Meaning of the cards of the Gypsy Deck: Know and know its origin!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the meaning of the cards in the Gypsy Deck?

The Gypsy people are popularly associated with their mysticism. One of the forms of expression of this mysticism most accessed by people outside the tradition is the Gypsy Deck. Although known, do you know the meaning of the cards of the Gypsy Deck?

The 36 cards that make up the oracle make use of images that communicate precisely the situation of the consulter. They can inform about personality, past, present and future. In order to provide answers that help him in his decisions and attitudes that he must take.

Read this article and learn what the Gypsy Deck is, its origin and the meaning of each of its 36 cards.

What is the Gypsy Tarot?

The Gypsy Tarot is an oracle composed of 36 cards, each of which contains the image of elements of everyday life and nature. These elements aim to simplify the message that the Gypsy Deck wants to communicate to the consulter.

In this way, it assists in understanding the past, reveals cult things in the present, and points out possibilities for the future. Read below and better understand why even today the Gypsy Tarot is one of the most sought after oracles.

Origin of the Gypsy Tarot

The origin of the Gypsy Tarot is permeated with disagreements, something that makes it difficult to know for sure how it came about. Anyway, some biographies report that Madame Lenormand was not its creator, the famous French fortune teller of the eighteenth century that is usually associated with the creation of the deck.

The cards would have come from a game created in Germany by Johann Kaspar Hechtel. When it was released in France in 1820, the publisher took advantage of Lenormand's fame and released it under her name. After all, she was the great French reference in consulting the cards of the time.

Known as "Le Petit Lenormand", the gypsy people would have accessed the deck after the death of "Madame" in 1843, a period in which a change in the symbols of the Lenormand deck would have occurred, and generated a second deck.

The Gypsies, known as a mystic people, already used other decks for the consultation of hidden knowledge. Therefore, their connection with the spiritual and earthly wisdom helped in the formation of what we know today as the Gypsy Deck. Using a simpler symbology, the deck makes universal knowledge accessible.

Benefits of the Gypsy Tarot

As an oracle of powerful mystical energy, the benefits of the Gypsy Tarot for the consulter are evident. The simple availability and confidence to receive its guidance, already aligns the vibration of the person with the superior.

Your guides and guardian angel then see the opening for communication, so it is easier to deliver the message you need to receive. This message includes aspects of daily life, about career, relationships and material possessions.

It clarifies questions about the past, present and future, and also guides the consulter on a journey of self-knowledge, which takes him into the arms of the divine. It is common that after the consultation the person feels more knowledgeable about himself and the life around him. With this, self-confidence and security arise naturally to lead him on his journey.

Differences between the Gipsy Tarot and the Tarot of Marseilles

One of the practical differences between the Gypsy Tarot and the Tarot of Marseilles is the number of cards. The Tarot of Marseilles has 78 cards. The Tarot of Marseilles divides these 78 cards into 22 "major arcana" and 56 "minor arcana," while the Gypsy Deck has 36 cards, each with its own meaning.

Another notable difference is in the symbols used. The Tarot of Marseille has a set of medieval images that make reference to the daily life of the court. Its number of cards allows more abstract and subjective interpretations.

In the Gypsy Deck the images reflect figures of nature and of a more common everyday life. This, added to the fact that it has fewer cards, makes its message more objective and concrete. Both decks are effective in giving us a notion of the internal reality and of life around us. It only depends on the channel that the moment asks for.

Meaning of the four suits in the Gypsy Deck

The four suits in the Gypsy Deck have meanings that refer to the four elements of nature. They represent water, earth, fire and air. Check below how each suit makes use of these elements, and what they symbolize.

The cards of hearts

The suit of hearts has its cards represented by the element of Water. They make mention of feelings, emotion, intuition and spiritual contact.

The cards of Cups are: The Knight, The House, The Tree, The Star, The Stork, The Dog, The Heart, The Gypsy, and The Moon.

The Gold Cards

The Gold cards represent the Earth element. It is related to everything that refers to the physical and material world. They speak of work, financial stability and earthly reality. Practical things of everyday life.

The cards of Gold: The Clover, The Coffin, The Scythe, The Birds, The Paths, The Books, The Sun, The Key, and The Fish.

