Karmic Numerology: what it is, how to calculate, meaning and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

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What is karmic numerology?

Karmic numerology is the study of the energetic charge of numbers associated with a person's life karma.

In this way, by karmic numerology, it is possible to identify the karmic mission of a person, that is, in which direction the life of this person will flow during this existence, so that he/she is able to transcend the points that he/she did not achieve in past lives.

Thus, according to the numbering associated with the date of birth, it is possible to know which values will be more important in this passage through life. This means that it will be easier to master these values or even that there should be more dedication to integrate the soul.

Information about numerology

To understand more about the karmic charge that is associated with your life purpose, it is very interesting to know the aspects of your karma and numerology.

Following are some important features about numerology, such as what is numerology, what is karma and the 22 paths of life proposed by this philosophy. Follow along.

What is numerology?

Numerology is the study of life energy represented by numbers. According to numerology, everything in the world can be translated into numbers, and consequently, its associated energetic charge can be found.

There are several studies of numerology. The most known is the cabalistic numerology, associated to Cabala, that is a mystic, philosophical and religious organization linked to the Jews, but there is still the karmic, Pythagorean, Egyptian numerology, among others. All have in common this association of the universe to the numbers and meanings.

What is karma?

The word in Sanskrit means action. The concept originates in Buddhism and Hinduism and refers to the cause and effect mechanism by which life happens.

Therefore, according to the law of Karma, you reap what you sow, so everything is a result of the choices and attitudes that are made. Karma is not something negative, it is only that which springs from the paths chosen.

In this way, you carry the results of the choices you make and must learn from those mistakes, so life always returns situations for lessons to be learned.

In what fields does karmic numerology have an influence?

Karmic numerology has an influence on your connection with your life purpose. In this way, according to the study of the numbers in your life, you can better understand which is the main lesson that your spirit is seeking to transcend in this passage through Earth.

Therefore, karmic numerology has a major influence on the spiritual, psychological and emotional fields. The idea is that by integrating the values to which the numbers correspond in your life, you will find it easier to overcome obstacles and achieve a happier life.

22 ways of life

According to Karmic numerology, there are 22 possible paths that justify existence and in which the human being can identify himself to work on his personality and evolve spiritually.

So, according to the sum of the unit numbers of the day, month and year of your birth, you find a number from 01 to 22 that corresponds to your life path indicated by karmic numerology.

How to calculate karmic numerology?

By calculating the karmic numerology, it is possible to find your energetic correspondence. This knowledge helps you to identify your karmic charge, that is, those points that need to be worked on in this existence, remaining from past lives.

Therefore, it is possible to calculate karmic numerology in three ways: karmic numerology of destiny, karmic numerology of motivation and karmic numerology of expression, as described below.

Karmic Numerology of Fate

The karmic numerology of destiny is the one that determines your life mission. You can calculate it from the sum of the absolute numbers of your birthday date.

Thus, someone born, for example, on 06/05/1975 has the life path 6, since 5+6+1+9+7+5=33, and 3+3=6.

It is important to note that when the sum of the numbers results in a number greater than 22, it is necessary to add the two numbers of the result again, to get a number between 1 and 22.

Karmic numerology of motivation

To calculate the karmic numerology of motivation, you will need to consult the Pythagorean table, which assigns a value to each letter of the alphabet. You will need to add up the values corresponding to the vowels in your full name.

The values of the Pythagorean table are: A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=1 K=2 L=3 M=4 N=5 O=6 P=7 Q=8 R=9 S=1 T=2 U=3 V=4 W=5 X=6 Y=7 Z=8

Thus, a woman named Maria da Silva, has motivation number 22, because 1+9+1+1+1+9+1=22.

Karmic Numerology of the expression

To calculate the karmic numerology of the expression, it is necessary, as well as for motivation, the use of the Pythagorean table. Thus, consulting the table, you should find the result of the sum of all the letters of the full name.

