How do the sympathies work? For science, per day and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

How do sympathies work?

It is known that in Brazil Catholicism still has a lot of influence, however, it is easy to realize that many people have their own beliefs and skepticism. There are always those who believe and those who doubt every absolute truth.

Since the dawn of humanity, it is common for people to tend to create superstitions and believe in them. This is the case, for example, with sympathies. There are several types of sympathies that can be done through a bath or other materials.

For those who wonder how sympathies work, here's a quick explanation: the sympathies are rituals that are made in order to attract something good for the person who is performing it. Thus, it works through the manipulation of energies. To learn more about the sympathies, what they are and the days on which they are made, keep reading!

What are sympathies

It is known that the conception of something can vary from person to person. That is, if you ask a group of people what is sympathy, the answers will be divergent, because what is sympathy for some, may not be sympathy for others. It is the case of the ribbon on the arm.

If you've ever worn a ribbon on your arm and made a request, you'll know that you've done a charm. Other basic examples and fulfilled by many are: jumping the seven waves of Yemanja and taking a bath in coarse salt to discharge the energies.

Well, who would say, right? But, after all, what is the general meaning of a sympathy? This you will find out now. Come with me!

General aspects of sympathy

In general, sympathy is nothing more than connection. That is, a way that people use to connect the internal (the desires and wishes to achieve something) with the external (the world, the things that need to be achieved over time). Thus, through the mystical vision or a scientific vision, sympathy is a way to achieve what one desires.

For those who believe

For people who have connection with spirituality, a sympathy is a way to do basic magic, that is, that most popular magic. In general, a sympathy is strongly linked to the culture of a people, because it is customary that sympathies have been tested several times in the past until they are perfected.

That said, the teachings of this type of superstition are passed down through the generations almost like a family tradition, so there are those who believe and there are those who don't.

How the sympathies for the day of the week work

Usually, when people perform this ritual in order to attract something good for themselves, they take some things into consideration, such as time, schedules, candles and it is also the case of the days of the weeks, for example.

Some sympathies have a better result when done on Friday, others on Sunday. For this reason, we decided to tell you how they work on each day of the week. Check it out below, to find out what is the best day to do and boost your sympathy!

Sympathy made on Sunday

In general, the charms done on Sunday are to thank, ask for solutions, seek for light, intelligence and enlightenment, because this is a propitious day for prayers of strength. This is due to the fact that Sunday is the day of the sun. Therefore, those who are going to do a charms, should use a candle in the golden color.

Sympathy made on Monday

On Monday, the sympathies are usually freezing, that is, the day to ask to remove someone from our life, the day to ask to eliminate difficult situations or remove addictions. The best time to do this is in the first three hours of the night during Monday, being from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. As Monday is the day of the moon, the candle used needs to be white.

Sympathy made on Tuesday

Tuesday is known as the astrological day linked to the planet Mars. Therefore, on this day it is essential that you do sympathies that aim to propose resolutions for pending issues, whatever they may be, and ask to remove obstacles from your life. The candle indicated for these sympathies is blue.

Sympathy made on Wednesday

Wednesday is destined to the planet Mercury and, usually, it is used to do sympathies that aim to promote faster or urgent solutions. With this in mind, it is fair to point out that the best time to do the ritual is at 9am, using a green candle.

Sympathy made on Thursday

Day of the week intended for the planet Jupiter, those who do sympathy on Thursdays need to know that the sympathies performed should be in search of prosperity, spiritual connection, consciousness gain, wisdom and requests of the kind.

To achieve this kind of realization, the person doing the sympathy should choose the most favorable time and remember that, regardless of the time, the candle used is the light blue one. There is a very interesting observation. If you are doing it in search of defense, choose to do it during the day; in case of search for attacking the evils, you must do it at night.

