Leo in the 10th house: midheaven, astrology, birth chart and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of Leo in the 10th house

The 10th house of the Astrological Chart is the house of visibility, social, work. Those who have Leo in the 10th house will be successful in careers that require creativity and self-expression as the main point.

That is, these people occupy prominent positions, may pursue artistic careers, such as actors in theater or film and also in public relations, politics and the like.

In general, they like to work independently, taking care of their own career, without owing anything to other people. Or, owing as little as possible.

Those who have the Leo in this house like to shine through work, so they choose careers focused on the public, because they love to be in the spotlight, receiving public attention. This makes them feel good about themselves and their work. Check below.

The 10th house in the birth chart

The 10th house in the astrological chart is responsible for the profession and career, with strong connection to power, fame and reputation of a person. It is about the "public life" of that person, how he/she behaves in front of society. See more details about this house.

Astrological meaning

Also known as the Midheaven, the 10th house is considered one of the most important. It is also related to "work", together with the 6th house and the 2nd house. All three work together for your professional success and achievements. The geometric angles of all three form an astrological aspect called a trine.

The 10th house is also one of the houses that has a relationship with parental influence, along with the 4th house. Even a part related to consumerism and the way you manage the money you receive has to do with this house.

It makes a perpendicular angle with the ascendant and the cusp of the 7th house. The cusp of the 10th house is very important in the birth chart. This house is usually ruled by Saturn and the Sun is Capricorn and is of the earth element, being a very changeable house.

What is the Middle of Heaven

The Midheaven is the highest point of the birth chart and many consider it to be a compass. It is very important to know how to correctly interpret the role of this point in our birth chart.

He is considered a compass, because he often helps to find a path to follow, what decisions to make. Whenever someone feels lost, without knowing where to go, or if they are on the right path, whether to follow or retreat, he helps to discover an answer.

A good analysis of the Midheaven helps a person to find the best path to follow, the one that guides us to our destiny.

The influences of the Tenth house or Midheaven

The 10th house or middle heaven can influence several aspects of our life which are connected with our career. Here we will see how this house influences the social position and even the ego of people according to their 10th house.


The 10th house helps you to find that dream job of yours, that will be perfect for you, that will bring you happiness and a sense of fulfillment. From the skills and talents you discovered you have in the 2nd house and the way you position yourself in relation to work in the 6th house, the 10th house is where you integrate all three.

The planets and signs ruling your 10th house will give you indications of which areas you have more vocation. For example, Saturn is a planet oriented to a career as a teacher, judge or scientist. Pisces is linked to a profession more focused on creativity and imagination.

Saturn and Capricorn, for example, show that it takes a long way with a lot of patience to get the career you want.

Neptune and Pisces talk about being confused and undecided about what your place is in society.

Social Position

Social position is related to career. They are not dependent, but complement each other, since your professional success has a great influence on your social position in society.

For example, if you are successful professionally, it may give you the ability to live in a better place, access to more "restricted" parts of society.

But, it is important to remember that money is not everything. Along with it is necessary to have character, otherwise it is of no use. People will not like you just for your possessions and material goods, if you are arrogant or greedy.

And do not forget that no one achieves anything alone, for sure people on your path will help you achieve your dreams and goals, do not be careless with others.

Relationship with Authorities

The 10th house is about your relationship with authorities, i.e. how you behave towards people in a higher position than you. How you see and behave towards your boss or the government, for example.

The way you deal with people who are above you can directly influence your professional achievements and how far you are able to reach your goals.

However, authority can also come from you, in how you deal with people below you as you rise in that position. The more you scale, the more authority you receive, and what you do with that power and how you treat people will say a lot about you.


The ego also influences a lot in your professional life, which is very connected to the authority and social position you occupy. After all, with authority and notoriety that the 10th house has, it is possible to know the level of your ego, and this says a lot about you and how you deal with everything you achieve.

The way you perceive your place in society is also shown in the 10th house. It is not enough to have many material goods, to conquer many possessions, if you think you are superior to other people because of this.

If you care more about material things and your ego, and forget to cultivate and care for people and their relationships in a sincere way, you will end up alone. There needs to be a balance between the material and the human to live well in society.

Leo in the 10th house

Leo in the 10th house is certainly a person who runs after his dreams and goals, since he has a lot of ambition and thirst for professional success. Below are some of his main characteristics, positive and negative aspects.


Those who have Leo in the 10th house have great chances of having Scorpio as ascendant. The characteristics of the person who has this chart says that he is not in the world for nothing, he came to cause.

You are quite ambitious and wish to have a career which makes you be recognized and admired. They can be very vain, especially with their image in the public sphere. They like to show off, to show others their talents. They have thoughts that they are special beings and that they deserve admiration.

They can be seen as someone with their "nose to the grindstone" as success often allows them to behave like "stars" in professional circles. They are always expecting others to admire and praise you.

They are passionate about what they do and this makes them even more creative and expressive. They also have the desire to control their own destiny, so they are left to manage their own career.

Positive Aspects

There are many positive aspects of having the 10th house in Leo, one of them is self-confidence. They are very self-assured, they know their qualities and their potential. Another point is that they are nice, and for this reason they are also very loved. They are people with a good and open heart, kind and generous.

