7 prayers to St. George Warrior: open paths and ward off enemies!

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Jennifer Sherman

Why pray to St. George?

Saint George is known worldwide for being a warrior saint who is always fighting for his devotees against evil forces. The prayers to Saint George focus on protecting against enemies, open paths, grant graces, get a job, overcome challenges and battles on a daily basis. Come meet strong prayers of Saint George to win your daily battles!

Aspects about Saint George

The strength that Saint George brings is magnificent. A man protected by an armor, carrying sword and spear, mounted on horseback, ready for any war. So are his aspects: strength, agility, protection, confidence and determination.

Many of his devotees seek protection or even the qualities of the saint. He represents the archetype of the warrior who fears nothing and no one, and even less will he be subject to any threat. This is how his prayers are, structured to help his devotees overcome any threat.

St. George's Day

In many nations Saint George is recognized as a saint of great importance and is considered the patron saint of railway workers, soldiers and ironworkers. He is the patron saint of Bulgaria, Georgia, Portugal, Catalonia and England. His devotees celebrate his day on April 23rd. Some cities like Rio de Janeiro consider his day a state holiday.

History of Saint George

It is said that the origin of George was from Cappadocia, in the current region of Turkey, in the middle of 280 A.D. When he was a little advanced in age, he moved to the Palestinian region. As was the custom of the time, he enlisted in the Roman army and followed his life as a soldier of the empire.

In his missions he met Christianity and was converted. He was forced to kill a group of Christians, who refused. Then he was beheaded on the orders of Emperor Diocletian on April 23, 303 AD.

Saint George and the legend of the dragon

An ancient legend tells that a Turkish city was plagued by a terrible dragon that spat fire, kidnapped people, destroyed forests and left rivers and land infertile. Afraid of the monster, the members of the city delivered young virgins to contain the fury of the dragon. The offers to the monster were insufficient, so it was decided that a greater offer was needed: the king's daughter.

On the day the young daughter of the king was delivered as a sacrifice, George appeared and saved her from the clutches of the terrible dragon. During a fierce battle, the soldier managed to kill the beast and cut off its head. He took the young girl and delivered her safely to the king. He showed the people the dragon's head, proof of his victory and at the same moment, the whole population converted to Christianity.

Worship of Saint George in Brazil

The cult of Saint George was introduced in Brazil by the Jesuits in the period of Portuguese colonization. Due to the clash of cultures during the catechization of slaves, and the cruel Portuguese domination, the slaves were forced to create secret ways to worship their orixás through religious syncretism.

Then the cults to Saint George in Brazil were divided between two great poles: the catholic church and the practitioners of afro-brazilian cults. On April 23, the churches are crowded of devotees of Saint George, existing until marches and great parties in homage, while in terreiros of umbanda and candomblé, it is commemorated the day of Ogum, the great orixá of the war.

Saint George and the syncretism in Umbanda

When the slaves were brought to Brazil at the time of colonization, the Africans sought ways to keep alive their religious beliefs and cults. Due to catechesis, the Catholic Church prohibited African cults because they did not fit the ideals of the church. Then as a way of preservation, the slaves associated their orixás to Catholic saints, so they worshiped them with names of saints of thechurch.

In the Umbanda religion the image of Saint George is associated with the orixá Ogum. He is the orixá of battles, fears nothing and is always willing to fight for him and those he loves. Both Ogum and Saint George rule military and warlike forces, acting in the field of protection and opening of paths.

Traditional prayer to St. George protect you from enemies

Saint George is seen as a great warrior who has the ability to fight with mastery, thanks to his courage, strength and determination. He defeats his opponent with nobility. Based on this, the saint is strongly associated with the protection against enemies and against evils and roads. Come and meet the prayer for the protection of Saint George!


The prayer is geared to close your body against the attacks of incarnate or disembodied beings who may come to do any harm against you. Do the prayer in a quiet environment, free from any interruption. You can start a novena to St. George on the first day of a full moon to break the energies of your enemies with more strength and precision.


The purpose of this prayer is to break any negative energy that may be around you, whether envy, anger, evil eye, negative spell or even obsessions. The strength of St. George will cut with his sword all your enemies and will armor your body against attacks from living or spiritual enemies.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

St. George, sustain us; St. George, defend us; St. George, help us. So be it.

O Lord, just and merciful God, who granted us the incarnation of your Son, our Lord (make the sign of the cross) Jesus Christ in the immaculate womb of Mary Most Holy, be propitious to the appeal we address to your valiant soldier Saint George.

