Elemental beings: who they are, where they live, how to summon them and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

After all, who are the elemental beings?

The elemental beings are mythical beings present in various occult and alchemical traditions, mainly on the western side of the planet. Being associated with the four elements, Earth, Fire, Air and Water, each elemental being helps to compose its own element, feeding them energetically.

Therefore, it is believed that each of these beings are actually a way of incorporating the energies of the elements if they thus present themselves to humans as a pate of their creative force.

Elementals are ancient beings, associated with different mythologies and popular in many fantasy books and novels, which add new traits to these beings present in popular culture since the dawn of time.

As we will show below, elementals are organized into four major categories and are part of the spiritual system of several religions.

Besides presenting them, we will also show other important aspects such as their history, their presence in popular culture and ways to establish contact with these beings that get mixed up with the energy of the elements themselves. Check it out!

Understanding more about elemental beings

To understand the mystical nature of elemental beings, we will start with their history. In addition, we will present their fundamentals and give answers to the main questions surrounding this have related to where they live, what they do and what is their relationship with Mother Earth. Check it out.

Origin and history

The first systematic historical records about elemental beings originate from the European Renaissance. The most significant work of it is by Paracelsus, which appeared in the 16th century.

According to Paracelsus, there are 4 main categories of elementals called gnomes (the elemental beings of Earth), undines (the elemental beings of Water), sylphs (the elemental beings of Air) and salamanders (the elemental beings of Fire).

Based on Paracelsus, many occult doctrines and other nature-based religions began to use the concepts of elementals in part of their religious beliefs or rituals.


Paracelsus' concepts of elementals are based on many ancient traditions present in various mythologies and religions. As main inspirations, it is possible to mention folklore, animism and even anthropomorphism.

Some creatures such as the gnomes were based on the concepts of the pygmies, originating from Greek mythology. In addition, the notion of elemental beings is based on the system of the four elements present in Classical Antiquity, which are the building blocks of the entire universe.

Despite drawing on these different cosmologies, Paracelsus' concepts of elemental beings is a unique and particular system from which much of what is known about these beings could be discovered.

Where do the elemental beings live?

The elemental beings live where the elements themselves are, for they are part of the element, acting as its constituents. Therefore, there are 4 great abodes, according to each of the four elements.

The Ondinas, the elemental beings of Water, reside in places where water can be found naturally such as lakes, rivers, seas and waterfalls. The elementals of Fire, the salamanders, inhabit the most arid and hot regions of the planet, such as volcanoes, but they can be perceived in the flames of candles and bonfires.

The Sylphs, elemental beings of the Air, inhabit high places and are present in the wind that cuts places in nature. Finally, the Gnomes, being elemental beings of the Earth, inhabit the Earth itself, especially in virgin regions and with little human intervention.

What do the elementals of nature do?

The elementals of nature assist in the production and maintenance of the elements. In addition, they govern the natural realms and are associated with the characteristics of the elements themselves. In rituals, elemental beings establish a connection between practitioners and the element, as well as serving as guardians or bringing their own presence and energy to the performance of rituals.

Since everything that exists on the planet is made up of the interaction of the four elements, elemental beings also help in the process of creating the materiality that surrounds us. However, just as they can build, their energy can also be destructive.

Relationship between elemental beings and Mother Earth

The relationship between elemental beings and Mother Earth is very simple: they serve as guardians and protectors of the natural forces, ensuring that the planet is nurtured and ensuring that life continues to exist.

Being pure energy of the elements, elementals can move through their own elements. It is precisely through this walking that they can exercise their protective function and act as a sentinel of the natural forces operating in the world.

Elemental beings in different cultures

Elemental beings are present in different cultures and religions around the world. Being mystical beings, they figure in children's stories, folklore or are even part of the belief system of religions and forms of spirituality focused on the connection with nature, as is the case of Wicca. Understand more below.

Elemental Beings in Wicca

In Wicca, especially in its eclectic form, elemental beings may be part of the ritual casting of the magic circle, a ritual space demarcated in the shape of a circle that will serve as a temple for ritual practices. Each elemental being may be invoked according to the following principles:

1) The north quadrant is ruled by the earth element, so it is the place of contact with the elemental beings that constitute this element;

2) The east quadrant is ruled by the element air, so this is the direction in which beings of the air can be contacted;

3) The south quadrant is ruled by the element fire. Consequently, the elemental beings of fire are present at this point;

4) The west quadrant is ruled by the element of water. Therefore, it can be used as a link of connection with the elemental beings of this element.

Elemental Beings in Shamanism

In Shamanism, elemental beings are seen as the spirits of nature itself. From the worship of nature, the shaman can come into contact with ancestral spirits as well as having access to the spirits of nature itself.

