EFT therapy: how the technique works, how to apply, origin and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meet EFT: The emotional acupuncture without needles

With so many problems, both in the world and in our lives, day-to-day running, work, family, it is difficult to unfold so much and not have any shake in our emotional is not it?

Due to the amount of people seeking treatments and ways to improve our health, seeking to eliminate tension and stress, a technique was created that promises to eliminate emotional blockages, the EFT therapy.

Few people have heard about it. Created in the USA and based on Chinese medicine, EFT seeks the release of negative energies, causing the compromise of our emotions. Interesting, right? So, check below all about this therapy and how it works its interaction with our body.

What EFT, or Emotional Freedom Technique, is for

After the creator of the technique, Gary Craig, understood that the alteration of our body's energy flows were disrupted by negative emotions experienced in life, Craig created a unique sequence that corrects this problem and rebalances our energies.

A sequence of light tapping with the fingertips at certain points works the mind-body connection with some phrases of emotional release. In this way, he found treatment for various problems.

Treat anxiety

If your anxiety is at a very high level, you may want to seek a specialized EFT practitioner. This will make the therapy more successful.

Energy psychology tools, such as the EFT Technique, reduce anxiety by correcting the problem in our body's bioelectrical system. In this case, EFT is a way of "reprogramming" our circuits.

Experts believe that anxiety and stress cause very similar effects on the brain. When feeling anxiety, the brain triggers a response full of adrenaline and cortisol, exactly the stress response. For this reason, anxiety can be treated by the EFT Technique, but through a qualified professional.

Helps to cure depression

Research proves that the EFT Technique increases our positive emotions, significantly. Hope and pleasure are among the positive emotions. Depression is an accumulation of negative emotions that take over your brain.

With the EFT Technique you can cleanse the negative energies and increase, with each session, the positive energies. However, because it is something more complicated, depression needs to be treated by a professional who can teach you techniques for specific solutions.

EFT is for weight loss

The process of losing weight is very difficult and painful for some people. EFT tries to improve this process by addressing the reasons for eating compulsions and all the negative emotions that lead us to take our problems out on food.

Depression, anxiety, rejection, shame, among several other causes that influence the body negatively. All of these lead the individual to obesity and all can be treated by EFT.

Some people discovered other problems that they didn't even know existed and that hindered their improvement, during treatment. That is why it is so important to treat with someone who understands the subject.

Helps fight allergies

There are several causes that can lead someone to have an allergic crisis. However, what several professionals defend is that all these causes come from defense reactions of the body, causing negative emotions that unbalance our energies.

Allergy symptoms originate from a weakened immune system. The body fights off an invading agent that represents a danger and must be expelled. By treating allergy with EFT, you treat emotions that overwhelm your body and vice versa. In this way, you regulate your immune system and your defenses.

Healing fears and phobias

Any fear or phobia is automatically included in the EFT Technique treatment. The Technique is based on treating all negative emotions that may interfere with your physical and emotional. The basis of fear is traumas that have negatively influenced our lives.

Like fears, phobias are linked to past traumas that people may or may not know about. During treatment, EFT identifies and addresses each of these traumas.

EFT decreases physical pain

When thinking about physical pain, it is difficult to imagine how EFT can be effective, but by broadening the view of the situation, we realize that every physical pain causes an emotional pain in the body as a consequence. That is where the EFT Technique works, accelerating the recovery of the injured physical part.

By healing all pain and trauma, we have a healthy body and ready to focus on the injury. Depending on the type of physical pain, whether it is something serious or simpler, the person himself can solve the problem and apply the technique, even beginners can, if it is something simple.

EFT is for better sleep

Insomnia, difficulty in sleeping and all the ills that torment us at night, are derived from the accumulation of problems and situations that cause enormous stress in our brain. Including anxiety, which does not let the body relax.

For this, the EFT Technique well applied can solve insomnia and offer a peaceful night. After all, waking up after sleeping better during the night can improve our whole day. If your insomnia is persistent, seek a professional specialized in the technique.