The values of the Pythagorean table are: A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4 E=5 F=6 G=7 H=8 I=9 J=1 K=2 L=3 M=4 N=5 O=6 P=7 Q=8 R=9 S=1 T=2 U=3 V=4 W=5 X=6 Y=7 Z=8

In this case, the karmic numerology of expression of Maria da Silva is number 47, because 4+1+9+9+1+4+1+1+9+3+4+1=47 and 4+7=11.

It is important to add the numbers again if the result is greater than 22, so that the number found is between 1 and 22.

Meaning of the number 1 in Karmic numerology

The number 1 has a strong meaning in any symbology, and in karmic numerology it is no different.

The number 1 is the number of integration, idealism, and even domination, authoritarianism. Follow below the meanings associated with this number, as its symbology and karmic numerology.

Symbology of the number 1

The symbolism of the number 1 is associated with the initial impulse. For this reason, the energy of the number 1 is very much linked to governments and systems. Someone with the number 1 in numerology is expected to have a personality of attitude, optimism and leadership.

The number 1 is also associated with unity, with what is true for the whole. Thus, the number 1 also carries in its symbolism peace, union and integration.

Karmic Numerology 1

In karmic numerology, the number 1 is associated with the life path of entrepreneurship. This energy was very present in the ancient age in the expansion of empires, and today operates predominantly among the great entrepreneurs who achieve fortune.

Thus, who has in the sum of the numbers of his birthday the number 1, possesses the life path of the entrepreneur, who has a visionary spirit, able to create structures, systems and products and even govern.

Meaning of the number 2 in Karmic numerology

The number two brings duality and polarity. This dichotomy, or division of things, is recognized in all dimensions of existence, mainly by the observation of complementary opposites.

Follow below for a description of the symbolism of the number 2 and the karmic numerology 2, which can shed much light on your life purpose if this is the result of the analysis of the numbers in your life.

Symbology of number 2

The number 2 is associated with polarization and complementarity at the same time. This is because the universe in general works from the logic of complementary opposites.

Thus, day and night, hot and cold, high and low, all are fundamentals of the observation of the universe that only exist from the existence of their opposite. The number 2, for this reason, brings the symbolism of opposition and partnership, at the same time.

Karmic Numerology 2

According to Karmic Numerology, people who have the number 2 as their life path fulfil the mission of intuition. For this reason they have a greater capacity to make decisions through intuition and to understand the signs of the universe.

Also because of this connection with the invisible world, these people carry a very florid creativity and capacity for reflection, making the process of self-knowledge much more accelerated and productive in these people.

Meaning of the number 3 in Karmic numerology

The number 3 is a number that presents itself with great strength, being the representation of many important messages, in nature and in history.

The following are the meanings of the number 3 in karmic symbology and numerology, please follow along.

Symbology of the number 3

The number three carries a strong symbolism, as it is through it that nature and divinity in general present themselves.

Thus, there are three possible times, past, present and future, the states of water, solid, liquid and gaseous, the phases of life, birth, maturity and aging, and even the representation of God in Christianity, as father, son and Holy Spirit.

For this reason, the number 3 carries an energy of truth and completeness in its symbolism.

Karmic Numerology 3

For Karmic numerology, the number 3 is associated with the mission of the communicator. Thus, people born under the influence of the number 3 have a great facility for communication, being good intellectual leaders, thinkers and storing a very great capacity for revelation.

For this reason, it is very common that those who possess the life path of the communicator, guided by the number 3, walk the path of writing and thinking. Thus, they are good writers, teachers, and even religious leaders.

Meaning of number 4 in Karmic numerology

The number 4 brings a very strong and important charge in karmic numerology. Although it is less associated with mystical meanings, being a material number, it is the number that brings the charge of realization, and therefore serves as a foundation for existence on several levels.

So, below are the meanings associated with the symbology and the karmic numerology of the number 4. Follow along.

Symbology of number 4

In symbolism, number 4 is a material number, and is linked to what serves as the foundation for the realization of things. This is because, like the signs of astrology, the numbers are linked to the elements of nature: earth, water, fire and air. Matter is, in this context, what is more practical and less emotional or spiritual.

