Equal Time 14:14: Message from the angel, numerology, Tarot and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What do the identical times 14:14 mean?

Observing frequently repeating numbers is a sign that the universe is trying to get in touch. It is possible that these numbers appear through dates, money, pages in books, or through the same hours.

For those who have seen 14:14 on the clock lately, it is best to keep an eye out for the messages the angels are transmitting. They can help you resolve pending issues about work and your intuition, but they are also able to alert you to future events that will require strength and persistence on your part.

That's why, in this article, we'll talk about the symbolism of the equal time 14:14 in spirituality, numerology, and the Tarot cards. Read on!

What do the angels say about the equal time 14:14?

For those who have been seeing the equal hours 14:14, one must be aware of the guardian angel Veuliah. He is the ruler of this time and aims to help those who need prosperity in life. To understand the message he tries to pass on through the equal hours, keep reading!

Give up useless things

The main warning related to the time 14:14 has to do with your intuition. If you feel that you are following some plan that will not lead you to anything, start giving more value to those feelings. You should not be afraid to give up things that only seem to waste your valuable time.

You need to free yourself from the ties that keep you stuck in that same place. If your mind or heart tells you that you would rather go other ways or that what you are doing is not right for you, don't ignore it. Many times, these feelings serve to let you know that you deserve much more than you get, and this is the case.

Go ahead

There are issues from your past that seem to keep plaguing you, even after so much time. They keep you stuck in one place, preventing you from moving forward. However, you don't like stagnation, and this state actually causes you distress and disorientation.

For this reason, the angels' message for the equal time 14:14 also relates to moving forward and leaving the past in the past. You need to know how to filter what is worthwhile in your life and leave out the things that hold you back.

This way, if you stop blaming yourself for the old mistakes and start using them as learning for the future, it will be much easier to move on.

Take control and you will reap good fruits

The numbers 1414 indicate that it's time to take control of yourself. No one but you has the power to change things in your life. And for that to happen, you need to lose the fear of acting on what you want.

If you see 14:14 on the clock, you have great news coming your way. Your life will improve in many aspects and in all areas: professionally, socially, in love, and personally. But for this to happen, you must gain that control that has been lost.

So try to listen to the messages left by the energy of this number, and start reflecting about who has been moving your life lately. If that someone is you, keep going down this path. However, if you think that other people have been doing it, it is time to make some changes.

Did you know that Veuliah may also be bringing messages for your love life and family? Check in more detail in Angel 1414: meanings, message, equal time, numerology, and more!

Meaning of the elements of 14:14

For numerology, the equal time 14:14 is influenced by its present digits, that is, the 1 and the 4, and also by its integer, 1414. We will see below what all this means. Read on to find out more!

Meaning of the number 1

The number 1 alone has the power to act upon the changes and twists present in an individual's life. It is the first in the sequence of numbers bringing the pure energy of renewal, of opening a new page, of moments made to be rewritten in a different way.

Therefore, present twice in 14:14, the number 1 has great influence over these hours, which jointly represent happiness and the arrival of a new phase. Whoever comes across 1414 at some point finds himself in front of all this positive energy of the number 1 in a doubled form.

To know in more detail the meanings that this number can have, be sure to check the article Numerology 1: Spiritual meaning, compatibility, and more!

Meaning of the number 4

The forces present in the number 4, according to numerology, refer to a person's ability to demonstrate perseverance in life's difficult situations. When it appears to someone it is trying to convince that individual not to be afraid of what lies ahead and to face his or her adversities with strength and courage.

Thus, since it is also present twice in the sequence 1414, the number 4 has doubled energy when it appears this way. This means that one who sees this time on the clock should follow the number's messages and hold on tight when situations are difficult, so that he begins to act for his own future.

Meaning of the number 1414

The number 1414 essentially represents the reconnection of the individual with his natural state of peace. It only appears when there are intense needs.

So if you have been leading a sparse routine of taking care of yourself, it is natural that you are in a dull mental and spiritual state. 1414, however, is part of the first signs for you to slow down your life.

And if you want to know more about the messages of the universe through the number 1414, check out 1414 and meaning: in numerology, Bible, angels, equal time and more! .

What does the Tarot say about the equal time 14:14?

The equal time 14:14 corresponds to the 14th major arcane in the Tarot, the card Temperance. Among its many meanings, it carries the symbol of balance and caution as a principle. To learn more about what this card conveys, read on!

Don't be influenced too much by people

The Temperance card indicates that there is much more than outside opinion when it comes to making an important decision. When present, it conveys the message that you need to focus on your own values first, before worrying about what other people think.

