Astral Hell of Capricorn: understand the most feared period of the sign!

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Jennifer Sherman

How to act during Capricorn's Astral Hell

This period is the time when all the shadows are taking shape and being brought into everyday life. For this reason, it is important to have some techniques to make it smoother to go through this without major outbursts or confusion.

The astral hell of the sign of Capricorn happens 30 days before the birthday. It is common to feel more depressed and sad, however, all this feeling can be transformed through things that normally do you good, being surrounded by people who do you good, or even, being alone doing what you love, for example. Learn more about this period, below.

General aspects of Astral Hell

The astral hell of Capricorn brings a lot of turbulence to these natives. It is a time when they feel more depressed, unable to produce much or think clearly about situations. It can be a period when a pessimistic vision takes over their lives.

The sign of Capricorn is not usually so impulsive or sentimental, but the tendency when you're in the astral hell is precisely that all the sensitivity and emotions are on the surface. It is extremely important that Capricornians control their impulses to avoid future regrets. Learn more, below.

Period in which Astral Hell occurs

The period of Astral Hell takes place during 30 days before the Capricornian's birthday. In this period when Astral Hell is occurring, it is important to keep in mind that the energies are denser, so that frustrations and stress are lighter. It is possible that at this time, the desire is only to rest and not to face another day.

Therefore, it is of utmost importance that Capricorn natives do not get discouraged, let alone stop their lives by having the feeling that everything is wrong. It is essential to focus on the solution of things than the problem.

How it influences the native of the sign

Natives will probably feel superior, with a more inflated ego, and needing attention day in and day out. Also, it is common for moods to become more unstable and negative. Complaining about life and everything in general can be a characteristic as well.

Because of the excessive bad mood, the Capricorn in astral hell, tends to run away from the responsibilities of his own actions. His authority, even in small things in everyday life, becomes more evident, and it is difficult to contradict his orders.

The Sagittarians are the ones that the Capricorns, in this period, will feel more difficult to be around. Especially with the positivity and opinion that this sign loves to give, it can leave the Capricorns very irritated and tired.

What is Astral Hell?

Every year before your birthday there is a chance to restart your cycle and to do things differently from what was being done. It is in the period of Astral Hell that observation is most necessary, much more than attitude and action, because at this time the energies will be very intense, so to keep everything on track, it is better to observe more than to act.

It is in this period that all the choices that have been made in the year between one birthday and another are questioned and taken into consideration in a better and deeper evaluation. Therefore, the tendency is that the retreat is the best way out, because everything always seems to go wrong and as there is not much to be done, besides waiting, it is necessary to have patience until this cycle is finished.

What is astral paradise?

In astral paradise things are completely opposite. Paradise for the sign of Capricorn occurs between April 21 and May 20, which is when the Sun is aligned with the constellation of Taurus. During this period the positive characteristics of the sign of Capricorn come to the fore.

While in Astral Hell everything seems to go wrong, in Astral Paradise everything is going right and extremely positive. This is the time when Capricorn natives feel good, productive and with their positive characteristics at their best.

The Influences of Capricorn Astral Hell

Self-analysis should be constant so that there are not so many outbursts or conflicts, both internal and external, because the feeling for these natives is that everything is upside down and nothing will ever work out.

This period influences all areas of life, even things that have been forgotten or are not so important on a daily basis, because this is the time of year when these natives have the chance to re-evaluate their life, their choices and their expectations, which may not always be easy. Learn more, in sequence.

Characteristics of Cancerians in Astral Hell

It is extremely common in this period, to have everything out of control. It is exactly at this time that the natives of this sign become more bossy, more negative and pessimistic. The realistic side comes to the surface and all fear of judgment falls on them with great intensity.

They have the tendency to be very severe and harsh, but even then they can be very sentimental in this phase. All their perfectionism and their concrete and rational side ends up becoming too much, escaping from the common balance and going to the side of having control over things and people.

Capricorn Astral Hell Date

Capricorns begin to feel the influences of astral hell between November 22 and December 21. This turbulent period is 30 days before the native's birthday, so it seems that everything will be going wrong, because of the charged energies before the birthday.

Astral Hell ends when the birthday passes. After the date, it is common for things to return to normal and everything seems lighter and going well. A totally different energy from previous days. That is why this period is so different.

