Excess vitamin D: causes, symptoms, risks, how to eliminate and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What are the complications from having too much vitamin D in the body?

Vitamins, in general, are extremely important for the health of human beings. Vitamin D has a number of functions and is necessary for the body to work properly.

In this article you will learn more about what vitamin D is, how it acts in the body, its benefits, the harms of its excess, foods rich in vitamin D, and more important information on the subject. Enjoy your reading!

Understanding more about vitamin D

Vitamin D has a number of functions for the body.

What is vitamin D complex?

The D-complex vitamin (also known as calciferol), is a very important nutrient for the musculoskeletal and immune functioning of the human body.

This vitamin is actually a pre-hormone, and can be produced both by the human body and from other sources, such as solar radiation, certain foods, and supplementation (which, of course, should only be done under the guidance of a health professional).

Importance of vitamins in the human body

Vitamin D acts to strengthen bones and teeth because its main action is to maintain calcium in the body. This nutrient assists in the development of a healthy skeleton, that is, in maintaining bone health.

It also contributes to cell proliferation processes, helping to control cell proliferation; and it acts in the body's balance and strength, since vitamin D is present in several tissues and organs, such as the neuromuscular ones. Besides this, it improves the immune system and also helps to prevent some diseases, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.

D-complex vitamins

Vitamin D can be assimilated in two forms: vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). What differentiates them is the way they are found. For example, the former is found through some plant-based foods, while the latter can be absorbed through exposure to the sun's rays, through foods such as fish, and with the support of supplements.

In the topic below, you can understand, in more detail, what the differences between vitamin D2 and D3 are and their particularities and specificities.

Vitamin D2

Vitamin D2 (also called ergocalciferol) is one of the forms of vitamin D found in plant-based foods. Examples of foods in which the nutrient can be found include fungi, such as mushrooms and yeast, and plants.

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 is found in foods of animal origin, for example in fish (such as salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel) and in cod liver oil. In addition, cholecalciferol is also produced by the human body itself, through cutaneous synthesis, when the skin comes into contact with the sun's rays.

What vitamin D is for

Now that you know what vitamin D is, which types it is and where each one is found, it is time to understand, in detail, what are the main benefits they can offer to the human body. Check it out!

Strengthens the immune system

Vitamin D is an excellent aid in strengthening the immune system, preventing the onset of colds and flu. In addition, recent research shows that low levels of vitamin D in the body are strongly related to the mortality rates of Covid-19, a respiratory disease that emerged in 2019 and has become a global pandemic.

This is because the defense cells of the immune system have receptors for vitamin D and, in turn, these receptors act to strengthen the defense system, helping to prevent diseases.

Prevents diabetes

There is research showing that people with higher levels of vitamin D in their blood have a reduced risk of developing diabetes (compared to people with low levels of the vitamin in their bodies), and can reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes by up to 80%.

This is because calciferol acts in the maintenance of the pancreas (which is the organ responsible for the production of insulin, the hormone that regulates glucose levels in the blood).

However, it is important to clarify that the administration of the ideal amount is considered controversial among researchers: some studies consider that deficiency or excess of vitamin D, could increase the risk of diabetes. It is always important to consult a doctor for the best advice.

Improves cardiovascular health

Vitamin D proves to be fundamental for cardiovascular functions. The property that it has of performing hormone-like functions makes it a fundamental ally in the control of many organic reactions.

It is also worth pointing out that it does not act as a treatment in itself for cardiovascular diseases, and its use must be according to each case and each person.

Decreases inflammation in the body

Calciferol also has a very interesting benefit when it comes to inflammation in the body.

Vitamin D is able to act in reducing inflammation in the body, because it helps to prevent and fight autoimmune diseases (such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, and other diseases).

Improves muscle health

Vitamin D can also help improve muscle health, because it releases calcium into the muscle cells. The calcium in the muscle cells acts to enhance the ability of the muscles to contract, which, as a consequence, stimulates the growth of muscle mass, and increases strength.

