How to know if I'm psychic? Check the main signs of mediumship!

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Jennifer Sherman

General meaning of mediumship and how to know if I am a medium

Although there are people who do not believe in mediumnity, or even in spiritism, there are other people who besides believing, would be willing to prove that mediumnity does exist in this world. For those who do not know, mediumnity is defined as the ability to maintain contact with the material world (with the incarnate) and the spiritual world (with the disincarnate).

This manifestation affects all people, however, some feel it in a more intense way, while others tend to disbelieve and, due to this, end up not developing it. And this is independent of believers or atheists, religious or not. Mediumship is an innate capacity of the human being, which can happen at any place or time.

For example, if you have ever felt that something bad was going to happen and that is why you avoided certain places, know that it is one of the ways that mediumship finds to manifest itself. But after all, how to know if you are in fact a medium? This and other questions you will find out now. Continue reading the article.

How to identify a medium and know if I am one

It is known that nowadays it is common to hear people self-declaring mediumistic, saying they are able to make several miracles and contact with the spirit world. However, it is a fact that there are also many other evil people, able to pretend to be what they are not to take money from people. To find out if you are a medium or how to identify one, check out below!

How to identify a medium

First of all, it is fair - and necessary - to point out that, because mediumship is a natural ability of every human being, it does not happen from one moment to another. This means that everyone is born with a certain type of mediumship, although some people are able to develop it more easily.

However, it is possible to identify and follow some clues that show us if in fact someone is a medium. For example, mediums know things that have happened without someone telling them. Also, they are able to sense that some environment is charged with negative energies.

It's more than intuition, and they often can't explain where the sensations are coming from. Another typical clue is that mediums can pick up the sensations of friends and family members even if they are far away.

How to know if I am psychic

Knowing that mediumship is innate to human beings, then it is certain that you are a medium. However, it is up to you to find out what type of mediumship you have and develop it, making it sharper as time goes by.

There are people who dream with possible facts of the future, others capture energies or feel that something is going to happen and it happens. There are those who listen to the dead, there are those who see them; there are those who can write a psychographic letter. In other words, there are several signs.

Watch out if you are a person who feels a lot if the environments you frequent are very charged, if people are bad. These typical signs indicate that you have a very advanced mediumship, but it needs to be developed.

Children's mediumship: how to identify in children

Little is known, but until the age of 7 a child has contact with the physical world and the spiritual world. It is known that children have a fertile imagination and can even create certain imaginary friends, however, parents need to know to what extent it is imagination or a mediumistic gift.

It is fair to point out that having interactions with the spirit world during childhood is not a certainty that your son or daughter is a medium. This you will only discover through time.

The first interactions with the other plane occur when the child begins to speak. Normally, the little ones do not feel fear, and wonder why their parents or guardians cannot see or hear what they are seeing and hearing.

The child has no notion of death and, because of that, they act as if the presence of the spirits was normal. The little one that shows signs of mediumnity will demonstrate with smiles for the "nothing", that in these cases, they may be seeing some friends from past lives or the protective spirits. Another sign is that the child is capable of recognizing people from the previous reincarnation and deny the current onefamily.

The signs of mediumship

There are clues that indicate whether a person is mediumistic or not. Some of these signs, besides presenting physical symptoms, can also indicate sensations or other aspects of a specific mediumship. This is the case of clairvoyants, for example.

A person who is able to predict what will happen will hardly be able to psychograph letters from a disembodied person. To learn more about the signs of mediumship, continue reading the article!

Common symptoms and sensations in the manifestation of mediumship

It is easy to identify the most common signs and sensations in the manifestation of mediumship. See below:

- If you've ever felt like someone is trying to talk to yourself alone;

- Chills and chills suddenly (especially when it is not cold);

- Wake up with your body heavier than normal;

- In crowded places, it is common to feel unwell;

- To feel that you are being watched, but there is no one;

- Dreams appearing to be real;

- Suffering plants or animals that are suffering;

Clairvoyance or spiritual hearing

Normally, people who have clairvoyance or spiritual hearing tend to have keen intuition. It is as if someone is blowing in the person's ear what they should do or what is happening. They also have verisimilar and premonitory dreams, often hearing voices of people who are no longer alive.

