Benefits of Reiki: see also what it is, how it works, how to do and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What are the benefits of Reiki?

Reiki aims to treat the individual as a whole, through the conduction of energy through the body he seeks to restore its energetic balance and return the well-being to these three states. The therapy assists in the search for self-knowledge and to restore the physical, mental and emotional balance.

Through the mobilization of universal vital energy, you will be able to treat your emotions, your body, your mind and your spirit in order to relieve the tensions and negative charge that exist within you. Soon, you will be taking advantage of the countless benefits that this therapy can provide.

Follow along to find out all about it, plus learn how you can access its benefits!

Reiki: Universal Vital Energy

Reiki a procedure that has become popular in the world, becoming recognized even by the WHO (World Health Organization) as an integrative therapy. Its main objective is to promote health and improve the quality of life of patients. Learn what is Reiki, its origin and understand the fundamentals below!

What is Reiki?

The word Reiki represents universal vital energy and the reiki master is responsible for transferring this energy to the patient. For this, he uses his hands placing them over some region of the body, without maintaining physical contact, with the objective of emitting this energy and seeking physical, mental and emotional balance.

This technique has its origins in Japan and has no connection with religious rituals nor does it have any type of side effects. This type of therapy is often recommended as a complement to other health treatments, helping in the healing process.

Origin and history

The Japanese word Reiki comes from the Sino-Japanese vocabulary and means "spiritual influence". It is a Japanese technique, conceived by Mikao Usui, able to channel the universal vital energy and transfer it to the patient. In this way, it will reduce stress and lead him to total relaxation.

Before any Reiki session takes place, the reikian must perform an energetic cleaning in the environment, this way he will be ensuring an energized environment with harmony and love.

The techniques that underlie Reiki basically consist of the imposition of hands on the body in order to perform an energy transfer. It is believed that through the hands it is possible to mobilize the energy centers of the body, the chakras, giving a better energy balance.


The universal life energy is an energetic connection without positive or negative charge. That is why it is such a safe treatment, because it can be emanated at any time, regardless of the situation, and for any person.

This energy is present to everyone, however, because of thoughts, feelings or an unhealthy diet you obstruct its movement. An energetic barrier is then created that impedes your self-healing process.

Therefore, turning to Reiki would be a way to balance these forces in order to restore this continuous movement of universal life energy. Thus, you will feel revitalized and good about yourself again.

Benefits of Reiki

The energy transference that involves the Reiki techniques makes the body reestablish the energetic balance. The feeling of well-being, mood improvement and encouragement are some of the benefits that a Reiki session can provide. See below all the advantages of this therapy:

Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual relaxation

A Reiki session is recommended for all types of imbalance that the patient is experiencing at that moment, be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. Regardless of the aspect, when you are feeling bad about some of these it means that there is an energetic imbalance that needs to be restored.

You can treat them with your reikian therapist, transferring the universal life energy to the most compromised areas and recovering the energetic flow in them. Soon, you will feel sensations of comfort, peace and well-being that will relax your body, your mind, your spirit and your emotions.

Reduced fatigue and increased quality of life

Due to the fact that Reiki techniques relax the patient in all aspects, it enables the therapy to release physical and emotional tensions. The first sign is the reduction of fatigue, revitalizing your body and freeing it of any tension, the second is the increase in quality of life, because it performs a cleaning of thoughts.

Soon, you will find yourself free of any problems that are preventing you from achieving harmony and balance, becoming an indispensable tool to bring well-being and give more cheer to your life.

Stress and anxiety relief

The relaxation that a Reiki session can provide to your body is also noticeable in the field of emotions. Since it will prevent intrusive feelings and thoughts from returning to your mind, reassuring you through the transference of universal life energy.

In Reiki therapy patients are also taught breathing and meditation exercises that can help you find inner peace, helping you calm your mind and relieve stress and anxiety.

Helps in the healing of diseases and emotions

By activating the flow of universal life energy over your body, Reiki therapy enables it to act on illnesses and negative emotions in order to relax tensions. In this way, combined with medical treatment, you will be relieving symptoms and assisting in the healing process of these illnesses and emotions.

Reiki therapy is especially indicated for anxiety, stress, depression, insomnia and other mental and emotional imbalances that can lead to symptomatic problems. Following the treatment will gradually alleviate the symptoms to the point that you no longer feel them.