This is excellent, especially for the elderly, because it avoids the risk of weakening their movements and, consequently, falling (which is very common at this age).

Strengthens bones and teeth

Calciferol acts mainly in strengthening bones and teeth, because it causes calcium and phosphorus to be absorbed in the intestine, passing into the bloodstream, which is then deposited in the bones or used in other functions in the body.

These minerals mentioned (calcium and phosphorus) are essential for bone formation, which is why vitamin D is so important.

Excess vitamin D in the body

Everything that is consumed or found in excess in the body, can cause some negative consequences in the body. In the topics below, you will understand what consequences the over-consumption of vitamin D can result in.


The excess of vitamin D in the body usually happens because of the use of supplements without the monitoring or medical recommendation, that is, in the wrong way or beyond the recommended consumption, in high doses.

It is worth pointing out that the use of any kind of supplementation must be indicated by a health professional, because unbridled use causes negative consequences.

Symptoms and Risks

The symptoms of excess calciferol in the body, i.e. vitamin D intoxication, are loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, a feeling of weakness, nervousness and high blood pressure, increased urination, thirst, itchy skin, and agitation.

As the calcium level becomes too high, the risk is that this calcium may end up being deposited throughout the body, causing problems - especially in the kidneys, lungs, blood vessels, and heart. The kidneys may suffer irreversible damage, as they start to malfunction - consequently causing kidney failure.

In addition, elevated calcium levels in the bloodstream can lead to the development of kidney stones and cardiac arrhythmia.

How to delete

For those who have high doses of vitamin D in their bodies, the main advice is to stop taking vitamin D supplements immediately to offset the effects of high blood calcium levels and try to reverse the situation that has arisen.

In addition, as needed and as the case may be, substances are administered intravenously, and drugs such as corticosteroids or bisphosphonates may be prescribed, which are administered to suppress the release of calcium from the bones and prevent more drastic consequences.

Vitamin D deficiency in the body

Just as the excess causes consequences in the body, the lack of vitamin D also leads to health problems. The causes, main symptoms and treatment for the deficiency of calciferol consumption is the subject of the next topics. Check it out!


Vitamin D deficiency can be caused by low consumption of foods that are a source of this vitamin and little exposure to the sun's rays.

There are also situations in which the lack of vitamin D is a consequence of a vegetarian or vegan diet, or can be caused by the result of bariatric surgery, and also by some health problem - such as inflammatory bowel disease and kidney failure - that ends up preventing the absorption of vitamin D.

Obese and elderly people can also have the same difficulty absorbing vitamin D, as can people with darker skin, since melanin significantly reduces vitamin D absorption.

Symptoms and Risks

The main symptoms and signs caused by vitamin D deficiency in the body include decreased calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood, muscle pain, muscle weakness, weakened bones, osteoporosis (especially in the elderly), rickets (seen in children), and osteomalacia in adults.

In addition, vitamin D deficiency can be related to a number of conditions, such as chronic kidney failure; lupus; celiac disease; Crohn's disease; short bowel syndrome; cystic fibrosis; heart failure; and gallstones.


The lack of vitamin D can be confirmed with a simple blood test or even a saliva test. If it is confirmed that the body needs more vitamin D, it will be evaluated whether there is a need for a calciferol supplement.

Depending on whether the person lives in a place with low incidence of sunlight or has a diet that is not rich in vitamin D, the doctor may indicate specific doses of supplementation, more or less.

Main sources of Vitamin D

As we have already accompanied in this article, vitamin D can be found in foods, in sunlight, and in supplementation. Below you will find more specifics about these sources of calciferol. Check them out!


It can be a bit difficult to fit vitamin D-rich ingredients such as shitake mushroom, cod liver oil, tuna, salmon, oyster into your diet, both because of their price and because they are unconventional, so there are other food options that can be consumed, such as egg yolk, sardines, whole milk.

