Gemini stones: Agate, Citrine, Tiger Eye and others!

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Jennifer Sherman

After all, do you know what is the gemstone of the sign of Gemini?

Gemini gemstones are Agate, Hematite, Citrine, Tiger's Eye, Obsidian, Aquamarine, Selenite, Green Jade, Quartz Crystal, Peridot, Emerald and Amazonite. They are considered your birthstones because they are associated with the time when the Sun transits through this sign.

When they are used, they bring happiness, luck and great vibrations, neutralizing the dual nature of Gemini that is sometimes difficult to understand. In addition, they awaken your potentials, bringing with them the power to transform your destiny, opening the paths and bringing opportunities to you.

In this article, we present the Gemini stones along with their meanings and precious tips for you to learn how to use them. With them Gemini will learn to embrace the world with more energy to transform their destiny, because they will be armed with all the potential that the Universe has prepared for their sign.

Symbolisms of Gemini stones

Gemini gemstones symbolize Gemini personality traits that include versatility, social skills, and flexible thinking. They will help Geminians navigate different social spheres, bringing out the creativity and communicative nature of this sign. Learn their energies and meanings below.


Agate is a crystal found in a wide variety of colors. Its powers are linked to balance and fighting negativity. For Gemini natives, it helps to harmonize their dual nature, bringing more peace and quality of life.

This stone is a powerful ally to improve self-esteem, instigating the courage to face life and developing the mental abilities of its user. Its blue form calms the spirit and reduces stress, helping Geminians to be more centered, less indecisive and with better concentration.


Hematite is a black crystal with metallic tones in its polished form. Its raw form, however, is red in color. Its powers are linked to healing, protection and self-esteem.

When you need more energy, wear a bracelet of Hematite. It will give you more energy and protect you from envy and negative energies. Gemini can benefit from this stone as it reduces shyness and helps develop the communicative potential of this sign.

It also helps to combat addictions and compulsions, factors to which Gemini are more susceptible due to the nature of this sign.


Citrine is a type of champagne-colored quartz whose planetary ruler is the Sun. Its rays represent the jovial personality of Gemini, aligning perfectly with the energy of this sign.

It is an essential crystal for those who seek success, prosperity and more personal radiance. Use it to balance your solar plexus, chakra located near the navel region. When unbalanced, this chakra causes fatigue and identity problems.

Citrine's powers are enhanced when in contact with sunlight, but its prolonged contact can fade its color.

Tiger Eye

Tiger's Eye is a crystal of golden energy that protects, dispels negativity and attracts luck and prosperity. When worn by Gemini people, it serves as a protective shield, neutralizing any and all negativity cast against its user.

In addition, it is extremely effective to protect against the influence of electromagnetic field (EMF) that can negatively affect the life of natives of this sign.

Geminis are often regarded as the gossips of the zodiac due to their interest in exercising communication and their natural abilities. To prevent information from escaping and reduce the chance of producing gossip, wear a Tiger Eye in your pocket.


Obsidian is a black crystal, considered the most powerful for energetic and spiritual protection. Its energy creates a shield of protection around the user, directly combating any negativity.

Its energy is also transformative, grounding all negativity and neutralizing it. If you seek to be more centered in the activities you perform, this crystal is the most indicated. Obsidian also neutralizes Gemini's airy nature and guides you in your journey of self-discovery.

Carry it in your pocket or as a pendant, and keep it out of sight is the most effective way to benefit from it


Aquamarine is a type of blue-green Beryl. It is associated with the seas and oceans. Because it has an intense spiritual vibration, it helps during periods of emotional tension, calming the heart and bringing comfort.

Its energy allows communication and helps Gemini people to establish communication with the divine, developing their spirituality and intuition. This stone is linked to the heart chakra. Because it is water linked to the sea, it is more powerful when bathed with its waters, especially when the moon is full.


Selenite is a crystal ruled by the Moon. Its powers vary according to the lunar phase, being more powerful during the crescent phase, reaching its peak during the full moon and weakening during the waning moon.

It should be used by Gemini in times of tension, as it calms the mind, reduces stress and anxiety, and promotes mental clarity. However, if you have trouble making decisions or have the Gemini duality aspect very much in evidence, you should avoid it, as it can accentuate it.

Green Jade

Green Jade is a crystal connected to the heart chakra. It is a symbol of serenity and happiness because its energy brings harmony and frees its user from any evil. This crystal is aligned with Gemini energy because it is a talisman to attract good luck and new friends.

In addition, it is excellent for stabilizing the personality, helping its users to stick to their plans without abandoning them, a recurring problem in the life of Gemini who tend to change their opinions and passions quickly. The green Jade is also aligned with the energy of money. Use it in your pocket to attract it.

Quartz Crystal

The quartz crystal is considered the joker of the mineral kingdom. It can be used as a substitute for any crystal, provided it is properly programmed. Its energies are linked to the higher planes, as it increases spiritual growth and brings wisdom.

It should be used by Gemini people to help concentration and to harmonize their energies, especially in relationships. You can use it to receive inspiration and divine messages by placing it over your third eye chakra, located between your eyebrows. In the same way, carry it with you to increase your intuition.


Peridot is a gemstone ruled by Venus and the element. It is used to attract wealth and success for those who wear it. In addition, it stimulates health and brings achievements.

