Broken mirror: origin of the superstition and how to get away from bad luck!

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Jennifer Sherman

Is a broken mirror really bad luck?

No one goes through this life without hearing about the bad luck in broken mirrors. Some people are so trusting that they can't bear the thought of having a mirror with a chip, no matter how small, which, on top of everything else, makes this esteemed object much less attractive.

So, according to these beliefs, the act of unintentionally breaking the mirror and keeping it in the house afterwards is not beneficial. But we have to understand about how bad luck works around this phenomenon and whether it is possible to protect yourself from it.

In this article, we will understand that, besides becoming unusable, the broken mirrors have their origins and their various symbolisms, whose meanings are perpetuated for generations. Check!

Understanding the superstition of the broken mirror

There are many beliefs about the mirror, but the historical and mythical meanings are also important to understand the variations of this superstition and what the dynamics of bad luck are when it is broken. In this section of the article, we will deal with all of this. Follow along!

Mystical and spiritual meaning of the mirror

The mirror possesses many symbolisms among cultures that do not end and expand. In the mystical world, the mirror is always the one who reveals the truth and who returns it. For that, the being reflected must know how to interpret it.

In this line of reasoning, however, it is not a matter of liking or not liking what you see in the mirror, but of knowing what to do with that information. An example of this is in the story of Narcissus, who falls in love with his own image without knowing that it was about himself.

Already in the spiritual meaning, the mirror drives away evil spirits, because it is said that when they come, their own reflected image frightens them and they go away. On the other hand, mirrors become portals, when they are inside the bedroom or near the bed.

How does bad luck work through the broken mirror?

In a more generalized version, the mirror is said to reflect a person's soul, so if it is broken, that person's soul is also broken. However, for spiritual scholars, a soul cannot "be broken.

Thus, bad luck from a broken mirror is actually a consequence of a low vibratory pattern in which the individual finds himself, which causes it to be broken without intention. Therefore, bad luck does not come from the mirror itself.

In this sense, it is important to observe what energies you have been bringing in or absorbing, or if you have been in a routine that does not favor good vibrations. Therefore, if you break the mirror or it breaks by itself, it means that there is an energy in the environment disfavoring you.

Historical origins of belief

The origin about the bad luck for the broken mirror appeared in Ancient Greece, around 1300 B.C. But it was with the myth of Narcissus, who languished trying to touch his reflected image, that the mirror or the act of staring at one's own image for so long gained a bad reputation.

Still, it was the Romans who brought the bad luck of seven years. This was because they believed that life takes about 7 years to renew itself. In this way, they also admitted that looking into the mirror when not healthy could break it, resulting in those long years of bad luck.

Psychological and social origins

Social psychology studies the ways in which people are able to influence each other, without any real basis and even using their own testimonies. This is how the Greek craftsmen popularized the theory of bad luck by the broken mirror.

Those who produced mirrors believed that the gods were watching them. Therefore, to damage them in any way was to lose their attention, which would result in bad omens in life. The truth is that bad luck for breaking a mirror is a millennial belief.

However, the popularity exerted on this superstition crossed centuries as it grew stronger. Even literature and cinema also have their ways of reproducing this phenomenon. The truth is told for so long that it is almost impossible to deprogram it.

Other beliefs with the mirror

In Western antiquity, some wealthy families believed they could foretell the future by carrying large Venetian mirrors, so if they broke, they could know what fears were approaching. These objects were decorations made of crystal and handmade paintings.

Currently, in China, it is estimated that mirrors have the power to absorb the energies of the stars. This belief became popular with the arrival of Emperor Qin Shihuang, in the year 207 B.C., whose success was attributed to this type of power.

In Candomblé, the mirror is part of the ornaments of the Orixá Oxum, symbol of wealth and status. This ornament carried by her, however, is an important element used to dispel dissonant energies - negative energies that may be thrown in her direction.

Meaning of broken mirror on different days of the week

If you are spiritual, know that the broken mirror means that you are accumulating negative vibrations in some specific areas of your life, which are identified according to the day of the week on which the incident occurred. Understand what problems may be sapping your energy below!


Monday represents the main day of work and daily chores, so if you break a mirror on this day of the week, it means you are facing a financial problem that worries you.

This happens because worry has very low vibrations, affecting your health in many ways. It is also recommended that you perform rituals or a prayer to remove the ties and negative energies that hinder your growth, as well as unblock the money in your life.


In the spiritual world, Tuesdays are days chosen for people to abandon bad habits. It is also the day of Archangel Raphael, the one God entrusted with the Heavenly Medicine. Therefore, breaking the mirror on a Tuesday means physical health problems.

