Boredom: meaning, how it happens, types, how to cope and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is boredom?

Cast the first stone if you've never claimed to be bored. Everyone experiences it. Boredom is usually defined as a difficulty in dealing with stimuli. That is, at some point you lose the mood to do your things or wait for something. This waiting causes you to "stop time" and feel bored.

However, some research has been done recently and has proven that boredom is not as bad as it seems. In addition, a new definition of boredom was recently published. To learn more about what it is, what causes it and how we can deal with this feeling, keep reading this article!

Meaning of boredom

Whoever you are, nobody likes to be bored, but have you ever stopped to think that most of the time when we feel bored, we don't do anything to change it? You've probably thought "there's nothing to do". And there was plenty to do, right? Well!

The bored person loses the will to do everything they need to do, even if they want to, they can't. To learn more, check out below!

Definition of boredom

Recently, a Canadian research published a new definition of the word boredom. According to it: ''boredom is an adverse experience of wanting to do, but not being able to do, a rewarding activity''. However, it is worth noting that, although there is a new definition for this feeling, all previous definitions point to a difficulty in dealing with stimuli.

Symptoms of boredom

Before talking about what the symptoms of boredom are, it is fair - if not necessary - to point out that boredom is not a disease. People may associate it with that due to the fact that we talk about symptoms, however, boredom has some telltale signs that can point to an idle state. So, get to know some of them:

- Feeling of emptiness;

- Lack of desire to carry out the activities;

- Disinterest in life;

Note: it is important to always be aware of these symptoms, because in extreme cases, it is possible that the person needs to consult a psychologist to know what they are about.

How boredom happens

It may seem obvious, but boredom starts to set in from the moment people realize that life is no longer interesting or stimulating. However, it is not up to anyone to judge the individual because he or she, in this case, feels this way. There are many cultural and socio-cultural factors that not only influence people, but also contribute to this condition.

Boredom in daily life

Everyday boredom is very ingrained in society, since if you stop to analyze, you will realize that your pleasurable activities or leisure moments are actually copies of your work routine.

For example, if you usually go out to lunch or dinner with your friends, this activity that should be pleasurable, ends up turning to work, since at some point you will talk about.

In the case of watching television, many scenes reproduce an everyday day, which makes you think that life is a continuum and the current situation is the one that will always exist. Understanding boredom as part of this process will help you understand your emotional condition.

Types of boredom

It may seem strange to read something like Types of Boredom, however, is extremely common. In case you don't know, there are 5 types of boredom. Previously, boredom was classified by 4 types, but a research, published in the magazine ''Motivation and Emotion'', defined the 5th on the list. So, let's find out which types are these? So, come with me!

Indifferent boredom

Indifferent boredom is associated with people who are seemingly calm who isolate themselves from the world and due to this, they tend to get bored. Since they are cut off from everything and everyone, there is no one to talk to or what to do.

Balanced boredom

Balanced boredom is related to the mood state. The person in this state usually feels wandering, with thoughts far away, does not know what to do and does not feel comfortable looking for an active solution.

Seeker boredom

Boredom seeking is usually a negative and uncomfortable feeling, like a malaise. This feeling, in turn, pushes you to search for a way out. It is normal for people experiencing this type of boredom to ask what they can do about it. They think of activities that could change their mood, such as work, hobbies or outings.

Reactive boredom

In general, people affected by reactive boredom have a strong inclination to escape from the situation in which they find themselves and, most of the time, they avoid involving the people around them, especially their bosses and or teachers. They are people who react to this feeling, but often become restless and aggressive.

Apathetic boredom

Apathetic boredom is a very different kind of boredom. The person experiences a lack of feelings, which can be positive or negative, and begins to feel helplessness or depression. The person feels sad, discouraged and loses interest in their things.

How boredom can help

It is known that nowadays, boredom is seen as something we have or should escape. People always look for ways to deviate from this state and return to reality. This happens because society has already ingrained that the richest people, for example, are always doing something and being busy has become a status symbol.

However, it is possible to point out that we may be looking at boredom in the wrong way. Some research has shown and continues to show that we can suffer some damage if we don't allow ourselves to be bored once in a while. So, to find out how boredom can help us, read on!

Channeling idleness

Although people may not realize it, many of the best ideas come at a time of greatest mental idleness, such as the journey to work, a shower, or a long walk. Some say that our best ideas come when we are bored.

A study done by the University of Pennsylvania in the United States showed that bored participants performed better on tests, leaving relaxed and enthusiastic ones behind.

Psychologists Karen Gasper and Brianna Middlewood, responsible for the research, asked the volunteers to watch videos evoking feelings and then do word association exercises.

Gasper and Brianna noticed that while the vast majority answered 'cars' when imagining a vehicle, bored people answered 'camel'. This was because they let their minds wander quietly.

