Garlic tea: know the properties, benefits, recipes and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the usefulness of garlic tea?

Garlic tea is low in calories and is rich in nutrients, it has vitamin C, vitamin B6, fiber, manganese and selenium. In addition, garlic contains a compound known as allicin that helps prevent blood clotting, reduces cholesterol levels and has antibacterial substances.

In addition to being used to fight various diseases, garlic tea also helps to balance blood pressure. This tea is a powerful tonic that helps in recovery when we have a cold and cough.

There are numerous speculations about garlic tea and the various benefits it offers. In this article you will know how to use and benefit from this spice. Learn more below.

Recipe and properties of garlic tea with lemon and honey

Garlic, lemon and honey together are soothing and give a boost to the immune system through the vitamin C in the fresh lemon, the allicin in the garlic and the antioxidant in the honey. So together they are perfect to aid in recovery from a cold, cough or sore throat.

Garlic tea with lemon and honey has many health benefits. Thus, they all have their beneficial properties and you can use them alone or together. In addition, they can be taken naturally or as supplements. See below how to make the tea and know all the benefits of these ingredients.

Recipe for garlic tea with lemon and honey

In folk medicine, honey is used to treat respiratory problems, skin infections and even diarrhea. Lemon, on the other hand, increases the defenses of our immune system. Finally, garlic has oxygen, sulfur and other substances that have antibacterial and disease-fighting action. In fact, the tea that uses these ingredients is prepared this way:

- Put two cups of water in a container;

- add 6 crushed and peeled garlic and cook for 10 minutes;

- Then strain and add the juice of one lemon and sweeten with two tablespoons of honey.

To benefit from its effects, take some of this tea throughout the day, every hour.

Strengthens immunity

Garlic tea with lemon and honey increases the immunity of our body and helps the body to produce defense cells to fight against diseases. Garlic has the power to protect us against free radicals and prevents DNA damage.

Moreover, zinc and vitamin C found in garlic and lemon promote immunity. Therefore, they are very beneficial against infections because of their antimicrobial properties.

Drinking garlic tea with lemon and honey can give a great boost to the immune system, protecting against a wide range of infectious pathogens. In addition to boosting immunity, this drink is able to reduce the spread of common diseases like the flu.

Protects the heart

Cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes, are the most deadly in the world. In fact, high blood pressure or hypertension is a problem that triggers one of these diseases. In this sense, garlic tea with lemon and honey has a very significant effect on reducing blood pressure.

This tea also helps reduce the viscosity of platelets in the blood. In short, platelets are responsible for clotting the blood. Drinking this tea can assist in reducing the clotting effect of platelets in the blood, and thus, protecting and preventing a heart attack.

Improves breathing

Garlic tea with lemon and honey helps stimulate respiratory functions thanks to its expectorant and antiseptic properties that facilitate breathing.

It has the ability to improve the respiratory system when we have a cold, cough, asthma, bronchitis and congestion in the chest or sinuses, i.e., symptoms that bother a lot at bedtime.

Garlic is a natural antibiotic and therefore, it will not only help in relieving the airways but also in fighting the flu and other respiratory diseases.

Smooth young skin

Garlic has antibacterial and antifungal properties that help in acne healing, being anti-inflammatory it helps improve overall circulation and provides nutrients to the skin more efficiently.

That way, garlic tea with lemon and honey is an immune-boosting antibiotic due to its antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antiseptic aspects, thanks to allicin that is found abundantly in garlic.

Allicin is also anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants, which is great for leaving skin young and smooth.

Pure garlic tea recipe and properties

Usually teas are known for their various medicinal properties. Whether to aid immunity or to relieve pain, there is always a tea indicated to treat the symptoms and garlic tea is among them.

Although it is not preferred by most people, it can provide several health benefits. Read on and learn what pure garlic tea is good for and what its main properties are.

Pure garlic tea recipe

For the preparation of pure garlic tea you need to do the following:

- In a saucepan put 250ml of water to boil;

- Peel 3 or 4 cloves of garlic;

- chop or mash the garlic and then place in a cup;

- add boiling water and cover;

- let it rest for about 15 minutes;

- strain and drink warm, unsweetened.

Take this tea in the morning and evening to enjoy all its benefits.

Immune system

Garlic tea has active compounds that help the immune system fight germs. In the body, allicin is converted into other compounds, such as sulfur, which help strengthen our white blood cells.

Moreover, garlic tea is also a potent infusion as it boosts our immune system. The antibacterial properties of garlic help fight the bacteria that usually make us sick, while the sulfur compounds support the immune system and also aid in the internal detoxification of our body.

Substance allicin

Allicin is a yellow oily liquid, responsible for the characteristic odor of garlic. Because it is oily, it easily penetrates the cells acting and helping the immune system.

Still on the allicin found in garlic, it is a natural antimicrobial substance and highly potent, as it helps inhibit the growth of a variety of microorganisms, including antibiotic-resistant strains.

After an initial increase in stress, oxidative cells respond by increasing metabolic function which stimulates cellular antioxidant activity, reducing inflammation and oxidative damage in general, this being the antioxidant effect of allicin.

Thermogenic properties

Raw garlic has been found to reduce inflammation in the intestines and also eliminates any worms or parasites present. It also destroys bad bacteria while promoting the presence of good intestinal bacteria.

Thus, garlic tea also helps in preventing the formation of fat storing cells, known as fat cells. It also leads to more fat burning through thermogenesis and also reduces cholesterol.