However, be aware of your body's signals. Check if you are up to date with your health or start abandoning bad habits. On the off chance that you are already facing a health problem, breaking the mirror only confirms the vibration of this energy. So, just take care of yourself in the best way possible.


In the old Catholic Church, Wednesday was special for praying for the sick (which doesn't mean that these activities couldn't intercede on other days). Coincidentally, breaking the mirror on this day means that a loved one is facing health problems.

So, if this happens, try to call close relatives or say a prayer or rituals to send positive vibes to them. Take advantage of the benefit of Wednesday and the messenger Gabriel for this day.


For the spiritual world, breaking a mirror on a Thursday means that, because of your agitated energy, you may experience serious discussions. Knowing this, try to mentally program yourself in search of calmer vibrations.

For this day, you can count on the help of the Archangel Zadkiel, the celestial of freedom, mercy and benevolence. He is also the one who defends all who succeed or seek to forgive their neighbor.


Friday is regarded as a strong day for various spiritual works, including those done for good. But breaking a mirror on this day indicates that you are facing difficulties in putting your projects into practice.

In addition, it is an indication that your energy in the present moment is not favoring the progress of your goals, whatever they may be. Therefore, the important thing is that, after becoming aware of this, you do a self-analysis, to understand why you are not collapsing your desires and your goals.


Saturday is a holy day in many doctrines. On the other hand, breaking a mirror during this day of the week indicates experiencing the revelation of family secrets. In other words, it could be that a negative vibration is undermining relationships, causing mutual stress between family members.

In the event that your mirror breaks on this day, be prepared to use your emotional intelligence as it can be of great support at this time. You can count on the Angel of Light Barachiel at this time.


Breaking a mirror on a Sunday day means that you are experiencing a period of stress and tension, due to various problems. This ends up causing you to dedicate little time to taking care of yourself.

In this sense, understand that you should absent yourself from the commitments you can and accept that things can work without your presence. It is also important to reduce the negative agitation in your routine. If, even then, this is not possible, make a prayer to St. Michael, the closest to God, so that you have the opportunity to rest.

What to do to ward off the bad luck of a broken mirror

Now that you know the origins and meaning of the broken mirror, it is equally important to know what to do to ward off the phenomenon of bad luck. In this section, understand the different ways to deal with the problem!

Collect the shards and bury them in the moonlight

Breaking a mirror is synonymous with bad vibes that, most of the time, are understood as bad luck. One way to keep all this away is to collect each shard and bury them on a moonlit night. This ritual is a way to return the bad energy to the stars so that they can dissipate it.

Mirrors break because of inattention, but when this happens spontaneously, it is related to the low vibration of feelings and dissatisfactions that are absorbing the good flow of your life. Therefore, it is important to get rid of the shards in a spiritual and safe ritual.

Collect the pieces and throw them into running water

In the old days, people used to collect shards of broken mirrors and throw them into open running water, but this practice has become dangerous because of the great risk and cases of people getting hurt by the shards.

Therefore, the ideal is to bury them deeply, so that there is no risk of their shards, over time, emerging on the ground surface and becoming exposed.

Break the pieces into even smaller portions

When a mirror shatters or cracks, it means that there is no good energy. In case the object is unrecoverable, break it into even smaller pieces, to facilitate the grounding work and get rid of the bad energy.

After that, light an incense in the place where the mirror was broken, to continue the ritual of cleaning the vibrations that do not favor you.

Say a prayer for protection next to the shards of the mirror

Prayer is a step that should not be discarded from the cleansing ritual, so praying for protection near the mirror shards is a way to start collapsing the good energies and getting closer to the spiritual guardians.

Sometimes we let things break because we are not well. So, on the off chance that you notice this happening to you, avoid cleaning or handling mirrors or breakable objects. Prayer, in this regard, is an effective way to dispel the weights and bring light to you.

Is broken mirror superstition or bad luck?

The meaning of the broken mirror depends on how you usually lead your life and your beliefs. However, the most important thing is to observe if the act of breaking the mirror affects you in any way and compare it with everyday events.

On the other hand, you have to remember that we are energy generating beings, meaning that going through turbulent periods or living under a mindset that is not healthy can reflect on what is around us.

However, on the off chance that you are being affected or frightened by the broken mirror, understand that the bad energy is in the present moment and is not permanent, as long as you surround yourself with positive actions. Thus, do not forget to follow the tips given in this article!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.