The most powerful way to benefit from its energies is to have it encrusted in a gold jewel.

Geminians who use Peridot will regulate the cycles of life, especially emotional and mental inconstancy. It is also used to open the paths and to prevent negative thoughts from surfacing and bringing, with them, negative energy that causes imbalances.


Emerald is a crystal ruled by Venus. Use it to attract love, money and increase your protection. It increases the mental capacity of Gemini as it connects them with higher planes and brings wisdom. It also balances Gemini's energies, helping them in their interpersonal relationships.

To do this, place a small emerald crystal over your heart chakra, located near your heart, and declare the kind of people you would like to attract into your life. If you want more protection and success, wear it attached to your arm. Because it is a precious gem, you can purchase its raw version, which is sold for a very affordable price.


Amazonite is a green colored crystal with white and blue tones. It helps Gemini people to see situations through different perspectives. Its energy awakens unconditional love, unlocking paths and relieving fear.

It is also ideal for those with past traumas. Its energy acts on the mind, calming and healing it. Amazonites are commonly used to reduce stress, reduce anxiety and aid in depression. It is a stone that stimulates courage, inspiring truthfulness, sincerity and eloquence.

More information about the sign of Gemini

Gemini is ruler of the third house of the zodiac and composes an elemental triad with the signs of Libra and Aquarius. As we will show, Gemini is also associated with specific planets, flowers and colors. Check it out.

Symbol and date

The astrological symbol of Gemini is based on the twin brothers Castor and Pollux. In Greek and Roman mythology, they were sons of Leda, but had different fathers: Casor was the son of Tyndareus and Pollux of Zeus, the greatest among the gods.

When Castor died, his immortal brother asked Zeus to make him immortal, so the brothers were united and became the constellation of Gemini. The dates when the sun transits the sign of Gemini occur between May 21 and June 20, so if you have a birthday during this period, it means Gemini is your sun sign.

Governing element and planet

Gemini is ruled by the Air element, ruler of communication, intelligence and versatility. Air brings with it the gift of inspiration and has attributes associated with Yang, the masculine polarity. Gemini has the mutable air element and initiates the air cycle in the zodiac. It is the most adaptable sign of the air and leads life in a constant change.

The planetary ruler of Gemini is Mercury, a planet associated with the Air element and all forms of communication, the mind and intellect. It represents the way your mind will be expressed and the abilities that are available to you.

Flowers and colors

Gemini is associated with all flowers ruled by Mercury and the Air element. The most suitable flowers for Gemini are: Acacia, Azalea, Begonia, Chrysanthemum, Lavender, Lilac, Lily of the valley, Lime-lily, Honeysuckle, Narcissus, Orchid.

To benefit from the energies of these flowers, use them in natural arrangements or plant them at home. You can also burn them as incense. The Gemini astral colors are yellow, green and orange. Use them whenever you need to increase the energy of this sign.

Tips with the Gemini Sign Stones

Now that you have learned about the meanings and energies of the Gemini stones, it's time to put your knowledge into practice. In this step, we will give you tips on how to use, clean and, not least, where to buy your crystals. Check it out.

How to use Gemini stones?

You can wear Gemini stones in the form of jewelry or accessories, leave them in the environments you frequent, or simply have them with you at all times, inside your pocket or your purse.

In general, it is important to be aware of the following tips. For more strength, use bracelets or bracelets. Rings are used to disperse energies, while necklaces and pendants bring energies directly to the center of your body.

Ideally, leave your crystals as close as possible to your skin so that they act in your energy field and can act directly in your aura, repelling or attracting what you want. Do not forget that before being used, they need to be cleaned energetically as shown below.

How to clean the Gemini stones?

To cleanse yours, give preference to the incense smoke method as it is quite safe. Get a purifying incense (rue, myrrh, sandalwood etc.), light it and put your crystal in your hands over its smoke.

While doing so, close your eyes and imagine that the smoke is purifying your crystal with a white light that shines over your stone and illuminates everything around it. Then, recite: "with the power of the fire element and the air element, I cleanse you of any and all energy. May it be so.

Finally, it is time to energize it. To do this, leave it in a place where it receives direct sunlight and moonlight for at least three hours. There, it can now be used.

Where to buy Gemini stones?

You can buy Gemini stones in esoteric shops, religious supply stores, at craft fairs or in stores specializing in stones and minerals. You can choose them according to your intuition, either in raw or rolled form.

When buying them, it is important that you try to connect with the energy of the crystal, using touch and sight, for purchases in physical stores, and only sight, in the case of online purchases. Prices can vary greatly from crystal to crystal, and generally, those with higher energy or degree of purity tend to be more expensive.

How can knowing your sign stone help you in your life?

Knowing the Gemini stones will bring more awareness about the characteristics of your sign, shaping them according to your needs. They will make sure that the airy nature of your element does not affect you drastically, bringing your feet to solid ground and balancing the two sides of your personality.

Moreover, they will help you recharge your energy, allowing you to act in a more assertive and coherent way, because you will be in direct contact with your essence and the secrets of your soul. As we have shown in this article, each stone is aligned with specific energies and meanings and are able to repel or attract what the user wants.

Choose them according to your needs, but make sure to use your intuition during the process. This way, you will be able to face the world in a more balanced way, towards a fuller life with more quality.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.