Recipe properties of garlic tea with ginger

Garlic ginger tea has many health benefits, such as relieving nausea, strengthening the immune system, fighting infection, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

In addition, ginger and garlic tea is good for the body, because the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of ginger help to intensify the benefits provided by garlic, besides promoting a distinctive flavor to the drink.

Ginger has anti-inflammatory characteristics, while garlic has antiseptic and antibacterial characteristics, so the two have antibacterial properties and that can help speed up the healing process. Check out more below.

Recipe for garlic tea with ginger

Drinking garlic tea with ginger helps you take advantage of the antibiotic and anti-inflammatory characteristics of these two ingredients. By the way, here's how to prepare it:

- Peel two small pieces of ginger and slice it into thin slices;

- then cut a garlic clove into two pieces lengthways;

- add 4 cups of water, garlic and ginger in a saucepan and boil;

- boil for about 10 to 20 minutes;

- strain, let cool and take during the day.


Because of its antioxidant properties, garlic and ginger tea helps to combat the damage caused by the accumulation of free radicals. Thus, its consumption can regulate and contribute to the prevention and treatment of a number of health problems.

Regular consumption of these antioxidants helps keep skin looking younger, contributing to the production of collagen, in addition to fighting damage caused by solar radiation; as well as preventing certain types of cancer.


Garlic and ginger tea is a true duo of antitoxins that strengthen the immune system and help the body to expel toxic substances, becoming more resistant to fight infections and inflammation.

Therefore, garlic and ginger tea helps to detoxify the body by stimulating the general cleansing of the body, not only eliminating toxins and liquids but also other harmful substances in general.


The combination of garlic and ginger has the function of preventing the growth of bacteria that cause diseases and infections, including pneumonia and food poisoning.

This is done through allicin which is one of the active ingredients in garlic and has antimicrobial properties. Ginger, another antimicrobial, also contains several constituents with antibacterial and antifungal effects.


The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger, allow it to chain pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are responsible for frequent inflammation in the body, thus reducing the levels of disease occurrence.

Garlic, on the other hand, contains an anti-inflammatory property, which also helps fight inflammation by limiting the effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines. In this way, both work as natural anti-inflammatories, able to help in the prevention and treatment of some diseases or ailments such as headaches, throat and teeth, asthma, arthritis and acne.

General garlic benefits

The general benefits of garlic include detoxifying the body, maintaining blood glucose levels, reducing incidences of coughs, asthma and relieving common cold symptoms. Raw garlic has proven effective in fighting cholesterol, helping to prevent the heart from cardiovascular disease and boosting immunity.

Garlic also aids in weight loss, helps fight blood clots, and helps lower the risk of certain types of cancer. Check out more about the benefits of this powerful spice below.

Prevents respiratory diseases

Garlic has antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which can prevent respiratory diseases when consumed regularly.

Thus, garlic helps fight the symptoms of respiratory diseases such as colds and flu, besides having expectorant properties, which can help in the treatment of cases such as the accumulation of mucus.

Cleansing the airways through garlic tea is because of its medicinal properties and increased immunity.

Anti-inflammatory action

Inflammation is the root of various diseases and injuries in the body, in this sense, garlic acts as an anti-inflammatory because of allicin and diallyl disulfide, both of which limit the effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

In addition, garlic is used in the treatment of mild intestinal infections such as diarrhea and lung infections like bronchitis, and also acts as a protective agent when taken frequently. Its anti-inflammatory and hypotensive action, also helps in the control of cholesterol.

Protects heart health

Garlic works in reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. It helps to lower high blood pressure, control high cholesterol, thinning of the blood and hardened or stiff blood vessels.

By containing sulfur molecules, garlic helps to protect heart muscles from damage and make blood vessels more elastic. This helps to prevent heart disease and blood clots, for example.

Prevent colon cancer

Because of a large amount of antioxidants, garlic protects the body against cancer of the lung, prostate, bladder, stomach, liver and colon. In addition, the antibacterial action of garlic prevents peptic ulcers, because it eliminates the contagion of the intestine.

Garlic also uses the hydrogen sulfide signaling system to exert its cancer-prevention effects. In short, this bulb can prevent mutations that spread cancer and hinders tumor growth by cooperating with the immune system to recognize and destroy diseased cells.

Fight viruses, fungi and bacteria

Garlic has a sulfur compound that confers antimicrobial action. Therefore, it inhibits the growth and proliferation of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Likewise, it helps to eliminate toxins and pathological bacteria that affect the intestinal flora.

It also has the potential to reduce the growth of bacteria that cause urinary tract infection, helping to prevent kidney infections. In addition, the sulfur present in garlic has in its constitution phenolic compounds, which favor its antioxidant, antibacterial and antifungal capacity.

Keeps the brain healthy

Garlic contains antioxidants that protect against aging and cell damage, promoting brain health because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is effective against neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia.

Therefore, by consuming garlic you are keeping your brain healthy, this is because it acts by increasing blood flow reducing cholesterol and balancing blood pressure. This can help improve memory, concentration and focus and make your routine more productive.

Does garlic tea have any contraindications?

Generally the intake of garlic tea is not indicated in cases of people who have problems related to low blood pressure, since it acts in reducing blood pressure.

In addition, people with bleeding disorders or who have recently had some surgery should also avoid the tea, as it can increase the risk of bleeding. Finally, it is always good to seek professional advice on the effects of the tea for each case, avoiding side effects and drug interactions.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.