Meaning of Pluto retrograde: in the birth chart, in transit and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of Pluto retrograde

Pluto retrograde is the period in which turbulence can occur, and it is necessary to observe the dark side of situations and perceive the shadows. These are nothing more than the areas in which the light of consciousness has not yet penetrated.

Since 2008, Pluto has been transiting in the sign of Capricorn, not saying goodbye until 2024. Therefore, it is an astral location in which we are used to experiencing this power, as well as its retrogradation, which occurs for six months every year.

Although we already know this transit, each retrograde has the potential to bring us new growth. Below, understand more about the main characteristics of Pluto retrograde!

Notions of retrograde Pluto

There are several views on the interpretation of Pluto retrograde. The phenomenon of retrogradation is something quite common: once a year, for almost six months, this planet will be retrograde. This indicates that practically half of the population will have Pluto retrograde in their chart. Below, learn what are the different notions of Pluto retrograde!

Pluto in mythology

In mythology, Pluto was the son of Saturn and Reia, and the brother of Jupiter, Neptune and Juno. In sharing out the universe, Jupiter gave Pluto the empire of the hells. He was a dark and angry god, because he was unhappy with the kingdom he had left.

Pluto was such an ugly god that he couldn't find any woman to marry, until the day he decided to steal Proserpine, daughter of Jupiter and Ceres. When she was on her way to the fountain of Aretusa, in Sicily, to fetch water, he took her to his sinister kingdom of shadows.

Pluto was a god to be feared, because sooner or later it was believed that everyone would come face to face with him.

Pluto in astrology

According to astrology, Pluto is the symbol of deep transformations. Ruler of Scorpio, he reveals to us where our hidden strength lies and the place where we hold the power to be reborn after a difficult and challenging period.

Its position in the Star Chart indicates the area of our life which should constantly go through a process of cleaning and revision. In it we learn about detachment and discover new values by giving up those which no longer serve us. It also deals with all that is destructive in us: our intolerances and our darker impulses.

Its symbolism shows us that everything is inconstant and changeable. It indicates the letting go of what is not necessary for personal development or the process of touching the wound that, at the same time that it causes pain, guides our healing. Thus, it is a force that oscillates between destroying and regenerating.

It is where we have Pluto that life takes on new value, after experiences of emotional pain and suffering.

Meaning of the term retrograde

According to the dictionary, the term retrograde refers to that which is retrograde, that which goes backwards, or even that which is presented backwards. The retrograde movement occurs in three phases: The first occurs when the planet is stationary and prepares itself for retrograde.

The second occurs when the planet moves backwards to another stationary point and prepares to resume direct motion. And the third begins at the moment when the planet resumes direct motion, until it reaches the initial stationary point.

In this context, Pluto, the Planet of the depths and of power, when retrograde, refers to the help in self-knowledge and to reflections that make us move forward.

Terms that underlie the configuration of retrograde Pluto

When it comes to retrograde Pluto, there are different terms compacted and their respective explanations. There are impacts on the subconscious, on feelings of destruction and regeneration and among others. Keep reading the article and learn more about this subject!

The subconscious

The movement of Pluto retrograde impacts directly on the subconscious, that is, it messes with our inner side. The forces of regression of this planet are acting, even if in a silent way.

It's important not to be afraid of change, as you may end up dwelling on thoughts that are no longer relevant. Let your subconscious mind lead this transformation. At this time, it's important to be honest and take more responsibility for your own life.

Destruction and regeneration

Retrograde Pluto is interpreted by many as a time of destruction and regeneration.

While destructive, many situations can impact on destructive feelings, but can also incite self-knowledge. With this, the feeling of regeneration is reflected. In this sense, new doors are opened and old ones are closed, like a milestone of phases.

Light and shade

During the period of Pluto retrograde, many aspects are hidden, while others are emphasized. This planet is associated with the destruction necessary for something new to emerge, symbolizing losses, transformation and regeneration.

In this sense, some factors are hidden, falling into shadow, while others are revealed in the form of light. In this way, this constant exchange is responsible for the transformations and renovations characteristic of this period.

Pending issues from the past

As it is a time of much reflection, Pluto retrograde can bring up issues from the past. These unresolved issues come back into the present and therefore it is the ideal time to put an end to them.

Thus, in times of reflection, Pluto retrograde can help you see aspects that were once forgotten. In view of this, take some time for yourself and to reflect on these past issues.

Pluto retrograde is a good time for:

When retrograde, Pluto favors certain actions. This planet rules controversial topics, which hide under the surface and are difficult to talk about. Following this line of thought, it is necessary to know what they are and analyze which are the best attitudes for this moment. Check out more about them below!


The growth brought by Pluto retrograde brings feelings of evolution, making you let go of things that no longer make sense to you. Don't see this point as something bad, but as an opportunity for growth and, above all, knowledge. This is all part of the process.

Moreover, its lessons come through losses and passages through "hell" (as the world of the dead was known in mythology). There, we have to abandon the shell and the external appearance, leaving only the essential, the real and deep value. It is the seed that dies under the ground for a new fruit to be born.

