Ascendant in Aries: in love, work, sun signs and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of Ascendant in Aries

Having ascendant in Aries means that the way other people see you is linked to characteristics of this sign. This often causes other people to define you in ways that don't match your personality, since Aries is a dominant sign.

Often you show strength and determination far greater than you feel you have, or come across as an outgoing person when you know that deep down inside you are an introverted person.

Aries is ahead, dominates the attitudes of those who carry Aries as ascendant, imposes himself and shows the world a side of himself that is not necessarily predominant in his personality, but is more striking.

Foundations of Ascendant in Aries

Having ascendant in Aries means that this sign was ascending when you were born. It is an important factor in understanding how others see you and contributes to some characteristics being predominant in your personality.

What is the ascendant?

While the sun sign influences your personality in a more comprehensive way, the ascendant influences the way other people see you, it is your business card, the first impression that your attitudes give to others.

It is a relevant factor for those who seek self-knowledge because it represents how you present yourself to the world. Besides being relevant to understand the reasons for the possible conflicts present in your life, as well as to have a glimpse of the other's perception in these situations

How is the ascendant calculated?

The rising sign is the one born for that day, appearing on the horizon line at the exact moment you were born. For this reason it is necessary to know the place and time of your birth in order to calculate which sign appeared on the horizon of that city at that moment.

Nowadays many online platforms calculate your basic birth chart for free by simply entering your date, time and place of birth in a form. But you can also hire an astrologer to draw up your complete astrological chart.

Characteristics of Ascendant in Aries

Having ascendant in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, means being a pioneer, pulling in line. But it can also cause others to see you as someone aggressive and dominant. Aries is also seen as the astrological child, exhibiting behaviors that are considered childish momentarily.

The person with Ascendant in Aries is one who demonstrates a dominant, cheerful and impulsive personality. He or she may be considered genial because of sudden mood swings.

Those who have ascendant in Aries have a strong and imposing personality. They know how to express themselves and put their ideas clearly. These are some characteristics of a good leader, but they are not the only ones these people have.


Those with Aries ascendants are considered energetic in both senses of the term, being at the same time very active, strong and full of new ideas; and being very strict with their criteria, showing difficulty in accepting views different from their own.

This ascendant is marked by strength, either physical or in words and attitudes. Those who carry Aries in this house end up presenting themselves in a dominant way even without realizing it. Either by physical strength or moral fiber.


Aries is a dominant sign, which takes the lead in any situation naturally. However, leadership is not always available so that the one with this ascendant can accept it willingly. Often this position is already occupied.

Because they are insubordinate, they often get into ego disputes with those around them, which is not good. On the other hand, they do very well in commercial disputes and in sports, since they combine strength and competitiveness.


Another characteristic accentuated in those with Ascendant in Aries is courage. They are fearless beings, who go in search of their dreams and goals without blinking and usually present a good performance in this sense. They also like to cultivate new experiences and dive into the unknown with a certain frequency.

In interpersonal relationships they are not afraid to expose their opinions and feelings, saying what needs to be said without much ado and sometimes without measuring the consequences of their words and attitudes.


Independence is the watchword for those born with Ascendant in Aries. They like to make their own decisions and are guided exclusively by their way of thinking, even if it can go wrong. Remember, they are also courageous.

Your search for independence can even generate a certain level of isolation, which is not bad at all, since you can stipulate the rules without interference from others. It is also important for those with this ascendant to have moments of silence so that they can organize their ideas by themselves and then act


One of the most striking characteristics of those who have ascendant in Aries is sincerity, which many may see as "sincericide", since these people say what they think and feel about each situation, without protecting themselves from possible conflicts or considering that it may hurt other people.

Knowing when to speak and when to be quiet is very difficult for someone with this Ascendant, and can be the key to success in your relationships. Learning to use sincerity wisely is a challenge which can improve all your relationships.


Because they are courageous, independent, competitive and energetic, those who have ascendant in Aries usually demonstrate these characteristics in the form of proactivity. They are people of action, they like to do things and solve problems and take action.

It is a way of dealing with accumulated energy and showing courage in everyday attitudes, besides being a way of taking the lead in various situations and showing that they do not need to "wait for orders", doing what needs to be done without anyone having to speak.

All the dominant characteristics of those who carry this Ascendant can be very good when well directed and with a certain amount of self-control. However if taken to an extreme they can generate childish and destructive behaviour.


Being courageous is an important characteristic of those with Ascendant in Aries, as well as being independent and sincere. However, these characteristics must be moderated because when they are convinced of their ideals these people do not usually measure the consequences of their actions.

It is in these cases that sincerity becomes an issue, as they do not consider whether they will hurt others or harm themselves. As well as launching into the unknown without maintaining any safety strategy can create serious problems.


Inconsequence and impulsiveness go together in the path of the natives under this ascendant. Their need to chart their own path and be guided only by their head causes these people to get into unnecessary conflicts or act before weighing up the pros and cons.