Thus, the number 4 is associated with work, discipline, family, routine and practicality. In general, the number 4 is the basis of what needs attention and investment for concretization.

Karmic Numerology 4

In karmic numerology, the number 4 points to the life path of leadership. Therefore, people born under the influence of number 4 have a strong tendency to be natural born leaders, with roles ranging from entrepreneurs to religious and political leaders.

For this reason it is very important that those born under the influence of number 4 know how to balance this energy and allow neither authoritarianism nor an overload of duties and responsibilities.

Meaning of number 5 in Karmic numerology

The number 5 carries a very positive symbolism, linked to balance and the divine. In karmic numerology, it points to religion, to the need for fulfillment and revelation of the truths of life by faith.

The following is a complete description of the number 5 in symbology and karmic numerology.

Symbology of number 5

Number 5 carries a symbolism of perfection in relation to the union between man and God. Thus, it is the symbol of balance and harmony.

This is because it is associated with the body's senses and therefore with the proportion of what is necessary for perfection. Number 5 is also half of 10, and therefore the balance of completeness, and the sum of 2 and 3, two other extremely strong numbers in symbolism.

Karmic Numerology 5

In Karmic numerology, the number 5 comprises the mission of the religious. Therefore, people born under its influence are strongly linked to spirituality and religion, so that the search for answers in relation to faith will be much stronger in these people.

Thus, far beyond a religious fanaticism, these people possess a true connection with the spiritual world and the need for revelation of the truth by faith. Therefore, they can become thinkers, philosophers, theologians, spiritual leaders and even develop abilities to channel this energy for contact with the spiritual world.

Meaning of number 6 in Karmic numerology

Number 6 is, above all, connected with the family structure and the unconditional love that emanates from it. Thus, people who have the influence of this number are destined to build or deconstruct this love, to make the pure all-forgiving love exist.

Below are defined in detail the meanings of number 6, in the symbology and in the karmic numerology. Check it out.

Symbology of number 6

Number 6 in symbolism is closely linked to the family, peace, love and emotional stability. Number 6 refers above all to the Star of David, which has six points.

Therefore, it is the number that represents truth and comfort within the home, material or spiritual. The number 6 can also be associated with the anti-love or the antichrist, not as a meaning of evil, but of the opposite for the knowledge of the completeness of divine love.

Karmic Numerology 6

The number 6 is linked to the family mission in Karmic numerology. Thus, people who are born under its influence have the mission to live fully the unconditional love that is born in the family structure, and that is able to neutralize any adversity.

It could also be that this person comes to break harmful patterns within the family, and in this case the passage will not necessarily be one of harmony. However, it is precisely the healing of this structure through adversity, which forces beings to find evolution through the path of pain.

Meaning of number 7 in Karmic numerology

The number 7 has a very strong symbolism in history and in spirituality in general. It points to perfection and to contact with the divine. In the case of Karmic numerology, the number 7 accounts for people who have the mission of the conqueror.

Follow below the definition of the symbology of the number 7 and the karmic numerology 7.

Symbology of number 7

The number 7 is directly linked to the divine, to perfection. This is the ideal proportion, as it was in 7 days that the world was created, and it is a number that appears many times in the Bible, like the 7 years of fat and lean cows.

It is also the number that represents cyclicality, being the term for endings and beginnings in many ways. This is also why it is a number associated with forgiveness and healing.

Karmic numerology 7

In karmic numerology, number 7 refers to the mission of the conqueror. Thus, people born under the influence of number 7 have a lot of energy to conquer and build great goals.

It may be that achievements do not always come easily, for the goal, for these missionaries, is to work up the energy to build great victories in the long term. However, these are people who tend to have success and stability in all areas of life.

Meaning of the number 8 in Karmic numerology

Number 8 is also a very powerful number. It points to justice, material truth and the plenitude of the human being who has found the divine and follows his path to conserve and evolve creation.