The lack of control and the Astral Hell of Capricorn

In their nature, natives of this sign love to control everything and everyone around them. They hate anything that goes off the plan and possess a very intense rigidity when it comes to having everything under their control and in their own vision.

The Capricornian's ego can be very intense during this phase because, even if they don't show it so much, they love to be the centre of attention and to be the one in charge of everything. But in this period when all the energies are extremely intense, there is no one who can control anything, so frustration and disappointment are very big for them.

Sagittarius and the Astral Hell of Capricorn

The sign of Capricorn is of the Earth element, while Sagittarius is of the Fire element. For Capricornians it is very difficult to see beyond what is seen and to see the positive side of things. The rigid and realistic way of this sign pulls them all the time to think more before acting.

Meanwhile, Sagittarius is the optimistic and playful sign that can't take everything seriously and acts on impulse. They are like two opposite signs that when they try to get along, not always a great result comes out of it. Because for Capricorn life is too serious and he needs to always keep his feet on the ground, while Sagittarius grabs each and every opportunity without letting fear and mind paralyze him.

Inflated ego

The sign of Capricorn has a very inflated ego. Only he can be right about things and the world needs to revolve around him. In his period of astral hell, this characteristic becomes more evident and intense, making it difficult to live together.

Because they want to control everything, they do this in all aspects of life until they find a part that can, in fact, have control. This for Sagittarians, for example, is unreal, because Sagittarius is a very free sign that does not like to feel trapped and does not have this thirst for control.

This inflated Capricorn ego can be hidden by your determination and strong genius, because this sign has an opinion about everything, but it is nothing more than an absurd desire to be the owner of the truth and feed the self-esteem.


Capricornians usually have a more pessimistic view of things. Because they are very focused on mundane things, they end up having their feet on the ground and, for this reason, they tend to face more realistic situations with a tendency to be more negative.

When they are in Astral Hell, realism becomes just pessimism. It is as if the only thing that is certain in their vision, is that everything will go wrong or is wrong. They are always the worst conclusions for anything that occurs.

All this, when seen through the eyes of Sagittarians, can be challenging, because Sagittarius is the most optimistic and cheerful sign of the zodiac, so the coexistence between these two signs becomes very difficult and with many conflicts. It is correct to say that it is necessary to avoid the coexistence between the two signs at this time.

Escape from responsibility

Astral Hell leaves the Capricornian tired of everything and everyone around them. One of their strongest and most well seen characteristics, in their normal state, is precisely the responsibility they possess. However, in this phase, all this is left behind, bringing up only irresponsibility.

It is common that these natives feel superior, so when something goes wrong, they do not take the blame and even less feel guilty for it, because they are already going through major internal transformations and do not want to externalize all this. So the tendency is precisely to run away from their own responsibilities and blame the other.

Be careful

It is necessary to be very careful about what you say and how you act during this time of Astral Hell, as everything is at its peak, it may be that many things are done and said without thinking. For this reason, it is extremely important to understand how and when Astral Hell happens, so that things are lighter.

The sign of Capricorn in this period should be left quiet. Retreat should be made by them and, many times, being surrounded by people or situations can make everything even worse, because it is a sign that does not give the arm to the twist, so it will suffer not only in silence, but pretending that everything is fine.

How to overcome

This phase will pass with time, soon after the native's birthday. In the meantime, it is essential that Capricornians try their best to listen more than talk and give up certain controls which they had before this period.

Besides that, it's fundamental that they do what they like and be with people who make them comfortable in being who they are, mainly to show their shadows without judgments and without fear, because that's what they'll need. Extravasation is a great thing to do.

Do Capricorn and Sagittarius go together?

There are many obstacles when talking about Capricorn and Sagittarius together. For this to work out, regardless of the relationship, it is necessary to have a lot of patience on both sides because the two signs are opposite in many characteristics.

The way of seeing life of each one is different. While Capricorn builds, has responsibility in his actions, is realistic and feet on the ground, the Sagittarian is playful, irresponsible and optimistic. For the Capricornian everything needs to be built with hard work and determination, while for Sagittarius, things are always very light and surrounded by jokes and positivism.

The astral paradise of Capricorn

In this phase, things are fluid and everything is exactly on the right axis for Capricornians. It is in the astral paradise that they feel good, they feel themselves and that all the sweat and work they have already done, is paying off.

