Meaning of the 3rd House: for Astrology, in the Birth Chart and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General Meaning of the 3rd House in your Star Chart

The 3rd house corresponds to the moment of our first self-awareness. It is the beginning of our process of perception of ourselves in relation to the world. It is characterized, above all, by issues related to communication.

Language and the way we communicate become distinguishing characteristics between us and others. It is in the 3rd house that we begin to interact with the world around us, and for this reason this house is considered the beginning of our sense of community and communication, as an access to the world of knowledge.

It is a House that presents how we react in a practical way to everyday rational situations. It greatly involves the ability to analyze and understand basic situations. Generally, on a closer scale, it involves elements of our everyday life, with a more automatic form of knowledge.

The ruling sign of this house is Gemini and the planet is Mercury. It will bring issues connected to the rational side, being able to better understand how we deal with more practical issues in life. It talks about immediate learning and intelligence to analyze and understand situations. Are you interested? Read below about the aspects that the 3rd house forms with planets and signs of the zodiac!

House 3 and its influences

The 3rd house will have a very powerful influence on the way you express yourself and how you interpret the world around you. The planets in it, as well as other aspects in it, will greatly influence the way you communicate.

They will also affect how what is around us is interpreted and how we deal with what surrounds us and the events of each day. See below for some details about this House!

House 3

The characteristics that the 3rd house influences start to be developed in childhood, so it is a house that speaks of fraternal relationships (with cousins, brothers, etc.), which are very important for the formation of these qualities.

It represents what is around us, such as the environment in which we grow up, also involving everything related to our childhood education. In addition, it connects to the ability to identify and name things.

It is just after House 1, which brings a great release of energy from our birth, and after House 2, which is our closest contact with the material plane. House 3 comes to bring us the outside world, where we perceive ourselves as alien to the universe around us.

The effects of Mercury and Gemini

Mercury is a planet that relates to the works of the mind and intellect, as well as the act of exchanging information. In mythology, it was the planet responsible for bringing information from the gods to the human, and in a symbolic way, we can interpret this as the planet that brings higher knowledge to everyday reality.

Mercury associates with Gemini and this link ends up being responsible for putting together various clippings of information and relating them to each other and in relation to aspects around us.

In the 3rd house, Mercury is very strong as it will be very influential in how a person thinks, learns and absorbs experiences. It also favours the search for arguments when presenting an idea or a project.

In general, people with Mercury in the 3rd house are endowed with a witty and observant mind, being someone with quick answers. Gemini in this house gives a quickness to Mercury's characteristics. Generally, they are people who always have an opinion about everything, including subjects they know nothing about.

House 3 and House 9: concrete mind and abstract mind

The 3rd house is the one that builds the concrete knowledge, these are constructions that we make based on facts that we collect and absorb throughout life. The 9th house is related to the more abstract and philosophical part, where we will analyze the data collected in the 3rd house.

The 9th house is also very connected to the intuitive, acting when we do not need evidence to believe in one thing or another. It is more connected to the ability to create symbols and has a propensity to give an indisputable meaning to a certain event.

The 3rd house is connected to the left side of the brain, connected to what is analytical and mental. The 9th house is connected to the right side of the brain, which can imagine a drawing from loose strokes.

House 3 and the relationship with siblings

In Astrology, the 3rd house is responsible for characteristics that are formed in childhood and in the relationships we have within the family, with neighbors who may become childhood friends or even with people from school life.

While the 3rd house talks about how we relate to the outside world, it also talks about what we absorb from it. In the childhood phase, siblings are very close agents and therefore have a lot of influence in this aspect.

Through the analysis of the 3rd House, we begin to have access to the form of relationships that we create and the image that we build of the people of our childhood. From this analysis, we begin to understand how we architect the world around us.

When the child's universe is broadened and school relationships are added, the contact we have with the world becomes greater. In the same way, we increase the number of opinions and social interactions, which go on to build our character.

House 3 and the first experiences at school

School is one of the first social environments with which the child has contact and creates relationships outside the home. It is in the school environment where we have contact with children who may have completely different personalities from those we were used to, as well as with new and often stimulating content.

