Habits: know the healthiest for the body, mind and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What are habits?

Habits is a word often used for something that is certainly part of our daily lives. We talk a lot about them when we preach healthy living, for example, which consequently implies getting rid of the infamous "bad habits". But what are habits?

Sometimes we struggle to define words we constantly use when someone asks us. This points out how rare it is that we stop to reflect on what we say and what we do - including our habits.

To facilitate understanding, let's turn to the dictionary. In it, the definitions of the singular form of this word give many clues about what habits are and how they are created and maintained. In the Michaelis dictionary the word "habit" is defined as the inclination for some action, or disposition to act in a certain way; habitual manner of being or acting; and a repeated procedure that leads to apractice.

Knowing this, in this article we will talk about morning, eating, mental and physical habits that bring more quality of life for those who practice them. Also follow the tips to be able to adhere to good habits and eliminate bad habits from your life. Read and understand!

Meaning of habit

The etymology of the term points to an origin in the word habĭtus This term has the meaning of condition, appearance, dress or behavior. In its most usual use (look at it there) it basically refers to practices that are customary.

Check out below some types of habits to better understand the topic and identify which ones are present in your routine.

Physical habits

Physical habits are those things that the body gets used to doing. These things often become automatic, like the act of driving a car: with habituation, the whole step-by-step involved becomes natural and you start doing it almost without noticing.

Physical exercise can also fall into this category. You may have noticed that when you start an activity, like walking or going to the gym, sticking to it is initially difficult. But as you persist, the habit takes hold and you even miss it when you stop doing that activity.

Emotional habits

Emotional patterns can also be considered habits, and they are closely associated with the circumstances that precede them and what we do next.

Although controlling emotions is not something simple and often becomes a trap that leads us to repress them and let them build up, it is possible to change circumstances and our thoughts to achieve healthy emotional control.

For example, you may fail to plan your actions in such a way that the chances of failure are greater than those of success. In this way, you get used to cultivating an emotional state associated with failure, which already conditions you to fail in new attempts. So start by changing the way you plan your actions, so that success is the new norm.

Procrastination by internal triggers is also linked to emotional habits. Fighting this kind of trap involves a lot of self-awareness and a certain wisdom to combat sabotaging thoughts with new thoughts, which can bring about new emotional states.

Allowing yourself to be on autopilot is also an emotional habit that commonly leads to maintaining other habits that are harmful. So always do the exercise of reflecting on your actions! Rationality is the key to changing emotional habits.

Plant habits

Few people know, but the word "habit" is also used to specify the way of life of a plant when it is adult. There are plants that do not have a specific type of habit, but the presence of one is an important indication of the ecology of the plant and, more specifically, of how it adapts to the environment.

For example, the herb is a type of habit. Herbaceous plants are usually green and not very resistant, and their stems have only primary structure. The shrubs are another category of habit, characterized by resistant stems, with ramifications close to the ground. The trees are another example, besides many other types of plants, such as epiphytes and parasites.

Religious habit

Although this is not the type of habit to which this article refers, it is worth pointing it out as one of the possible meanings of the word. In the religious sphere, the habit is a piece of clothing worn by religious figures in some contexts.

This type of clothing can be present in different religions, but in the Brazilian scenario it is very common in Catholicism. A priest, for example, wears a specific habit to celebrate mass. The typical clothing of nuns are also habits, and represent their vows and dedication to religious life.

We can also speak of religious habits in the common sense of the term for routine practices associated with a religion. For example, some Catholics have the habit of praying the rosary, followers of Islam commonly pray five times a day, Buddhists usually have meditation as a recurring practice and those who are from Candomblé may have the habit of making offerings to orixás.

It is common for religions to involve specific practices that are part of the routine of followers. And, according to scientific studies, faith and religious practices can have beneficial results for the health of those who have them.

The difficulty of changing habits

There is a saying: "Old habits die hard". This has some truth to it, because the brain tends to follow already known paths and repeat its patterns in an attempt to save energy. In other words, it is usually on a kind of autopilot.

Although this sounds discouraging, it is not a final sentence. Just as your brain has learned the patterns that have already been internalized, it is capable of unlearning them and creating new ones. So don't give up!