Assists in the healing of plants and animals

The fact that Reiki deals with energies makes it not differentiate living beings, whether they are plants or animals. The Reiki therapist can apply the techniques on them in order to transfer the universal vital energy, acting on any type of health problem they are experiencing and healing them.

Helps in the treatment against depression

Reiki therapy also helps in the treatment of depression, because by applying its techniques it mobilizes the energy in the vital points of your body, reducing the symptoms of this disorder such as anguish, tiredness, lack of interest and anhedonia. It will revitalize your emotions and return the disposition to your life.

The Reiki session can also offer other resources so that you can deal with your crises on your own and become self-sufficient. Its teachings about breathing and meditation will allow you to get back into the flow of life and allow yourself to feel it without hindering its development.

Helps in the treatment of migraines and menstrual cramps

Migraines and menstrual cramps, depending on the degree, can affect a woman's daily life to the point of paralysis, making it impossible for her to perform the simplest tasks. At this point, therapy can help relieve the pain that is common to these problems by releasing the energy overload contained in the head and pelvic region.

That way, you will feel more relaxed allowing the migraine and cramp to progressively ease to the point that you can bear them without affecting your performance.

Helps against eating disorders

Eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder involve psychological and physical problems that affect your health and harm your body. Patient's awakening to their problem and Reiki sessions can help treat these disorders.

Through the imposition on specific chakra points of the body, the reikian aligns the energetic distribution always seeking a harmony and balance in your body and mind. In this way, accompanied by medical treatment, he will enhance your treatment fighting eating disorders more effectively.

Improved physiological functioning of cells and organs

The imposition of hands on the body transfers universal life energy in a way that provides an energetic balance. This is an influence not only external to the body, but is also able to activate the cells and organs, improving their functioning and relaxing the body of tensions.

Improved sleep quality

Reiki therapy is recognized for its relaxing effects and healing potential that go beyond the session. As you evolve in therapy you will feel positive effects in your daily life, one of them is the improvement in the quality of sleep.

Reiki is capable of stimulating the release of hormones in the body such as endorphin and serotonin, considered indispensable hormones for a good night's sleep.

Increase in mental clarity and concentration

The energy transference, breathing and meditation exercises make the session a moment of connection between your body and your mind. Through them you become present with yourself, experiencing that energy and relaxing your mind. Once this is done, after the session it is common to feel a mental clarity and your concentration sharpened.

Development of self-knowledge

There are no requirements to enjoy the benefits of Reiki. Chakra energy treatment and meditation enable you to delve into your ego, pushing the boundaries of your existence and allowing a deep investigation into who you are.

Go through a journey of self-knowledge in each therapy and grow as an individual and spirit, in this way you will begin a process of self-healing as well.

Improved self-esteem

It is through this dive into your being and by giving more mental clarity that you begin to perceive yourself as a freer individual. Without imposing any kind of prejudices on yourself, there are no more barriers in relation to social norms, in relation to your appearance or to who you should be.

In other words, Reiki therapy will also improve your self-esteem, allowing you to become satisfied with yourself and achieve well-being in your life.

Understanding more about Reiki

Reiki offers a number of benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. However, understanding how the therapy works and how it acts on you will allow you to understand its philosophy and achieve better results with each session. Follow along as you read to understand more about Reiki and enhance your healing process!

Relationship of Reiki with the chakras

The word chakra originates from Sanskrit and represents "wheel", being considered energy centers that are distributed throughout our body in order to create a stability, physical, spiritual, mental and emotional. It is believed that disorders and diseases originate from the obstruction of these energies.

In all there are 7 chakras that are arranged along the spine. See their position and how they relate to our body below:

- Crown chakra: it is located at the top of the head and is responsible for the pineal gland, responsible for melatonin production and sleep regulation;

- Brain chakra: is positioned between the eyes and controls both the eyes and the brain;

- Laryngeal chakra: its position is in the throat and represents the thyroid gland;

- Heart chakra: is located in the chest and is associated with the heart;

- Umbilical chakra: it is above the navel and represents the gastrointestinal and excretory systems;

- Sacral chakra: positioned in the pelvic region and represents the genital organs and reproductive system;

- Basic chakra: is located at the base of the spine and relates to the supra renal glands, kidneys, bone marrow and spine.

The fact that Reiki acts on the chakra points, transferring and balancing energy on them, is what explains its relationship with this concept.

