Gypsy card 20: meaning, combinations, origins and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the meaning of the card 20 of the gypsy deck?

The 20th card of the Gipsy deck, The Garden, represents the principle of knowledge. It refers to the religious context, which reminds us that our first contact territory was the Garden of Eden.

Moreover, depending on the context, this card can also indicate meetings and happy times, as well as our social group and places we frequent. But, after all, what is the true meaning of this card? Continue reading the article and find out!

What is the Gypsy Tarot?

The Gypsy Tarot is a liberating deck that is based on the forces of nature in order to develop the intuition and perception of those who read it. Thus, you begin to better understand the internal conflicts that need to be resolved and can use the meanings of the cards to give a more affective resolution to your life.

Each card has its own meaning, which is conveyed by symbols. Usually these are focused on psychological issues, since they can help solve various problems, both in the professional and in the love sphere.

The deck of the Gypsy Tarot does not need to be memorized or studied, because the perception of the tarologist is what will influence its interpretations. To learn more about how it works, continue reading!

History of the Gypsy Tarot

There is a legend that tells of the connection between the cards of the Gypsy Tarot and the ancient civilization of Atlantis. The oracle is a great clue to the knowledge that these people possessed before they disappeared. It is said that the wise men of the region had identified the sign that the local civilization would disappear. However, so that all the knowledge would not be swallowed by the oceans, they decided to travel to Egypt.

Once in Egypt, they handed over to the priests all the teachings on magic that they possessed. The Egyptians were happy to be able to understand such wisdom, but certain that it would attract envious glances from other civilizations, they decided to limit this subject only to the highest representatives and students of magic.

On the other hand, the territorial domain was expanding and the country became threatened of invasion. The best solution found to preserve the culture of Atlantis and not be forced to pass it on to the invaders was to engrave on iron sheets symbols with the meanings of each predominant energy in an essence.

Only after a long time did man understand the connection of those representations with the vibrations of humanity and the Divine. Thus the Tarot was born, which later gave rise to other lines, such as the Gypsy Tarot.

Benefits of the Gypsy Tarot

Through the Gypsy Tarot, you will be able to find answers that will lead you to self-knowledge and well-being. If there is something suffocating that has limited your life, this Oracle will surely show you the points that need to be worked on.

Although the Tarot is known for its great power in clarifying doubts about relationships, it is not limited to this. It can provide guidance on money, finances, studies, work, career, family and past life issues. Therefore, it can benefit you in different areas of life.

Letter 20 - The Garden

The 20th card of the Gypsy Tarot indicates that you will reap what you have sown, as well as showing the good fruits of your work. This card says that it is a good time to socialize, get out of the comfort zone and look for activities that generate pleasure, joy and happiness.

Its connection with health is also notorious, as it shows the cure for many ailments, both physical and spiritual. In addition, the 20th card brings moments of great tranquility, which will serve as a source of rest after struggles. It also warns that if you act wrongly and plant bad things along the way, in the future you will have nothing good to harvest.

So, it is important that you are attentive to its messages and listen to the message it gives. Below, see the main aspects of the card 20, The Garden!

Suit and meaning of the card 20

The 20th card of the Gypsy Tarot is presented by the Sword suit, which is linked to projects and initiatives, and also means the action of planting and harvesting. Of course, if you do good deeds and plant good, there is no doubt that your harvest will be beautiful and pleasant.

On the other hand, if your actions are bad and you only spread evil to others, at some point, sooner or later, you will reap the fruits of your choices.

Positive aspects of Charter 20

For everything in life there is an action and a reaction. Knowing this is, in a way, something comforting for those who have walked their paths in search of achieving their goals. The good side of the twentieth card is that it brings hope. If you have waited for long years to reap good moments or reach some goal, you can celebrate, because it will happen.

Although we spend a lot of time searching for something that seems unattainable, it is important to remember that time passes and the world turns so that everything can flourish. Look forward to your harvest, enjoy the good moments and allow special people to participate in this moment with you. The most important thing throughout your journey is to keep tending the garden.

Negative aspects of Charter 20

If you haven't taken care of your soul and decorated your garden, the harvest can be a little unpleasant. However, the message that Letter 20 brings is very important: you need to change your behaviour and the way you act with people, and you must begin to rethink the attitudes you have been having.

If you modify your actions, there is still time to harvest good fruits. Otherwise, you will suffer the consequences of bad choices.

Letter 20 in love

Once again, the way you will reap the fruits in love depends only and exclusively on you. If you are in a relationship and knew how to take care of your partner, were with him in good times and bad, cultivated good things, the phase will be even better. The time has come for you to live a beautiful time, but this is due to your actions.

On the other hand, if you're single, keep waiting. One hour, the flowers will bloom and a good person will appear on your path. There's no point in rushing things, everything happens the way it has to be.

Letter 20 at work

The time has come to be rewarded for all your efforts. It is a time of peace, joy and understanding among teammates. Remember to keep performing in your role, because all your effort and dedication will be rewarded, soon.

To those who are unemployed, don't worry. Focus on your goal and fight to achieve it. Sooner or later, the harvest will come.

Letter 20 in health

In general, the card The Garden does not indicate a serious problem in relation to health. On the contrary, it shows that things are under control. For the rest, this card is very related to aesthetics, plastic surgery, natural treatments, homeopathic and herbal cures.

If you are not familiar with herbal treatment in your life, perhaps, it is time to add it, both for healing and prevention. This card is very positive regarding health, as it shows the certainty that those who are ill will be healed.

Combinations with Card 20

When the card 20 appears with some combination, it can also bring warning signs or important messages. There is always something more behind the card and there is nothing more fair than you know the true meanings, when it is in combination with some other element. The symbolisms, however, can mean good or bad things. Below, get to know each one of them!

Positive Combinations for Card 20

  • Cards The Garden and Birds: Indicates romantic walks or outdoor encounters. Can represent a park or some open place.
  • Junction of The Garden and The Dog: Reveals the arrival of outings or socializing with friends.
  • Cards The Garden and The Letter: There will be the invitation to some event, such as a party, a lecture or a congress.
  • The Garden and The Tree: Affirms the presence of social stability and security.
  • Negative Combinations for Card 20

  • Card The Garden with The Coffin: A possible event will be canceled or events that cause annoyances will occur.
  • Cards The Garden and The Whip: This combination points to be careful about arguing in public.
  • The Garden and The Rats: You need to be cautious and watch out for theft in public places.
  • Does the 20th Card in the Gypsy Deck have to do with moments and encounters?

    If the doubt that hangs in the air is whether the 20th Card has relationships with moments and encounters, the answer is yes. This is a card that is quite related to the happy moments we have or will have along our journey.

    It is possible that new people will appear or that old ones will return to the scene, because the time is for reconstruction. In this way, many encounters will be provided and many happy moments will be present in the new cycle. Enjoy!

    As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.