How to start good habits

To acquire new habits, you first need to have a clear idea in mind of what those habits are that you want and why you want to have them. But idealizing is not enough. You have to put it into practice, and that has to be done repeatedly.

Gradual adaptations help make the process more natural and easier, but persistence will always be key. Also understand that it's normal to relapse and not be consistent all the time. You just can't let it shake your motivation.

How to eliminate bad habits

The search for new, healthier and more functional habits is often accompanied by the need to get rid of habits that are hurting us. This process is not easy, but just like acquiring new habits, eliminating habits requires persistence and understanding why you want it.

Identifying triggers, for example, that lead to bad habits gives you the chance to avoid or find new ways to deal with the contexts that bring them up.

Finding substitutes for unwanted habits is a good way. These substitutes should be easy alternatives and make it impossible, in some way, to repeat the bad habit.

Morning habits

Your morning habits can set the tone for your day. The moment you wake up and the first things you do that day send a message to your body and set the pace for at least the beginning of the day-and the natural tendency is for that pace to continue. Here are some habits that can help you start your day off right.

Wake up early

The "I hate waking up early" community was one of the most popular on the late Orkut site. Many people have trouble waking up and especially to get up early. The temptation to get stuck in bed after the alarm clock rings is great, and you need a lot of willpower to get up.

But just like any habit you deliberately create, waking up and getting up early will become easier as you persist in it. And it's a habit that makes the day go more smoothly, as you start enjoying it and getting organized early in the morning. To combat the temptation to stretch out your arm, turn off your alarm clock and go to sleep, you can put your phone further away so you have to get up.

You can jump right in and set your alarm clock to your goal time. But making a more gradual adaptation increases your chances of success and makes the process smoother. In this case, gradually increase it to 15 or even 30 minutes earlier, starting at your usual time, and see how your body reacts.

Make up the bed

Some people don't see the point in making their bed if they're going to use it again at night (or even earlier), and it can feel lazy when your body is still waking up. But making the bed is a way to get out of "laziness mode" and signal your body and mind that the day has begun.

It also helps to organize ideas: by tidying up the environment, our thoughts tend to be more in order too, which favors productivity. So tidying the bed is not a waste of time - quite the contrary, it is a way to optimize the routine!

Drink water as soon as you wake up

Have you ever noticed that your urine tends to get yellow and dark right when you wake up? This is because of the time you spent without going to the bathroom or hydrating during the night. While it's completely normal at this time (but not throughout the day), it's your body's way of signaling to you that it's time to empty your bladder and hydrate.

As soon as you wake up, drink water. You can keep a glass or bottle of water in your room to make it easier and also to help you remember. Starting your day by staying hydrated does a lot of good, and your body will thank you.

Eating habits

They say that "you are what you eat". Although you won't turn into a cabbage if you eat this vegetable, it is true that your diet has a great influence on your internal health and even on your appearance. Check out some eating habits that can do you a lot of good.

Eating vegetables

Vegetables have nutrients that are very important for our organism. In this category are fruits, vegetables and legumes. Even if you're not a big fan, you should add them to your diet little by little. At lunch, don't give up at least a little salad, even if it's mixed with the rest of the food.

Make it a goal to always have more than one type of fruit at home and to consume some fruit every day. Fruits usually have fiber, vitamins and many other important nutrients, and some even have antioxidant action. If you like dessert, replacing a sweet for a fruit at least a good part of the days will do you a lot of good!

A day without meat

Those who have recently made the transition to vegetarianism or veganism are well aware of the benefits of giving up meat. But, if you don't want to, you don't have to adhere to completely meat-free diets to reap these benefits.

Replacing animal protein with plant-based foods at least once a week, in addition to being an attitude that benefits animals and the environment, reduces the risk of cardiovascular and other diseases. This idea is preached by Meatless Monday, an international campaign.

Some people also say that giving up meat, especially red meat, makes you feel lighter and more willing. You can test this hypothesis in a milder way, just by reducing the consumption of red meat and investing more in fish to eat, for example.

