Capricorn is jealous? Understand better and learn how to deal!

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Jennifer Sherman

After all, does the sign of Capricorn possess the characteristic of being jealous?

Dealing with jealousy is not always an easy task in a relationship. While some consider this feeling unacceptable, there are those who believe that both feeling and causing jealousy is a "spice" in the relationship.

The fact is: jealousy exists and each person reacts to it in a different way, but it is possible to determine a pattern of behavior based on the sign of that person and, in this way, learn how to deal with it, facilitating the coexistence, as well as making the relationship with jealous people easier.

Capricornians are jealous, they are even considered as one of the most jealous signs of the zodiac. Because they value stability and security in a relationship, at the slightest sign that they are being cheated or that they are hiding something, jealousy manifests itself.

Capricorn characteristics that contribute to jealousy

Distrust, pessimism, insecurity, possessiveness and pride are characteristics of the sign of Capricorn that contribute to jealousy. Such characteristics directly influence the way Capricornians behave and react when relating in love.


Trust is a very difficult task for those ruled by the sign of Capricorn. Because they are used to acting with reason, they like to know exactly where they are stepping (no wonder that the ruling element of this sign is the Earth). Distrust is a predominant characteristic of this sign.

Capricornians don't like to put their expectation on something that can go wrong, because they like to have control over everything. Therefore, they believe that the less they expect from people - and the less they trust them - the less likely they are to be disappointed. Therefore, distrusting people and situations is a natural Capricornian reaction.


Do you know that person who always sees the glass as half full? This is definitely not the Capricornian's case. His need to always think realistically - without much room for daydreaming or creating fantastical and distant situations and scenarios - ends up turning him into a convinced pessimist.

By always expecting the worst, the Capricornian avoids being caught by surprise by situations that would end up taking him off axis and/or destabilize him (something that Capricornians hate). In relationships, he is no different.

The person who is by his side will never let him down, because he already expects that he will, and consequently, if it happens, it will not be a disappointment, but a realization that he was right in expecting it to happen.


The Capricornian is dedicated in everything he does and for this reason he is very afraid of making mistakes and getting frustrated, because the idea of not reaping the fruits of his efforts (whether in the professional or love field) scares him deeply. So the fear of failure is what feeds the Capricornian's insecurity. He always wants to prosper and wants this to happen in everything he dedicates himself to.

The difficulty to trust also contributes to the increase of insecurity of the Capricornian, because stability is a priority for those ruled by this sign. Everything that demands to be willing to venture into unknown paths tends to frighten people of this sign.


Capricorns are proud of their achievements and don't like to share what they have achieved through hard work, commitment and dedication. So once they have decided that it is worth investing in a relationship, they can become very controlling and possessive.

Moreover, the fact that they like to possess dominion over everything that happens around, Capricornians can't stand the idea of losing the beloved figure, of being changed or cheated, and in an attempt to prevent this from happening, they try to control the actions of their partners.

The possessiveness of the Capricornian is directly linked to the insecurities he has, so it is necessary that your partner is aware that it will take a lot of effort to give him the security he needs so that his controlling side does not emerge.


Capricorns find it difficult to open up and show their emotions. For this reason, they are more closed when it comes to exposing their feelings. In addition, they consider vulnerability to be a weakness and giving themselves in love, heart and soul, takes time and requires a lot of effort and planning - yes, Capricorns like to plan even their relationships.

Once you are in a relationship, the Capricorn doesn't like to apologize or admit that he is wrong. Moreover, if a serious slip-up or a betrayal occurs, you can forget about the Capricorn's forgiveness because once he has his pride wounded, he will never give you another chance to make him suffer again.

Other information about Capricorn Jealousy

Understanding what are the challenges and care to be taken when dealing with Capricornian jealousy is a good way to get around friction caused by these feelings. In addition, it is important to know in which places the jealousy of the sign of Capricorn is manifested and the best way to avoid situations that contribute to this occurrence.

Learn also which are the zodiac signs more compatible with the sign of Capricorn, increasing the chances of a more stable and harmonious relationship, since the inherent characteristics of each sign directly influence the way those ruled by such behave.

Challenges and care for the jealous Capricorn

Dealing with the Capricorn's jealousy is a challenge first of all for himself, because he doesn't like to deal with emotions that get out of his control and destabilize him, and as we know, jealousy does exactly that to our head.

Capricorns also don't usually talk about what they are feeling and when they do feel jealousy, they don't like it and don't quite know how to approach it, so your partner should be aware that they need to be careful when dealing with their partner's jealousy.

