Meaning of the card The Temperance in Tarot: in love, health and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does Temperance mean in Tarot?

Temperance is a Tarot card that revolves around the idea of balancing the various areas of life, "tempering" the opposing poles. Therefore, the main message brought by this major arcane is the need to have a little bit of everything in order to create a new energy.

So when this card appears in a reading, it means that the time has come for you to adjust your limits. It is time to reflect on the activities you perform in order to take control and reach a point of stability.

Therefore, Temperance is a card that speaks about calmness and the importance of not taking hasty actions that have not gone through due reflection. Below, more specific meanings of this arcane will be discussed considering its influence in areas such as love and work. Read on to learn more.

Temperance in Tarot - Fundamentals

When the card of Temperance appears in a particular Tarot game, it has interpretations linked to the direction of a person's life. Thus, through the energy of the card, it will be possible to find answers linked to the pillars of life, especially its forms of balance.

Moreover, this arcane also highlights the importance of being fluid, exactly like the water represented in its iconography, not taking decisions with hardness, but also not acting with passivity in the face of problems.

The history and iconography of Temperance will be explored below, so that its meanings in the Tarot can be better discussed.


Temperance is a major arcane that connects reason, emotion and spiritual aspects. The elements in question combine in a kind of pyramid, which needs to be reached so that balance may reach people's lives. Moreover, the transformation linked to water denotes the capacity for change intrinsic to human beings.

When associated with the future, Temperance is a card that speaks about the need for attention to the four pillars that coordinate life: sentimental, spiritual, mental and material. Thus, it is necessary to keep them balanced, because all these points are affected by the energy of this major arcane.


The Temperance card is illustrated by a woman with a feminine face, but with masculine features. She appears transferring water from one vase to another and is associated with flexibility and balance. Due to these characteristics, it is a card connected to the spiritual, especially to angels, considered divine messengers.

Regarding the water transferred between the vessels, it is worth noting that its iconography is linked to the flow of life and therefore represents the movements of everyday life. In addition, these movements also have links to the spirituality of people.

Temperance in Tarot - Meanings

Within Tarot, the card of Temperance has many different meanings, which can be applied to many different areas of life. Defining these meanings, however, depends on a number of factors, such as the positioning of the card during the reading. Nevertheless, it is possible to talk about them in a more general way.

In the next section of the article, we will explore some of the meanings of Temperance within a Tarot game considering its messages regarding renewal, patience, faith, thoroughness, among others.


In a way, Temperance is a card that is linked to the idea of renewal. This is because, since it asks you to reflect on the points in your life that need to be balanced, inevitably some change will happen. Therefore, it is not to be feared.

However, it is worth noting that in order to reach this point of renewal, you should not be in a hurry. The process will happen slowly, and sometimes you may feel that things are not moving forward. Remember that Temperance is a card about balance, which is not achieved abruptly.


Temperance is a card that has a very strong message about the need to integrate opposite poles of life. This is an ancestral ability of the figure contained in the card, but it requires a lot of effort and continuous work - characteristics that are maintained when thinking about this integration in human life.

Therefore, the great message about reconciliation is that all areas of life are important and none should overlap the other. Therefore, Temperance talks about the need to have a little of each thing in order to achieve satisfaction.


When it comes to purpose, the presence of Temperance in a Tarot game indicates that it is time to find your purpose in life. If you feel lost, whether professionally or in other areas, Temperance is indicating that you need to reflect.

From this point on you will be able to give greater meaning to your actions. The chart also suggests that this time of searching is not the ideal time to get involved in major conflicts, but rather to adopt a peaceful stance.


Due to the presence of the flow of water, Temperance is, by essence, a card that speaks about moderation. This characteristic, in turn, is directly linked to the ability to be flexible and to adapt to the most diverse situations in a serene way. Therefore, Temperance indicates the dangers of living in extremes and the importance of pondering.

This balance, in turn, should happen in all areas, so that mind, physique, rationality and emotions are working equally.


Since Temperance is a face that asks for a lot of reflection and slower decision making, it has a strong connection with meticulousness. After all, you have to act in an almost calculated way, thinking about every step you take, in order to reach the desired balance point.

Therefore, this search becomes quite mental, although the spiritual aspects, which are also a strong presence in the iconography of this letter, are present throughout the process.


The main search of Temperance is for patience. This card addresses the need for reflection, which must be based on concrete things, not on what becomes an obsession for the mind. Therefore, this major arcana points to the fact that patience is a fundamental characteristic to achieve harmony.

In this way Temperance also has a strong connection with the idea of justice, which will be achieved once all areas of life are properly balanced.


As Temperance indicates that it is necessary to have harmony between the four pillars of human life, this card also has a connection with faith, which will be an important element in this search for balance. Moreover, faith would be the counterpoint of the physical aspects, representing the spiritual plane and, therefore, something that should be valued in human experience.

It is worth noting that due to the iconography of the letter, which is illustrated by an angel, this connection to faith becomes even clearer and highlights the importance of not setting aside your spiritual matters.

Temperance in Tarot - In Love

When it comes to interpersonal relationships, Temperance is a card that points to recognition based on affinities. Thus, those who are under its influence are able to find their peers and be happy. However, all this can become negative, since harmony tends to generate accommodation, and therefore people end up being attached to each other.