All these new relationships and knowledge are fuel for our mind and the way we deal with this is directly linked to our 3rd House. From the planets that are in this House, we can have a notion of the best ways to learn. The best ways to acquire and process information appear in this phase.

In addition, the 3rd house gives us the chance to see ourselves in front of other people besides our own family. In this school aspect, the child is very active throughout childhood and continues this way until adolescence. The discussion of ideas in this period and the questioning are fundamental for the creation of identity in front of the world.

The Mind in the 3rd House under the effect of mercury

Mercury, when in the 3rd house, has a lot of strength, mainly because this is one of its main houses. Depending on how it is aspected, it can cause different results. If it is in aspect with Mars, Jupiter or Uranus, we will have a more sociable and agile mind.

If it is in aspect with Saturn or an earth sign, we will have someone slower and deeper. Not always what we consider to be good for social parameters will be good for humanity. Therefore, all varieties of Mercury in the 3rd house have a value for the collective.

In general, those who have Mercury in this position will be people of lively intellect, alert, communicative, with quick and detailed answers. They will be able to find very solid arguments to defend their projects.

House 3 and the constant changes

It is possible that if there are many planets in a person's 3rd house, there may have been many changes of domicile in their childhood. How this affects the individual depends very much on how the other planets are positioned.

Perhaps the person has become very adaptable to change, developing an incredible flexibility. Others, however, may suffer greatly from having lost the friendships they had built. The latter may reflect this even into adulthood, trying to compensate for an unstable childhood with a secure home.

Professions associated with House 3

As it is an astrological position of communication, the 3rd house is related to teaching, writing, journalism, advertising agencies, writing, sales or even secretarial activities. In addition, Mercury's aspects also favor activities related to transportation and even logistics.

The Astrological Houses, groupings and classifications

The Astrological Houses correspond to divisions in the sky. According to Astrology there are 12 Houses, as well as 12 signs. These Houses are grouped and classified in some different ways. This gives more tools and ways of understanding their meanings. We have the Hemispheres, Quadrants, Angular Houses, Succeeding or Falling Houses.

We still have some classifications by elements, and we can call them Houses of Fire, Earth, Air and Water, each one with specific and detailed characteristics. Read on to learn more about each one!

What are the Astrological Houses

Each of the Houses corresponds to an aspect of the native's life and personality. They will be influenced by the signs under which they are ruled and may also be inhabited by planets.

Each sign brings its energies to the House it rules and consequently brings those energies to a certain area of the ruled's life. In the same way, planets in the Houses accentuate characteristics or bring obstacles that need to be dealt with and overcome.

Also, planets can create aspects between each other, which can influence the native in other ways. The 3rd house will suffer inclinations, according to the sign it is related to, as well as the number of planets in it.

Hemispheres and Quadrants

The Astrological Map has a structure beyond the 12 Houses. The Astrological Houses are divided into four hemispheres: East, West, North and South. Each of these sectors will work together, governing certain aspects of life.

The more planets there are in any of these sectors, the more influences we can expect from certain areas, and they are the ones that gain more attention in an Astral analysis.

Analyzing the Astrological Mandala, we identify the Northern Hemisphere in the lower half of the chart and the Southern Hemisphere in the upper half, while the East is in the left half and the West in the right half. House 3, therefore, is in both the Northern and Eastern Hemispheres.

First Quadrant: Houses 1 to 3

The First Quadrant is represented by the Astrological Houses 1, 2 and 3. If this region of the Astrological Chart is very populated by planets, it is probable that the person has a more private personality, that he/she is more independent.

She may prefer to make plans for herself. This is a subject who feels she is capable of accomplishing more without the distractions caused by social interaction. Generally, the native is more objective and self-sufficient, without much openness to others' opinions or involvement.

Angular, Succedent and Cadent Houses

The Angular Houses are the ones immediately after the four angles: the 1st being the House of the Ascendant, the 4th being the Bottom of the Sky, the 7th as Descendant and the 10th as Midheaven.

As they present opposite signs, they will generally be representing four spheres of life which will be in conflict with each other. The successive energies of these conflicts are developed later, in the Succeeding Houses.