Capricorn jealousy manifests itself in what environments?

Capricorn jealousy manifests itself mainly in environments in which he has no control over the actions of his partner or others. Capricorns don't like situations in which their limits are tested or when you hide something from them. So: always be sincere when dealing with a Capricorn.

If you go out with a friend and say you were alone and they find out, a seemingly harmless situation sets off a warning in the Capricornian's head that "there's something there" and that he's being passed over.

Capricorns tend to keep their feelings to themselves, shutting themselves off and changing their behavior. They also hate arguing in public, so they'll usually only get around to talking about their jealousy if you initiate the conversation and they're alone.

How to deal with Capricorn jealousy

Firstly, for the Capricorn, learning to deal with this feeling is a process in which his partner must actively participate, providing security and presenting concrete indications - because the Capricorn likes everything that is tangible - that he is fully involved in this relationship.

One who gets involved in love with a Capricornian should also be careful not to try to "play games" or purposely provoke jealousy in his partner, as this will awaken the Capricornian's cold side and he is not willing to give himself to a relationship whose signs indicate that it will not bring stability and benefits to him.

Capricorn Compatibility with Other Signs

Capricornians like stability and security, besides being ambitious and extremely loyal. Therefore, the best sign combinations are those who have a similar energy, either sharing the same ideals or having similar behavioral patterns.

In first place is the sign of Scorpio, because those ruled by this sign are also more reserved, believe that the relationship should be built with care and that trust is earned through actions throughout the coexistence.

Both of you value deep sex and family relationships, which makes this combination one of the most powerful of the zodiac.

Taurinos are also ruled by the Earth element, which makes them both dedicated to achieving their goals and cherish a long-lasting relationship. In addition, they both admire each other a lot, which is a fuel for the relationship.

The Virgoan has a lot of maturity - a trait also present in the Capricornian - and seeks to build a prosperous and firm relationship. They are also very good at making the other feel secure and enjoy a peaceful relationship.

Zodiac signs that also have the characteristic of being jealous

Not only Capricorns make the list of jealousy of the zodiac. Check out what are the other signs that also have jealousy as one of their characteristics and see how each one of them shows and reacts to these feelings.


Taureans are considered the most jealous of the zodiac. Because they want emotional stability at any cost, they tend to behave in a controlling and possessive way, since they believe that being aware of what happens around them is a way to have control over situations and even over people.

Those who are ruled by the sign of Taurus want to control the steps of their partners, wanting to know everything they do: where they are, with whom, what is happening. In addition, the fear of being betrayed makes Taureans insecure and jealousy manifest even more.


Scorpio is also one of the most jealous signs. Scorpios are known for their intensity. When it comes to people of this sign, everything is lived to the fullest, with urgency and without moderation. They are intense in love and also in jealousy.

They are slow to give themselves up, but when they do, they demand the same from their partners. Therefore, when mistrust arises, they become real FBI investigators to find out everything they can, starting to watch and monitor their loved one. In addition, they tend to be vengeful.


The Cancerian is known to be needy and sentimental, which can easily make him dependent on his partner, becoming insecure because he believes that the relationship will remain strong as long as the loved one has eyes only for him.

Cancerians don't like to share their partners' attention, so a simple conversation circle among friends can be the perfect setting for Cancerian jealousy to manifest. Also, Cancerians can resort to emotional manipulation and blackmail when they find themselves jealous, thus attracting their partners' attention.


The Aryan is contradictory because at the same time he does not like to have anyone watching him and regulating his steps, he displays a controlling behaviour towards his partner. Besides this, his desire to be adored in the relationship makes the idea of being "exchanged" affect his impulsiveness.

Despite not always speak clearly about their jealousy, the Aryan gives a way to clearly demonstrate that is feeling, and may present an explosive behavior in the face of this situation, because when they feel provoked, their natural reaction is to attack.

Can jealousy get in the way of Capricornian relationships?

Yes. Jealousy can hinder the relationships of Capricornians, because if they can't deal with it and don't have the cooperation of their partners, Capricornians prefer to abandon the relationship rather than having to deal with the possibility of being cheated or betrayed.

But if you're in love with a Capricornian, all is not lost. Once you win the trust of a Capricornian, they are fully dedicated to the relationship and give themselves away, proving to be a passionate partner, loyal and willing to build a solid relationship filled with affection and admiration.

It is best not to try to make your Capricorn partner jealous and to bear in mind that he or she is unlikely to open up about how he or she feels. In the process it is important that he or she feels secure enough to count on your support and to put his or her heart into the relationship.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.