Mars in the 12th house: retrograde, solar revolution and synastry. Check it out!

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Jennifer Sherman

The meaning of Mars in the 12th House

The placement of Mars in the 12th house can cause some very particular effects in the natives that are impacted by it, because there is a tendency to repress the anger they feel. Over time these individuals end up putting out abruptly what was internalized and repressed for so long through explosions that can reveal a more aggressive state of these.

Mars is responsible for causing a certain movement in the thoughts of natives, and acts unconsciously in their minds. That is why it is very important for these individuals to escape from negative situations. Read more details below!

Meaning of Mars

Mars is a planet that brings with it several meanings and actions, and this can be seen in its history in mythology. In astrology this is a planet of great potential, which represents the strength of male sexuality.

Because of this attribution, which makes it seen as a planet that stimulates virility, it is also noted through the strength and courage of its natives, who do not dispense a good battle. Keep reading to learn more about Mars!

Mars in mythology

In mythology Mars is also known as Mavorte, who is the god of war. But he is also attributed with being the guardian of agriculture. Son of Juno and Jupiter, in Greek mythology, he is the equivalent of Ares.

In these two visions, however, Mars is seen as a hero or warrior, who fights for what he believes in without fear, and because of this he is considered a planet that represents strength and masculine virility, because he exerts this power of determination to win his battles whatever the cost.

Mars in astrology

In astrology, as Venus is linked to the power of feminine sensuality, Mars represents the masculine, in relation to sexuality. For this reason, it is common that he brings to the natives influenced by him a more virile energy.

Not only men, but other attributions brought by Mars for these natives favor them in their lives, because they will be people of great courage and strength to face any obstacle that is proposed to them with great strength.

Mars in 12th House

Mars positioned in the 12th house is seen as a complex placement, not only to be explained, but it can also be seen due to some aspects as something difficult to be experienced by its natives. There are some notable mishaps and difficulties, which need to be understood so that they can be dealt with in the best way.

The energy of Mars is very strong, and when it is positioned in the 12th house, which is full of mysteries and even hidden energies, this becomes much more intense than other positions in the same house. Read more about this position!

How to find my Mars

To discover where your Mars is positioned, it is first necessary to make your Astrological Chart. Through it it will be possible not only to obtain this information, but also several other details of other houses, planets and signs which are positioned along the chart.

In order to make the Astrological Map, it is necessary for the individual to use their date of birth and time of this. Thus, all these details can be provided to the native about the positions of their houses and more.

Meaning of the 12th House

The 12th house closes the cycle of the collective life, and here the individual will enter in another aspect of his life, because here it will be possible for this native to have a true reunion with himself. Because of these characteristics, and others, this house is considered mysterious, and even an enigma for many experts.

This is because it symbolizes everything that goes beyond the understanding of the natives, which often will not be palpable and understood by them, because it is not easy to be explained either. Thus, this house deals with many issues that can only be felt.

What Mars reveals in the Birth Chart

Mars in the birth chart represents various aspects in astrology. Some of the main characteristics that can be mentioned about this planet in this sense are those connected with wars, anger, aggressiveness, action and determination.

Therefore this is the planet considered to be the reason for the natives to have the strength to get up and act every day. Mars is responsible for ensuring the motivation of individuals due to these very strong characteristics. Daily challenges are overcome guided by the courage that is provided by this planet.

Mars in 12th house

The placement of Mars in the 12th house is challenging as the native will face some issues that can even be seen as problematic. This is because as this house is connected to what is hidden inside the native, there is a difficulty to understand everything that happens.

Due to this lack of clarity in the situations proposed by this positioning that it can be considered one of the least positive to have. This classification can be made by the fact that to be happy you need to be aligned with your desires and dreams, but as this positioning favors a lot of mystery in your actions, this aspect is somewhat hindered.

Mars in 12th House Natal

In the natal chart, if Mars in the 12th house is aspected in a tense way, it is possible that this native will be influenced in an even more negative way than this position already shows. This is because besides the challenges of understanding the occult, in this case this individual will also have several possibilities of conflicts at all times in his life.

Therefore, one must be careful with these aspects, because they can negatively favor what is already complicated enough to face.

Mars in 12th House in the Annual Chart

Mars in the 12th House in the Annual Chart does not bring good news for the native. This placement is quite difficult in itself, and in this case it will still reveal more challenging situations to be faced by the native who relies on it.

This is a period when it is necessary to be more careful with your health as it predicts illnesses and even accidents. As this is a complicated phase, the native to prioritize the care of himself should protect himself and not perform high-risk activities.

Mars in 12th House in Transit

The tendency during the period when Mars is in the 12th House is for this native to suffer from some specific influences, as there is a potential for him or her to act in a more hidden and secretive way.

This kind of attitude, in this case, is seen as positive, because it is a strategy adopted so that your goals do not stay on the surface being observed by people who can harm you in any way. This is a way to avoid the bad influences of others. Therefore, this period of Mars transit in the 12th house is more particular and should be lived as such.

Personality traits of those who have Mars in the 12th house

Natives who have Mars positioned in the 12th house have some common traits in their personalities that make them recognized as such. Even if it is not one of the best positions, they have qualities that should be considered.

The natives who are influenced by this house and planet need to align themselves with some issues that are addressed by this house and planet, otherwise they end up feeling lost and helpless in the face of a multitude of situations that they do not understand. Want to know more? Read on!

Positive features

Natives with this position of Mars in the 12th house use their experiences or those of other people around them, even if negative, to learn more and more. The trying moments of their lives are used wisely by them, so that they do not have to go through it again.

