldness, competitiveness, search for leadership and innovation, people with Aries in the 2nd house in the birth chart can be easily attracted to the areas of business, and creation of products and services.

These people can also be creators of projects (social or even artistic) or start-ups, in which they can work their potential to the fullest and show their innovative ideas to the world.

Further information about Aries in the 2nd House

But now, knowing which are the defining traits of an Aries native in the 2nd house, what other relevant information should we take into consideration? Below, we will talk about the care that these people should take during life because of their own characteristics, advice, and also, which celebrities have this alignment in their birth chart. So, be sure to check it out!

Aries Challenges in the 2nd House

As Aries is a very dynamic and hurried sign, its placement in the 2nd house can indicate possible financial problems, as the native of this alignment may tend not to have enough patience to persist in his quests or even to take care of the acquired goods.

The impulsiveness of this sign can also cause the individual to either spend thoughtlessly or walk away from an advantageous career because they don't feel as rewarded as they wanted to without giving it more thought.

Aries in the 2nd House

Being very impulsive and daring people in business, you have to be careful not to get involved and end up exposing yourself to unnecessary risks. These people can abandon a good job because they are in a hurry to reach the highest positions, or sign risky contracts without paying attention to all the details written there. It is necessary to think more before acting, even if they do not likeof that.

They should also be careful with overspending, driven by the force of emotion and the pursuit of pleasure. Stop for a while, think, save this money for another time, especially for building the secure future they seek. But they should not focus too much on the materialistic side, which is also a risk that surrounds them.

Advice for those with Aries in the 2nd House

The biggest advice for those with Aries in the 2nd house involves, at first, working on patience. The best positions won't always appear at first, nor the best rewards. Still, don't let impulses take over and cause you to throw everything away.

Use your pragmatic and analytical side to decide, calmly, if it is really worth it or not to continue where you are. You also need to be careful with competitiveness, especially in situations where you need to practice leadership. A too assertive behavior in these moments can end up creating enemies where before you could have allies.

Not everyone is in the same competition as you and not even looking to take your position. It's best to use your natural leadership to your advantage by bonding with your colleagues so that they can propel each other to success.

Famous People with Aries in the 2nd House

Famous people who were born with Aries in the 2nd house include the famous American poet, Sylvia Plath, known for her verses filled with venting about her depression. There is also Deepak Chopra, the Indian doctor famous for his writings regarding spirituality and Ayurvedic knowledge.

Actress Ellen Pompeo, who won over many with her performance as Meredith Grey in Grey's Anatomy, was also born under this astral alignment. Similarly, singer Hozier, renowned for his deep voice and lyrics laden with emotion and social criticism, also has Aries in the second house.

Are astrological houses very influential?

When we search for astrological knowledge, it is a fact that the signs and planets receive much more attention from people than the astrological houses. However, it would be a mistake to think that they are less important because of this.

While the signs clearly demonstrate certain personality traits and potentials, affinities and behavior; and the planets point to certain facets of the person's identity; the astrological houses point us to areas of life - both the current one in general, and the entire cycle of life, from beginning to end and new beginning.

A deep astrological analysis looks at the set of all these elements in the chart so that we can better understand the person and his/her life cycle. We can learn a lot from our signs and planets, but the knowledge gains a new layer of depth and nuances when we pay attention to which houses the planets are or are not in, and with which signs they are aligned.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.