Meaning of Jupiter in Aquarius: For astrology, on the map and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General meaning of having Jupiter in Aquarius

Jupiter is the planet of mental expansion and benevolence. Its priority is the good of society as a whole, besides being the planet of optimism, hope and faith. The sign of Aquarius has the thirst for renewal and independence.

Having Jupiter in Aquarius, the native of this aspect tends to expand all that is gradual and futuristic. He likes to break patterns, rules and get out of the box in various aspects of life. He usually finds himself renewing things and favouring groups or communities.

It is common to find these natives having very different ideas and always thinking about the good of humanity. Selfishness is not something they possess, on the contrary, their wills revolve around a greater good. See below all the meanings of Jupiter in Aquarius in astrology.

Jupiter in Aquarius for Astrology

Jupiter in Aquarius makes natives like to interact, regardless of social class, race or creed. These natives have no prejudices, on the contrary, they tend to believe that differences are very positive for the learning of humanity, because they believe that different lifestyles, moral, social and philosophical values teach and take everyone out of the comfort zone. What theythey love it.

Respect and tolerance are things that are part of them. Jupiter in Aquarius believes that everyone has their own place in the world and needs to be in these positions to learn and evolve. In addition, people with this aspect consider that each human being has a very valuable contribution to make to society and that differences are what make the world so beautiful, rich, complex andpleasurable.

Here are some of the characteristics of those who have this positioning in the fields of love, behavior, work and more.

Behavior and Characteristics

Natives of this aspect are original people, who have a good intellect and love to expand their mind with various subjects. It is a very beneficial placement when in balance, since Aquarius is a sign which loves innovative ideas and Jupiter is the planet of mental expansion.

They usually feel the call, all the time and in everything they do, to make the world a better place to live. For this reason, they are always looking for social thoughts and ideas. They are very intelligent, free, activist and inventive.

They are in a constant movement of ideas. They don't like to feel trapped, much less have their ideas barred. If there was one word to define who has this aspect in the chart, it would be empathy.

This is because they like to help others, learn new ways of living and experiencing life. They are usually people who are not on Earth just to enjoy this plane, but to make a difference in the world by creating new visions.

In disharmony

When an aspect is in disharmony, the native feels his shadows rather than his light and goodness. Jupiter in Aquarius in unbalance causes people who have this aspect in their birth chart to have a great capacity for judgment. It can also attract false people into their lives.

They can end up imposing their ideas much more without respecting the idea of the people around them. They still tend to be very stubborn and start to listen less to others and talk more, as if they were superior to the people with whom they live. It is possible that they become intolerant and inconvenient.

In love

Having Jupiter in Aquarius and being in a love relationship is a move that needs a lot of trust from the partner. When an Aquarian is in love there is no room for doubt of this feeling, as it is difficult for them to fall in love with others and when this occurs, they expect a lot of trust from their partner about them and what they feel.

For this relationship to work, this aspect needs a partner who respects his spiritual side and understands that he will often need time alone. The mind of these natives is very open and they need time alone to understand themselves.

The relationship is extremely harmonious if the person Jupiter in Aquarius is in a relationship with is also free from prejudices and ties, is fair and seeks freedom. If there is commitment and compromise, the relationship will be very healthy.

For these natives there is no time for neediness, fear and jealousy, so they need to be with people who are very sure of themselves and who know what they want, and of course, who act in the same way with them, because the feeling of imprisonment is something that kills the interest of people with Jupiter in Aquarius.

In professional life

Those with Jupiter in Aquarius are usually natives who are attracted to work which involves the welfare of society as a whole, so when it comes to their professional life and career, they look to work with something which has a purpose and does good.

It is very rare to find people with this aspect happy doing something that does not add anything socially. Usually they seek professions that can enrich their own mind and intellect and that, in some way, reflect on the greater good for humanity.

Because they are very independent people, they may prefer to have their own business without having to explain themselves to people or have a hierarchy in the workplace. It is common to find these natives doing volunteer work, either by putting their hands in the dough or donating part of their money to institutions.

The point is that one way or another, they will be doing something innovative, parallel to the profession or within it. They will be doing some kind of volunteering, and they will certainly only be in professional environments for as long as they are learning something that they think is relevant, otherwise they go out and look for what actually teaches them something and takes them out of their comfort zone.

The man and woman of Jupiter in Aquarius

Women who have Jupiter in Aquarius are usually very open and full of compassion within themselves. They are often very empathic and ready to care for and help others. They feel great love for friends, family and even people they don't even know.

They are women who on the outside may seem more distant and cold, but they have an extremely humanitarian heart. They usually find pleasure and satisfaction in feeling useful in the work environment and are very lucky in life as a whole. Love comes to them in a very free and spiritual way.

Men of this aspect are not so different. They are usually very attractive people and give the impression of being distant, but in fact they are very human and wise. Ready to help those in need, when needed.

They are very trusting in love relationships and are very generous with everyone around them. They like to teach people about the world, make them laugh, experience and grow together with them. They are captivating, loving and caring.