Saint George who won so many combats cutting with your sword the head of the monstrous dragon, personification of the forces of evil, I humbly ask, trusting in your strength, help and protection: be my defender, guarding me from the attacks of the bad friends and evil spirits, whose spiritual blindness does not allow them to see the evil they do by tormenting the human creatures, children ofHeavenly Father.

Saint George, against these enemies and suffering spirits who transmit their sufferings, use your strength and beneficial influence to keep them away from me. Allow, Glorious Saint, I say "Incarnate and disincarnate sickly beings who suffer for their own sake, repent of their faults, of their errors, do not continue tormenting from (say your full name), keep them from my path, keep them awayfrom my house, put them away from me, go in the holy peace of our Lord (sign of the cross) Jesus Christ.

May the light of God illuminate the bad energies, may the purity of Holy Mary clean the negative vibration, may the power of the glorious Saint George lead the nefarious beings to the mansion of peace and good adventures. Saint George, abate the proud, convince the obstinate, remove the proud, illuminate the hardened hearts. Have mercy Saint George, of me, sincere devotee. Remove from my path all who can mehurt.

May the sword of Saint George cut the evil and your shield defend me. Attend to my pleas and lead to the light of divine charity the entities, evil spirits and incarnate beings who approach me with evil intentions by their own will or by determination of the evil powers. This I ask you trusting in your charity and in your courage.

So be it!

Pray 1 Creed, 1 Hail Holy Queen, 1 Our Father and 1 Hail Mary.

Prayer for St. George to protect you and open paths

The prayer for opening paths is widely used for situations in which there is some blockage either in the professional, student or family. In addition to opening the paths, this prayer helps in protection, closing your body. Check out this article a strong prayer to cut the obstacles and close your body!


This prayer is indicated for situations of blockages in your life. Do this prayer when you realize that your life is stagnant or even if you feel that there is some energy demotivating you. It is recommended that you do the prayer on the third day of the full moon, for 7 days, so its end will be in the waning phase and the intention is to reduce your obstacles.


The structure of this prayer consists of a combination of key words that will be associated with the vibration of St. George with the ideal to break any energy that is blocking their paths, due to this, the prayer is linked with the waning phase to break wane everything that may be blocking their paths.


Saint George, by the power of his sword all obstacles of my life were broken. The creeping beings that among shadows tried ambushes against me felt the ardor of the celestial spear. The stones of my path were broken by the power of the hooves of his horse. There will be no weed in my path while I have the divine power of Warrior George!

My ways are open, my chest and back are sealed against all evil. Confident and protected, I (say your name) am walking on a road of open gates and all that I desire I can seek. The divine fire of the forges of St. George guides me.

So it is!

Prayer for novena of St. George grant you a request

Novels are prayers performed for 9 days, differing from ordinary prayers not only by the days performed, but for its intensity is even more powerful. The number 9 is mysterious, powerful and highly linked to healing, spirituality and transformations. The novel of St. George is very powerful, being able to enhance your request and have your grace answered. Next you will know this prayer!


The soap opera of St. George to grant a request is indicated in difficult situations, obscure, in which you know exactly what could provide you the proper help. The soap opera can be performed at the beginning of the fourth crescent to enhance your request. Try to do the soap opera for 9 consecutive days and at the same time.


The purpose of the prayer is to bring the grace of your request to your life. The meaning of your words elevates to the universe the appeal to Saint George to intercede in your life, making challenges to be overcome and for the warrior saint to help you conquer your request.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

Glorious Saint George, valiant warrior of Christ, who slayed the bestial dragon, hear my plea! I bring to you my request (Make your request). Saint George, you achieved the greatest of feats only with faith in the Lord and from that same faith I ask you to work miracles in my life.

My request is a seed that grows in the soil of the Lord and it is you, noble George who guards it against any evil. Through the moon that overflows in the sky, my request comes to me. Thus I bring thanks to St. George and the Lord who materialized together with my strength and persistence my request!

So it is!

Prayer for St. George to give you a job

The prayer to get a job is a long-standing prayer that has been passed down from generation to generation. If you are having a hard time looking for a job, say this prayer while you are looking for a job, handing in your resume, or doing a job interview. Read on to find out what is the St. George prayer to get a good job!