Therefore, it is possible to speak of spirits of the air, spirits of the water and so on. You will hardly ever see a shaman using the term 'elemental beings' to refer to the entities present in the elements.

Elemental beings in Celtic culture

The most popular elemental beings in Celtic mythology are undoubtedly the mermaids, elves and fairies. According to Celtic mythology, there is a parallel world endowed with magical creatures known as the fairy people.

These people can walk among the living and in many situations can play tricks or even kidnap babies, exchanging them for a copy. Fairies are predominantly beings connected to the air element. However, there are fairies that rule each of the other three remaining elements such as fire fairies, water fairies, and earth fairies.

Elemental beings in Greek mythology

Greek mythology is one of the fundamental bases for understanding the most basic concepts of the elementals that inspired Paracelsus' systematization. In it, it is possible to find the following beings linked to the elements:

1) Mermaids: enchanted beings connected to the element of water;

2) Nymphs: divine beings, connected to places in nature such as woods, rivers and mountains;

3) Driesades: nymphs that inhabited the trees and are linked to the element earth.

Although Greek mythology does not use the term elemental to refer to these beings, it is possible to associate them with the elements under a modern interpretation.

Elemental beings in Hinduism

According to Vedic literature, there are supernatural and divine beings known as Devas. With the advent of the New Age movement, the concept of devas was expanded, being considered any spiritual entity behind the forces and manifestations of nature.

Based on this point of view, devas are very similar to elemental beings. Moreover, according to the theosophist Geoffrey Hodson, there are millions of devas spread all over the planet who perform several functions related to ecology and its functioning.

To observe them, it is necessary to work with the third eye chakra, because it is only through its activation that they can be observed.

Elemental beings in other cultures

Elemental beings are also present in many other cultures and traditions of the world. In the West, High Magic includes rituals of communication or mastery of the elemental genies and Kabbalah also includes beliefs in elemental beings.

Other currents such as Hermeticism and Rosicrucianism, in some of their strands, also reveal that it is possible to see elemental beings, once certain requirements are made. In addition, the doctrine of Jainism, in the East, also superficially recognizes the existence of beings resembling elementals.

The elemental beings of nature

The elemental beings are present throughout nature and distributed in four major groups, according to their element. Therefore, we describe the elemental beings below considering their ruling element. Check it out.

Water Elementals

The elemental beings of Water are known as Ondinas. According to the testimonies of people who can see these beings, Ondinas are figures that resemble mermaids. They have colors that range from aquatic tones to silver and their natural habitat are bodies of water, especially rivers and seas.

According to popular wisdom, the ondinas are present in the waves and the current, and can be observed riding them.

Fire Elementals

The elements of Fire are called Salamanders. This name is easily justified due to the appearance of the beings of fire, which closely resembles lizards of this species. In addition, salamanders assume the forms of flames, dancing in the flames and fire, the place where they dwell. They cause crackles in the fire as they move through it.

Earth Elementals

Gnomes is the name given to the tiny creatures that make up the group of elemental beings of the Earth. Their appearance is very similar to that described in fairy tales: small people with pointed hats and clothes that resemble those of the elves of Irish folklore.

These creatures inhabit nature and usually hide in animal shelters or under abandoned logs in forests.

Air Elementals

Sylphs are the elemental beings of the Air. They constitute the winds and can fly, just like fairies, who are also connected to this element. In the case of sylphs, it is possible to feel their presence with every breath of the winds, especially when it appears suddenly.

Being air-bound, they inhabit all places, but are commonly perceived in high places in nature as points of white light in peripheral vision.

How to summon elemental beings

It is very common that people interested in elemental beings awaken the curiosity to contact or invoke them. If you are in this group of people, you will know, below, brief rituals in which it is possible to invoke the presence of elemental beings of earth, water, air and fire. Check it out.

Invoking Gnomes and elemental beings of the Earth

If you wish to invoke the Gnomes, the elemental beings of the Earth, follow the following tips. Initially, it is important that you have plants in your house (it can be in a garden or even inside your house).

Then, you should choose a beautiful apple and leave it as an offering for them, inviting them into your home. The apple should be left in a green area created especially for them. Say a short prayer or recite a simple incantation invoking their presence.

However, after doing so, be careful to keep the place dedicated to them well cared for. Otherwise, they may haunt your home, acting as Poltergeister (if you remember that movie, you'll better understand that it's not a good thing, really).

Invoking the Waves and elemental beings of Water

You can summon the Wavelets and other water elemental beings into your home by building a small ornamental pond or having a small fountain dedicated to them. When leaving them at home, remember to keep your fountain running at all times and maintain it periodically by changing the water.

