How to calculate karmic debt? Methods, by numerology and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations on how to calculate karmic debt

Karma refers to what we do and how it will impact our life in the future, whether in this reincarnation or the following ones. Thus, karmic debt speaks to what actions that are harmful to you or others you have had in past lives and that reverberate in your current life.

These mistakes committed are charged in the following lives, so it is essential to understand what your karmic debt is and how to pay it, in order to have a peaceful life now and in the next reincarnations. To discover your karmic debt and how to readjust these energies, follow the article!

Karmic debts, how to calculate and methods

The word karma means, in Sanskrit, action. Thus, it is understood that every action has a reaction that can be felt in the present, future and even in other lives. To know which actions in your past lives are being harvested in this life, keep reading!

What are Karmic Debts

Karmic debts are the charges to be taken to the next reincarnations originated on mistakes and crimes of the past lives. When committing a negative action for you or for others, the reaction may come in this life, as the known "here it is done, here it is paid".

However, in some cases the mistake lasts and is felt in the next lives. Therefore, it is necessary to pay off this debt to live in peace and not drag this karma to the following reincarnations.

How to calculate Karmic Debt

Karmic debt is linked to your day of birth. The day you were born marks in time the legacies of your past lives. Remember that you may have started a new cycle in your life, but your history has not been erased.

To calculate your karmic inheritance and to know what your debt is, you will need a method. Which is formulated through the science of numbers, numerology and Astrology. From it you will be aware of your karmic debt.

By what method can I find out what my debt is?

The realignment of karma is necessary to forgive the transgressions committed in your past lives. And, finally, achieve the equilibrium with the Universe, thus enabling the evolution of your spirit in the next reincarnation.

To measure your debt it is necessary to measure your karmic debt, from a method which uses numerology and astrology. From your date of birth and your Astrological Map it is possible to measure your past debts.

You will only be able to recover the balance of your Karmic Debt when you discover its origin. To do this, you need to recognize in your birth chart if you have one of the 4 karma numbers, they are: 13, 14, 16 and 19. If you have them, or have one of them 1-3-4-6-9 in your birth date, you have a karmic debt.

How to calculate Karmic Debt using numerology

There are four ways to find out your karmic debt. The first is through the day of your birth. If you were born on the 13th, 14th, 16th, or 19th, you automatically have the karmic debt associated with these numbers.

The second way is through your destination number obtained from your date of birth. It is calculated by adding the digits from your date of birth down to a single numeral. For example, a person born on 17/11/1994 has a destination number of 6 (1+7+1+1+1+9+9+4 = 33, 3+3 = 6).

The third way is through the motivation number, found by adding the vowels of his full name using the Pythagorean Table. According to the Pythagorean Table each letter has a numerical equivalent, and they are:

  • 1 = A, J, S
  • 2 = B, K, T
  • 3 = C, L, U
  • 4 = D, M, V
  • 5 = E, N, W
  • 6 = F, O, X
  • 7 =G, P, Y
  • 8 = H, Q, Z
  • 9 = I, R
  • For example, if the person's name is João da Silva, his motivation number will be 7 (6+1+6+1+1+1 = 16, 1+6 = 7).

    Finally, the fourth way is to calculate the number of the expression, that is, the sum of all the letters of your full name, to obtain the karmic debt. In the case of the example, João da Silva, the number of the expression calculated with the Pythagorean Table is 1 (1+6+1+6+4+1+1+9+3+4+1 = 37, 3+7 = 10 and 1+0 = 1).

    If the number of the destiny, motivation or expression is equivalent to 4, 5, 7 or 1 you have karmic debt equivalent to the numbers 13, 14, 16 and 19 respectively.

    The role of Karma, why and how to pay the debt?

    Karma is, in short, the sum of all your actions and their due reactions in this and the next lives. So what you do now affects your future, just as what you did in the past lives interferes in your life now, either facilitating or hindering your paths.

    Karma and its role in human life

    The influence of Karma in human life may surprise everyone. The law of causality, that every action has a reaction, indicates that all your actions have consequences. Therefore, every decision you make must be made in favor of the 12 laws of karma. If you break them, a karmic debt will arise.