Reiki Principles

Reiki therapy has a foundation of fundamentals which have formulated the essence of this technique. They should be followed by Reiki therapists in order to assist the patient in their search for healing. Its goal is to provoke reflection, while showing the way to change negative behaviors.

The basic principles are 5:

- Be patient;

- Have serenity;

- Be grateful;

- Be dedicated;

- Be kind and gentle.

When the patient is in therapy, he is generally provoked to reflect on them with his eyes closed, in a meditative state. In this way, he is diving into his essence and searching for a better understanding of himself.

Reiki Symbols

Reiki also has some symbols that can be used in therapy, each of them has a function and will assist in the healing process. The most common and used by therapists are:

- Cho Ku Rei: this symbol can be used in several ways, the most common is that it acts at the physical level, helping in the treatment of more external symptoms.

- Sei He Ki: this second symbol acts on an emotional level, treating negative emotions and bringing harmony.

- Hon Sha Ze Sho Nem: its use is for a mental level, treating disturbances and intrusive thoughts. This symbol can also be worked at a distance.

Reiki levels

There are some therapeutic categories that are defined by levels in Reiki. In all there are 3 plus the master, which is when the person has the license to start other therapists. However, the application of Reiki can start from level 1, check out how each one works:

- Level 1: in this level you can apply Reiki on yourself and the patient, but it must occur in a face-to-face way and follows a determined sequence of hand positions.

- Level 2: follows the same orientation as level 1, the advantage is that he can start his therapies at a distance.

- Level 3: this degree already makes you a master, you are free to adapt your therapy according to the patient's needs.

- Level 4: This level is also called master, and points to a maximum degree of elevation. In this case, you can initiate other people to become reiki.

There are some variations about Reiki that go according to the master, such as distance sending for example, which can change in the second or third level. Or also the symbols used and the position of the hands, which varies according to the determinations of the master.

Other information about Reiki

There is also some information about Reiki therapy in relation to the sessions, the ideal situations to be used and when not to do. Clarify your doubts to start your therapy in a safer way. Check it out!

In which situations can Reiki be used?

The universal life energy transferred by Reiki does not have an energetic polar characteristic, that is, it is neither positive nor negative. Because of its neutral nature, it becomes a safe energy that can be directed regardless of the situation you are in.

When not to do Reiki?

Although it is considered an alternative medicine, the therapy should never replace treatments prescribed by your doctor. If you are currently undergoing any type of treatment, keep it up and use Reiki therapy to boost your results to achieve healing faster.

Scientific investigations on Reiki

Laboratory tests were conducted in a doctoral research at the University of São Paulo (USP) that prove the positive effects of Reiki on the body. The test applied the therapy techniques in mice, one using a reikian and another simulating the use of gloves.

Once this was done, it was noticed that the immune activity of the mice that were exposed to the therapy were twice as high as the mice that were exposed to the gloves. This proves its energetic activity and influence on the chakras.

How to learn Reiki?

The Reiki course is recommended for all who seek to initiate a process of self-knowledge and understanding of the energetic forces that exist in the universe and in our body. You can seek this type of knowledge in therapeutic centers, online therapy portals and alternative medicine teaching institutions.

Where to do and how much does a session cost?

The Reiki session is performed in therapeutic clinics and hospitals, the patient can perform it sitting or lying down. The Reiki therapist will bring his hands close to the chakra points, without touching your body. Thus, he will be transmitting universal life energy and restoring the energy flow in these points.

Each session can last an average of one to two hours and the focused vital points can vary according to the patient's needs. The therapy is performed in a private room, with relaxing ambient sound and energies treated to ensure maximum efficiency in the treatment.

Regarding the price of the session, it is worth informing that there is no standardized value for each session. It will depend on the clinic and the master you are consulting, the values can be combined according to the number of sessions and the degree of the problem. Therefore, consult the reiki therapist before starting any process.

The practice of Reiki has many benefits!

Reiki is a therapy that has its effects scientifically proven and provides a number of benefits for their patients. At each session you will notice a gradual improvement, besides feeling a physical, spiritual, emotional and mental well-being.

In other words, you are free to start your reiki therapy at any time. Get to know the clinics and masters in your area, talk to them so you can feel safe about the treatment and get the results you need so much. Don't miss this chance, because the practice of Reiki will offer many benefits!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.