Eating breakfast

Breakfast is considered by some to be more important even than lunch. This meal gives your body the energy it needs to start the day right, and it's very important for your mood and well-being to eat right after you wake up, especially considering how long you go without eating during the night.

Some people don't feel hungry in the morning or even feel nauseous and therefore have trouble eating. If this is the case, eat light food and eat slowly. If it's easier to drink something than to chew, a banana vitamin is a good option. But, if you like to eat in the morning and you feel hungry enough, you can make a good meal - while sticking to the healthier options.

Healthy habits for the mind

A Roman poet once said: "Healthy mind, healthy body". Taking care of the body is what comes to mind when we talk about healthy habits, but what about the head? Psychic health, besides having an impact on body health, is very important for quality of life. So check out some ways to take care of your mental health.

Have a hobby

A hobby is an activity practiced for the primary purpose of leisure. That's reason enough to have hobbies, but they can go far beyond just having fun. They help de-stress and do that famous mental hygiene, and they usually work on developing and maintaining new skills.

For example, playing a musical instrument for pleasure develops creativity and some forms of intelligence in addition to the musical skill itself. Playing tennis to pass the time also helps intelligence and is an excellent form of physical activity.

It does not have to be a specific type of activity: the important thing is that it be something pleasurable and relaxing. Any activity exercised as a hobby has the potential to develop different skills and make us more interesting and contented people.

Practice meditation

Meditation is an excellent habit for mental health and even helps physical health. It can reduce stress, stimulate creativity, improve problem-solving skills and memory, aid in self-control and even alleviate disorders such as insomnia and depression.

All these benefits are scientifically proven, and those who are in the habit of meditating subscribe to them, so why not start? There are several guided meditations on the Internet to make the process easier. Start with short meditations and gradually increase the time if you wish.

Going to therapy

Those who think that therapy is only for people with psychic disorders are wrong. Psychological counseling helps to deal with daily problems in an assertive and functional way and with past issues that may still cause suffering, besides being excellent for self-knowledge and improving several areas of life.

There is conventional face-to-face therapy, and for those who have difficulty traveling to the clinic, online therapy is an excellent option. It has become increasingly common, and can have as much effect as face-to-face.

For those who think that therapy is something very expensive and cannot afford it, it is worth checking the options that your city offers. There is psychological counseling by SUS, for example, and there are also school-clinics that offer free care and professionals who provide care with social value.

Taking care of yourself

Be sure to show yourself some love and care from time to time. What makes you feel good? Maybe open a wine and listen to your favorite song, maybe do that super skincare and hair moisturizing session, maybe get dressed up and take some pictures. What's important is to boost your self-esteem and remind yourself how special you are.

Healthy habits for the body

That a good diet and the practice of physical exercises are fundamental to the body health everyone already knows. But there are other habits that can do very well to your body, knew? Keep reading to learn more!


Many people already know that it's important to stretch before and after doing physical activity. But did you know that the right thing to do is to stretch every day, even if you're not working out?

Our muscles need that wake-up call every now and then, especially in the morning. Give yourself a good stretch as soon as you wake up and take advantage of the wall and furniture nearby to do some simple stretches. You'll start your day much better that way.

Moreover, for those who work at the computer and especially those who type a lot, it is very important to stretch! And your arms, hands and fingers need extra care in this. So you prevent injuries and discomfort from repetitive strain. If you do not know where to start, it is quite easy to find a tutorial on Youtube to guide you.


Choose a time of day, put on a pair of comfortable sneakers and go for a walk. It's worth driving to a nice, quiet place, taking a walk around the block, going for a run in the condo (if you live in one) or even going for a walk in the backyard.

The important thing is to get your body moving and release endorphins and other substances that bring you well-being. You can call someone to accompany you and chat or listen to music on the way to make the walk more fun.

Using stairs

When you have the option of using an elevator or stairs, why not take the opportunity to exercise a little and challenge yourself? That is, if you're physically able to use the stairs and aren't on a tight schedule, of course!

By using small opportunities to get your body active, you exercise throughout the day without realizing it and reap the benefits. So choose the stairs!

Always have a bottle of water

Whenever you go out and even indoors, keep a bottle of water near you. This makes it easier to remember to drink water and you have no excuse not to hydrate throughout the hours.