Sympathy made on Friday

Friday is the day of the week dedicated to the planet Venus. It is an excellent day to make love-related sympathies and, because of this, the color of the candle should be pink. The ideal is to look for sympathies that make love able to solve conflicts and, to achieve this feat, the ideal time is between 5pm and 6pm.

Sympathy made on Saturday

Saturday is dedicated to the planet Saturn and, normally, the sympathies are made for time and age. That is, sympathies that attract stability and durability to something you want. Also, on this day, kindness and sincerity are well regarded. Use the violet color candle to potentiate the sympathy.

How do sympathies for science work

Now that you understand better about the sympathies, what they are and when they should be done, nothing more fair that you know the look and perspective of science in relation to them. Of course, for science, the sympathies will not have the same value or meaning that they have for the practitioners, as well as Christians who do not see the practice with good eyes. To learn more about the sympathies in the viewscientific, keep reading!

Small everyday sympathies

If you have never jumped the 7 waves, surely you know someone who has done it and will keep doing it throughout their life in hopes of good luck.

People often believe that by actually doing this act their request and desire will come true, however, to science, this is nothing more than a cognitive process similar to everyday actions, such as pushing the elevator button more often when you are in a hurry.


The scientists, after a research, came to the conclusion that repetition is the main factor for the sympathies to work. This happens because when our cognitive system is faced with an action and a result that it does not know how to explain, it is easier to convince ourselves that there must be an explanation when several procedures have led to the result.

For example, if someone tells you that a good hair growth charm is to take some orange juice, your brain will probably want to follow a step by step approach. So, if someone tells you ''take the juice, blow three times, swirl and then drink,'' the second way will be considered more effective because it has more detail.

Lack of control

Some researchers have come to the conclusion that lack of control also makes people believe in sympathies more. This is because it is believed that when we are in a situation that we feel we are unable to control, it is common for us to believe in rituals, as this will compensate for the lack of cognitive control.

Sympathies for Christianity

Christians also have their own convictions about what sympathies are and what they mean. Now that you have already discovered sympathy in the eyes of science, nothing more fair that you know the conception that it has for christianity. Why after all, is to do sympathy a sin? This you will find out by reading the section below. Check it out!

Sin of "witchcraft

If you are wondering if for Christians, making sympathy is a spell, know that yes. In the eyes of Christianity, sympathy is spell and making sympathy is the same as getting involved with evil.

It is believed that to do sympathy is to try to manipulate spiritual forces in order to do your will and, for Christianity, the one who does sympathy relies on special objects, rituals and phrases to get what he wants. And for them, this is nothing more than superstition.

Dependence on what is not of God

According to Christianity, people who make sympathy create a dependence on that which is not of God, for candles, amulets, statues and cards are dead and have no power. To rely on these things, for Christians, would be idolatry. They draw on the passage in Jeremiah that says:

''Idols are incapable of speech and have to be carried because they cannot walk. Do not be afraid of them, for they can do neither evil nor good.'' (Jeremiah 10:5).

Sympathy opens door to evil influence

Christians believe that everything that is truly good comes from God, and therefore people should not try to manipulate spiritual forces for the sake of themselves. Thinking that you can do such a thing is a real deception and opens the door for evil influence, because those who do sympathies are appealing to deceptive bad things.

Christians believe that the price to be paid by those who make sympathies can be very high. The person may even pay with their soul.

Can anyone do sympathies that work?

If you are wondering if anyone can do charms that will work, I have an answer for you: no. That is not how things work: just do it and that's it. For those who believe in the ritual of the charms, it is certain that when done, it will fulfill your request.

However, if a person who believes in science and is unbelieving in relation to the sympathies, he/she will try and will not have the same result. This is because, as the people who practice the ritual say, for a sympathy to come true and work out well it is necessary that the practitioner has faith.

That is, if you go to make a sympathy doubting its power or emanating negative energies, it is likely that everything will go wrong. Therefore, it depends on the belief of each one to decide whether or not believe in the mystical world. For, when stopping to reflect, what is actually concrete and normal in the world?

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.