The Wands Cards

The cards of the deck of Wands are represented by the element of Fire. They deal with themes related to passion, creativity, energy, growth and the movement of things.

The Wands cards are: The Clouds, The Snake, The Whip, The Fox, The Bear, The Mountain, The Mouse, The Ring, and The Cross.

The cards of Swords

The suit of Swords groups the cards where the main element is Air. These cards talk about matters of the mind, ideas, reasoning and logic.

The cards of Swords are: The Ship, The Flowers, The Child, The Tower, The Garden, The Card, The Gypsy, The Lilies, and The Anchor.

Meaning of the cards of the Gypsy Deck

One of the great features of the Gypsy Deck is the objectivity of the meaning of its cards. They are composed of a selection of members of nature and daily life. However, it is important to analyze what each of these symbols communicates. Find below the meaning of each of the cards of the Gypsy Deck.

Card 1 - The Knight

In the Gypsy Deck, the first card is The Knight. It is associated with movement through the power of initiative. With positive energy, it speaks of action, courage, and boldness. If it appears played for you, it may be communicating that these attributes illuminate your character.

If your goal has not yet been realized, believe me, it will soon be a reality in your life. By the strength of the will that comes from the heart, converted into positive thinking and attitude, what you want is coming.

In love, The Knight says that you are living the ideal moment to give yourself to the relationship that has been blossoming.

Card 2 - Clover or Obstacles

The Clover, or The Obstacles, rightly signifies obstacles in your journey. It shows that you are about to face some challenge or adversity. You may be confused and believe that this barrier is a sign that you should give up.

After all, setbacks are part of the human journey on this earth. So it would seem that this card has a negative meaning. However, accepting its message as a warning, prepares you for what is to come, and can positively change that meaning.

The ideal is to accept life as it is, and do your part to overcome the challenges that present themselves. Don't give up, have faith in life, and have faith in the strength of character of who you are.

Card 3 - The Ship or the Sea

The card The Ship, or The Sea, represents a change in the direction of life. Get ready! You are about to undergo significant and profound transformations. This card points to different directions in your existence.

The chart asks you to be open to the new, just as the sea is open before the ship. Be prepared to experience things outside of what is usual for you. Oscillations, ups and downs are coming. Keeping an open mind to learn from new things will elevate your knowledge of yourself and life.

In love, there is the indication of a distance. It can be physical or emotional, the fact is that it will cause a feeling of absence and even longing.

Card 4 - The House

In the card The House, the subject is related to familiarity. It talks about your common world, the places and people that frequently welcome you. Workplace, home, your and your friends' places, leisure and activities that constitute who you are. At the same time it also refers to your body and mind.

It also represents the stability of your achievements. It communicates that the reached objectives put you in a safe position. In love, it means stable relationship. In health, it indicates that your immunity is on the rise. In business, a reliable investment may appear. And in internal life, emotional control and firmness of decisions.

Card 5 - The Tree

The Tree is the card of groundedness and vitality. It represents steady growth, abundant fertility, and creative evolution. Loaded with positive meanings, it calls for a good relationship with your environment. It is the health of that relationship that will result in the fruit you desire.

In other words, all this abundance depends on the attitudes you plant, and the energy with which you will water those seeds. You should also be aware of the fact that it takes time to take root, grow and bear fruit. Therefore, consider the long term and don't be in a hurry about what you want to achieve.

Card 6 - The Clouds

In the Gypsy Deck Clouds appear bringing confusion, uncertainty and difficulty of discernment. This card represents that mistakes are being made, things and people are lost, and you do not know what to do.

When the weather is "ugly", the weather signals withdrawal. In the same way The Clouds in the deck calls for introspection. Stop trying so hard to make things work, and withdraw to take care of things from within.

Allow the natural flow of life to go on without your futile attempt to control its paths. Stop for a while, reflect, rest, take care of yourself, trust life, and before you continue fighting, let the clouds clear.

Card 7 - The Snake or Serpent

The card The Snake usually appears to bring a warning. The message it brings is related to betrayal, negative intentions, and loss. This card asks you to be careful with the environments where you step and with the fauna of people around you.

Pay attention to those who are close to you, stay sensitive to the energies they emit and the things they say. This sensitivity can be used to shield you from attacks. Ask your guardian angel for protection, but use common sense to do your part. Unfortunately, not everyone who is close to you has the intention to do our good.