Combat low self-esteem

Low self-esteem has several factors that cause it, involving negative emotions derived from trauma, bullying, rejection, etc. or the body's response to some disease not yet found or unresolved.

To cleanse the body of what "poisons" it from within, the EFT Technique combats negative emotions and helps people to see clearly the world in front of them. In cases of illness, EFT works with medicine, helping the body to have a better recovery response during treatment. Remembering that for more serious cases, the help of a professional specialized in EFT is necessary.

Healing hurts and promoting forgiveness

Sorrow and resentment are negative responses to events that attack you in some way. For most people, it is common to be hurt by someone else's attitude and keep that pain to yourself. However, that pain turns into sorrow, hurting our body and soul.

The EFT Technique helps you understand that bitterness hurts and that through forgiveness you can get rid of the pain. Positive thinking is also paramount to your soul's recovery. Push everything negative away and keep in mind that forgiveness is good for you too.

Serves to attract prosperity

A happy, calm and comfortable life, without worries or any kind of stress. This scenario is so utopian, but we can get to have something similar in the real world. The law of attraction says that we should think positively to attract good energy, but for this we need to get rid of the negativity that we have in our body and mind.

The EFT Technique helps us to keep our mind clear of negative emotions, to ward off anxiety and stress that surrounds us. In this way, we are ever closer to a full life full of prosperity.

Recover the meaning of life

Those who lose the will to live or who cannot see happiness in their daily lives are filled with negative emotions that cloud their vision. Often, therapy and medication alone do not help.

The EFT Technique, combined with therapies and medicines, is able to detoxify the body and take away what prevents you from seeing all the happiness around you. Living is hard, having a routine in our world is stressful. The important thing is that we can keep in mind everything positive, good energies and surround ourselves with what makes us good.

How EFT, or Emotional Liberation Technique, works

Now that you know all the benefits that the Emotional Liberation Technique can provide those in need, it's time to talk about how this technique works.

To apply it, there are predefined points and ways to activate these points, in order to clean our bodies and provide good energy. Check out how to solve physical and emotional problems through EFT.

Vital energy: IQ and its relation to emotional and physical problems

According to oriental ideology, more precisely China and India, sees the organism as a whole, composed by body, mind and spirit. And, through all this body, circulates the flow of energy that runs freely through all the existing channels, these channels are called meridians.

In India, this energy is called Prana, much talked about among Yoga practitioners. In China, this same energy is called Chi or Qi. When there are physical and emotional problems, Qi is interrupted and damaged.

In order to restore the flow of energy in our body, it is necessary to apply the EFT Technique to the channels, or meridians, to release negative energy and balance the whole.

Meridians of EFT or acupuncture

With globalization, one can know more about acupuncture and spread this medicinal technique throughout the West. Although the acceptance of the technique is still reluctant.

Based on acupuncture and the technique applied in Oriental Medicine, it was realized that the contact points could also be used as a direct channel between touch and our body's system.

These same points, also called meridians, are currents of energy that run through all our systems (electrical, digestive, etc.). If there are no problems, it flows perfectly and leads to the proper functioning of the body.

When disturbances arise in our emotional balance, the meridians are affected and start to have problems in the flow of energy. It is at this point that the effectiveness of the EFT Technique is proven, as a technique of Emotional Acupuncture.

The EFT points and their action on the vital energy flow

The EFT technique uses a few major points, or meridians, to act on the flow of life energy. In the beginning there were many points, over time they were refined and reduced to 9 primary points:

Karate point: Reduces sadness and worry. Helps to calm and invigorate the mind, opens paths to happiness and connects the present, renouncing the past.

Top of the head point: Reduces self-criticism, lack of focus, anxiety, insomnia, sadness and depression. Helps spiritual connection, insight, clarity. Also calms the mind and improves mood.

Point between the eyebrows: Reduces irritation, restlessness, traumas and headaches. Assists in harmony and peace.

Point by the eyes (bone of the eye cavity): Reduces fever, vision problems, resentment, anger and fear of change. Assists clarity and compassion.

Point under the eyes (continuation of the eye cavity): Reduces fear, bitterness and aversion to things. Assists in satisfaction, stillness and security.