So, below are described the meanings of the symbolism of the number 8 and its karmic numerology. Check it out.

Symbology of the number 8

The number 8 in symbolism has a very grand meaning, for it refers to material plenitude, infinity, and dominion over the things of the earth.

Because it succeeds 7, the number of divine perfection, number 8 carries the meaning of the keeper of truth, and is therefore known as the gate of eternity. The Greeks said that "all things are 8".

Karmic Numerology 8

By karmic numerology, those born under the energy of the number 8 carry the mission of justice. Thus, they are people who possess a keen sense of justice, and who carry this throughout their lives to ensure that always the best outcome is achieved in a controversial matter.

For this reason, it is very positive for careers of judges and other authorities. In general, these people are always looking for a balance in the solutions that the world needs.

Meaning of number 9 in Karmic numerology

The number 9 represents the passage from individualism to the consciousness of the whole. Therefore, it brings an energy of great spiritual evolution of the being, going through the confrontation of the shadows of the ego, which cannot fail to occur before the full existence.

Below are the meanings associated with the number 9 in symbology and karmic numerology.

Symbology of number 9

The number 9 is a number that indicates the path of completeness, as it is the last number that indicates units, passing to the tens. Thus, it is also the number that brings the symbolism of spiritual elevation, as it is that rite of passage between individual perfection and the beginning of collective consciousness.

It is therefore a number of intelligence, solidarity and spirituality. 9 also brings a dark aspect of completeness, since good and evil are complementary. For this reason, it is also the representation of the need to confront the ego for full evolution.

Karmic Numerology 9

Number 9 carries the mission of patience in karmic numerology. Because they are people who have great energy to change the world, which requires intelligence and spiritual maturity, they are always faced with situations of injustice or that need solutions.

For this reason, they have the capacity to exercise patience to achieve their achievements at the right time and actually establish changes.

Meaning of number 10 in Karmic numerology

For being the first number of the tens, the number 10 represents the completeness of the universe from a more complex perspective, considering the values of the numbers that compose it, such as 0 and 1 and 1,2,3 and 4.

Check below the meaning associated with the number 10 in relation to its symbology and its karmic numerology.

Symbology of the number 10

In symbology, the number 10 is the first number composed of two digits, and therefore represents the absence and the whole at the same time, the maximum symbol of the duality of the universe.

For this reason, number 10 is also associated with the perfection of the construction of the universe, but in a more complex way. This is because number 10 is also the sum of the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4, which represent in the most succinct way the constitution of the whole, since 1= unity, 2= duality, 3= triad of the universe (physical, mental, spiritual), and 4= material truth.

Karmic Numerology 10

In karmic numerology, the number 10 is associated with the mission of the faithful. Therefore, people born under this energy are deeply committed to their ideals and affective relationships.

This is because this mission reveals the human being's need for commitment, so that these people feel violated when they betray or when they are betrayed.

Meaning of the number 11 in Karmic numerology

The number 11 initiates the compound numbers, and that therefore possess all the complexity of the first decade, added to its personal meaning. In the case of the number 11, it is a number of perfection and search of the truth.

Follow below the definition of the number 11 in the symbology and karmic numerology.

Symbology of the number 11

In symbolism, number 11 represents a perfect number, which brings the constant search of man for God. This is because it is the intermediate between the completeness of being, represented by number 10, and the completeness of the universe, represented by number 12, which in turn comprises a complete revolution of the earth on the sun, for the 12 months of the year.

Thus, number 11 brings the concepts of power, truth and protection. It is still a search number, without, however, understanding the uncertainties of unitary numbers.

Karmic Numerology 11

In karmic numerology, the number 11 appears carrying the mission of intelligence. Therefore, people born under the influence of number 11 are extremely questioning and have great capacity to rationalize their problems.

These are people who need convincing answers to solve their problems, and therefore are not satisfied with half-truths or very emotional solutions. They may excel in intellectual careers such as engineers, doctors, teachers and scientists, but they must be careful not to be too critical and put too much weight on relationships.

