Lord Maitreya: on Buddhism, Hinduism, Theosophy, His mission and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Who is Lord Maitreya?

The Lord Maitreya is one who has been given the mission of transmitting wisdom and enlightenment to other beings on Earth. He is tasked with continuing the path of the Buddha, and many argue that he will yet return to life.

Also, his figure is often associated with Jesus Christ, Krishna and other religious figures, so there is a belief that they are all the same people, just in different incarnations.

He is considered as the Cosmic Christ, the one capable of emanating love and wisdom. His intention is not to pass on his knowledge through religious cults, but as a teacher or instructor. If you want to know more, check out everything you need to know about the Lord Maitreya in Buddhism, Hinduism and Theosophy!

The story of Lord Maitreya

The history of the Lord Maitreya indicates that he is the Cosmic Christ, and many argue that Jesus Christ and Krishna were reincarnations of Maitreya. This master is responsible for transmitting teachings for elevation in spirit on Earth. Understand his relationship with the cosmic christ, holy spirit and more below!

The Cosmic Christ

The Cosmic Christ is Maitreya, the successor of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) in the positions of Cosmic Christ and Planetary Buddha. In the age of Pisces, the Robe of Cosmic Christ belonged to Jesus and he also incarnated in India as Krishna. It is believed that throughout history the Cosmic Christ has been present in different bodies and in different places.

The understanding of the image of Christ as a unified figure, close to all beings, since he is part of the whole, removes old dogmas and intrigues between religions and philosophies. Thus, it is possible to make room for the cosmic spiritual experience, in which the being feels connection with all that exists.

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is nothing more than the spirit of God in action. This powerful force is present in everyday life in many ways, providing movement for service on Earth. Each being should seek the Holy Spirit through evolution in their healing process.

Thus, the Holy Spirit can be manifested to achieve Cosmic Christ consciousness. In this state, it is possible to feel connection with everything, becoming one with the whole. For this, one must turn away from the suffering caused by identification with that which is not part of the totality of the being.

The meaning of "Maitreya"

Maitreya means goodness, and in Buddhist tradition some people believe he has already been present on Earth, while others believe he is yet to be born. For those awaiting Maitreya's arrival, his figure is seen as the forerunner of the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha).

It is believed that Maitreya will be born at a propitious time to transmit the divine message. This is because many people are disconnected from presence with the whole. In this logic, it also represents the beginning of a new era.

However, some followers of Buddhism claim that he was already born and that he even established communication through telepathy. In any case, it is important to emphasize that the term "Buddha" means "the enlightened one", one who has reached a high state of consciousness and connection with his higher Self. Therefore, it is fundamental that each one searches for himself.

Maitreya and the White Brotherhood

For the White Brotherhood, Maitreya, Krishna, Jesus, Messiah and Mahdi, among other figures classified as saviour, are the same people in different incarnations. It is believed that in this new age Maitreya does not come as a religious figure but as a teacher.

His intention is to raise consciousness, so that each one can achieve connection with their higher Self and divinity. In this way, his mission is to remove the suffering generated by the identification with matter and karma. Maitreya appears as an inspiration to see all that exists as complementary to the divine.

What they say about Maitreya

Maitreya is a spiritual master known to many religions, such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Theosophy. There are different beliefs about him: some people believe that Maitreya will reincarnate in the future, others hold the idea that he has already fulfilled his mission. See more below!


For Buddhism, Maitreya is the successor of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha. Some people believe that he has already fulfilled his mission on Earth, having had a discrete but very important passage.

Others still await his birth, believing that his teachings can generate great transformations in the future. Regardless of the interpretation, Buddhism sees evolution as both individual and collective. Therefore, with each person doing their part, it becomes possible to reach divine consciousness.


In Hinduism, Maitreya is Krishna, a personified God, but that name can also be related to absolute truth. Many believe that Krishna and Jesus were the same person or soul, just incarnated in different bodies.

In this sense, one was considered the personification of God, while the other was regarded as the son of God. For Hindu religions, the god Krishna was a supreme deity that led to the creation of the Hare Krishna movement, which aims to know God through mantras and surrender to the divine.


