7 of Hearts in Tarot: meaning of the card, in love, work and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the card 7 of hearts mean in Tarot?

The seven of hearts is a symbol of universal dichotomy, such as heat and cold, light and dark, good and evil. When it appears in a consultation it brings more than one meaning for different areas of life. Also in this article, you can read and understand each of them, as well as their fundamentals, combinations and more!

However, in short, seven of hearts indicates that your subconscious is trying to warn you about something or some situation. Therefore, pay attention to your dreams and what is inside of you, because they contain important information that you may be neglecting.

In another way, the card also signifies the dreams we have for life. Dreams are essential in our journey, but we must be careful with them. It is very easy to fall into illusions or spend time daydreaming, but without effort and work they will not come true. Follow along and find out all the details!

Fundamentals of the 7 of Cups

We have separated this topic to present the basics of the 7th of hearts. We will talk about its history, iconography, the suit of hearts itself and its relationship with the element of water. Keep reading this article and learn more.


Little is known about the history of the Tarot and its cards. In the sixteenth century, it was a common habit to present friends or engaged couples with these cards, since they were decorated with gold leaf. They used to have a playful function in Europe, but it didn't take long for several fortune tellers appeared, using them as objects to aid in predicting the future and astrological studies.


The image of the card depicts a man looking upwards, where 7 cups (the symbol of cups) are positioned. These cups are floating on a cloud. Some contain precious things inside, while others contain negative things. However we interpret an individual with many dreams and excessively material values. Moreover, his goals have doubtful value, even if they come true.

The suit of hearts

The best known form of the suit of hearts today is the heart, but in the Tarot its most used form to represent it is the goblets. It speaks about our feelings, intuition and our relationships, whether they are loving, fraternal, friendship or work. That is, everything that is related to our emotions is represented by this suitof hearts.

Water element

Water, one of the elements that form us, is also related to the suit of hearts. The chalice carries the fluid element that adapts itself to any and all forms. Just as the symbol of hearts itself is linked to feelings, the element of water also represents them. Because, just like the ocean, feelings are deep, unpredictable and mysterious. Thus, they require a lot of attention.

Meanings of the card 7 of hearts

As the 7th of hearts expresses more than one meaning, in this topic you will have access to what it indicates more specifically. Coming especially as a warning, it advises you to pay more attention to what has been happening around you, but especially within you. Important things are going unnoticed, so keep reading and find out what it is about.

Trust your intuition more

Faced with many opportunities, you may be in doubt about which choice to make and end up trying to do everything or worse: do nothing. These two attitudes will lead you astray, so you should rely more on your own intuition. Observe your surroundings and the people around you. And, above all, stay alert to important matters. Even if you are confident, you will have to learn tomanage your time.

Premonitory dreams

Your subconscious mind communicates with you from dreams, revealing things that were not so clear at first but have matured within you. So when the seven of hearts appears to you, it indicates that you should pay more attention to your dreams. Premonitory dreams will bring important information to you, so be alert and seek help in interpreting them.

Resolve outstanding issues

The 7th of Cups also shows itself to you as a request to meditate on your actions, to stop procrastinating those not so pleasant matters. Get rid of what holds you back, don't carry the weight of unfinished business anymore. By concentrating on your own attitudes, the world will become clearer and your life will begin to appear simpler.

Don't get lost in illusions

With so many challenges, it is very easy to be dazzled by easy opportunities or to get lost in the daydream of dreams and plans. The 7th of Cups card highlights precisely this flaw in the individual. During life's journey, it is dreams and perspectives that keep us more alive and energetic, but these dreams only come true with the price of work.

Relying on simplified solutions is as dangerous a trap as spending more time dreaming than realizing. They are pleasant and comfortable, but will not repay in any way the time and hope spent. Do not let yourself be deceived, if dreams were so easy to achieve, they would not be dreams. They are made to be pursued, built on a solid foundation.

7 of hearts in love

In the romantic area, the 7 of Cups indicates that you are faced with choices. These choices can be either between two people or between a relationship and an opportunity in another aspect of life. The card, therefore, suggests calm and discernment so that you do not fall into illusions.