It is the time to harvest the fruits that have been planted, so the positive energy is very in evidence and very intense, making everything easier and more pleasant to deal with. It is totally the opposite feeling of Astral Hell. Find out more now.

Characteristics of Cancerians in astral heaven

It is precisely in the Astral Paradise that the positive characteristics of Capricorns take shape and are revealed, making the coexistence with this sign easier and more pleasant than in the Astral Hell.

Capricorn becomes very responsible and hardworking, leaving laziness aside and making everything happen internally and externally. This is the time when they are more dedicated to everything they set out to do with no bad timing. Their stubbornness doesn't get out of hand, on the contrary, it's possible that the dialogue is much more constructive and easy.

Date of Astral Paradise of Capricorn

The astral paradise of Capricorn is precisely the time when the Sun is in Taurus, that is, between April 21 and May 20. Its duration is until the Sun leaves this sign, which is also a sign of the Earth element and gets along well with Capricorn.

For this reason Capricorns and Taurinos get along well when they are together, regardless of the type of relationship. For they are very similar in their strengths and positives, making understanding and comprehension between them very productive.

How to make the most of the astral paradise?

In this period you don't have dense and heavy energies, in fact, everything is lighter and easier. Therefore, it's very good to enjoy this time doing what you always wanted to do, being your best version and building everything you always wanted to build.

During this phase, the stars are in favor of the Capricorns and for this reason it is very difficult for anything to go wrong or get off track, so it is propitious to take advantage by organizing your life the way you want and transforming this energy into more dedication.

Taurus and the astral paradise of Capricorn

Taurus and Capricorn are two Earth signs that have many similar characteristics, for this reason and because they have a very similar vibration, they are each other's astral paradise. Therefore, their partnership is very beneficial for both sides.

For Capricorn life is only really lived when there is work and construction. Taurus thinks the same way, that is, both have extremely similar, if not equal, visions of life and help each other achieve this by understanding each other completely.


Both signs possess a lot of confidence. Their self-esteem is hard to be affected. Because they work hard and always act they are very confident. For these two signs everything is always under control, and it is their control.

Capricorn is very intelligent, down to earth and realistic. It is a sign that when it notices any sign of disaster, is always prepared and ready, because for them all this intelligence needs to be used and they use it.

Taurus is a sign ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, so their self-esteem is always in weight in any action. The Capricorn has the same characteristic for having their ego that when well balanced become people very confident of themselves.

Clearer communication

For Capricorn everything needs to be out in the open. All thoughts, feelings and reflections need to be brought to light so that you can work on them. They are very objective natives who don't reel at the time of speaking absolutely nothing. They are not people who don't think before saying, on the contrary, they have a very open and zero aggressive communication.

The same thing happens with the sign of Taurus, which also likes everything to be straightforward. Both signs have this thirst to communicate things regardless of what it may cause, because they are used to focusing more on the solution than on the problem itself. Therefore, communication is not a problem for them.


It can be said that Capricorn is one of the most determined signs of the zodiac, right after Taurus. Because they are Earth signs, they don't usually take an attitude unless it is very well thought out and calculated, so when they do it is for real.

It is common for them to be even a little stubborn, because once they put something in their head, there is no one to take it away. Since they are very cautious when it comes to moving, when they do this they like to be one hundred percent sure and focused, so that everything goes according to plan.

Do Taurus and Capricorn go together?

Any kind of relationship between Taurus and Capricorn can be beneficial. One ends up understanding the other and having more empathy and compassion than many other signs since they have many of the same characteristics.

What determines this is precisely the vision of life they have. Both believe in hard work, are responsible and determined. They are very cautious when it comes to acting and are extremely ambitious. A relationship here can combine too much on both sides.

How do I prepare for Astral Hell?

Astral hell occurs every year and always at the same time. When you keep this in mind, it is easier to deal with and know what to expect. For this reason, it is important to be absolutely sure of when your Astral Hell will start.

To prepare yourself it is important to try to observe yourself. Instead of acting and speaking your mind, it is better to retract a little and take some steps back. It is not recommended to make big changes in this period, on the contrary, it is time to sit down and better understand what are the desires and responsibilities you want to take from now on.

It may seem like the end of the world, but everything has the value you give it. Don't get too attached to this period, try to get attached to understanding what needs to finalize and what can be carried over to the next cycle. Without desperation, this time can be good and beneficial.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.