For Theosophy, Maitreya is a figure who is part of the Spiritual Hierarchy of masters of ancient wisdom. That means that he has the function of promoting the evolution of humanity, appearing as a teacher.

Thus Maitreya appears on this plane to transfer true knowledge and to assist in the existence of and connection with the divine. In this way He provides awakening and understanding of the cyclic path, that is, He indicates that all that happens is part of an evolutionary process.

The art of the realization of being

The art of realization of being is to recognize your faults and virtues, without identification and judgments, in order to understand that all actions generate a reaction that needs to be lived. Thus, the individual becomes increasingly aware of their behaviors, their choices and their feelings. Understand better below!

What matters is to be

To achieve the art of self-realization, one must stop identifying with ego-only relationships, to manifest the totality of energy that already exists in each one. Suffering exists because the human being is intimately connected to his mental and material issues.

In this way, he often reacts without realizing the subtleties of life. To live in fullness with yourself, you must accept your pains and difficulties, without fleeing or judging. You should only observe and understand that everything is part of your healing process.

To know oneself is the main step to know the divine and, for that, it is necessary to be honest with oneself and practice detachment. In this sense, it is not necessary to get away from everything that is carnal or material, since these aspects are also part of the divine.

But it is necessary to leave behind what no longer fits, a task that is often difficult and painful. Therefore, it is essential to go through moments of symbolic death and changes of cycle, as well as leaving the comfort zone.

How to meet Maitreya

Some people believe that Maitreya will return, to assist in the expansion of earth consciousness, but that it is not necessary to wait for the materialization or personification of that Master.

In this logic, it is possible to be in contact with the divine energy of Maitreya, following the path of self-knowledge and spirituality. After all, the intention is to heal old wounds and establish oneself with the higher Self.

The art of detachment

To be more and more in touch with the higher Self, as Maitreya indicates, it is necessary to practice the art of detachment, however this does not mean giving up everything that is carnal. On the contrary, to detach is to understand that you already live in abundance, but that you continue in constant movement towards individual and, consequently, collective growth.

For this, suffering must be interpreted as obstacles to be overcome, but not as an absolute and irreducible problem. Seeing each stage as a step towards approximation with totality, the individual begins to better understand his impulses, feelings and actions, as well as the daily subtleties.

Maitreya does not desire followers

It is known that Maitreya has no desire for followers, as he only wants to transmit his knowledge and provide more harmony for earthly life. Some religions claim that the Master Maitreya will return as a teacher or an instructor.

Maitreya's mission is to unify everything and everybody, so that each one can realize himself as part of the cog that is the divine or the whole.

Maitreya's mission

Maitreya's mission is to fight fear and ignorance by fostering love and knowledge. Through His teachings, each being is able to awaken the subtle energy to see the world around them and their own journey differently. Thus, they can attain the virtue of walking a creative and true path. Check it out!

Fighting fear

For Maitreya, evil is associated with fear and therefore to nurture fear is also to drive negative stimuli in oneself. In that sense there can be fear of change, of losing people, of acting and many other possibilities.

In any case, fear is the aversion to the natural flow of life. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain connection with the divine in order to diminish identification with thoughts based only on illusion and matter.

By leaving the illusory state, the person maintains more and more connection with the whole, and this process must be constantly constituted. For this, it is necessary to allocate time, disposition and courage to overcome challenges and grow.

Fight against ignorance

The fight against ignorance is part of Maitreya's mission. In this sense, it is understood as the practice of wisdom and the illumination of the mind. Therefore, it is necessary to free oneself from ego pollution, being fundamental to question one's own attitudes and to understand which steps are towards growth and wholeness.

Thus, an individual is able to step out of ignorance and compose his own steps, taking responsibility for what he is creating in his reality. Disappointments are reserved for those who try to sustain the ego, for he who has faith does not need to sustain hopes and illusions.

Fighting for love

The figure of Maitreya is related to the struggle for love, energy present in everything that exists, which can establish the connection with the higher Self. Many people, disconnected from themselves, find themselves far from the divine.

Maitreya's mission is to remind us of the importance of each being as part of the totality, without questioning or judgement. But it can also dispel worry and limiting beliefs, through self-observation.