Point between nose and mouth: Reduces problems and changes in the nervous system, embarrassment, guilt and shame. Assists in self-esteem, compassion, pain relief and clarity of mind, and revives the spirit.

Point between mouth and chin: Reduces shame and confusion. Assists in self-esteem, confidence and clarity.

Clavicle point: Reduces fear, insecurity, indecision and sexual problems. Assists internal peace, confidence and sexual firmness.

Point under the armpit: Reduces fear of the future and guilt. Assists in confidence, hope and harmonization of Qi.

There are also other points used sporadically:

Gamma Point (found on the top of the hand): Reduces depression, sadness and loneliness. Helps with lightness, hope and cheerfulness.

Point Under Nipple: Reduces sadness and emotions out of control. Assists in happiness and serenity.

Point of Thumb: Reduces intolerance, prejudice and contempt. Assists in humility and simplicity.

Indicator Point: Reduces guilt and helps with self-worth.

Middle Finger Point: Reduces jealousy, sexual blockages and regret. Assists in relaxation, tolerance, liberality and liberation from the past.

Point of Littlefinger: Reduces anger and rage. Helps in love and forgiveness.

How to apply EFT therapy

In creating the EFT Technique, Craig found endless possibilities. To turn that amount into something workable, he was able to reduce the 361 points to just a few primal points and a few extra ones.

Only then would it be possible to transform the technique into something easy to be applied by beginners, when necessary. This technique is called Tapping and, through light tapping on the determined points, it is possible to stimulate and undo the blockage so that the energy can circulate freely.

However, first you must understand what you need and look for the points that can help you, not just apply the technique in all. In addition to seek the extent of this problem, depending on may need the help of a specialized professional.

Identify what you want to address

First of all, you need to identify the problem you want to be treated. Look for symptoms, feelings that are not common in you. Constant pain is also a problem, like headaches or some muscle pain.

Anxiety, depression, allergies. Gather everything that you feel different in you, don't worry if it is right or wrong, just write down what you feel. The professional will base on your notes to know how to start treatment.

"Measure" the intensity of the problem

Another important point is to measure what you feel. This is not always easy, but try to describe the evolution of the problem if necessary. If the pain has worsened, what is the difference in intensity from the beginning until now.

In case of emotional problems, try to find out if the feeling is still the same or if it has worsened and even evolved into something else. An example is anxiety, which can worsen and worsen, until it develops into a panic crisis. All this information helps in the treatment that will be carried out. Try to be as truthful as possible.

Preparation for applying EFT by stimulating the points

Before you start, you need to have in hand all the problems that will be dealt with and their intensity. Then, relax.

This is the most important part. Clear your mind, relax your body and, despite the problems, keep in mind only positive energies. It is fundamental that you have an open mind to receive the treatment.

Since EFT returns the body to the correct flow of energy, part of the treatment is totally up to you. Be willing, accept that those negative emotions need to go away for your own good.

Feel free and light, focus on the now, on the technique and let everything that is holding you back flow. Write down sentences that say what you need to get out, short sentences. Repeat the sentences while stimulating the points.

Rounds for applying EFT

With the problem defined, its intensity and the phrases that will be repeated, it's time to know how to apply EFT. The Technique is applied in rounds, which are defined the amount of times according to your problem.

You will follow the sequence of the 9 meridians informed above: Karate Point, Top of the Head Point, Eyebrow Point, Eyebrow Bone, Eyebrow Bone, Eyebrow Bone, Nose to Mouth Point, Mouth to Chin Point, Collarbone Point, Armpit Point.

Follow this sequence and the number of times to solve the problem. A few beats will be made on each point, the same amount on each, depending on the intensity of the problem. Remember to repeat the phrases and keep positive thinking throughout the process.

Reassess the intensity of the problem

After the treatment, evaluate how your problem is. The evaluation will occur from the first treatment, regardless of how many sessions are needed, you will evaluate each one at the end.

This is the way to know your body's response during the process and if adjustments are needed. For those who do the treatment on their own, the assessment will also tell you if you need to seek a specialized professional.

