Descendant in Libra and Ascendant in Aries: understand the 7th house!

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Jennifer Sherman

What it means to have Descendant in Libra

Having the Descendant in Libra implies having the Ascendant in Aries, which is a leading sign, active and daring. People with the Descendant in Libra are courageous and decisive, when something arouses their interest, they are not used to asking permission to do it.

When young, they may act selfish and be very self-centered. With age, they become more cooperative, considerate, polite and thoughtful in their dealings with others.

In love, the ideal partner should be stylish and charming. In addition, he or she needs to understand that independence is fundamental for you. As you are a dynamic person, you are probably the one who makes the decisions in the relationship, so you go well with balanced and submissive people.

Having the Descendant in Libra suggests that you must learn to be more receptive to the needs and desires of others, after all, cooperation is one of your important life lessons.

Descendant and Ascendant signs in the birth chart

The Descendant and Ascendant signs in your birth chart are just as important as the Sun and Moon signs. Everything you need to know about your birth chart can be answered by means of a mathematical calculation. This calculation can identify the positions of the planets and in which sign of the zodiac they were in at the exact time of your birth.

In this article, you will be given a brief description about Ascendant and Descendant signs and how they determine your personality and character traits. Also, by the end of this reading, you will be able to discover your Ascendant and Descendant.

In particular, it will be talked about the Descendant in Libra and Ascendant in Aries and how both signs can influence various aspects of your life.

How to discover the Descendant sign

The Ascendant sign is the opposite of the Descendant sign, which means that the Ascendant is the one descending under the horizon at the exact moment of your birth. If you know your Ascendant, automatically you can discover your Descendant sign.

There are some advantages to finding out what your Descendant sign is. One of them is to discover what you are looking for in a romantic partner. It can show you what attracts you most when it comes to a love commitment or sexual relationships.

Descendant signs will never change and are always at opposite ends of the zodiac spectrum, so if your Ascendant is in Aries, you will also be a Descendant in Libra.

Ascendant in Aries and Descendant in Libra

To know your Rising Sign, you need to have some information about your birth, such as: the place, date and time. It is worth mentioning that you should know if at the time of birth there was daylight saving time.

The Ascendant equals one of the 12 astrological signs (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) and appears east of the horizon at the time of birth.

It symbolizes the way a person behaves and influences the environment. It represents how he appears to others, how he can find his identity and with what or whom he identifies. It translates the desire that we have brought into this world and that we must realize in our lives.

Ascendant in Aries and Descendant in Libra

The Ascendant in Aries and Descendant in Libra can hardly be interrupted. He is powerful, energetic and assertive, but because he is not afraid to take risks, he can sometimes face problems.

While Aries is impatient and usually acts before even thinking, Libra is the opposite of that. He is calm, serene and helps the Ascendant in Aries to bring some calm and organization into his life. In case of disagreements, the thoughtful Libra will find the right words to calm down the moody Aries, showing understanding for his impulsive temperament.

Among the positive characteristics of the Ascendant in Aries are enthusiasm and ambition. On the other hand impatience and rebelliousness stand out as your main weaknesses, but nevertheless your determination makes you a good leader.

The 7th house of the astrological chart

The Seventh House, also known as the Descendant, is opposite the Ascendant in the First House and represents partnerships. It refers to romantic partners and other important relationships we will have in our lifetime and corresponds to the energy of Libra.

Those with natal planets in the Seventh House tend to be very focused on relationships and partnerships in general. Unlike the Fifth House, where sex, pleasure and desire live, the Seventh is known as the house of marriage and commitment.

It can show us what attitudes we should take to ensure prosperity in our relationships. This is because although the Seventh House may belong to romantic partnership situations, it also provides information about business and creative collaborations.

How Ascendant and Descendant influence my life

The sign known as the Ascendant is nothing more than your social personality. It reflects how you perceive people and corresponds to the zodiac sign which was on the horizon when you were born. Your Ascendant sign represents your physical body and external style.

Your Descendant is the opposite of your Ascendant - in other words it is the conclusion of the Ascendant. It shows what you unconsciously desire in a relationship, what you aspire to be and on what level you can develop further personally.

Generally speaking, the Descendant reflects characteristics which you do not always possess, but which another person can provide you with and thus make you feel happy and complete.

The Descendant in Libra

The greatest quality of the Descendant in Libra is diplomacy. For him it is better to have a partner who shows his personal skills rather than any other qualities.