While the Corner Houses generate the energy and the Succedent Houses concentrate all that has been generated, the Falling Houses are responsible for transformation. They take care of the reorganization of energies and reconsider what the native has been doing until then.

The Falling Houses 3, 6, 9 and 12

Cadent Houses are responsible for reorganizing values transformed by experiences in previous Houses. In the 3rd House, we learn who we are in contrast with those around us.

In the 6th house, we have a reflection of the energy used in the 5th. In both the 3rd and 6th houses, we are engaged in finding our differences in relation to the outside world. These two help us evaluate how we stand out and distinguish ourselves from those around us.

In the 9th house, we will have a greater understanding of the laws that govern us, as it is here that we look for the principles that will guide our life. Finally, in the 12th house, we let go of the ego and merge with something beyond ourselves.

The elements of the Houses

In Astrology, we can find characteristics related to the 4 elements: fire, earth, air and water. Each one of them brings its nature into the sign that rules them.

For instance, fire is related to will, being a fuel, and is present in Houses 1, 5 and 9. The Earth Houses are related to material things, as the spirit is presented in concreteness, in Houses 2, 6 and 10.

Air is associated with the ability to see something at a distance and in a subjective way. Here we will have associated the Houses 3, 7 and 11. Finally, water, which relates to feelings and is concerned with what is below the obvious, is connected with Houses 4, 8 and 12.

The Houses of Air: 3, 7 and 11

The air element connects with the intellect, with the exchange of ideas and expression. From the moment we can recognize ourselves and understand who we truly are, we can relate in a real way with what we encounter.

The first House of Air, the 3rd House, is also a Falling House, because it is in it that the intellect redefines, through language creation, what we have experienced in the 1st and 2nd Houses.

The second house is the 7th, where our vision of the world is intimately related to another person's. The 11th house reflects the moment when we reinforce our point of view, through the point of view of those who share our ideas.

The zodiac signs in the 3rd house

The 3rd house represents the moment in which we put ourselves in contrast with those around us. It speaks of communication, early childhood learning and our first contacts. The signs bring their own characteristics to this moment and influence us in different ways. So, read more about these influences in the details below and learn everything about each one of them!


Aries in the 3rd house of your horoscope can bring some conflict to communications. The quarrelsome characteristics of this sign are taken to the field of expression. Probably, if you have Aries in this position, it is very likely that you are often quarrelling with someone, especially with people closer to you, such as siblings or relatives.

Your native usually gives his opinions sincerely and speaks his mind, even if this may offend, not having proximity to the filters socially practiced. He clings to his ideals with strength and spares no speech to defend them.

In addition, you have an active and tireless mind, have an aptitude for sales work or making contacts in general. You are usually a very good communicator in a more informal environment, and can express what you want.


Those who have Taurus in the 3rd house usually have an ongoing relationship with family and neighbors. They value security in this aspect of life and don't like a lot of instability in these relationships. If they have siblings, they will probably be very handsome.

You have a practical, confident way of communicating, and you think long and hard before you speak. You find it easy to write and publish what you have created, but you may have some difficulty following more abstract lines of thought.

He may have been a lazy student in school, with a certain slowness in learning, he needs more time to absorb knowledge. But when he masters a subject, he is capable of dealing with it with great propriety.


The 3rd house is the natural house of Gemini, so the sign's characteristics tend to be amplified when it is in this position. Amplified intellect, agile and fast is a characteristic present in its natives.

The relationship with the environment and with siblings and relatives is also intensified. Your natives are usually people who change their minds frequently, being those who say one thing but do something completely different.

Furthermore, those with Houses 3 in Gemini are someone who talks to everyone and is always waving to someone else, having many contacts and being extremely communicative. They also have the ability to shape language as needed.

This is a person who has a lot of curiosity and versatility. They usually learn to speak early and have a very logical and rational mind when it comes to speaking, writing or expressing themselves through communication.


Cancer generally indicates areas where we will have more sensitivity or a stronger connection with our roots. Cancer in the 3rd house will strengthen ties with relatives, uncles, aunts, cousins or siblings.

In general, people who have this astrological aspect in their birth chart have an excellent memory. Cancer, in general, is a sign very attached to the past, so it is difficult to forget someone or some painful situation.