Impulsiveness combined with a dominant personality can be disastrous in conflict situations, where they always seek to have the last word. This combination can generate unnecessary or even foolish attitudes.


Impatience is also a remarkable characteristic of those who have this ascendant, they can't stand waiting for anything, they are extremely anxious and want everything for yesterday. There lies the secret of proactivity, which is often a friendly face of this impatience.

These people cannot wait for orders from their superiors, wait for a colleague to finish his part of the job or observe something that needs to be done. The desire to get that obstacle out of the way is greater than anything. The problem is when the obstacle is a bank line or a child learning to eat alone.


If impatience is a problematic characteristic to say the least, imagine when it is accompanied by impulsiveness, dominance and inconsequence? It is a real powder keg! Those who have ascendant in Aries are susceptible to choleric crises when they feel cornered or silenced in some way.

For these people it can be very difficult to subordinate themselves to what does not make sense for them, especially when this imposition is made solely based on the will or need of others, which hurts their independence.

Ascendant in Aries in different areas of life

Although people with this Ascendant may seem willful and difficult to deal with. In many areas living with these people can be very good, as long as boundaries are respected and interests are in harmony.

In love

The ascending sign represents the way others see who carries it, therefore, it shows how the person with whom they relate sees them. In love relationships, those who carry the ascendant in Aries usually show a lot of dedication and zeal with the relationship.

These people are not afraid of giving themselves up or showing their feelings, they throw themselves into love with an open heart and talk about their feelings with great sincerity, without shame or reservations.

At work

At work, those with Ascendant in Aries usually carry out their tasks in the best possible way, they like to perform their activities capriciously and efficiently. Their tendency to leadership can be very well used if there is room for them to grow and expose their ideas.

However, in environments where they cannot express themselves, expose their creativity, or which encourage excessive competitiveness, their explosiveness can become a problem. Their creative skills and independent spirit suit careers in the arts or gastronomy.

Ascendant in Aries in combinations according to elements

Each of the four elements has its own characteristics. Earth signs are known for being "down to earth", air signs for being talkative and so inconstant, water signs for being romantic and fire signs for being explosive and passionate. When combined with the ascendant in Aries, some of these characteristics may be highlighted.

Ascendant in Aries with fire signs

Aries, as well as Leo and Sagittarius, is a sign of fire, when the person has ascendant in this sign and a solar sign of the same element means that this characteristic will be potentiated. In this sense, these people are ardent lovers, which is a very positive characteristic.

The negative aspect is due to impulsiveness and aggressiveness, which are also heightened. You have to be very careful in your relationships so as not to hurt others gratuitously.

Ascendant in Aries with earth signs

Earth signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are known for being down to earth and pursuing their goals in a solid and realistic way. When an earth sign is associated with a fire sign, impulsiveness and driving force push the earth native to conquer their goals in the best possible way.

On the other hand, the earth element calms the fire, reducing the negative impulses and excessive aggressiveness. In this sense, the two signs complement each other creating a situation of balance.

Ascendant in Aries with air signs

The signs of Air, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are usually eloquent and articulate, while Aries is a sign of leadership. In this sense, the combination between these signs generates a more diplomatic behavior, prioritizing dialogue over imposing ideas.

However, the dominance of Aries associated with the capacity of argument can generate endless discussions with the sole purpose of convincing the other that your point of view is the best. It is important to maintain critical sense and consider how far you can go in a respectful way.

Ascendant in Aries with water signs

Aries in combination with Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer accentuates the affective side of the water signs, which are attached to family and relationships. It is possible that this person will turn to interpersonal relationships with great dedication.

The fire element, in relation to the water element, enhances the romantic and dreamy side of these signs making their natives value the person by their side and dedicate themselves entirely to the relationship.

Signs with Ascendant in Aries

Although the element describes some general characteristics of how those ruled by it show themselves to the world, this factor alone is not enough to describe how each sign with ascendant in Aries is seen by others.

Ascendant in Aries and Sun in Aries

Having the Sun in Aries and the Ascendant also in Aries, all the characteristics of the sign intensify. The person who has Aries in these two houses of the astrological chart has a strong tendency to be aggressive, impulsive, anxious determined and anxious.

On the other hand, excessive determination can lead them to achieve their dreams and goals fully and quickly. However, to achieve them it will be necessary to cultivate balance and common sense. Policing attitudes and pondering each step.

Ascendant in Aries and Sun in Taurus

When the Sun Sign is in Taurus and the Ascendant in Aries, the person tends to be extremely dedicated and hardworking, doing everything possible to have the comfort and material goods that every Taurus dreams of.

Aryan drive and determination, combined with Taurus high dreams and willingness to work hard make those with this combination in their chart unbeatable.

On the negative side, the Taurus stubbornness, added to the Arian certainty that their way is the best way to do absolutely everything, will make these people have a greater tendency to become inflexible.

Ascendant in Aries and Sun in Gemini

Gemini natives are extremely communicative, fickle and fun-loving. Adding these characteristics to the Aryan appreciation for parties and fun, will make those with these signs in these houses highly communicative people who value leisure in everything.