When it's time to go out, the fear of spilling water in your bag or the lack of a bag that your bottle will fit in doesn't have to stop you. There are interesting alternatives that will save you the trouble of carrying your bottle, such as covers with straps or other mechanisms to hang on the shoulder, on the belt or even in the bag.

Sleep 8 hours a day

Waking up early is one of the habits you can acquire to improve your productivity and your quality of life. But it's important to keep in mind that to wake up early, you need to sleep earlier - after all, your body needs a minimum of hours of sleep.

Maybe you don't get enough sleep even if you don't wake up early. This is a very common bad habit, but it's possible to change it. Just like waking up earlier, you can adapt your bedtime gradually if you find it hard to feel sleepy at the right time.

Try to stop using screens (especially cell phones) 1 or 2 hours before your bedtime, or at least use an app that filters blue light. This helps a lot to make your brain understand that it's time to slow down.

The recommended average is about 8 hours of sleep per night. Your need may be a little less or even a little more than that, but the safest thing is to aim for that time and see how your body reacts.

How to keep good habits

Let's think about the moment when you've already decided which habits you want to acquire and have already taken the first step. Now, how to maintain them? Here are some tips to ensure that they, in fact, become habits.

Minimum effort

The rule of minimum effort consists of making small changes so that the process of acquiring the new habit is gradual. Since your brain tends to oppose the idea of making much more effort than it is used to, this makes it much easier.

If you suddenly start a physical activity in a very high intensity, for example, the chances of you not stick to it and feel that desire not to start the exercise are great the next times. But if you gradually increase the intensity and frequency, your body will not feel such a big impact and the tendency is that it accepts more easily the change.

Associate with what you already do

Associating desired new habits with things you already do on a recurring basis is an effective shortcut to acquisition. By associating brushing your teeth with eating lunch, for example, you'll naturally feel the urge to brush your teeth right after eating lunch after a while.

Uncover the sabotage

You know that "I'll do it tomorrow" trap? Don't fall for it! Be aware of the triggers that lead you to procrastination and always fight them. Procrastination that starts with thoughts like procrastination is very common, and the key to this is to fight the sabotaging thoughts with new thoughts, like "why not now, if I can do it?".

Some obstacles can be combated with attitudes that should precede them. For example, if the idea is to change your diet and you feel lazy when it's time to prepare your lunch, take a day to leave the food ready for the whole week. That way you won't have any excuses.

If your goal is to create a study routine and your phone is a distraction, turn off your phone beforehand or block the apps that are a source of temptation. There are a few ways to do this, such as ultra power saving mode or specific apps to help you stay focused.

Recognize your success

It is common that we tend to condemn ourselves for small failures and not give due recognition to small victories. Give yourself credit! If you have succeeded at something, allow yourself to be happy about it and feel proud.

You can make a journal of small victories to check at the end of the day and be proud of what you have achieved. So the next day, the motivation to have new victories will be much greater.

Transparency in motivations

Being transparent with yourself about your own motivations will go a long way in helping you understand why you want something and stay focused.

For example, do you want to get into the habit of drinking water several times a day? Understand why. To hydrate yourself more, to improve the functioning of your kidneys, to make your skin more beautiful. Write it all down! The more specific the goals you write down, the better.

You can also make mind maps or use other resources, such as images. The idea here is to choose the form of visualization that works best for you, internalize your motives well, and have the ability to look at what you've recorded whenever you start to lack motivation.

Is it really possible to change habits?

Changing habits is not an easy task, but it is perfectly possible. And this doesn't have to be as unpleasant a process as it may seem.

In addition to being persistent in both quitting old habits and acquiring new ones, you need to be tolerant of yourself and understand that it's normal to regress a bit after moving forward. It's normal to relapse, and that doesn't mean you're going to fail or that you're not capable.

Allow yourself to rejoice in small victories and recognize your advances, even before you reach the point you are aiming for. Just by having the will to evolve you are already on the right path, and the truth is that we will always be in constant evolution (which involves occasional small involutions). Congratulations for wanting to challenge yourself and good luck on the journey!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.