Meaning of number 12 in Karmic numerology

The number 12 carries a very positive energy and is associated with what is complete and divine, as it corresponds to the end of cycles, especially when it comes to consciousness.

Thus, this number can be observed in countless ways in nature, history, philosophy and mysticism. It carries the essence of balance, harmony, pondering and sanity.

Below are defined the meanings associated with the symbolism of the number 12 and its karmic numerology. Check it out!

Symbology of number 12

The number 12 is strongly present in the symbols and systems of humanity. Thus, in symbology it is considered the number of total elevation, of the completeness of man before the divine, of harmony, wisdom and illumination.

Although many numbers have a correspondence in the divine plan, it is the number 12 that establishes completeness. There are 12 months in the year, 2 periods of 12 hours in the day, 12 signs in the zodiac. Also, in the figures of history, there were 12 the works of Hercules and 12 the apostles of Jesus.

Karmic Numerology 12

The number 12 corresponds to the analyst's mission in karmic numerology, which means that people who are born under the energy of this number are destined to resolve their issues and achieve their achievements through a work of analysis and pondering.

There is also a greater spiritual connection for these people, which is revealed by the ability to balance energies in the ways of truth and reason.

Meaning of the number 13 in Karmic numerology

Historically, the number 13 is well known for being associated with occult forces, and ultimately the expression of evil.

Below is the meaning of the number 13 in symbology and karmic numerology.

Symbology of the number 13

The symbolism of the number 13 is very popular and generally associated with evil. This is because it is in chapter 13 of the book of Revelation, in the Bible, that the beast appears. The number 13 is also associated with the Holy Supper, when Jesus is betrayed, and in the tarot represents the card of death.

Thus, there is a strong relationship in the popular imagination with something negative. In fact, the number 13 has a very strong aspect, but it is a contact of what is divine with what is feared. It is above all a number that represents strength in the face of any obstacle.

Karmic Numerology 13

According to karmic numerology, number 13 is linked to the mission of attitude, precisely because this number is associated with strength and the ability to overcome. Attitude shows that there is, beyond a brave being, a being capable of deciding, guiding and transforming.

People born under the influence of this number can become great warriors, capable of conquering the greatest goals, however exhausting the journey may be.

Meaning of number 14 in Karmic numerology

The number 14 reveals an energy of transition, of acceptance of purposes and beginning of cycles. In karmic numerology, it carries the mission of balance, guaranteeing decision capacity and facing the most diverse situations for those born under its influence.

Follow below the definition of the symbology and the karmic numerology of the number 14.

Symbology of number 14

The number 14 is considered a number of transition, as it carries an energy of transformation, change and adaptation.

In symbolism, the number 14 is related to contact with the angels and the god Osiris of mythology. In fact, it is about contact with God himself, and the courage to put plans into practice. There is here above all the need for hard work to achieve goals.

Karmic Numerology 14

For Karmic numerology, the number 14 brings the mission of balance. People born under its influence have great facility to find the right measure to act in different situations.

They can do well in professions which require self-control, such as firemen, nurses and doctors, or they can channel this energy into spreading this balance, such as teachers in general.

Meaning of number 15 in Karmic numerology

Number 15 brings an essentially positive energy, very connected to the individual aspect, which can still be channeled for the common good.

The following are the meanings of number 15 in symbology and karmic numerology. Check them out.

Symbology of number 15

In symbolism, the number 15 represents above all the personal magnetism. This occurs because of the junction of the charges of the numbers 1 and 5 and the number 6. All these numbers point to the attitude, the leadership and the existence of the creative energy.

Thus, the presence of this number results in conquest and abundance. There is also a strong influence of sexual aspects, that is, sexuality as a means of contact with the divine and perfection of creation, in a way that reveals itself irresistible.

Karmic Numerology 15

The number 15 means in Karmic numerology the mission of pleasure. So people born under the influence of this number have great openness to situations of satisfaction and joy.