This means that passivity will not get you anywhere that is useful for you. You have to be authentic and self-sufficient, trust your ability to solve situations and allow it to take the role it deserves to have. Letting other people do this for you is leaving your life in other people's hands.

So in the next few days practice listening more to your own voice and keep outside influences far away from you.

Harmony and balance in relationships

The 14th arcane, The Temperance, is one of the cards that represents one's personal balance. But the truth is, when highly concentrated, it is also capable of transmitting this energy of peace to your relationships.

When this card is present in a reading, the messages involved are great for those who are looking for harmony in their relationships. It indicates that the lack of communication and the disputes and quarrels will finally find their end, giving way to a period of calm, companionship, and understanding among those in a relationship.

Time to use creativity at work

With the Temperance card, there is a great energy of balance hovering over all areas of your life. This also applies to your professional life: at work, you will find the calm and rest you have been looking for after giving so much of yourself to some project.

This period of peace will also be a time of freedom to express yourself in the way you want to. This means that you will have guaranteed space to work creatively, in a way that brings you the feeling of satisfaction for having done something you enjoy, so try to make the most of this moment when it comes.

Other meanings of the number 1414

For those of you who have been seeing the time as 14:14 and want to dig deeper into the meanings of this sequence, here are some of the key challenges, advice, and facts about this time. Check it out!

Greatest challenges for those who see the time as the same 14:14

Those who frequently see 2:14 PM on the clock tend to concentrate on professional and personal matters. The main messages that this time of day sends are related to moving forward with one's projects and missions. But, because of this, there is a great neglect of this person's social life.

Thus, the main challenge for those who find themselves at the 2:14 p.m. hour is precisely to open up to friendships and fun. Yes, it is necessary to pay attention to your work, but hiding in your comfort zone for the sake of it is an extreme that should be avoided.

For this reason, those who see this sequence on the clock need to learn to give their social life more chances.

Advice for those who see the time as the same 14:14

The main advice to those who have seen the time equal 14:14 is to be true to yourself. You have to listen to your inner voice and follow what it is trying to tell you.

If you feel that you are not in the right place or that you could be better rewarded for what you do, for example, don't ignore these feelings. Try to understand why you have been feeling this way and, for what it's worth, do whatever it takes to follow your inner desires.

The greatest goal of those who saw the 14:14 time sequence is to recognize the value of their own intuition, for it is capable of taking that person to new heights.

Curiosities about the number 14:14

The number 14, besides harboring a lot of positive energy, is also related to the period of days that the moon goes from full to new and from crescent to waning. There is a great belief in the stars, especially the moon, for the Celtic religion, which states that all the cycles and phases of nature are connected to each other.

And already related to nature, in the sequence 1414 there is the repetition of the number 4, a very important number for mysticism. It is linked to the four seasons of the year (winter, spring, summer, autumn) and to the four elements of nature (water, fire, earth, air).

It also relates to the four phases of a human being's life (childhood, youth, maturity, old age) and to the four cycles of nature in the Wicca religion (birth, growth, maturity, and death).

Thus, it can be seen that the number 1414 not only transmits a strong personal energy, but is also very present in natural mysticism.

In this article we have presented different meanings about the identical time 14:14. But how about also discovering the interpretations of other repeated times? Be sure to check the articles below if you are interested in delving into the particulars of each hour.

- Equal Time 00:00

- Equal time 12:12

- Equal Time 01:01

- Equal Time 13:13

- Equal Time 02:02

- Equal Time 15:15

- Equal Time 03:03

- Equal Time 16:16

- Equal Time 04:04

- Equal Time 17:17

- Equal Time 05:05

- Equal time 18:18

- Equal time 06:06

- Equal time 19:19

- Equal Time 07:07

- Equal time 20:20

- Equal Time 08:08

- Equal Time 21:21

- Equal Time 09:09

- Equal Time 22:22

- Equal time 10:10

- Equal Time 23:23

- Equal time 11:11

Does the equal time 14:14 attract abundance?

The equal hours 14:14 are directly related to a person's independence. Whoever is ruled by this sequence or usually sees these numbers has important matters to be resolved. In other words, 1414 appears in order to help an individual rescue his self-confidence to deal with life's adversities.

So if you have come into contact with this sequence of numbers, it is because there are things in your life that need a touch-up. However, this is not the only symbolism that exists for 1414, which can also bring great news.

Influenced by the conjunction of the numbers 1 and 4 in numerology, the equal hours 14:14 warn of the arrival of a period of renewal and happiness. A phase in which good feelings will prevail abundantly in your life.

Despite the need to take action and solve problems, happy times will play a major role in your life from now on. Enjoy!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.