Another important detail about these individuals is the fact that they act thinking a lot about the common good, if their attitudes can also benefit other people and what they can do to make this happen effectively.

Negative characteristics

As for the negative characteristics, natives with Mars in the 12th house have a strong tendency to adopt escapism as a way of life, so in many moments these people will use what they like or some excuses to escape from their difficult and challenging realities.

There is a very strong desire on the part of people with this position to escape their own realities, especially when they feel pressured in some way. In order not to adopt destructive postures, they need to constantly search for options for lighter and happier activities.


Natives with Mars in the 12th house are naturally more reserved, and this aspect is so present in their way of acting that in many moments they adopt a posture of hiding and repressing their feelings and desires so that it is not necessary to talk about it with other people.

This is because they do not like to expose themselves and they adopt this defense mechanism to hide their true feelings. Moreover, this posture is also a measure for these natives not to reveal their plans, for fear of others' actions.

Omission of feelings

As they are very quiet people who do not like to expose their thoughts, the natives with Mars in the 12th house also omit their feelings a lot. For these people it is very difficult to talk about what they feel and find a way to express it clearly.

Because of this, the way they find to not have to deal with their feelings is this, to omit everything they feel and think. This is not the best way to deal, because in the end, these natives always end up accumulating feelings and explode in the worst moments.

Search for spiritual evolution

Natives with Mars in the 12th house face many challenges in their lives, and the search for spiritual evolution is one of them. In order to connect with the Universe or even God, these people face one of the most difficult tasks of their lives, as they seek alignment with the will of God or the Universe.

In many moments of this search these natives end up feeling confused and lost, but the way they find to deal with this is through studying and obtaining knowledge.

The influence of Mars in the 12th House

Mars is a planet with a lot of energy, and its influence in the 12th house is remarkable. There are many obstacles faced by natives who count on this position. However, it is necessary that they do not understand these situations in their lives as punishments, but chances for improvement and growth.

Working hard to achieve their goals makes these natives find the desired spiritual evolution. Some other aspects of the life of these individuals can also be influenced by the strength of this position, see below what they are!

Love and sex

As individuals with this position have a strong tendency to repress their feelings, in love they may face some more obstacles to overcome. Nevertheless, Mars with all its energy favours this native in some aspects of their relationships, as this planet makes them partners who encourage their loves.

These are people who give a lot of strength to their partners in various aspects of life, such as work, for example. In general, a relationship with natives with Mars in the 12th house can be challenging, but there are also several qualities.


It is necessary to be careful with health, some aspects of this positioning of Mars in the 12th House point to potential problems that the native may encounter in their lives. Therefore, it is always good to be aware of it.

The 12th house also brings many aspects related to this, as it highlights the need to search for balance in areas of great importance for life. Natives who are influenced by this position do not have good discipline in this sector, and need to be more careful with this.


The family life of those natives who have Mars in the 12th house is not the best. In general, these individuals do not build strong connections and bonds with the people who make up their family nucleus.

Inside the house they are as quiet people as outside, so it is common that they have fewer friends and do not cultivate this type of relationship with their families, because they are naturally removed from these aspects due to the way they act and see the world.


Natives who hold this position are people who use their experience a great deal to face new situations. They are able to gain a broader understanding of various aspects.

This factor is what makes them stand out in their professions, because when faced with errors, these natives can seek clearer answers and are usually responsible for great discoveries that can benefit society as a whole. Therefore, this is a common position among people who work in areas such as psychiatry, medicine and others in this sector.

A little more about Mars in the 12th house

Some aspects can further disfavor the placement of Mars in the 12th house. Even though it is a difficult configuration to deal with, natives can face even more problems because of this if something is aspected in a bad way.

The planets when they are retrograde cause real damage not only to the natives that are directly influenced by them, but to all people at some level. Therefore, these are aspects that can harm even more the actions of the natives with Mars in the 12th house. Read on!

Mars retrograde in 12th house

When Mars is retrograde in the 12th house, the effects will be felt more intensely by the native. There are many ways that these can manifest and influence different aspects of life, since this is a more expansive house.

Thus, these natives can have an even greater difficulty in expressing themselves and putting their thoughts in order. They even end up being misunderstood by other people because they can't find better words to express themselves. It is an intense period of great difficulty in this sector of communication for these individuals.

Mars in Solar Revolution in the 12th House

The revolution of Mars in the 12th house is a period in which the native will face situations of great adversity. This is because at this time it is possible that these individuals end up facing issues related to health.

It is important that you pay attention to everything that is happening around you, as dissatisfactions with friendships, problematic situations at work and other bad issues can appear and cause even more impact at an unfavorable time. But it is important to take care of each of these issues as they arise, but always prioritize your health.

Mars in 12th House Sinastry

The placement of Mars in the 12th house is problematic for love affairs. As this is a house that can be considered as the house of self-effacement due to its aspects, these natives tend to be people full of secrets.

There are moments that it seems that they keep secrets even from themselves, so having a person with Mars in the 12th house in your life is a challenge, because it brings these hidden aspects that can be very difficult to face.

Is Mars in the 12th house a good placement for work?

Natives with Mars in the 12th house are very dedicated in their tasks and because they like to learn from their mistakes and from the mistakes of others, they are very capable professionals. This is because they use these experiences to go in search of improvements for their activities.

They excel at whatever it is, because they are not satisfied to cultivate mistakes in this way, is always looking to resolve issues that failed in some aspect. Therefore, this is a positive positioning for work because these are professionals who are not afraid to make mistakes and use this to their advantage to evolve and grow.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.