This is not about guilty pleasure, but about the freedom to enjoy life consciously. Number 15 favours any activity which has pleasure as its purpose, whether physical, mental or spiritual. It is generally present in spirits who exude joviality and optimism.

Meaning of the number 16 in Karmic numerology

Number 16 carries with it an essentially material energy, in that it comprises the result of 4 times the number 4, which in turn corresponds to material realization in communion with the divine.

Follow below the definition of the symbology and karmic numerology of the number 16.

Symbology of number 16

In symbolism, the number 16 is associated with the figure of the Tower of Babel, and therefore, the need for eventual destruction of all things so that the new can take place. There is also reference to the Tarot, in which the number 16 represents the Tower, symbol of arrogance.

In truth, the number 16 carries a load related to the material aspect, for being the result of 4 times the number 4, that in turn symbolizes the material accomplishment. However, this number points mainly to the need of maintenance of values in detriment of the arrogance that can accompany the material conquest.

Karmic Numerology 16

In Karmic numerology, the number 16 corresponds to the mission of the organization. Therefore, people born under the influence of this number have great facility to organize situations and people, and feel almost a need to put everything in its right place.

In tune with the symbolism, it is a number that brings the earth element very present, insofar as it reveals a practical need for achievement.

Meaning of the number 17 in Karmic numerology

The number 17 is among the compound numbers one of the strongest spiritually, because it carries the energies of the number 1, of unity and leadership; of the number 7, of perfection and contact with the divine; and of the number 8, of the infinite and of the material conscience.

Follow below the definition of the symbology and the karmic numerology of the number 17.

Symbology of number 17

The number 17 carries the energies of the numbers 1, 7 and 8, and therefore has a symbology linked to self-discipline, compassion and spiritual awakening.

Thus being under the influence of the number 17 is a very positive thing, for it indicates the beginning of a journey of enlightenment. Alongside this it is possible that this number may influence the revelation of problems to be faced, but in general it heralds a journey of prosperity and spiritual protection.

Karmic Numerology 17

The number 17 corresponds to the mission of positivity in Karmic numerology. This means that those born under the influence of this number have within themselves great optimism and joviality to deal with life's issues.

They are also great friends and advisors, as they are able to face difficulties without being shaken by the bad energies that may be present in situations.

Meaning of number 18 in Karmic numerology

The number 18 is directly linked to spiritual presence and, more than that, to the completion of the divine purpose through contact with mysticism and occultism.

For this reason, it is a very important number for religions and for the formation of gurus who are born under its influence.

Follow the definition of the symbolism of the number 18 and its karmic numerology.

Symbology of number 18

For symbolism, the number 18 has great religious importance, for it determines the will of God. Thus, the energy of the number 18 points to the satisfaction of the divine purpose, and guarantees spiritual security and vigor for the personal journey.

It is also the number that indicates adulthood, personal responsibility, maturity and the beginning of effective possibilities of transformation. For this reason, it indicates stability, personal growth and promises of achievement.

Karmic Numerology 18

For karmic numerology, the number 18 represents the mission of the mystic. For this reason, people who have this mission have a strong tendency to get in touch with the spiritual world throughout their life and, in fact, they suffer at some point if this does not happen.

In this case, the satisfaction of the spirit comes through the exercise of the capacities connected with mysticism and especially in the exercise of activities connected with it that can benefit other people.

Meaning of the number 19 in Karmic numerology

The number 19 has apparently contradictory meanings in karmic numerology and in symbology. In symbology, it is an odd, prime number, and it results from the association with other numbers that value unicity. On the other hand, it represents the mission of love and the need of the other for joint evolution in karmic numerology.

Below is the definition in each of the cases.

Symbology of number 19

In symbolism, the number 19 carries the meaning, above all, of independence, because it is composed of the numbers 1 and 9, and their sum goes back to the number 10. All these numbers are associated with attitude and completeness.

In addition, the number 19 is a prime number, and therefore divides only by 1 and itself, which reinforces this character of uniqueness and individuality. It brings an energy of drive, perfection, and autonomy.