Unfortunately, there are not many options for vegetarians other than mushrooms, because vitamin D is present almost exclusively in animal foods and some fortified products, such as vegetable drinks.


Vitamin D supplementation is indicated when a person has a vitamin D deficiency, which is more common in countries where there is little exposure to sunlight. In addition, children, the elderly and people with dark skin are also more likely to have vitamin D deficiency. Supplements can be found in pharmacies, supermarkets, health food stores and on the internet- It can be in capsules for adults or drops for children.

While it is very beneficial, it must be used consciously and with the guidance of a professional who understands the subject, considering all the reasons that you have already read in this article about the excess of vitamin D in the body and its consequences.


Sunbathing is the main way to obtain vitamin D, which is essential for the immune system and bones. The amount of sun needed per day can vary according to a number of factors, such as age, weight, region where you live, skin color, and state of health.

It is recommended for healthy adults to sunbathe 15 to 20 minutes a day on at least three days a week for those with white skin and up to one hour a day for those with darker skin tones (this is because of the difference in melanin).

It is worth remembering that the best times to sunbathe are until 10 am and after 3 pm, because the sun's rays are weaker and the chances of skin burns are lower.

Further information on vitamin D

Now that you know that vitamin D is very important for the body, but that in excess it can cause some serious diseases, it is essential to understand in what quantity this vitamin should be consumed in what situations it is most indicated. Check it out!

What are the optimal vitamin D levels?

There is no standard level of vitamin D directed to everyone. Each person needs a specific dose for his or her body, depending on numerous factors, such as whether the person has a vitamin D deficiency, for example. This will depend on the results of each person's blood test.

Effective supplementation needs to be in the form of vitamin D3 (which is also known as cholecalciferol) in view of the fact that vitamin D2 has only 30% to 50% of the biological strength of vitamin D3 to transform into the metabolically active form of this vitamin within the body, which is calcitriol.

The average daily supplementation for maintenance of optimal levels is up to 2,000 IUI/day for adults, but in cases of vitamin D deficiency (which are verified by blood test by the health professional), doses of 4,000 IUI to 8,000 IUI per day for three months are usually adequate to achieve the desirable level of vitamin D in the body.

Important tip: Vitamin D is absorbed when it comes into contact with fatty things, so the best time to take vitamin D is with meals, to further enhance the absorption of the vitamin by the body.

Vitamin D for vegetarians

Contrary to what many people believe, although most of the foods rich in vitamin D are of animal origin, you don't have to give up your diet to make up for the absence of this vitamin.

Today, it is possible to take supplementation through tablets and capsules with the help of a health professional, which is a good way to replace calcium, phosphorus, and other nutrients that are important, even more so in case of their absence and deficiency in the body. In addition, it is important to continue to sunbathe in moderation and whenever possible, at times when the sun's rays are not soaggressive to the skin.

When to use vitamin D supplementation?

Vitamin D supplementation is recommended only for those who have vitamin D deficiency in the body, but it must be indicated by a health professional after a blood test and after checking all the person's conditions.

It is not recommended, under any circumstances, to manipulate and ingest pharmaceutical supplements on one's own, in view of the risks observed for the high rates of vitamin D caused to the body.

However, sunshine at good times and a diet that contains some vitamin D, such as eating fish for example, is always welcome (of course, if there is no restriction of the vitamin in your body).

Beware of too much vitamin D!

We have seen in this article that vitamin D has a number of very important benefits for the human body: besides helping the immune system, it acts to fortify the bones and helps to prevent some diseases.

However, vitamin D must be in moderation, since in excess it causes health problems such as kidney failure, hypertension, and may be responsible for calcium being deposited in the bloodstream and some vital organs for life.

The supplement is the main cause of exaggerated levels of vitamin D in the body, so before taking it, it is necessary to see a doctor and have tests to know, case by case, if the supplementation is recommended.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.