However, depending on the context in which it appears in a reading, The Snake also means sexuality. In this sense it is linked to the energy of attraction and seduction. The ideal is to consider how your life is and try to identify which of the meanings of the card has more to do with the moment.

Letter 8 - The Coffin

The card The Coffin communicates that it is time to end a situation. It indicates that there is no more to be done about a certain issue, what is left is to go ahead and say goodbye.

Like a doctor facing the death of a patient, you know that taking care of that body is now the duty of another. In the same way, you must let go of something that no longer has life for you.

It's time to look ahead and consider new things. You've already done everything you can to resolve this situation. You've already invested time, money and energy and still remained without any response. It's time to say goodbye and let the tide of the past take this corpse where it belongs.

Card 9 - The Flowers or Bouquet

The Flowers, or The Bouquet, is the card that delivers the news that anyone would like to receive. Its positive meaning is about the full joy that lies beyond the surface. It points to prosperous life as a result of successful inner and personal work.

It is usually associated with harmony, gratitude, beauty and unity. In any context in which it appears in the game is carrying a beneficial meaning, so if it comes to you, receive with gratitude the perfume and grace of life that is blossoming.

Letter 10 - The Scythe

The Scythe in the Gypsy Deck represents rupture, cut and separation. It communicates the end of both a love and professional relationship. However, this break should be positive. After all, the harvest season in the card represented, gives the idea of a new stage.

At work she may still be talking to the person who is very dedicated, but never enjoys the results. It's time to pass the sickle and reap the fruits of your sweat, if not, it is life who will pluck you from where you are. If this happens, the lesson she wants to teach you is that for everything there is a time.

In love, it indicates the end of a relationship, or the end of a phase of that relationship. It is possible that it means the evolution to a new level, or the decay to a crisis. In any case, these changes are always for the better. Even if it is learning something, this something is highly necessary for your personal development.

Card 11 - The Whip

The Whip is a neutral card, that is, its meaning will depend on the cards that accompany it in the game. With this, its possibility of interpretations opens considerably in relation to the others.

Anyway, part of its meaning refers to justice. In this case, you will be the judge, and the fair resolution of the situation will depend on your decision. So reflect very carefully on whatever you are facing, and go ahead with confidence in what you decide.

In a more negative sense, it speaks of a karmic situation, something bad that happens to you today as a consequence of a past attitude, either in this life or in a previous life. Try to understand the totality of what it is about, to solve it once and for all and no longer drag this weight around.

In relationships, it is consistent to observe harmony, if the exchange has been balanced between the people involved. If one of the parties is giving in more than the other, at some point, there will be conflict. The best way out is a sincere conversation to clarify the situation.

Card 12 - The Birds

The card The Birds is the card of freedom and partnership in the Gypsy Deck. At first glance these seem like separate attributes. However, the freedom to be who you truly are is put to the test when there is another on your side.

When you feel free to express your essence without fear of how the person will react. If you over-repress yourself, you may be depriving the other of the fair exchange that partnership can have.

For example, when you don't expose your opinion, you stop contributing to the dialogue. Your silence traps you and prevents the person from evolving through a different perspective.

And if, on the other hand, she is usually sincere and you benefit from this, the partnership is out of balance. This card appears as a call to free yourself from limitations, and not to underestimate those around you.

It comes to help you in your relationships, whether it be romantic, professional, friendships or family. Allow yourself to feel the soft breeze of freedom to be yourself next to those who please you.

Letter 13 - The Child

The card The Child brings with it the energy of optimism and belief in the realization of dreams. Its positive vibration comes to lead us to believe more in the magic of life. It speaks of the return to the dazzle of the world, teaching us to see things in an optimistic way.

If the card appears for you, give a chance to your inner joy even in the face of adversity. Try to relieve yourself of the weight of the concepts of adult life, and experience the initial lightness again. The lightness of someone who is discovering life.

The negative side of this card points to irresponsibility and immaturity. After all, being an adult also has its advantages. One of them is the maturity of knowing how to ponder and balance daily attitudes.

So let your inner child play without fear, but keep your adult side ready to hold his or her hand when needed.