Karmic Numerology 19

For karmic numerology, the number 19 comprises the mission of love. Thus, for people born under the influence of the number 19 it is very important to cultivate affective relationships, whether family, love or even those of friendship to work.

This happens because for these people evolution occurs as a group of souls, so that loneliness can cause serious damage and impede the normal flow of existence.

Meaning of the number 20 in Karmic numerology

The number 20 refers to the conclusion of cycles and in relation to the other numbers, it represents wisdom. Thus, it has meanings aligned in the karmic symbology and numerology.

The following are detailed directions on both aspects, check them out.

Symbology of the number 20

The number 20 is associated with the great outcomes and ends of cycles, because it corresponds to the end of the second ten of the numbers, being the first for the understanding of the individual and the second for the understanding of the whole.

Thus, the fingers of human beings are 20, which make their life possible, and the number 20 is also the judgment card in the Tarot, which corresponds to the final judgment. The number 20 is, thus, the great outcome of the path of consciousness in the symbology.

Karmic Numerology 20

In tune with the meaning of the symbology, the number 20 corresponds to the mission of the wise man in the karmic numerology. Thus, it influences people who have great capacity of interpretation and absorption of knowledge, so that they hardly ever repeat their mistakes.

Because they have this aptitude for wisdom, they tend to keep to themselves and seek the company of people who share their worldview. They feel satisfied when they can share this knowledge and help others.

Meaning of number 21 in Karmic numerology

Number 21 brings the aspects of responsibility and maturity. It is also a very positive force for achievement in material life as it defines discernment and wisdom to achieve excellence.

Below are detailed the meanings associated with the number 21 in symbology and karmic numerology. Follow along.

Symbology of number 21

The number 21 carries the energy of responsibility and confrontation as it is the age that marks adulthood in many cultures. However, while it demands character and conduct, the number 21 also represents the fullness and enjoyment of life, more so knowledge, insight and possibilities.

The number 21 is also charged with this energy of wisdom and perfection, because it is the result of the number 3 multiplied by the number 7. Both numbers point to divine proportion and protection.

Karmic Numerology 21

For Karmic numerology, the number 21 brings the mission of accomplishment. It is a very positive mission because it allows people born under its influence to easily accomplish their goals.

These people are born endowed with great inner strength, able to instinctively accomplish something that many need to start a process of evolution to achieve. For this reason, having the number 21 in karmic numerology favours entrepreneurial professions and ambitious positions where great things can be accomplished.

Meaning of number 22 in Karmic numerology

The number 22 appears as the closure of the mystical numbers and also of the karmic numbers, and therefore, at the same time that it carries an energy of completion and completeness, it presents the aspect of liberation, to face life in a light way.

Below are the meanings associated with the number 22 according to symbology and karmic numerology.

Symbology of number 22

The number 22 encloses the numbers of the universe that have a mystical charge, and therefore in symbolism means the whole of the spiritual and material world. Everything in the world can be found by the number 22.

This number appears several times in the Bible, as the 22 chapters of the book of Revelation and the Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters. In African cultures it also represents the whole. It is the great closure, which brings protection, spirituality and truth.

Karmic Numerology 22

According to karmic numerology, the number 22 carries the mission of freedom. Thus, people born under the influence of the number 22 have a great need to live life in a natural flow, without conforming to standards they do not agree with or performing activities they are not comfortable with.

As a termination of karmic numbers, number 22 represents liberation and opening of ways to live life the way destiny determines, without much questioning.

How to pay my karmic debt?

In order to understand how to pay the karmic debt, it is very important that you have knowledge of your karmic numerology and consequently of your life mission. In this way you will be able to pay attention to the obstacles that are most part of this moment of integration of your soul's evolution.

It is important to remember that karma should not have a negative meaning in your life, on the contrary, the karmic debt only guides the best path towards evolution, and respecting this flow means meeting the divine purpose.

Consequently, you will be fulfilling what the divine proposed for you at the moment of your birth, and the consequence of this will be finding happiness in a more organic and uplifting way.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.