    According to the principles of Hinduism and Buddhism, every soul goes through a process of multiple reincarnations, and at each cycle it will go through an evolution of spirit. This if the spirit obeys the laws of karma, only then it will be able to create a balance in the Universe and would achieve the enlightenment.

    Therefore, understanding karma is a matter of understanding your ancestors, understanding your own formation. Seek in karmic principles the path to liberation. For, this is a great opportunity to achieve your spiritual evolution.

    Why and how to pay the Karmic Debt?

    Life represents a stage in the life of those who follow the principles of karma. Everything that happened in your past generated marks, now you carry them with you. These marks are your karmic inheritance. In other words, if you break any of the 12 laws, you will suffer the consequences.

    Studying your Karmic Astrology is fundamental at this time. It will allow you to know more about your past, as well as the self-knowledge that it will provide. You will become aware of your debt and will know how to act in your search for enlightenment.

    The numbers indicate the presence of debt with the universe

    The laws of karma are laws that govern the spirit in the universe. They reconstruct the balance of your karma in your incarnation. This makes it possible to achieve the evolution of the spirit. The numbers will be able to tell you whether your karmic debt is present in your life or not.

    From numerology you are able to interpret the numbers and their influence in your life. Their presence in your birth date, or in your karmic birth chart you will have evidence of your karmic debt and whether it is present in your incarnation at this time.

    The types of Karmic debts and how they present themselves

    There are 4 types of karmic debts and they are directly related to the numbers 13, 14, 16 and 19. Each number reveals its characteristic and explains how your karmic debt was generated. Your past lives left debts related to death, material goods, pride and human vanity, cause and effect.

    The Karmic Debt 13

    The first karmic debt is represented by the number 13, be it found in your birth day or in your destiny number, motivation or expression. It is obtained through past mistakes that have death as a scenario. Understand now the consequences of who has this debt and how to overcome it.

    The debt linked to death

    The karmic debt brought by the number 13 signals that in one of your past lives you made an attempt on your life, or someone else's. Related to suicide, murder or even neglecting someone's life, this karma brings to the present a lazy and indifferent personality.

    What should be developed

    In the Tarot the 13th card is equivalent to the Arcane of Death. Beyond death itself, this card talks about the closing of cycles and the need to let the old die so the new can grow.

    Likewise, one must leave past mistakes behind and face the challenge of life. This will be possible through effort and work, after all, people with this karmic debt should shun shortcuts.

    Don't run away from your responsibilities and don't wait for things to fall from the sky. Have the courage to follow and fight for your goals. That way, you will overcome this karma.

    Suffering and awareness

    People who have this karmic debt will experience great frustrations in their life. A feeling of unrewarded effort prowls their mind and hinders you from moving forward.

    Maybe your attitudes or other people's are constantly leading you to the bottom. Stop to reflect what the consequences of your actions are and if you are not associating with those who have no future.

    Karmic Debt 14

    The karmic debt of number 14 is related to material goods and the way they were acquired in your past lives. If you have acted greedily in other reincarnations, you will have to develop humility and control your ambition. Read on and learn how to act!

    Debt linked to material goods

    Karmic debt 14 is connected with material possessions. Those people who were greedy in a past life, or who obtained material gains illicitly, are marked with debt 14.

    You must have harmed many people financially, disregarding the universal laws of karma. Now you carry with you this mark and it is in this incarnation that you will have to deal directly with your debt. This is your opportunity to settle once and for all your debts with your past lives.

    What should be developed

    First, to settle your karmic debt 14, you will need to focus on how you conduct your financial and emotional life. You can be an ambitious person, and you often get carried away by greed to achieve ever greater gains.

    Learn to be a modest person. The lesson you must learn in this incarnation is detachment. Understand your limits and live a life assuming only what is necessary. Exercise temperance and everything will work out well in your life.

    Suffering and awareness

    You have at some time lost financial control of your life. This has generated despair and stirred negative emotions in your soul, which awakened greed and envy in some past reincarnation.