Card 14 - The Fox

The Fox in the Gypsy Deck is warning you to turn on your wits. It calls for caution and the use of reasoning to deal with situations. It is the card of perspicacity and the ability to adapt.

Remembering the ability of this animal to adapt to the desert, the arctic and the forest. So, hold back your emotions, allow yourself to observe, and think well in order to act better. If it was thrown to you, it is because this fox lives inside you.

In other words, you are smart enough to understand that this is the time to be smart for your own good. Not just smart to survive, but to adapt and have the good life you want.

Card 15 - The Bear

The Bear carries with it the energy of anger and power. Being a neutral card, what it represents depends on the cards that accompany it. Therefore, its meanings walk between anger, strength and protection.

If it appears together with negative cards, it communicates violence, aggressiveness and anger. Therefore, be careful with extreme situations, and try not to put yourself at risk. Above all, look inside yourself, thoughts and attitudes, and avoid being a victim of your own violence.

If it appears next to positive letters, it means that you are surrounded by strength, protection and security. Those who are with you not only have the necessary affection to protect you, but also the power to support you.

Don't forget to consider these meanings according to the context of the game and your life. Whatever makes sense to you, is the message that the Gypsy Deck wants to deliver.

Card 16 - The Star

The card The Star in the Gypsy Deck is the card of spiritual enlightenment. It represents the conduction to the realization of dreams through faith and the cultivation of good energies for growth.

If there is any doubt about divine protection in your life, The Star is the positive sign from the heavens. However, to see the star shine in all its splendor, you need to have your feet on the ground.

The chart also guides you to have courage and attitude to face life on earth. The fact is that you should not use the spiritual as an escape from daily challenges. The ideal is to rely on faith to face and overcome one day after another.

Letter 17 - The Stork

The Stork is the card that wants to deliver news for you. With meaning in the sense of changes, its energy is positive and communicates new opportunities. Possible new work, home, relationship, friendships, or new ideal and behavior.

In some cases, it may be communicating a pregnancy. Therefore, prepare yourself to live something different from what you live now. Take care of your physical and emotional structure. The deep personal care, will define the development of this new phase in your way of living.

Letter 18 - The Dog

Loyalty and companionship define the main aspects of the card The Dog in the Gypsy Deck. Its positive energy is directly related to the people who are by its side.

Represents that they are always watching over you, ready to support you. In other words, you are very well, nurturing true feelings of friendship and affection. If it appears accompanied by negative cards, indicates protection.

Now, if you're the one acting mean, get ready for a radical correction for your sake. Some people are so loyal that they would risk changing the course of their friendship to save you, so be sure to pay attention to how you're acting with yourself and the people who are always by your side.

Card 19 - The Tower

The Tower of the Gypsy Deck symbolizes isolation for inner self-care. This care has spirituality as the conductor of the encounter with oneself. The tower is a firm structure, pointed upwards. So, the result of this retreat is the strength of a stable and elevated character.

So respect your introspection, if you are feeling it or if it is coming. Which doesn't mean to indulge in sadness, just sincerely live what you feel without judging. Seek to appreciate your own company and learn things about yourself from it. Self-knowledge is the path that points inwards and leads upwards.

Letter 20 - The Garden

The Garden is the card that represents the encounters you have cultivated. It says that it is time to look at the world you have built around you, and learn about yourself through it. If you are satisfied with the people and environments around you, know that all of these are yours to conquer. Therefore, they say something positive about your personality.

However, if you are unhappy, complaining about everything and everyone, know that this is the garden you have cultivated. So, complaining is no use if you want something different. What is left for you to do is to start changing your attitude, even if it is necessary a radical change. The garden you want depends on you.

Card 21 - The Mountain

The card The Mountain reveals a great challenge, however, it also carries a great conquest crowned by overcoming this challenge. It brings the energy of justice through merit. In other words, very positive things will come, as long as you keep focused and do not give up in the midst of adversity.

So get ready! You will need to strengthen your character, try to balance your emotions and be sure of what you want. The Mountain does represent an obstacle, but also victory. And this victory will have the taste of your deserving and the firmness of your will.

Card 22 - The Path

The Path in the Gypsy Deck means open paths free of obstacles. This card shows that circumstances are favorable to achieve what you want. It reminds you that the main obstacles have passed.