Remember that you should pay attention to the signs, dreams and trust your intuition. Take a good look at what is most important for your life and if the relationship promises a prosperous future. This is a time to put reason before your emotions.

Below, you are presented with what the letter suggests for people who are already committed and for those who are single.Continue reading.

For committed people

If you are already in a relationship and it is in a troubled moment, don't make serious and definitive decisions yet. Wait until the dust settles so that you can see everything more clearly. Many doubts about what you really want will arise, but it is important to seek understanding about what the grounds for these doubts are or if they really exist.

Be real, no relationship is perfect. searching for a perfect love is a waste of time. like any relationship, love requires patience, dedication and effort. do not delude yourself thinking that in any relationship this will be different or that it will be simpler.

For singles

For singles, the 7th of Cups card warns about expectations. Maybe you're waiting for a fairy tale where the person you're interested in is perfect or nearly so. Get your head out of your ass and be rational. Life itself is far from a fairy tale, people have their faults, including you.

Look for and believe in real feelings for real people. Love is not simple, butterflies in the stomach are not always pleasant. People are not what you imagine them to be, they are much more complex than you might want. But being open to love is being open to challenges.

7 of hearts in work and financial life

Revealing new opportunities and good chances, the 7 of Cups brings alerts, reminders and advice for how to act in each situation. If you already have a job, are unemployed or planning to make an investment, pay attention to what the card indicates. Read on to see how these meanings apply to your work and financial situation.

For employees

Professionally, the Seven of Cups indicates that you have or will have, within the near future, many opportunities to boost your career. You just need to choose one of them, following your intuition and make it happen. Everything will work out as long as you stay active, alert and productive. Always remember to pursue your dreams and not waste too much time just idealizing.

For unemployed persons

Being unemployed and struggling to find a job is depressing. We constantly find ourselves hopeless and only dreaming of that one offer that would save everything. If the 7 of Cups has appeared for you, allow yourself to feel optimistic and even confident. It means that opportunities are opening up for you. But of course you'll have to move and chase them.

Financial situation

Caution is the message that the 7th of hearts gives you when it comes to money. Although many opportunities are arising at this time, promising to improve your financial life and fatten your bank account, you should study very well each of the options. Once you have analyzed the opportunities, your intuition will guide you to the right choice. Trust it and avoid future problems.

Combinations with the card 7 of hearts

In Tarot, cards can appear in combination with other cards of the deck. These combinations can represent both good and bad things. In case the card of the 7 of hearts appeared in combination with another card, we will present in this topic which are its positive and which are its negative combinations. Furthermore, we will specify what these combinations indicate. Check it out!

Positive combinations for the 7 of hearts

7 of Cups can appear in a positive way with the card "the Fool" or "the Priestess". Facing any of these cards, there is no need to worry. They announce and advise you to deal with the present situations.

More specifically, the combination with "the Mad" indicates that you should look for a fresh start. If you have left behind some aspect or phase of life, such as a job, relationship or city, know that you are ready to move on. A new beginning awaits you to build it up fairly and cleanly.

Otherwise, the combination with "the Priestess" signifies independence. You will become more independent in many aspects of your life, reaching a new level of maturity. Also, lately you've been leaning on security reserves more than you'd like or think you should, but the good news is that you'll be able to make up for everything you've spent in this new phase you're entering.

Negative combinations for the 7 of hearts

Among the negative combinations with the 7 of hearts is the combination with "the Star". They suggest difficult feelings inside you, such as fear and abandonment. Due to past traumas, you may have a lot of trouble trusting someone again. But if you are in a new relationship, remember that the past does not define who you are today, nor does it define your future.

You have more than the right to start over, you have the duty to allow yourself something new. You deserve a relationship where you can feel fully happy and secure. Even if you're single, the advice doesn't differ too much. Because trusting and opening up to someone new can be harder than we'd like.