It may happen that the problem is more serious than one thinks and the person him/herself is not enough to solve it, demanding the presence of a professional. This evaluation is extremely important for the success of the treatment. If necessary, repeat the rounds until the problem has been neutralized.

Origin and history of EFT therapy

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) was created by Gary Craig, an American engineer, who adapted the TFT (Thought Field Therapy) technique created by Dr. Roger Callahan in 1979.

Created in the USA and based on Chinese medicine, EFT joined the knowledge of two worlds, Western and Eastern, in search of the liberation of negative energies, causing the compromise of our emotions.

Influence of acupuncture

In traditional Chinese medicine, points are used as channels for contacting the organs of the body and its subsystems. These points are used in acupuncture or acupressure. According to acupuncture, through these points we can get in touch with the flow of energy, called "Chi" or "Qi", our vital energy.

For not having a base in the human anatomy of Western culture, there were problems regarding the entry and admission of the technique in Traditional Western Medicine. It is essential to emphasize the important role of acupuncture in opening paths for the acceptance of several other similar techniques, since its effectiveness has been proven in numerous cases.

Studies by George Goodheart

Studies prove that it was only in the 60's that the US began to investigate the practice of acupuncture and the benefits we can enjoy for psychological problems, starting the emotional acupuncture. Before, acupuncture was used only for physical problems.

This is where Dr. Goodheart comes in, who studied acupuncture in depth and introduced a new method developed by himself, the Applied Kinesiology. This new technique consists of replacing needles with finger pressure. After a few applications he noticed an improvement in the results, thus introducing what would be, in the future, the EFT Technique.

John Diamond and Behavioral Kinesiology

After Dr. Goodheart's advances, psychiatrist John Diamond continued to advance the same line of studies and, in the 1970s, created Behavioral Kinesiology.

In Diamond's method, positive phrases or thoughts (self-affirmations) were used during acupuncture sessions with finger pressures in order to treat emotional problems. Behavioral Kinesiology gave rise to Energy Psychology, the basis of the EFT Technique.

Roger Callahan, TFT and Mary's case

After Goodheart and Diamond's studies opened the way for therapies that treat emotional problems, an American psychologist, Roger Callahan developed a protocol or method for application on meridian points in the 1980s.

It all came about, unexpectedly, due to the patient Mary, who had been treating herself for two years due to a gigantic phobia of water. Mary couldn't even get into a bathtub and the phobia would appear.

When she said she felt a chill in her stomach when the phobia came to life, out of curiosity, Dr. Callahan applied taps under Mary's eye, the stomach meridian, according to acupuncture. Not only had the chill in her stomach gone, but the water phobia, nightmares, and headaches had also disappeared. To prove it, Mary went straight for a dip in a swimming pool.

Because of Mary's case, Dr. Callahan deepened his studies and developed several series of beat sequences, one for each specific treatment and called the TFT Technique or Thought Field Therapy. Callahan discovered the perfect use of the technique and the experience marked the beginning of the new era of psychology.

The emergence of modern EFT and studies on the therapy

It was then that Gary Craig, an American engineer and student of Callahan's course, created an algorithm or series of beats of universal application.

The results were even better than Callahan's complex method, Craig had in mind to spread the practice in a simple and accessible way to as many people as possible. Thus, the modern EFT Technique was born. Today, the technique is seen as a natural and alternative therapy and is gaining more and more space within the studies that seek physical and emotional healing.

Does EFT work to strengthen the emotional?

It is indisputable the advances of the EFT Technique for the healing of physical and emotional problems. With results increasingly better and faster than traditional therapy, the technique has been gaining space among people.

It is important to stress that the EFT Technique is a consequence of the flow of energy of the individual, in this case the person has great participation in the healing process.

However, after analyzing the process and the results, we realize that the Technique also helps in the emotional strengthening of the individual, because we need self-knowledge to know the pains that afflict us and through this process we know and understand what we feel and what we need.

This process strengthens our emotional and we begin to reject and be careful with the negative emotions that may afflict us. The EFT Technique has much to grow in Western medicine.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.