What you need now is courage to go ahead, certain that you are on the right path. The letter communicates that you should trust the choice you decide to make. After all, all roads are open for you to walk with confidence. It only depends on how you will follow this path.

In other words, there is nothing stopping you, unless you start creating difficulties yourself. So, move forward with faith and gratitude, enjoying the beauty in the journey that leads you to happiness.

Card 23 - The Rat

The card The Rat represents impurity and damage in all sectors that your game is directed. In health it may indicate disease. In love points to a disappointment. In material indicates theft and scarcity. Within the emotional field, the card symbolizes suffering, imbalance and crises.

With a fall towards the negative side, it calls for an immediate cleaning out of your way of living. Starting from within. Take a courageous look at your inner life. Analyze the things you think and how they influence what you say and do. When you find the source of this negativity, get rid of it like the garbage that brings rats into the house.

Thus, everything else that bothers you, in time, will find a way out of your life. Something that will happen naturally. This is the fruit that self-care provides to those who choose the path of self-love.

Letter 24 - The Heart

The Heart is a card that always communicates good feelings and strong emotions. It carries the energy of love in its various manifestations. It deals with involvement with people, on all levels, from affection and care, to compassion and solidarity.

It speaks of feelings for pets, for work, and for personal or social causes. Its meaning is positive when related to these issues. However, the card also brings a warning about decisions that are made hastily out of pure passion.

Emotion can be very positive when it does not take the place that should be occupied by reason. The balance between thought and feeling points to the full and happy life of unconditional love.

Letter 25 - The Ring

The Ring is the card which, in the Gypsy Deck, means commitment, pact and agreement. It indicates your alliance with things favorable to your will. If it appears in the game for love, it speaks of a relationship moving towards commitment.

In the case of material and professional life, partnerships, contracts, and societies are forthcoming. This card brings positive energy when you are in doubt about making decisions involving other people.

It gives the green light for you to trust and move forward. However, it also asks for awareness about keeping your end of the bargain. Keep in mind the importance of acting responsibly in what you commit to. Honesty is proven in commitments.

Letter 26 - The Books

The card The Books speaks of wisdom and knowledge in the Gypsy Deck. When it refers to a person, it expresses an intelligent personality of high cultural level. Someone who is not only gifted with wisdom, but who in every action considers the intellectual.

If the card appears related to a situation, it indicates a call for improvement and learning. Therefore, no matter how much you know about what the situation asks, be humble. Recognize that there is always something to learn, and see it as an opportunity to evolve. Never waste the chance to be someone better.

Letter 27 - The Letter

The Letter The Letter refers to a communication, a message, or news. It makes mention of the fact that there is a notice to be delivered to you. Something you need to know will soon come to your attention.

The subject of this news has to do with the context of the game drawn for you. It may be pointing to the importance to be attached to an announcement which is to arrive in the near future.

Card 28 - The Gypsy

The card The Gypsy brings with it the energy of the male polarity in the Gypsy Deck. Its appearance can represent a man in a person's life. It is important to pay attention to the cards that appear in the same game, to know what this man means. Regardless of being a father, brother, companion, friend, relative, colleague, boss or other.

If it appears to a woman, you may still be communicating some of your yang energy. In other words, your masculine side may emerge more because of an inner need of the consulter. So, it is good to observe what you consider masculine and perceive how it manifests in you.

If it appears to a man, he is connected with his predominant part. If this is positive, only the consulent can tell through the understanding of what "being a man" means to him. If it is negative, the ideal is to seek harmony with his feminine side.

Card 29 - The Gypsy

The card The Gypsy carries the feminine energy in the Gypsy Deck. It can represent either the person in the life of the person who consults, or the consultant herself. Being a neutral card, its real meaning arises when considering the other cards that appear with it.

If it appears to a woman, she may be talking about herself and the characteristics she attributes to her femininity. Remembering that its neutrality requires observing the context of the game to identify the real message of the deck.

If it appears to a man, the card's conversation is about a woman nearby. However, sometimes it communicates about attention or the manifestation of your yin energy. In other words, there may be a situation where your feminine side comes into focus.

So keep yourself open, we are all endowed with masculine and feminine, and both sides need to have space.