Still on the issue of bonding, people with this aspect learn better in school, when they have a connection with the teacher. When there is no affective relationship, the native tends to have more difficulty learning or even concentrating.


For Astrology, Leo is a sign that likes light and attention. When in the 3rd house, we can expect someone who has a persuasive and well articulated speech. Its natives are people who conquer others through oratory, or by a generosity in rewards.

They are very proud of their speeches and generally have an aptitude for entrepreneurship, with a lot of ambition in founding any business. They also have a talent for working with sales, as they are very creative in the way they express themselves.

Relationships with other people tend, however, to be always with an air of superiority, reacting with a certain displeasure when they are contradicted. Furthermore, they have a need to be leaders when speaking, and do not deal very well with egalitarian discussions.


Those who have Virgo in the 3rd house of their astrological chart are, in general, very rigid people in the treatment of words and writing, especially in relation to others. They are very meticulous in their texts and attentive to every detail.

In Astrology, these people are considered to have a good memory, an analytical and organized mind, they have agile reasoning and consequently a great facility for learning. Those born with this aspect are curious about the world around them, as they love to study and learn, especially if it is related to their areas of interest.

Because they have an incredible quality of self-analysis, they are people with a very high level of personal demands, especially in their growing up years. This may even have turned into some kind of inferiority complex. In addition, their perfectionism can lead them to be very pessimistic.


Those who have Libra in the 3rd house don't like to quarrel and avoid arguments at all costs. They are very much in favor of diplomacy, they like to resolve things peacefully through conversation. They have a very sharp mind and look for aesthetically pleasing environments.

Their writing is governed by beauty, as well as their way of expressing themselves. They will rarely have disrespectful attitudes and know how to listen in the right measure. Thus, it is expected that many people seek these natives to ask for advice.

Justice is an operative characteristic in the traits of those born with this transit in the Star Chart. These individuals tend to take all their communication through the prism of justice and possess an amazing quality of seeing all sides of the same situation.


Those born with Scorpio in the 3rd house of their birth chart are people with courage to live life, capable of taking risks whenever necessary. They have a tendency to try to control what they say and are followers of the belief that whoever has knowledge has power. In this way, they believe that if the other person knows a lot about themselves, they will have a lot of power over their life.

In the same way, they pay a lot of attention to what others say, so that they have power over them. They are likely to be somewhat obsessive about their things and end up thinking unrestrainedly about some subjects, creating an inexplicable fear, fruit of the fantasies of their own mind.

In communication, they have an incredible power of persuasion, being able to influence people in any way they wish. Thus, they have the ability to change the world through what they say.


Sagittarius natives in the 3rd house are people with a great desire for adventure, having a certain difficulty to stay in the same place. They love to travel and observe other cultures and ways of facing life.

They have a curiosity about everything that is deep and capable of causing transformations in the way they see their surroundings. They do not have many filters in the way they communicate and feel free to express their thoughts.

They are also naturally charming and imaginative, and have traits that may lead them to follow a career in business or legal affairs, as well as literature and a religious career. They generally have a good relationship with their siblings.


Capricorn in the 3rd house forms people with a certain difficulty in expressing themselves through communication, especially when emotional factors are involved. They have a serious posture and are very good at hiding what they are feeling, thanks to their cold and rational communication.

These characteristics make natives not very popular people. It is common for them to have relationship problems in a close sphere, such as with neighbors, friends or even relatives. This difficulty proves to be an obstacle when it comes to creating empathy, and they are often unable to show compassion for others.

They are conservative people, planners, without much innovation, with a very attached thought to right and wrong and without considering the nuances of the human aspect. When they are interested in some area, they have a lot of energy to pursue it, but do not show the emotional factors related to the achievement of what they want.


Those born with Aquarius in the 3rd house, in general, are philosophical beings who like to ramble. They get into issues so far away from the central theme of the conversation that often makes the dialogue difficult to understand. They are very open to forms of expression, but not so much to ideas contrary to their own.

In addition, they can be very insistent in their perceptions and opinions, mainly because they confuse their way of seeing with the truth. This characteristic ends up giving an air of arrogance to natives, which is not always real.