Below, the meanings of Temperance in the realm of love will be explored in greater depth, considering the interpretations for those who are single and those who are in a love relationship.

For committed people

For people who are engaged, the message of Temperance is about the importance of knowing how to conduct the relationship. Because of the card's connection to harmony, as well as flexibility for change, it is very possible that those who are engaged will be able to have a positive romance that relies on dialogue, friendship, and partnership.

Furthermore, your ability to talk about anything in a balanced way will make the relationship solid. It is only necessary to be careful about issues relating to accommodation, which can arise due to the peace present in this relationship.

For singles

Anyone who is single and has encountered Temperance in a Tarot game is getting a very clear message: this is not the time to get involved with someone. You should stay single and invest especially in your mental aspects.

The timing is not ideal for a relationship and Temperance is a card associated with the idea that everything happens at the right time, so don't try to bypass this and find other ways to feel pleasure, such as doing activities that you enjoy and that will keep your mind busy and productive.

Temperance in Tarot - At Work

Although career is a point where many people are in a hurry to achieve success, if you have found Temperance in your Tarot game, the message is exactly opposite to that. According to this card, haste will be your main enemy. You should be thinking about building your career gradually, taking one step at a time towards success.

So, to explore some more aspects concerning the messages of this chart in the labour field, we will comment on points about Temperance in the lives of people who already have a job and those who are looking to get an opportunity.

For employees

If you are in a job, Temperance is a card that suggests stability, so you will have a phase of security in this area of your life. However, try to be aware of your desires and ask yourself if this is what you really want or if there are higher flights you would like to take in your career.

If you want to go further, know that it is possible, but you will need to be patient and wait for the most suitable time, because according to Temperance, it is not yet time.

For unemployed persons

If you are looking for a job opportunity, Temperance comes as a message regarding the importance of making investments in yourself, so try to turn to your studies and specialize more and more, expanding your knowledge as much as possible.

That way, once a good job comes along, you will be able to grab the chance and do your best because you will be prepared for it.

Temperance in Tarot - In other areas of life

Besides talking about love and work, due to its characteristic of balancing all points of human experience, Temperance also brings messages regarding areas such as health and family. After all, these two aspects cross a lot with the four pillars of existence and, therefore, always need to be considered during the interpretation of a Tarot game.

Next, the messages brought by Temperance in the health realm and in the family realm will be discussed and explored in greater detail.

In health

In the realm of health, the message of Temperance can be applied on two different levels. If you are not experiencing any discomfort, things will continue that way and you will have a period of well-being in that area of your life.

The second interpretation is also positive and is linked to people who were going through more complicated phases in terms of health. Thus, Temperance indicates that recovery is on its way, but that it will happen slowly. In both cases, the advice of the chart is linked to the need to adopt healthier habits.

In the family

Thinking about the family context, Temperance is a card that highlights the importance of being able to find time to be with family. This is because some people who take this card in a reading tend to think that their efforts should turn to work.

However, this is not an absolute truth, and even contradicts the idea of harmony in the overall meaning of Temperance. While money and professional success are very important, so is being around those you love. So try to share experiences with your family members.

A little more about the card Temperance in Tarot

In all Tarot readings, the positioning of the cards influences their meaning. Thus, they begin to function in completely different ways when they appear, for example, reversed. With Temperance this would be no different and, therefore, it is very important to know the possibilities that this positioning opens for the reading.

This meaning will be explored further in this topic. In addition, the challenges faced by those who encounter Temperance in a game and the hints that the card gives will also be discussed.

Inverted card

When the Temperance card appears inverted in a Tarot game, its meaning undergoes a drastic change, beginning to speak about imbalance in a person's life. In addition, the inverted Temperance works as an indication of duplicity or even disconnection between certain aspects of someone's life, which creates a separation.

Therefore, the advice in this case would be to try to promote integration between all the areas of your life to ensure greater harmony. For example, if you are someone who avoids mixing groups of friends, it's time to lose this fear.


There are some challenges that need to be overcome by people who draw Temperance in a Tarot game. In general, they are linked to a tendency to be carried away by others, which can indicate a lack of personality and even passivity in the face of events. Therefore, action needs to be taken to ensure that the results are what is expected.

In addition, Temperance challenges also have a connection to the idea of disorder and the disagreements that can arise in various contexts, altering the flow of things.


In general, the hints given by Temperance are connected to the achievement of balance and the search to align all areas of life in a harmonious way, without favoring one aspect more than the other. In addition, the chart speaks a lot about the opening of doors, which will indicate the paths you must follow to achieve your goals.

Because it is a chart that aims to integrate various areas of life, Temperance suggests that it is important to connect with all your needs, whether they are immediate or long-term.

Can the Temperance card in the Tarot indicate new alliances?

Due to its balanced and conciliatory characteristic, Temperance is a card that can indicate new alliances, either at work or even in other sectors of life. However, all this is conditioned to several different factors on the rest of the Tarot reading.

In this sense, it is worth noting that if Temperance appears inverted, its message changes. But this is not the only factor that can influence a change, since the combinations between it and the other cards of the game can also generate different meanings, and not necessarily have connection with the conquest of allies.

Therefore, the overall context of the Tarot game must be considered before assigning meaning to a card, making the possibilities of meaning more refined and more appropriate to the questions asked.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.