The Power of Adaptation

To adapt to things in life you need a lot of resilience and Jupiter natives in Aquarius have this resilient characteristic. In fact, every transformation and change that can occur in life, enchants them.

Because they are very wise souls with a great thirst for freedom, they understand that life has its ups and downs, and that this is part of evolution and learning. They have great faith that everything is the way it should be and for this reason they can adapt to the many changes of life.

They believe that if life is always the same, it may even lose its fun, so it is necessary to innovate and renew all the time. And that is exactly where the freedom and lightness of Jupiter in Aquarius comes from.

The principle of doing good

Jupiter in Aquarius tends to help others, and anything to do with the welfare of society as a whole and futuristic ideas gets your attention. Natives in this aspect tend to have compassion as a great philosophy in life and like to be there for others.

It is extremely common to find social leaders of humanitarian institutions with this aspect. This is because for these natives the greatest learning of this life is precisely knowing and understanding the uniqueness of each citizen, each culture, each society and so on. The mental expansion for these people is precisely to get involved in social and humanitarian causes.

In disharmony, they can be indifferent and inconstant, resulting in advocating unrealistic causes and even ignoring discipline and responsibility, points which when this aspect is in harmony and balanced, are two characteristics are fundamental to them.


When a person has Jupiter in Aquarius in their birth chart, they tend to be more unpredictable and to seek a lot of knowledge, external and internal. For this reason, it is possible to have the impression that they are cold people and that they do not show their feelings as much as others, for example.

These natives are very fond of their own company and because they have a very agitated mind, always turned to the whole and to the expansion of knowledge, they need time for themselves.

It is common for people with this aspect to like to be alone and seek quieter and more isolated places to spend time. Freedom for them is a synonym for living and learning, so it is so necessary to get away a little from everything and everyone.

They are usually more individualistic because this is how they feel free. Any situation in which they feel trapped becomes a big and intense burden for these natives.

Pathology and indicated herbs

The planet Jupiter is synonymous with joviality, optimism, hope, faith and positive thinking. It represents the need to have happy, joyful and smiling experiences.

The energy is totally of mental, philosophical and social expansion, and for this reason, it is common that the place in the birth chart in which the person has Jupiter is an aspect of great good luck. But it is extremely important to keep in mind that everything in excess can be very harmful and with this planet is no different.

The person who has Jupiter in Aquarius tends to have some pathologies, being: chronic back pain, multiple myeloma, endotoxemia, arthrosis of the ankles, congestive heart failure, venous insufficiency, varicose veins and hemorroids.

Some herbs are very indicated for these natives to consume in the course of their lives, as, for example, saffron, echinacea, bird's-foot-herb, horse-chestnut, crátego, wood-ear, button-herb, digitalis, and poria cocos.

Words associated with Jupiter in Aquarius

For a greater understanding of this aspect, simply and fairly, it is possible to associate some words to these natives and recognize some very common characteristics between them.

For example, mental expansion, growth, luck, opportunity, hope, optimism. They are usually sociable, inspired, sincere, faithful and committed natives, empathetic, compassionate and curious.

Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius

A planet is retrograde when it is moving in a direction opposite to that of the other planets in the solar system. When viewed from Earth, there is a sense that the planet is moving 'backwards'.

In astrology, when this occurs at the time of a person's birth, it indicates that the native of that aspect has certain difficulties in relation to the subject matter which that planet in question has ownership and significance.

The aspect of Jupiter in Aquarius when it is retrograde tends to make the native very anxious about the future. It is as if there is an urgency to experience things, especially things which society as a whole has not yet experienced. He has a very agitated mind and is attracted to everything around him.

For some aspects of life this position can be harmful, for example for marriage, because the person believes that his freedom can be corrupted and therefore does not give his best to the other. But what the natives of this aspect do not understand is that the greatest freedom they need is mental, much more than physical.

It is likely that this person spends more time of his life alone exactly for excluding everything and everyone who goes against his will and his enthusiasm to embrace the world. The feeling of emptiness can also be very common, because the biggest karma in this case is not knowing how to use his wisdom and mental expansion in a correct, healthy and productive way. See below some more aspects of this positioning.

The retrograde planets

When a planet is retrograde in a sign, it means that the acquired characteristics of that sign are being pulled back in time. In other words, the native of this aspect relives in this lifetime many things that have lived in past lives which have to do with the retrograde planet itself.

This is because, for whatever reason, the individual has soul feelings linked to karmic lessons that are unfinished and unresolved. So, it is like a new opportunity of life for everything to be reviewed and changed, in the sense of having an evolution.

However, it is a factor that needs to be broken and dissolved, otherwise the person can get stuck in situations of lives that have already occurred, thus much of their energy is spent in the past and not living the present, hindering their life, ambitions and lessons of the present moment.

In order to break this energy it is necessary to spend it on things that are really important for the native's existence in the current life. It is also necessary to understand the meaning and observe how, when and where this fits in his life. After this step, it is necessary to break patterns and vicious cycles so that there is more harmony in this aspect in the astrological chart.