The prayer to get a job is indicated for those who need a job, indicated exclusively for people who are unemployed. It is advised to perform it on nights of new moon until the beginning of the full moon phase, thus attracting the vibrations that will assist you in your search for a good job.


The meaning of this prayer is deep, being defined by the act of purging the energies that may be misleading you from conquering a good job. In this way, St. George will guide you on a path capable of you coming across the ideal opportunity for your moment, opening the paths of the sphere of your life.


For a long time I walked through streets and roads in search of help. It was Saint George the warrior who took me on his horse and took me from the snares and stagnant streets. I was freed from evil and from everything that takes me from my journey.

The sword of Saint George points the way, just ahead is my destiny: my divine craft, well-liked, admired and loved. The ideal job came to me when with George I learned to walk, now I can work, for the laurel crown shines on my head, in my new job I shine and prosper!

So it is.

Prayer for St. George to grant help for debt

This prayer is indicated for those who are in debt, needing divine intervention to get out of the current situation. Say this prayer with faith and the means to get out of debt will be found. Check out the prayer below!


It is indicated that the prayer is performed in a quiet environment, where it is possible to light a white or half-white and half-red candle for St. George, in safety, free from fire accidents. After the prayer meditate on the candle for a few moments.


The meaning of prayer is a way to break the energy of debt that is around you to help you get out of debt. Prayer will bring you the means to settle your debt as long as you also do your part to seek the means to do so.


Saint George, hear my plea. My pockets are empty and I owe. But from now on, through the divine guided by the Lord, I found the way to the gold mines. My pocket is now full, my table is bountiful and the debts were extinguished. I overflow material abundance thanks to the brave Saint George who opened my path.

Thank St. George!

Prayer for the intercession of Saint George

St. George is the eternal warrior who saves his devotees from the snares and hidden evils. His intercession frees all his children from evil and offers a new path. Come check in this next one of the prayers of St. George for these situations!


The prayer for the intercession of St. George is offered so that the energy of the saint is present in your life to assist you in any situation that is getting out of your control. Say the prayer in a quiet environment, which you can concentrate.


The meaning of this prayer is simple: destroy negative energies that may be operating in your life through St. George. The vibration of protection and victory will direct you to a higher path in which you can manifest your desires.


Glorious Saint George, noble warrior who won countless battles, I ask for your intercession in this arduous moment of my life. I (say your name) beg your presence in my life, come to my rescue from the evil claws of chaos, may your horse have strength to trample the beings that try to drag me into the abyss of darkness, come to my defense, Saint George.

Save me from poisoned hearts, put me on your horse and lead me to the feet of the Great Father. Your sword has cut all ties, your sword has opened my paths and from this day forward I am free from snares and closed paths. Oh, Glorious Master, I stand before a green and prosperous field, free from all evil and present of all good.

The life force of Saint George brought the courage and strength I needed to move on, his warm fatherly hand healed my wounds. Saint George the Warrior took me out of the pit and raised me to the heavens. Today I (say your name) have strength and protection to move on, for the sword of Saint George opens my paths and cuts all evil.

So it is and so it will always be!

Prayer for Saint George to grant you his grace

This is the last of the seven prayers indicated for St. George. It is ideal to ask for graces to the warrior saint in the situation that you find necessary the presence of it. If the situation becomes dense, make the prayer described below!


The prayer is indicated for those who need the blessing of St. George in their lives. The vibration of St. George will grant strength to you in the most complex moments. Make the prayers to St. George in an environment free of any disturbance.


Asking for graces to a saint is a true divine cry. When you pray the prayer of St. George asking for his grace, you are asking that the energy and archetype manifested by his image be directed to your life, in order to balance and bless it.


Almighty God, who protect us through the merits and blessings of St. George, grant that this great martyr, with his breastplate, sword and shield, which represent faith, hope and charity, may enlighten our intelligence, enlighten our pathways, strengthen our spirit in the struggles of life, and steady our will against the wiles of the evil one, so that, conquering on earth like St. Georgewon, may we triumph in heaven with you and share in the eternal joys with your grace.



How to make a prayer to St. George correctly?

Keep in mind that a prayer will only work from the moment you are surrendered to it and confident that you can achieve your goal through it. A prayer needs to be made with emotion, confidence and strength.

Do not make a prayer just to do, it really will not work that way. If you need to get a job, then seek to make the prayer of St. George for this purpose. Learn to use the right tools to seek what you want, the same goes for the prayers.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.