Some Leo in the tenth house do not achieve such great recognition, on a national or global level. But that does not make them any less happy. Even if they do not have such a recognized career, they are happy to be praised for what they do.

They are persistent and fight hard to achieve their dreams. They feel that they are important and that they were born to achieve great things.

Negative Aspects

The negative aspects of having the Midheaven in Leo are: arrogance, drama and narcissism; they can be spoiled and very demanding, which makes them a little difficult to live with. They expect everyone to do their bidding and for everything to revolve around them.

They can also do a lot of drama, worthy of a soap opera, to get attention and get what they want. They can make other people feel inferior to them, not out of malice, but because they think too much of themselves.

They tend to set aside the wants and needs of others by focusing only on having their own wants met.

Common careers for people with Leo in 10th house

There are some careers that are just like those who have Leo in the 10th house. These areas are those that have more affinity with the personality of the natives of this house. Arts, politics, communication are some of them. Check them out below.

Performing Arts

Because they like to shine, many with Leo in the 10th house enter careers in the performing arts, which enable them to be in the spotlight.

Music, theatre, television, dance, painting, all these areas are great for the sign of Leo, as they give all the visibility they wish to receive.

They are treated like stars and divas, gain attention and usually have many fans.


Another area that many 10th house Leo's follow is politics. They like to be in charge in decisions, to command, to have attention and recognition for their work.

Political life gives them everything that makes them feel important and loved, especially when elected by the will of a majority.


Natives of the tenth house of Leo may also like the area of philanthropy. Because they have a good heart, when they have their ego well worked out, these people like to help others.

It gives them a sense of purpose and accomplishment. Caring about people and being recognized for it, receiving praise and thanks, makes them feel good about themselves as well.

Advertising and Marketing

Creative and communication areas, like Advertising and Marketing, are also great areas for someone with House 10 in Leo. The creativity needed in this area arouses the interest of the Leo and matches a lot with the performative and creative side he has. Another positive point is his power of persuasion, which certainly contributes in this area.

They like to innovate, create and are great at it. This area is a must for natives of this sign, because it makes them stand out in the creation of images, advertisements, and other forms of communication.


They can also be great teachers. Because they have a power of persuasion, the academic area is great for them. Along with charisma and creativity, those who have the 10th house in Leo are great at teaching, have good didactics and do it all in an objective way.

Celebrities with Leo in the 10th house

Several celebrities we know who have a lot of glitter and spotlight are Leo natives in the 10th house. And their professions range in television and film, politics, science and academic fields, and poetry. See below.

Robin Williams

Robin Williams, with Leo in the 10th house, was a world-renowned actor who was born on July 21, 1951 in Chicago, United States.

He won several awards and was highly acclaimed for his funny characters, such as in The Almost Perfect Nanny, but it was his role in a drama film that gave him the most awards.

Williams died in 2014, but will always be remembered for his impeccable roles in comedy and drama films.

Jacqueline Kennedy

In politics, we have Jacqueline Kennedy as an example. Also with Leo in the 10th house, she was one of the most iconic women of the 20th century. She was charismatic, had a lot of influence, elegance, and an exceptional way of dealing with people.

No wonder the first lady of the 35th president of the United States was so beloved by Americans. She set the standard for being first lady and was the most famous representative of that title ever.

Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe was a well known writer of poems, short stories and novels, with Leo in the 10th house. Most of his works are drama and suspense oriented, dealing with themes such as death and suffering.

His works are a reference and a landmark for contemporary American literature, which influenced many generations of writers after him.

Poe died in 1849 from excessive drinking, but left his works as legacy and reference. His best known works are The Raven, The Black Cat, The Murders of the Rue Morgue and Mask of Scarlet Death.

Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud was one of the most influential and controversial personalities of the 20th century. He was a medical neurologist who made many contributions to medicine, psychology, literature, philosophy and also in politics.

But, his highlight was for the creation of psychoanalysis, or Freudian theory. Psychoanalysis revolutionized the way psychotherapy was practiced.

Even though he died in May 1856, so long ago, to this day Freud is very important and his theories are studied and applied in the fields he practiced.

Vladimir Putin

Also a native of the 10th house in Leo, Vladimir Putin, president of Russia since 2012 and who has served terms as president from 2000 to 2004 and from 2004 to 2008, was born on October 7, 1952.

Putin studied law and then entered a career in the Russian Espionage Service. He went through various posts until he began his political career in 1990, when he was appointed advisor to the Chairman of the Leningrad City Council.

Putin has come a long way and came to the presidency in 2000, where he has held his own for a long time. He is also a great example of political success for someone who has the 10th House in Leo.

Does having Leo in the 10th house indicate that I will achieve success and recognition in my work?

Success and recognition is relative, but those who have the Leo in the 10th house certainly have more chances to do well in the area they choose to exercise.

You won't necessarily have a global success and recognition like great actors, musicians, politicians among others, but you can be successful in the field you choose, even if it doesn't make you famous.

You can be very well recognized as a great teacher, or as a publicist, as a designer, in whatever area, because those who have Leo in the 10th house have a lot of drive and determination to pursue their goals.

Keep striving and always remember to stay humble, this way you are sure to go very far.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.