Descendant in Gemini and Ascendant in Sagittarius: understand the 7th house!

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Jennifer Sherman

What it means to have Descendant in Gemini

People who have Descendant in Gemini have a way of relating which is not only based on sex and affection. Their relationships are taken to a deeper level as these natives seek to be friends with their partners.

In addition, natives with Descendant in Gemini need their suitors to demonstrate their cultural knowledge and intelligence in order to be won over. Therefore, they like to be with people who have a critical conversation.

Also, a characteristic of these natives which is not very positive is the fear of commitment, a characteristic more prevalent during youth. So, in these situations they need someone to support them and help to make things lighter.

Anyway, throughout this article we will talk about some characteristics that the natives with Descendant in Gemini, such as what is the Descendant and Ascendant sign in the Birth Chart and the trends for the life of these people.

Descendant and Ascendant Signs in the Birth Chart

The quadrant of the Descendant sign in the birth chart speaks about the way its natives will relate to family, friends and partners. On the other hand, the Ascendant sign speaks about the personality of people, thus being a complement to the influence of the Descendant sign.

In this part of the article, learn how to discover the Descendant sign and Ascendant, how Descendant in Gemini and Ascendant in Sagittarius work, how they influence the life of their native and characteristics of the 7th House.

How to discover the Descendant sign

To discover the sign of Descendant, it is necessary to know the astrological chart of the individual, because this chart is divided into 12 quadrants and is represented by a circle, like a mandala. Each of these divisions is called House, so, the Descendant is located in the 7th house, which is the house directly opposite the 1st house, where the Ascendant is located.

Therefore, in order to discover which sign is Descendant, it is first necessary to know the Ascendant. For example, those who have Ascendant in Sagittarius, will consequently have the sign of Gemini as Descendant.

How to discover the Ascendant sign

The Ascendant sign is the sign which, at the exact moment of birth of a person, is positioned in House 1 (House of I) in the Astrological Chart. Unlike the other signs, which remain for 30 days in each house, the Ascendant changes houses every two hours.

So, to know the Ascendant sign of each person it is necessary to know exactly the date, place, hour and minutes of birth. There are websites that offer tools to perform this calculation.

Ascendant in Sagittarius and Descendant in Gemini

With the conjunction of Ascendant in Sagittarius and Descendant in Gemini, the union with people of these signs can be very propitious and pleasant. As a common point, these signs present a great capacity to open up and show their feelings.

Moreover, the influence of the Ascendant in Sagittarius causes people to be driven to face life in a more optimistic way. In addition, another factor brought by this conjunction is the motivation to keep a curiosity about things always burning.

The influence brought by the Descendant in Gemini, on the other hand, speaks about activating your native's interest in acquiring knowledge. One way to achieve this is to maintain contacts with other people whenever possible.

The 7th house of the Astrological Chart

Each house of the astrological chart has a number and a function. The 7th house, which is also known as the third house, is in the first position above the horizon in the chart, so it is seen as the House of Partnerships, because it is in this house that the longest and most lasting relationships and work agreements are made.

In this way, the sign Descendant is located in this House and it is this House which will define how the relationships of each person will be, how bilateral commitments will be and also the way these natives the world around them.

How Ascendant and Descendant influence my life

The influence brought by the Ascendant and Descendant to people's lives in the astrological chart is of opposite energies, because while one speaks about interpersonal relationships, the other deals more with people's internal affairs.

When one knows the Descendant deeply, people learn how to live favorably with their partners. They have the ability to understand what their strengths and weaknesses are in a relationship.

With this, people can see ways to make their relationships successful, as they learn to give importance to what is really relevant in the relationship. The influence of the Ascendant, on the other hand, comes to affirm the I, which in communion with the participation of the Descendant, manages to balance the value of self and partner.

The Descendant in Gemini

The Descendant in Gemini causes people with this influence to seek relationships with intelligent people with an appreciation for intellectuality. Thus, these people need intellectual stimuli to keep their partners interested.

In this part of the article, we will bring you a little more about the characteristics brought about by the interference of the Descendant in Gemini. We will talk about the behavior of these natives, the influences in love, at work, who their ideal partners are and how to relate to them.


People with Gemini Descendant have a great ability to connect with others. This is because this native has a great capacity to adapt to new situations.

Furthermore, this influence makes these people more empathetic and able to put themselves on the same level as their interlocutors. Therefore, they will always adapt to their interlocutor's way of speaking, whether it is a person with a high intellectual level or a simpler person.

In addition, the Descendant is ruled by Mercury, which is the planet that defines the forms of communication of its natives. Therefore, these people will always have the right word for every situation leading to the positive side of events.

Behaviour of the Descendant in Gemini

The behaviour of people with Descendant in Gemini is geared towards light and delicate communication. They therefore show interest and curiosity in those around them, without being invasive. Sometimes they can be agitated by making contact with several people at the same time.

Another point present in the behavior of these natives is that they are not usually prejudiced, carrying a preconceived idea about the issues. Therefore, they look at situations with exemption and try to understand the reasons that led to each circumstance.

The Descendant in Gemini in Love

In love, Gemini Descendants usually seek lightness in their relationships as they look for fun with their partners. Another important point in this area is the search for a fun relationship, without too much routine. So, a relationship that brings good moments of relaxation and relaxation.

Moreover, these natives are actually looking for a partner who shares the same ideals, their perfect duo who will work supporting their projects. For this reason, the support of the partner is very important for natives with Descendant in Gemini.

The Descendant in Gemini at work

Those born with Descendant in Gemini have the planet Mercury as ruler, which is very favorable for improving the capacity for commerce. Thus, these natives do not pay much attention to theories, as they are more adept at going directly to practice in order to train themselves.

Moreover, this impatience and hurry to go straight into action can be risky, because at some moments these people can sign work contracts, without paying the necessary attention to their details. Therefore, a suggestion is, despite the impetus to go straight into action, seek a moment of reflection, to avoid getting into trouble.

Ideal partners

The ideal partners for those born with Descendant in Gemini are people who have an erudite way of expressing themselves, as these natives are not so attracted by physical beauty. So, to catch the attention of these natives, a well-articulated conversation will be a great starting point.

It is also possible that these natives are attracted to younger people or to people with a youthful mentality, but the durability of the relationship will depend on the intellectual capacity of the partner. They also value their freedom and individuality and do not like to feel trapped.

How to relate to Gemini Descendant

There is no need to worry about the way you relate to Gemini Descendants. The meeting does not need to be elaborate or scheduled, it can take place on the bus, on a walk, all very random.

For, with the ease of communication and showing interest in others, it will make the meeting magical and natural. And, to keep the relationship healthy and lasting, just have a good constructive and cheerful conversation.

Do people with Gemini Descendant want stability in love?

People with Descendant in Gemini have some faults, so they are people who can be dishonest in some situations, as well as being unstable. These characteristics can manifest themselves both in love and in business.

Sometimes they may regret starting a business, or even a relationship minutes after making the commitment, so you need to work on this instability so as not to cause problems for your life and the lives of others.

In this article, we have tried to provide you with all the information about people born with Descendant in Gemini. We hope that this information will be useful for clearing up any doubts you may have about your life.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.