Personal growth

Pluto retrograde gives us the energy to work on ourselves - which we will need, as we will be facing some truths about our inner selves. It is important, therefore, that we are honest and take more responsibility for our own lives.

In this way, personal growth is boosted. Problems will be exposed, but correction will not be so quick. So the key is patience. This is the time to think and reflect.

Intimate transformations

Pluto retrograde is the time of transformations within. This is the planet of change and this powerful celestial force has the power to catalyze intense and profound changes within ourselves and the world.

Transformations in the inner self relate to the hidden energies of our mind. So during Pluto's retrograde periods, we have a chance to dive beneath the surface and begin to examine our psyches on a deeper level.

Breaking barriers

Because it is a moment of self-knowledge, Pluto retrograde can cause the breaking down of barriers through the transformation of paradigms, such as the way we see the world. As Pluto is a slow planet, it often has an equally profound effect on the collective.

Beyond our personal lives, so the retrograde could also give us a long overhaul in some of the power dynamics, control issues, and structural changes occurring within our society. Therefore, transformations become explicit.

Cleaning the house

One of the Plutonian purposes is detachment, therefore, to have and to acquire something makes no sense to him. The orders are: purge, extirpate, eliminate and clean. In this way, the retrograde Pluto refers to cleaning and, therefore, it can be interpreted as the cleanliness of the environment where he lives.

In this way, new situations will be driven and the need to be in a clean and comfortable place will grow.

Retrograde Pluto in the birth chart

Pluto is known for being the planet of destruction, and not for nothing. It uses its power to implode anything that is not authentic. But this "destruction" can also be considered as self-knowledge.

When he goes backwards, we have the opportunity to review everything we learned or experienced about these matters in the previous six months while the planet was moving in a direct manner.

In the birth chart, there are also different interpretations for when Pluto enters its retrograde period. See which ones!

Tendency to fear and attachment

Pluto retrograde is all about slow, transformational change, and so people tend to feel fearful or afraid of change, becoming very attached.

In general, for all signs and ascendants, this is a period when it may be necessary to look at the dark side of situations and perceive shadows. Only then, by scrutinizing previously hidden ghosts and learning to purify sorrows and grudges, will it be possible to recognize and regain the power to overcome fears and traumas.

In other terms, the movement of renewal is feared by many people and so there is a tendency to cling.

Difficulties in personal expression

Pluto is the planet of transformation and this celestial force has the power to catalyze intense and profound changes within ourselves and the world in general.

Thus, the fear of embracing new experiences, coupled with the time needed to process the new, leads to difficulty in personal expression.

Inner intensity

When faced with numerous changes, it is possible that the approach to your life will change, with inner intensity as the response.

In the year 2021, Pluto retrogrades through the hard-working, no-nonsense sign of Capricorn. This gives the planet an even more severe and scrupulous approach, being quite intense when it comes to the inner side.

Compulsions and phobias

Along with the movement of the retrograde pluto, many deep feelings are triggered. Among them are hidden compulsions and phobias.

These feelings are allied to the changes provoked in this period of great instability. This phase brings about good transformations, but sometimes it can also attract some bad situations, such as those mentioned above.

Common questions about Pluto retrograde

The period of Pluto retrograde can generate many doubts about its consequences. There are questions that arise in these moments, such as: can we feel bad emotions? Below, learn the answer to questions of this nature!

Are we going crazy?

Rest assured that you won't go crazy or lose control of your thoughts during Pluto retrograde. You own your body and you can always control the actions you have in everyday life, so don't worry about this possibility.

Madness involves a series of psychological illnesses, which are not caused by astrological movements, but by medical issues. And even the healthiest people, from the mental point of view, have darker thoughts. Given this, madness in this case is nothing but a taboo.

Are we gonna feel bad things?

Not only in retrograde Pluto, but in all moments of life, it is possible to feel bad things. They are related to negative thoughts, not only to the movement of the stars.

So you won't just feel bad emotions, as most people believe. In fact, you can reap good rewards from opportunities like this by being able to understand more about your affective priorities, too.

Is Pluto retrograde a good time for inner healing?

Pluto is always related to transformation and metamorphosis. These are beautiful and easy words, but they represent very deep, intense and painful processes that, to a certain extent, exist in all of us.

This period concerns changes, both external and internal, and therefore inner healing is one of its consequences. As it is a time when materialism and attachment make no sense, reflection about surroundings and life itself is very clear.

In addition, because it is connected to obscurity and omission, Pluto retrograde is about a person's way of being. In other words, about what is in the depths of his or her inner self.

Therefore, this is a phase that walks from the inside out, indicating maturation and manipulation of circumstances in order to achieve some goals. It is a time to seduce, but also to be seduced.

At this time, try to reflect on your daily life, on your strengths and strengths, since Pluto retrograde is synonymous with transformations. These bring about self-knowledge, mainly focused on your inner self.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.