When it comes to a relationship with another, the Descendant in Libra instinctively knows how to make any relationship more harmonious, because it is the Descendant who has more awareness and maturity than the other signs of the zodiac. Descendants in Libra are active people.

They want a relationship which is sincere and able to adapt, otherwise it will not last. They tend to be attracted to romantic people, for them there is nothing more important than having a harmonious relationship, free of tensions and conflicts.

Other people's perception of you is of someone severe and authoritarian, so you will need a pleasant and serene partner to get round this image. Also, when looking for a partner you want someone who is good-looking and someone you are proud of.


Libra Descendants are independent, outspoken and competitive leaders. They like action and usually pursue their goals without hesitation. Sometimes they can be considered impulsive because of their greedy and restless nature.

Independence is something natural for them, so they usually do things on their own and quickly. In addition, the Aries Ascendancy is directly linked to action.

However, they tend to resist overly dependent partnerships and is sometimes a bit self-centered when it comes to love, so remember that it's also important to maintain your partner's needs in order to have a healthy relationship.

Behaviour of the Descendant in Libra

People can clearly see how active and independent the Descendant in Libra is. After all, his instincts are focused on being confident and assertive in his own desires. He is fearless when it comes to facing life's obstacles and overcomes them with impressive courage.

When you remember to observe things around you, you realize that people have been following your lead all along. People with Descendant in Libra inspire independence like no other sign, so it comes as a big surprise when your partners discover your calmer, more cooperative side.

When you are in a relationship, you show your more considerate side and prove to people how charming and pleasant you can be.

The Descendant in Libra in love

When it comes to love, the Descendant in Libra likes to share his thoughts and listen to his partner's opinions in order to feel that things are well and balanced. The Descendant is attracted to refined, charming, graceful and elegant people and for him the ideal partner should be committed and loyal.

These people can be very stubborn and disregard the opinions of others. They would like to shape everything around them according to their wishes, but this behavior inevitably leads to problems in getting along with others.

The Descendant in Libra wants a companion who will complete him in a quiet way so that he himself becomes someone more serene. Nevertheless it may take some time to establish a stable relationship with another person.

The Descendant in Libra at work

In the workplace, Librian Descendants help to find harmony in everything they seek and try to apply it to everything they are doing. The scales seek balance, so the Descendant in Libra avoids taking on all the responsibilities alone at work.

In fact, he prefers to enjoy the results with all those who participated in the process. He is determined, honest, independent and self-sufficient. In addition, he was born to lead.

You may appear selfish, impatient and rude to others, but in truth you are only focused on your goals. Libra Descendant individuals want others to ask what they think and believe that teamwork is most advantageous.

Ideal partners

With an independent, freedom-loving sign like Aries, your Ascendant, you value attributes like bravery and confidence. Having Libra as your Descendant means you're looking for a partner who is brave and committed, despite knowing how vulnerable an emotional commitment can make you.

The Descendant in Libra values the other person's appearance and is easily won over by the power of beauty. However, all this charm must be accompanied by a touch of kindness and elegance. Whether it is a man or a woman, the ideal partners for people with this Ascendant must be good-looking, delicate, pleasant and attentive.

How to relate with Descendant in Libra

The Libra Descendant has a romantic soul and shows real fascination for those seeking mental and emotional balance, for he himself needs harmony in his love relationships. It often takes a long time for the Libra Descendant to establish a relationship, but when he does, his anxiety about it is assuaged.

On the other hand, it is essential that this Descendant be prepared to adapt, otherwise a partnership will be anything but harmonious.

The Libra Descendant likes to associate with people who are light and sociable, with whom he or she can develop and live with without any worries. He or she is attracted to people who are creative or interested in the arts, and desires a partnership where he or she can find peace of mind for himself or herself.

Do people with Descendant in Libra want stability in love?

Love is very important for the person with Descendant in Libra. From a very young age he dreams of meeting his soul mate, with whom he can share everything.

Once in love, he respects and remembers the most important dates for a couple such as their wedding anniversary or Valentine's Day.

Life as a couple and starting a family are important ideas for those with Descendant in Libra. Focusing on common goals and sharing achievements also have deep value for these individuals.

Natives with Libra Descent and Aries Ascendant seek peace, harmony, fun, excitement and complicity in relationships. They need to be close to their fellows. Otherwise, their ideas disappear, as well as challenges and life becomes boring.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.