Psychophonic or psychographic trance

People who are affected by the psychophonic or psychographic trance feel a great desire to write, usually in an urgent character, and when they stop to evaluate what they have written, they realize that it was not their idea. Or, it is common that they tend to speak in a way that does not correspond to their personality.

The physical symptoms

People react to mediumship in different ways. It is common that as the individual adapts and learns more about the subject, the symptoms will diminish. The physical symptoms that indicate signs of mediumship are as follows:

- Excessive sweating;

- Tingling in the extremities;

- Redness in the ears and cheeks, apparently for no reason;

- Feeling chills;

- Frequent feeling of faintness;

- Power outage;

- Waking up too tired;

- Melancholy and perceptual abatement;

- Development of new phobias;

- Palpitation or tachycardia;

- Vomiting cravings;

- Exaggerated insecurity;

- Cold feet;

- Back pain;

- Loss or excess of sleep.

Intuition and revelatory dreams

People who possess the gift of mediumship have a very sharp intuition, however, they are unable to explain how they feel and how they developed. They are able to know things that have not been said, know what goes on in the head of others and know when someone is reliable or not.

Dreams, in turn, are important warning signs, as they always carry a meaning or demonstrate what is about to happen. And worst or best of all: they happen.

Deep empathy, facility to captivate people and synchronicities

Mediumistic people are incredibly empathic. They feel the pain of others as if it were their own, they care, worry and are always willing to help. Because of this, they easily captivate other people. It is almost impossible not to like a medium, because they are seen as light by many people. In addition, they are always in sync with the Universe.

Aromas, sensitivity, seeing and feeling presences

If you've ever felt like you were with someone and you weren't with anyone, it's a great sign of mediumship. People who have mediumship often smell scents of people who have already died, for example. They feel the presence of departed loved ones and scents familiar to their sense of smell, like the smell of cemetery flowers.

Origin of mediumship, when it tends to emerge and how it manifests

Now that you know a little more about mediumship, it is likely that questions such as "where did it come from" may arise. Mediumship is seen and studied in different ways in different religions.

In other words, the idea that the evangelical religion has about this is very divergent from the idea that spiritualists have. So, to know more about this topic and when mediumship tends to flourish, keep reading.

The origin of mediumship

Once mediumship was given as an unknown because there is still no 100% certainty about what this phenomenon actually is, it gained the attention of many scientists and started to be intensely investigated. In order to know the origin and what mediumship is, Christian and non-Christian people started to search for answers in order to unveil the mystery.

However, knowing that mediumnity is present in each human being, the spiritualists believe that the conscience is vested in the physical organs and manifests itself in the concrete world, as pointed out by Joanna de Ângelis and Divaldo P. Franco, in the book Moments of Conscience:

Medianimity, which is latent in the human organism, is perfected with the contribution of the conscience of responsibility and through the attention that the exercise of its function, well directed, grants it.

A faculty of the superior consciousness or immortal spirit, it is clothed with the physical organs which exteriorise its phenomena in the world of concrete manifestations.

When mediumship tends to surface

Mediumnity tends to blossom spontaneously, regardless of age, social position, religious denomination or skepticism in which the individual is. It is common that it calls attention by some physical and intellectual effects, such as visual and auditory manifestations.

How mediumship manifests

The difference existing in each human being may contribute to different manifestations in this faculty. Some people suffer from disturbances of various kinds; others feel the symptoms in a subtle way, which favors the penetration into wider vibratory bands.