They probably have siblings with whom they completely disagree. Despite their philosophical ramblings, they often end up running over words or forgetting letters when they are going to elaborate an idea. They may suffer from mental anxiety, because they have an intellect which thinks about many issues at the same time.


People born with Pisces in the 3rd house of their birth chart are very educated people, with an imaginative potential that is expressed in the way they communicate. This imagination is also presented in the way they organize their thoughts.

They often have a talent for literature and are very fond of poetry, as well as law and finance. They have a love for the pursuit of knowledge which is insatiable. In addition, they like to change their surroundings, travel and even change their residence.

They are usually very generous, outgoing and love to advise others. They feel that through advice they are helping others find a new way of looking at life.

The Planets in the 3rd House

The 3rd house represents the moment in which we are facing social interaction. It symbolizes our way of communicating and expressing ourselves.

The planets bring their own characteristics to the present moment and can influence it in various ways. Each one having its own specificities, we can have good qualities accentuated, as well as not so positive aspects. Learn more details in the topics below!


Natives with the Moon in the 3rd house are humorous and extroverted people. They like to tell jokes to their friends and have a great talent to become good imitators, since they have the ability to observe other people's speech and behavior.

They love to travel as travel fuels their inspiration, and they feel that they can observe worlds and cultures they know nothing about. These trips become great sources of learning and this observing characteristic can become a great influencer of their thoughts.

By influencing themselves so much, it takes a while for them to find their own voice and their real identity. This becomes a certain hindrance when it comes to making decisions, because they can't perceive very well what their real will is and what the will of others is.


Mercury in the 3rd House will influence the quality of how the individual expresses himself and what style he uses to communicate. This is one of Mercury's natural Houses, which ends up enhancing its performance.

On a more positive note, you will have people who are able to deal with a variety of subjects, possessing a more versatile quality. They have a quick mind, who can easily absorb all the information they receive. They are usually good speakers and great debaters, and they sell their ideas and points of view very well.

In the disharmonic aspect, we will have an individual with an indecisive intellect, who cannot define himself. He is a being who disperses very easily. He reads and writes down phrases from a work, but does not bother to read or understand the book. He digs up shallow and futile information, generating a false sense that he has diverse understandings, of which he knows nothing.


In Astrology, Venus in the 3rd house can be interpreted as a good aspect in what concerns the powers of the house, but not so good when you look at the planet's powers. Your native may have a good relationship with his brothers and sisters, but can be very greedy, attached to material pleasures.

This position is favorable for lasting bonds, created in early childhood, whether it be school friendships or good relationships with siblings. There are natives who can express themselves in a harmonious and balanced way, with a talent for oratory.

In this way, a certain ease in studying and absorbing content is expected, especially in early childhood. Natives have a logical and rational intellect and often resort to dialogue to get things right.


Natives with the Sun in the 3rd house have a strong sense of connection with their environment. They are people who do not like routines and find the usual daily routine monotonous. They appreciate travelling, meeting new people and novelty in general.

In addition, they value activities that promote the exchange of knowledge and feel more energized when they share what they know. As they have the habit of frequenting very diverse environments, they end up adapting their language to one of these environments.

When the Sun is tensed, there can be confusion in the midst of so many activities, which becomes a pile of shallow knowledge about everything. Therefore, natives can leave many tasks half done, at the risk of becoming tiresome and owners of pretentious speech.

But when the Sun is well aspected, the numerous courses are put to good use, and are responsible for the creation of a vast network of contacts. This therefore indicates a courageous, steadfast person who likes to put herself to the test through great challenges.


Those born with Mars in the 3rd house have an enthusiastic, courageous and highly motivated profile. They are not lazy to work to achieve the goals they propose to do and can be pioneers in their area.

In addition, natives have a talent for writing, music, dance and drama. They learn through more dynamic methods and have courage in thinking. These characteristics make them very influential and they are able to convince people to do their will. They often leave them without arguments in discussions.

They dislike gossip, because they perceive communication as a working tool. They will probably have a complicated relationship with their father or other authority figures.


Jupiter in the 3rd house is a great placement for those interested in writing, publishing, or even teaching. Communication can be a solid foundation for career formation.