Symbol and meaning

The planet of Jupiter is symbolized by the Half Moon of the Soul. It is said that when Matter and Soul have harmony between them, each has the ability to accomplish the other. In the West, this symbol is seen by the Cross of Matter, which symbolizes the maturity of that which originates at the birth of the individual in the East, thus, it is everything that the person materialized in past lives and that forms hiswisdom.

In the case of retrograde Jupiter, this symbol is inverted and shows the Half Moon of Soul in the east which brings the Cross of Matter to the west. Thus the native knows that this life, as a result of past lives, is all that gives birth to what he needs to experience in the earthly life, that is, life for these individuals becomes a very positive spiritual journey if he knows how to take advantage of it.

Personality of those with Jupiter Retrograde in Aquarius

This aspect can make the individual very attached to things that have already happened, besides being little open to new people and situations in his life. It is common to find natives of this position who are more closed, even in their body expressions.

They are more intolerant and extremely stubborn. The difficulty here is precisely in dealing with non-acceptance of opinion and much rigidity and extremism in their ideas towards the world. They may be people who become indifferent to society and life as a whole.

It is common for these natives to build their own bubble to live without caring about the whole.

Influence of the Retrograde on the signs

Everything that is retrograde has a certain difficulty in pulling the light and evolution, and so this aspect makes everything more complicated and complex for these individuals, for there is great difficulty in extracting the benefits of the planet that is retrograde. And it is hard work trying to transform and transmute the shadows of this aspect.

This becomes a mystery to each individual until he gets to a complete and correct understanding of how this reflects in his life. The biggest problem is that there are several facets of a retrograde planet and to find out the correct dimension in which it acts, because it is necessary a very large evaluation of sign, house and aspect.

In addition to the meaning of the planet itself, a broad understanding of the sign it is in is needed from all sides, being the light and shadow of that aspect. It is a new, deep, internal and external understanding of the individual and is unique to each.

Jupiter and Planets for Astrology

Jupiter is one of the eight planets in the solar system, and is even the largest planet. It takes about 12 years to go around the zodiac and spends one year in each sign.

He is ruler of the sign of Sagittarius, so the natives of this aspect have a lot of familiarity with this planet, as it is precisely where he feels at home and excels his greatest benefits.

Jupiter is concerned with all that is part of the mental and spiritual field. It goes beyond what can be seen, for it is extremely spiritual and faith oriented. The principles and philosophies of the individual are also associated with the position of Jupiter in his birth chart.

Jupiter in your horoscope

Jupiter is a planet known for its good luck. Regardless of the house in which it is in the birth chart, it will bring great luck to the individual. It is the planet that teaches that optimism should be part of life regardless of what happens and that even when everything goes differently than planned, you must have faith and hope in the feeling that everything is the way it should be.

Jupiter will always show the solutions for everything that happens, especially when a person does not feel well and complete. He is a planet that creates a protective and positive egregore in people's lives. It is precisely who helps to find the meaning of life and to always go forward.

The areas of life ruled by Jupiter

Expansion and development are things that Jupiter holds dear, so it concerns one's studies, travel, knowledge, teaching, learning. This is the aspect that deals with spirituality, the way virtue is worked out, and the way dreams are cultivated.

Jupiter says a lot about how the individual behaves with his own essence and how he does to nurture and cultivate it in a healthy way. As such, he represents all those aspects of the person's life that are not tangible, but are soulful.

It is placed in the light the way one feeds his mind and intellect. How to enjoy the things that life brings in a light way and keeping in mind the importance of the energetic and spiritual field.

Planetary Transit of Jupiter

The planets are always in motion, throughout their existence. In astrology, when we say planetary transit we mean the entry of a planet into a particular sign of the zodiac, causing this to determine how the individual and society as a whole react to external issues.

In the case of Jupiter, its transit varies between 8 months and a year and a half in each sign, so it is a period of expansion and growth, and on its malefic side it represents excess and exaggeration.

Every planet has its own energy that moves around everything and everyone, but there are always parts of the human body where the planets throw much more energy and ask for some attention from individuals.

The planet Jupiter requires attention in the liver, gallbladder, posterior lobe of the pituitary (related to growth), and thighs. Individuals with problems in these organs are likely to have a dysfunction and imbalance in all that Jupiter represents.

All the aspects which make up an astrological chart have their positive and negative sides, so it is very important to try as much as possible to find a balance in everything in life. When Jupiter in Aquarius is badly balanced, it tends to make the native very grouchy and stubborn. It brings out loneliness instead of solitude.

It is common for these people to have problems in the physical body in the liver, gallbladder and in parts of the body that value growth. Besides this, in the mental field, they have a more agitated mind, wanting a little of everything without having a focus, and may even distance themselves from their personal cycles, their profession and have the feeling of not belonging in the things of life.

They may be people who instead of seeking spirituality, go after external things to occupy themselves and fill the constant emptiness they feel. Care must be taken with unbalanced aspects of Jupiter in Aquarius so that it does not become a risk to the physical and mental health of the individual.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.