The conclusion of this and other studies with bored people is that a state of boredom encourages the exploration of creativity. In other words, our brain is responsible for sending a signal to move forward. Allowing our mind to "fly" is essential for our creativity. On the other hand, it can be a challenge when we live in a technological world full of distractions.

Silencing the inner noise

One of Lancaster's psychologists says that "our subconscious is much freer", so it's essential that we let our mind "wander" around, even if we have many idle moments during the day. She explains that, most of the time, these moments are interrupted by checking up on social media or emails.

For this reason, it suggests that we daydream or do physical activities, such as swimming, for example. All this in order to let the mind relax and wander without distractions. Intentionally stimulating the process of daydreaming causes some memories and connections to be recalled, which is why it is so important.

According to Amy Fries, author of "Daydream at Work: Wake Up Your Creative Powers," the ability to daydream allows us to have "eureka" moments. The eureka state, in turn, "Is a state of calm and detachment that helps us silence the noise so we can reach a response or connection.

"Planting" problems

According to Fries, the best thing to do is to put aside personal thoughts and give importance to the challenges that are in front of us. This means that the recommendation of the author of the book "Daydream at Work: Wake Up Your Creative Powers" is to "plant" the problem in our heads instead of putting it aside for some time waiting for the solution to appear at some opportune moment.

Another idea of the author is to do activities that give us the opportunity to open our mind to new ideas, such as a long walk without the use of headphones.

On the other hand, a professor at the University of Louisville (USA), Andreas Elpidorou, points out that boredom restores the perception that our activities are meaningful. According to him, boredom is like a mechanism, capable of regulating our motivation to accomplish tasks.

He says, ''Without boredom, we would be stuck in frustrating situations and miss out on rewarding emotional, cognitive and social experiences.'' He continues, ''Boredom is a warning that we are not doing what we want to do and a nudge that motivates us to change projects and goals.''

Knowing the level of boredom

Here's an important addendum about boredom: people shouldn't fear it, however, that doesn't mean that all slack is useful. Just as the slightest stimulation can help achieve more creativity and productivity, you need to keep in mind that more chronic boredom can present its harmful effects.

Research points out, for example, that people who are in a state of extreme boredom, that is, in acute idleness, tend to consume much more sugars and fat and this consequently results in decreased life expectancy.

Therefore, being aware of your feelings and states you are in is very important, because once you realize that you are in a state of chronic boredom, that feeling will do harm to your mental health.

How to deal with boredom

Now that you've learned more about boredom, how it can help in some areas of life, nothing fairer that you understand how to deal with it, since, as is known, once the boredom becomes something harmful and chronic he can be harmful to health. Therefore, check out how to deal with boredom below!

Get involved with volunteering

Once the human mind deduces that there is nothing to do and we have plenty of time, boredom can set in. When this happens, it is recommended that you get involved in some volunteering. Besides contributing to solidarity, you can feel much better. On the Internet there are some activities in which you can engage and help those in need.

Practice self-reliance

Self-reliance is related to the way you design your life, so you don't need to look for places to feel good about yourself. Instead, look for practicing or doing something you enjoy, such as planting a garden at home, taking care of plants, or even practicing a hobby. Do something that keeps your mind occupied for a few minutes.

Take care of your self-esteem

Usually, the tedious state appears as a bad feeling, which directly interferes with self-esteem, because the person can not do the things he would like and, therefore, begins to feel frustrated or guilty. In these moments, it is necessary to relax, think about good things and keep calm. Thus, you will be able to control the complexity and raises confidence.

Explore your creative side

Take advantage of your idle state and try to explore your creative side. Knowing that boredom is a powerful weapon to let your mind wander, allow yourself to get acquainted and listen to the ideas that may arise in this moment.

Be more objective

If you frequently experience boredom, this may require you to change your behavior and take you to a more evolved mental stage. This is a great indicator that you need to be more objective and plan more effectively for your routine.

Seek professional help

Given the scenario we are living, it is certain that no one has enough support to keep moving forward and trying to escape moments like boredom. However, what we cannot do - nor should we - is let the urge to do nothing consume us.

Therefore, when you feel the need to seek help, do not hesitate to seek a psychologist and ask for guidance and/or recommendations. Remember that our mental health also needs care.

Can boredom always be harmful?

After everything we have seen in the article, there is no other answer to the question: can boredom always be harmful? Certainly not! However, it is imperative that you take certain precautions and not cross the line of the so-called limit. Boredom can help us, just as it can harm us. The saying "everything too much becomes poison" is true.

Therefore, try to enjoy your moments of idleness responsibly, without making boredom become something extreme and harm your mental health. Take advantage of it and move on. When in doubt whether you are chronically bored or not, choose to seek help from a health professional, because it is certain that he will help you.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.