    Calculating your karmic debt is a good start for those seeking to become aware of their incarnation. Discovering that your karmic debt is 14 may not seem like a surprise, as this behavior relates to your self at that moment.

    This is the time to achieve your spiritual evolution and break the karmic cycle for your next incarnations. But for this to happen, you will need to deal with this deviation of behavior as soon as possible.

    Karmic debt 16

    Karmic debt 16 is about ego and excessive pride. People who carry this karma were extremely selfish in past lives, and the welfare of the people around them mattered little. To overcome you must understand that you will only reap what you sow. Want to understand better? Keep reading!

    The debt linked to human pride and vanity

    This debt reveals your individuality to no extent in past lives. You lived only for yourself and for pleasures, riding roughshod over everything in your path. To achieve your goals, you manipulated and used others to your advantage. But these attitudes will have an impact on your future life.

    What should be developed

    The karma brought by number 16 is very difficult to overcome. In the present life and in the ones to come, the universe will work to teach you altruism. This teaching will only be learned through a long cycle of rebirths, since humility is something difficult to learn and cultivate.

    Seek the path of love, avoid being domineering, selfish and authoritarian. Try to put yourself in the place of those around you and observe the world through the eyes of empathy. Remember that you do not live alone and that the welfare of others is essential for a life of peace. Plant everything you want to reap in the future, so you can pay off your debt.

    Suffering and awareness

    The karmic debt of number 16 nurtures in you great goals and majestic plans. However because of your terrible actions in the past, it will be very difficult to achieve your goals. Your choices will be flawed and you will suffer great betrayals on a personal and professional level.

    Failure in business will be difficult to overcome and you will feel the desire to return to the old habits of past lives. But to overcome this debt will require strength and persistence to win in life on the right path.

    Karmic Debt 19

    The karmic debt brought by the number 19 is made when you disobey the law of cause and effect, disregarding the consequences of your actions. Understand now how you can overcome your pride and pay off your debt.

    Debt linked to cause and effect

    Karmic debt number 19 represents the beginning and the end of a cycle. The debt you acquired in your past life is directly related to iniquity and manipulation. You used your facility of communication to your advantage, manipulating the people around you just to satisfy your desires.

    Your decisions have an effect and you will have to deal with them in this incarnation. This is the law of cause and effect, this karmic debt is deeply associated with it. This is the time for change, if you have discovered what your debt is it is time to deal with it so that you can break free of this cycle.

    What should be developed

    In the Tarot, the card number 19 is the Sun, it represents the beginning and the end of a cycle. What you need to develop in this incarnation is your pride and sincerity. You may often find it difficult to open up to people and this shows your fear of being rejected by others.

    So, you seek in manipulation to keep people close to you. But, this ends up hurting you, because normally you must pretend who you are not to please your neighbor. Awakening only negative effects in this relationship, either with the people around you, either in your incarnation.

    Learn to deal with frustrations and be aware of your behaviour when you are around other people. This will keep you aware of your personality and ensure a favourable path for the evolution of your spirit.

    Suffering and awareness

    People born with karmic debt 19 are proud and stubborn. They often reject help from people close to them, which leads you to isolate yourself from them and makes it impossible to improve relationships. Which means that in this existence you will need to deal with the way you deal with people.

    To create a balance in your relationships you will need to suppress your pride and improve your communication. There is no other way to achieve liberation if you do not seek your improvement in this incarnation.

    What are the benefits of calculating karmic debt and knowing its value?

    Numerology allows you to know information about your past, present and future. The laws of karma are always acting to realign the universal energies, balancing actions with their proper reactions.

    Thus, through numerology it is possible to discover which karmic debts you acquired in your past lives and how to pay them off in order to have peace in this and your next future lives. Many see karma and karmic debts as a burden or a punishment.

    However, knowing your karmic debt is an opportunity given by the universe for you to find answers to recurring questions in your life, close negative cycles, and understand the context of your current life. Use this information wisely and try to practice good deeds to pay off past debts and build positive karma for the future.

    As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.