They are very intuitive people and yet connected to reason. They possess characteristics that attract others, being seen in a very positive way by the groups in which they participate. This movement is much appreciated, as their involvement with family and community always results in collective gains.

Therefore, natives of this position always try to get involved with various activities, so that their routine becomes dynamic and does not risk falling into sameness. They do not have the patience to see the results of long projects and therefore it is common that this type of activity ends up being damaged.


People born with Saturn in the 3rd house, probably will suffer some frustration in their first successful attempts, and it will take disposition to get what they want. People with this position tend to be more conservative and even a little mistrustful.

They are more cautious and shy beings, which turns into a certain difficulty in learning and communicating. They tend to be subjects of few words, preferring to observe and listen. However, they can be misunderstood and therefore it is very important to be careful what you say. Misunderstandings will be taken seriously and will need explanations.

They have a good application of methods, being able to accomplish long and arduous tasks even in a short time. They also have a restrained and respectable speech, and may suffer from some anxiety when they have to communicate with the public.


Natives with Uranus in the 3rd house have a need for intellectual freedom in order to be happy. They have an original and relatively eccentric way of thinking, which can cause a lot of irritation in other people.

They are equally admired for the way they see the world and also for their good humour, always able to present a new and amusing point of view on more everyday issues. For those who are not won over by these attributes, they will be taken by the honest and humble trait of the natives.

Thanks to their original view of the world, they will be very good at journalism or work in the media. They have a remarkable characteristic of seeing aspects that have already been forgotten by others.


Neptune in the 3rd house is the sign of a childhood which was often complicated. These difficulties can hinder learning, and may present themselves as problems with concentration or difficulty in organizing ideas.

It is common that people with this transit in the Star Chart seek the comfort of a world of their own, which happens on the fringe of reality. They have great difficulty in communicating in words and resort to images or metaphors.

In addition, they need to be careful about what they say, because many times they believe they are expressing their own opinions, without realizing that they are simply reproducing the speech of others.


Those who are born with Pluto in the 3rd house have a great sensitivity and inner connection. Their mental and spiritual strength are remarkable characteristics of their identity. This native is always looking for depth in situations, even the simplest ones.

When well aspected, Pluto brings enlightened insight into questions that no one has seen before, so your native is not satisfied with superficial answers and possesses intense mental power.

When in disharmony, the individual runs the risk of becoming obsessed with his own beliefs, and these desires can influence his mental activity. He may like to ask delicate questions in a provocative tone, and can be intolerant when contradicted.


The position of the planet Earth in the astrological chart has a karmic meaning, representing the mission of each one. Those born with Earth in the 3rd house are people who have the ability to pass messages. They are people who can communicate in a harmonious way and with a lot of intelligence.

But to be able to say what they want, they need to work on their lower mind - their unconscious. Also, in the life of these natives, there may be a joint relationship with their siblings in some way, which will ultimately help them get the message they so desire.

North Node

The North Node in the 3rd house brings the possibility of belief without limits. It is necessary to expand logical thinking and this does not mean to abandon intuition, but to understand that it should not always be the only one taken into consideration.

The native should also take a closer and more accessible look at the things that are around them. Often, the solution may be in a place that is much easier to reach.

South Node

Natives with the South Node in the 3rd house are usually people with little sensitivity and, therefore, owners of an old-fashioned personality. It is recommended that individuals with this transit in their birth chart look for ways to expand their knowledge about the world.

Generally, they are people who give a lot of importance to the intellect and to what is concrete. Many times, they subjugate intuition and leave aside creativity. It is recommended that they seek other cultures and beliefs, letting go of the limitations of the universe in which they grew up.

Why does the 3rd House point to a stage of greater development than the preceding Houses?

While the 1st House is connected with our birth and the 2nd House with our perception of the material, the 3rd House arrives to help us find our own identity. Our perception and intellect are already evolved enough to allow us to observe the environment around us more attentively.

It is in this interaction that we will start questioning, forming ideas and elaborating opinions about our experiences and their results. It is in this moment that we develop language, which is nothing more than the vehicle of our thoughts.

It is through language that we are able to express ourselves and exist as individuals in society. That is why this moment is so fundamental and equally important for our development.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.