Some guidelines that can help the development of mediumship

Certain that mediumship is a phenomenon, which needs to be developed, it is fair - if not necessary - to share with you the guidelines that can help the development of mediumship. Usually, when someone hears voices he does not know what to do and tends to be afraid. Therefore, know below how to deal with these manifestations and what to do to develop this gift.

What to do when registering the presence of disembodied beings?

If at any time you feel that you are in the presence of disembodied beings, it is important that you silence your restlessness and anxiety. Keep calm and try, at least, to unfold your psychic perception. By doing so, you will be able to hear calming words and see loved ones approaching you, as explained by Joanna de Ângelis and Divaldo P. Franco, in the book Moments of Consciousness,chap. 19.

How can a medium educate himself to exercise his mediumship?

The exercise of mediunship asks for equilibrium, perseverance and syntony. The discipline, moral and mental, will create salutary habits that, consequently, will attract the Superior Spirits interested in the interchange between the two spheres of Life, which will facilitate the ministry.

The balance, in turn, will help in an effective way the filtering of the thought and in the exteriorization of it. The perseverance, in the work will produce a climate of harmony in the medium himself, who will accredit himself to the service of the good together with the Workers of the Higher Life, objectifying the happy results.

On the other hand, the attunement will result from the referred elements, because it is constituted by the perfect harmony between the agent and the percipient in the relevant task. For mediumship to be exercised, it needs the interference of the Spirits, without which the faculty, in itself, deteriorates and disappears. The more worked, the easier the registers will be, whose information comes from the Beyond.Grave.

How important is mental concentration?

The mental concentration of the individual when it comes to mediumship is extremely important and necessary, because the mind is the great responsible for tuning the superior ideas and make them vibrate in high frequencies.

Therefore, he who is not able to keep himself in the same vibratory mood produces oscillating discharges on the general current, which disharmonises it.

Can the development of mediumship produce behavioral disorders?

The development of mediumnity can produce behavioral disturbances, however, it is good to point out that it is not the mediumnity the major responsible for that. Once the fluidic action of the Spirits favors the dystonia or not and it vests itself, it is possible that the individual is affected by some disturbances.

What is the reason for the appearance of mediumship in an individual?

Mediumship is a way to be in contact with the Spiritual World, and because of this, it manifests in each individual. When you are able to develop this faculty, you are able to maintain an intimate relationship with the Spiritual Beings. This will make you have hope and be able to go through the Material World with more optimism.

The relations between mediumship and the physical body

The physical body is the link which exists between the two worlds. The body, the perispirit, and the soul constitute the man; while the soul and the perispirit separated from the body constitute the being called Spirit. The perispirit is the link which unites the soul and the body, and it is through it that the soul makes the body act, and perceives the sensations experienced by the body.

That is, without the physical body none of this would be possible. That is why death is the destruction of the corporal envelope. Once dead, the spirit no longer depends on the material body.

The role of the spiritist house for the beginning medium

The spiritist house is the refuge of people on Earth, because it is the one that mediums will seek when they need help. If you are going through the beginner phase, discovering yourself, the advice is to look for a trustworthy spiritist house.

The house masters will be responsible for helping you, welcoming you and teaching you all the things you need to know. Besides that, they can help you to develop your mediumship if you need it and indicate you books and studies that will also be important during the whole process. Therefore, don't hesitate in seeking them if you feel you need a support.

How do I get definite confirmation and know if I am psychic?

Now that you know that every creature is somewhat sensitive or medium in fact it becomes easier to know if you truly are one. To be clear, Allan Kardec, Father of Spiritism, defined mediumship as the following:

"Everyone who feels in a degree any influence of spirits is, by that fact, a medium." In other words, if you feel any connection with other-worldly existences, there is a great chance that you are a medium.

It is fair to point out that every human being is a medium, however, not everyone has the ostensive mediumship, the one in which the person can keep direct contact with the dead. Another important addendum: although you are not a medium able to speak, see, hear the dead, you can develop this "gift" when you think you are ready to receive it.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.