As you leave your source to the ondinas, you will feel their presence through intuitions and more developed psychic powers. Remember that you need to take care of this sacred space, or you will have confused and scattered thoughts and possible emotional crises if you are relapsed with these aquatic beings.

Summoning Sylphs and elemental beings of the Air

To summon the sylphs and elemental beings of the air into your home, try having a wind bell (aka wind messenger) in a place where there is a frequent flow of air currents. When you observe that your wind bell has rung without the presence of wind, be aware that you have company.

Sylphs will bring inspiration into your life and more rationality. In addition, they inspire more lightness and are allies of creativity. Another effective way to invoke these elementals is by lighting incense with a certain frequency in your home while calling on them.

You will notice their presence when the incense smoke spirals freely. Problems with sylphs are noted with creative blocks and lack of inspiration.

Summoning the Salamanders and Fire elemental beings

To invoke the salamanders and the elemental beings of fire, you need to bring fire into your home. You can bring it by lighting a candle in a safe place like an altar, and dedicate a part of it to these beings of fire. Remember that it is important to keep a flame lit frequently so that the salamanders will make themselves present in your life.

Contact with the salamanders brings more energy and protection to your home, purifying it of negative energies. If your contact is interrupted, you will feel a lack of energy and the protection of your home will be diminished.

Further information about elemental beings

Have you ever wondered if beings from other elements of nature exist? Perhaps you have also wondered if elemental beings have ever been incarnated on Earth.

Besides the answers to these questions, we give, below, other information about elemental beings, such as their presence in arts and entertainment, ending with recommendations of books about elementals in general. Check it out.

Are there still beings from other elements of nature?

No. Although you can find references about beings from other elements like metal and wood from the Chinese tradition, or even from ether, the element that originates all 4 elements in the classical tradition, these elemental beings from "extra" elements originate from works of fiction, like novels and comics.

There are, according to what is believed in Western tradition, only elemental beings of Earth, Water, Fire and Air.

Have elementals ever been incarnated on Earth?

The answer to this pregunta is complex. If you want to know if the elemental beings were human beings or other animals who reached a higher evolutionary stage and became elementals themselves, the answer is no.

However, if you want to know if these beings can materialize as incarnate beings, the answer is yes and this is reported in several mythological and folklore sources, such as the case of the changeling children who are believed to be children of fairies who were exchanged for human children.

Elemental beings in arts and entertainment

Art and entertainment have appropriated a lot of the theme of elemental beings. World fantasy masterpieces like The Lord of the Rings and Witcher present a world based on the existence of elves, for example, considered beings of the fairy world.

In addition, even DC Comics had a superhero series based on elemental beings, known as The Elementals. The main characters in this series were called Ondina, Gnome, Salamander and Sylphid.

Works of the English poet John Dryden also feature Paracelsus' concepts of elementals. Another very striking work with the use of elementals is the role-playing game 'Dungeons & Dragons'.

Recommendations of books about elemental beings

If you want to delve deeper into the fascinating universe of elemental beings, you can turn to the following books from our list:

- 'The Elementals. Their Nature and Various Categories, Groups, Genera, and Classes' by Franz Hartmann: treats of a general compendium on the spirits of nature;

- 'The Spirits of Nature' by C.w. Leadbeater: gives an overview of the subject, but focuses on fairies;

- 'The Magic of Elementals, Wicca Book 12' by Eddie van Feu: despite the name Wicca, Eddie van Feu deals with her personal view of spirituality known as 'Eddie's mystical salad', which includes witchcraft and magic in general. It's a good introduction that provides an overview of elementals in different cultures, including the author's own personal experiences and historical cases.

In addition, she teaches rituals to establish communication with the elementals. The author is Brazilian.

Elementals are a religious and mystical construct of humanity!

Due to their historical roots and presence in various cultures and religions of the world, the elementals are considered a religious and mystical construction of humanity. And precisely because it is a religious construction, to contact and benefit from the energy of these beings constituting the elements, you must exercise your faith and believe in them.

While, for many people, belief in mystical beings may seem childish or fantastical, it is all about belief and being open to the energies of nature. Angels, for example, are beings that many people believe in, but they may be seen as equally fantastical by someone who is outside the faith circuit of Christianity, for example.

However, it is not because someone does not believe that elemental beings will cease to exist, especially since they figure in several areas of our lives outside the religious axis, such as the arts and entertainment.

If you believe in elemental beings, get in touch with them, for they are more accessible than they seem. Your life will surely gain a new sense and meaning with the presence of these powerful beings.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.