But this is the time for you to let go of the fear and live a new relationship. Trust your partner as long as there are no reasons that tell you otherwise. Avoid sabotaging yourself, and you may be surprised at the level of peace and joy that this relationship can bring to your life.

On the other hand, another negative combination we have is with the card "the Emperor", indicating how stuck in the work routine you are, always worrying about your duties and obligations. Besides the problems that constantly appear.

This card comes, however, alerting you to simplify your life. This is the time to reclaim your own essence through self-care. You will be able to handle everything after a proper dose of rest and relaxation.

The chart also warns you to be afraid of illusions and pride. These can invade your heart and mind little by little, before you know it you may already be taking them. The sooner you realize their presence, expel them. Work within you humility and the construction of dreams under a concrete base. I don't believe in easy solutions, but solutions that come from your effort.

A little more about the card 7 of hearts

You must have noticed by now that the 7th of Cups indicates many options, as well as valuing your intuition and appealing to you to pay attention to what is inside of you. These and other aspects also apply to your health.

The card can also appear in an inverted form, highlighting other meanings. Or it may also have appeared in a yes or no drawing pattern. In this topic you have access to what the card says about these issues and more. You will see the hints and challenges they represent. Continue reading.

7 of hearts in health

If you are in good health today, the 7th of Cups card warns of big news that may arise and shake this issue. Take care of your body well, like the temple that it is. But avoid those promises with easy solutions of quick recovery. They will only take your money and even more your health.

Invest in attitudes of real self-care, rest to ease the mind and exercise and nutrients for the body. No illusions and with patience you will recover from this.

Inverted card

When the 7th of hearts appears inverted, it indicates a bad sign. In this position, its negative characteristics prevail, indicating that you may be unmotivated and living far from reality. You may be feeling lost, without desires, without dreams... We all go through this once in our lives and if we are lucky we only go through it once.

This card highlights your denial and appeal to unhealthy escape valves. The difficulty in dealing with reality is leading you more and more into habits that you will wish you hadn't cultivated in the future.

The positive part is that this card indicates the end of all this. The perfect time to get up, shake the dust off and show your face is now. You'll be able to get rid of fantasies, doubts and indecisions and open your eyes to what's new. New things are coming, look within you the willingness to open up to new things.

7 of hearts on the yes or no draw

In the Tarot of yes or no, the 7th of hearts does not give such an objective answer. As it represents a sea of possibilities, it answers a "maybe" to all of them. It is up to you to analyse all the options, listening to the warnings in dreams and trusting your intuition. As long as you do this, the decision you make will be the right one and all will be well.

Challenges of the 7 of Cups

In Tarot, the challenge of the Seven of Cups is that you should concentrate on your own attitudes. This meditation will lead you to see the world in a broader and much clearer way. It is quite common that from this, things that were right under your nose, but that you couldn't notice at all, become obvious. This will enable you to free yourself from what imprisons you and solve the problems oftime.


Faced with so many situations and options that the 7 of hearts represents, it's a good thing that it also brings tips with it. With its guidance, we can overcome adversity with wisdom and objectivity. So, the card having appeared to you, follow these tips for success in challenges:

Pay more attention to your dreams. Since they are the representation of things that go unnoticed but that your subconscious has noticed, value the information that is within you.

Also, be alert to what is happening around you and to other people's behavior. Only in this way your intuition will be sharp so that you can follow it. It will guide you to the best choice, being a wise decision that will bring you peace.

Last but not least, don't give space or credit to illusions. It's no use dreaming without working. Everything in life comes with a price and the fee charged is usually effort. That saying "what comes easy goes easy" proves to be a reality. Have preference for the results that come through your dedication.

Can the 7 of Cups card indicate a good time to practice steadfastness?

After so many meanings and advice, there is still a common question to be answered: Can the 7th of hearts indicate a good time to practice firmness? The answer is yes! The card indicates that you should trust yourself more, listen to what comes from within, exercise your attention and make wise decisions guided by your intuition.

Your life needs solid foundations, there is no more room for what is not concrete. So meditate and position yourself well to face what lies ahead.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.