These people are highly fickle, they want all the experiences they can get, to know many places and have many friends. Their appreciation of all that is new can make their path difficult, making them very fickle and even unfaithful.

Ascendant in Aries and Sun in Cancer

Cancerians with Ascendant in Aries have their attachment to family intensified. These people live for family welfare and are extremely concerned about their children. Their main goal will be to leave a legacy for their offspring.

Regarding work, it is possible that they invest in family businesses and that can be inherited by their children when necessary. They are very emotional, since Cancer is already emotional and the ascendant in Aries makes it even more difficult for them to deal with emotions.

Ascendant in Aries and Sun in Leo

The vain and flashy side of Leo natives will be intensified by the ascendant in Aries. Having two fire signs in the sun sign and in the ascendant, the energy, dynamism and disposition will be doubled, which will make this person possess a natural and resplendent brilliance.

These people also tend to be very generous, kind and outgoing, but those who think they do it selflessly are mistaken. In fact, all this kindness and goodness hides the selfishness of the desire to be adored by everyone.

Ascendant in Aries and Sun in Virgo

In this combination, the ascendant in Aries will bring a little more emotion to the quiet Virgoan. People with sun sign in Virgo and ascendant in Aries tend to be a little more adventurous. However, they can suffer from internal conflicts, since Virgo is focused on work, organization and stability, and Aries wants to live life intensely.

In the professional field this is a combination that can bring excellent results, since Virgoans are very good at planning, organizing and discipline, while Aries are excellent at rolling up their sleeves and making things happen.

Ascendant in Aries and Sun in Libra

This combination will make the Librian become subservient to others. Trying to please everyone all the time, always worrying about what the other thinks about you, the person who has this sign combination will tend to put the will of others above their own.

This problem can be solved in one of two ways: either through self-will, reinforcing Aryan individualism, or by seeking to strengthen yourself in a loving relationship with a person who encourages you to put yourself first.

Ascendant in Aries and Sun in Scorpio

This combination between Aries and Scorpio can accentuate the negative characteristics of both signs, making the natives of this combination become extremely manipulative, investigative, aggressive and individualistic. It is necessary to work a lot on empathy so that they do not become people who are very difficult to deal with.

In the right dose, this combination can be beneficial, transforming them into natural leaders, with a lot of strength and intensity, they will be able to achieve all their goals. They just need to be careful with their affections, as these negative characteristics surface in love relationships.

Ascendant in Aries and Sun in Sagittarius

The free spirit of the Sagittarius native combined with the fearlessness of the Arian will make those who have this combination in their chart become full-time adventurers. These people do not cling to the comforts of home, they can stay still in one place.

In love they appreciate partners who are equally restless and curious, with whom they can share their experiences and adventures. If you find your ideal partner, you will be very happy. But it is important that your partner's adventurous spirit is as genuine as your own because if it is just a phase, the relationship will not last long.

Ascendant in Aries and Sun in Capricorn

The combination of Capricorn and Aries brings out the most important characteristic for Capricornians, their ability to work hard and obtain good fruits from their work. As Aries is a sign of action, when added to the Capricornian desire to build a solid patrimony will make the one who carries this combination in the chart become tireless in this search.

This combination is also beneficial in personal life, since Aries is a party sign, so the Capricorn will learn to balance work and rest. As for affection, Capricorn materialism, combined with Aries individualism, makes relationships more difficult.

Ascendant in Aries and Sun in Aquarius

The Ascendant in Aries will make Aquarians show more their agitated and communicative side, making the most of every moment and always willing to know new things. Aries also intensifies the Aquarian idealism, which combined with the creativity and dynamism of Aries will make many plans come out of the paper quickly.

In relationships this may not be the best combination, since Aquarius tends to be a cold sign, which added to the Arian individualism tends to break many unwary hearts.

Ascendant in Aries and Sun in Pisces

The combination of Pisces and Aries will make the Piscean more active, eager to get their projects going. Pisces is a sign known for its melancholy and distraction, the Aries agitation will soften these characteristics.

This way, Pisceans will worry less about the future and will try to conquer their dreams with more strength and firmness. However, Pisceans tend to hide their emotions, something that will be difficult with this ascendant, which can generate some internal conflicts.

Is having the ascendant in Aries good for relationships?

Now that you already know the main characteristics of those who have Aries as ascendant, it's easy to realize that, although the ascendant says a lot about the way people show themselves to the world, what really gives the tone of affective relationships is the sun sign.

In some cases this ascendant influences in a positive way, making the person look for his ideal partner, someone who has the same interests and rhythm of life, as is the case of Sagittarians. For those signs that tend to individualism and materialism, it will be more difficult.

And there are still cases like Cancerians who tend to be even more emotional and focused on family and affective issues. In general, this ascendant brings out the Sun sign's way of dealing with this issue. But, regardless of the Sun sign, it is certain that the Arian determination will make you spare no efforts to conquer those who really arouse your interest.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.