Fight for knowledge

Maitreya's knowledge is linked to wisdom and connection with feeling. Intuition must be explored to allow courage and to choose the right steps. It is essential to understand that the rational mind is extremely important for establishing everyday and daily activities.

However, the journey of self-knowledge must overcome the barrier of what is tangible and rational, because the human being is not able to explain the complexity of life. In this way, knowledge must start from the individual journey, without trying to imitate any master. In this direction, it is possible to achieve real knowledge and connection with the whole.

To relate to Maitreya

There are a few ways to connect with Maitreya's energy, and to do this you can visit a physical temple, but also connect with the divine energy of your own temple, which is your body. Union with Maitreya enables a number of attributes such as love, balance and kindness. Understand it better below!

Invocation of Maitreya

To invoke Maitreya, you must pronounce the following words:

"In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, I invoke here and now, the Ring of White Fire, which passes nothing, from the Heart of the Beloved Lord Maitreya.

So that it may be placed around me and around everyone I love, burning and consuming, burning and consuming, burning and consuming, burning and consuming, inside of them, anything that is impure and anti-God or against my manifested divine plan."

Temple of the Cosmic Christ

To relate to the Cosmic Christ, it is possible to go to His temple, and in Brazil there is one destined to Maitreya in São Lourenço, Minas Gerais. It is also fundamental to remember that the body of each being is its own temple.

In this way, it is possible to maintain connection with the energy of the Cosmic Christ, awakening the natural potential and connection with the divine that dwells in each one. By doing something like this, the being goes through an intense transformation, changing the way of seeing life and defining new steps to follow during the journey.

This is because the person is not putting focus and energy on superficial desires. Therefore, it is essential to maintain connection with the Cosmic Christ energy in order to follow the path of healing and have peace of mind.


In Ancient Egypt, Maitreya was a Hierophant, meaning a priest or a great religious leader. In the Tarot, he is linked with the card The Pope or The Hierophant, which carries a message about revisiting spiritual matters.

This card recalls the need to explore existing knowledge, that is, to use what is available. It is a fact that in the process of self-knowledge, you need to be on the move and learn many things in a practical way.

But there is still much information that can assist in the journey. Furthermore, The Pope maintains connection with the spiritual and earthly planes, as well as being in charge of transmitting important messages and helping others.


Sanat Kumara is a mysterious being popular in Eastern religious traditions. In Hinduism, he is considered one of the sons of Brahma. He was responsible for establishing the flame of life on earth for the sake of the growth of the people.

In this logic, the first person to respond to the flame of Sanat Kumara was Buddha, and the second was Maitreya, who was given the mission of the Cosmic Christ. In this sense, he is responsible for emanating the flame of wisdom and enlightenment to the whole.


The attributes related to Maitreya are perfect balance, love, kindness and the peace of the Cosmic Christ. All these qualities can be attained by those who strive to overcome their fears and pain.

The path of self-knowledge is often complicated because the identification with patterns of behavior, limiting beliefs and negative thoughts prevents one from having clarity about one's own issues.

But having the firmness to face difficulties as important stages generates maturity and closeness with the totality of your Self and of the world. Thus, balance, love and peace become more and more present

Key Music

Some songs are said to be key to establishing connection with the divine and with Maitreya. The songs are chosen by Ascended Masters, i.e. a group of beings who have achieved spiritual elevation.

Key songs are important for raising positive energies and balancing the 7 chakras. It also attracts healing vibes and clarity, to deal with one's own difficulties. Some songs are Vangelis - ti Les Chiens Aboyer and Charles Judex - Gounod.

What is the relationship of the Lord Maitreya to our age?

According to astrologers, the world is currently under the influence of the Age of Aquarius, which began in the year 2000. Others maintain that it will begin in 2600 or 3000, but even with this difference, it is already possible to perceive the mark of Aquarius, causing humanity to think differently.

The previous era, of Pisces, had as a landmark the religious development and the figure of Jesus Christ. It is believed that, in this new era, the reincarnation of the Lord Maitreya will bring healing energy and elevation of consciousness, being able to modify rooted and illusory patterns. Thus, it will bring humans closer to great transformations in the way of living and thinking.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.