Card 30 - The Lilies

The meaning of the card The Lilies is related to deep peace and full happiness. It has an extremely positive energy, attracted by the spiritual world. It communicates harmony, purity, goodness, attraction of the high things in life.

Its appearance is welcome when you are facing crises and difficulties. Because it indicates the beginning of a new phase full of joy and good vibes. Moreover, all this positivity is aligned with the will of spirituality.

Therefore, it is not just a momentary relief, but an important part in the process of individual evolution.

Card 31 - The Sun

The Sun is the card that brings light and warmth to your game. In the "yes or no" question you ask the Gypsy Deck, its appearance is the "yes" answer. The warm positive energy emanating from the card indicates growth, creativity, prosperity, health and evolution.

In the emotional sense, she communicates affection, comfort, complicity and support. On the inner side of the consulter she signals richness of spirit and strength of soul. Someone who has fluid contact with the divine, or who is up to date with her self-love and self-knowledge.

For the rest, allow yourself to be warmed and enlightened by the power of the king star. In the situation in which The Sun presents itself, the chart symbolizes that the ruler of the solar system also shines for you.

Card 32 - The Moon

The Moon card communicates intuition, feelings, and hidden forces. Just as the moon has its phases, the card points to the oscillation of temperament. It talks about the possibility of facing unknown feelings.

In aspects involving daily life, it indicates the difficulty of making decisions. As it is neutral, to conclude its meaning you must consider the cards that accompany it. This is very important.

In some cases it reveals a mediumistic personality, which is perfectly coherent with emotional instability and difficulty with decisions. Obviously, this is concluded when other signs also point to the path of spirituality.

So if the lack of clarity is preventing you from walking, be attentive to the context of the game in which The Moon appears. Trust also the signs that life shows you. They are essential to lead you to the light and take you out of the darkness of this night that seems to have no end.

Letter 33 - The Key

The Key represents the way out of an adverse situation. Its positive energy communicates the end of a difficult period and the beginning of a favourable phase for you and your objectives. It is the symbol of this transition which has often starred your prayers.

In other words, you asked God, or your guardian angel, and the Gypsy Deck is giving you the answer. Know that when the door is closed, the solution is the key that opens it.

So if this card appears in your game, cheer up! After all, it points to the solution to your problem. However, it also asks you to have the attitude and courage to go ahead. Conquest asks for active positioning to achieve what you want.

Letter 34 - The Fish

The Pisces is the card that represents material prosperity and financial success in the Gypsy Deck. It is extremely positive when the subject is money. When you ask about business, profession, partnerships, and even love, the card will indicate monetary gain for those involved.

Just be careful if it is accompanied by negative cards. In this case, its meaning falls on the side of losses, financial stagnation and debt. Otherwise, the card The Fish swims free in the waters of fortune and material abundance.

Card 35 - The Anchor

The Anchor in the Gypsy Deck communicates firmness and stability. It symbolizes the concreteness of achieved goals and emotional and financial security. The card points to results that generate self-confidence, assertiveness and strengthen the consulter.

However, even though this is a positive card, it does caution against stagnation. It asks you to observe behavior motivated by fixation of ideas. The sort of things that hinder evolution and personal growth.

Letter 36 - The Cross

The Cross, the last card of the Gypsy Deck, brings a message of conquest through sacrifice. Its positivity says that the effort and abdication will have a guaranteed reward. It also speaks of the wisdom generated by the laborious journey, and the illumination of the being.

As the card that closes the deck, it says that a long journey, of ups and downs, has reached its crucial point. Therefore, it is time to reap the results of so much work and overcoming challenges.

In every area of life, it points to achievement through sacrifice. And that includes character building and spiritual growth. The victory The Cross preaches is real, but it also preaches that the challenges to getting there are real.

How can knowing the Gypsy Deck help you in your life?

The reading of the Gypsy Deck can tell you a lot about who you are, what you are facing and what posture to take. It can elucidate past facts to accept the present and not fear the future.

However, it is your attitude and the way you receive what he says that will define your success in what you want. Like an oracle, he is just one of the ways the universe uses to send you signs. Your daily life is permeated with so many others that can corroborate with what the card says.

And he speaks in a simple and objective language to facilitate the understanding of what the divine wants to communicate. Trust the signs, especially if they speak in a way that you understand.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.