Meaning of Wheel of Fortune in Pisces: for astrology and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General Meaning of Wheel of Fortune in Pisces

The Wheel of Fortune in the birth chart represents the placement where your Moon, Sun and Ascendant are in harmony. In life, it signifies the aspect that brings luck and fulfillment in the individual's life, serving to guide the person's destiny and where they will find happiness.

Therefore, those who have it in Pisces have the positive characteristics of this sign as influential in this area of life. That is, if these qualities are explored, they will serve as a compass for the native to act and achieve success, luck and happiness.

Those who represent them are sympathetic natives with a good capacity to understand the invisible, as well as being creative. Compassion is a strong characteristic of those who have the Wheel of Fortune in Pisces and their life is guided by self-knowledge and sensitivity. Check out more about this astrological position in this article!

Characteristics and behaviours

In this topic we will present the general characteristics of those who have the Wheel of Fortune in Pisces, as well as how they act in relationships, the influences of childhood and other more specific characteristics of these natives. Follow along!

General characteristics of those who have the Wheel of Fortune in Pisces

Natives with the Wheel of Fortune in Pisces are usually suitable for volunteer work, because they have in their behavior the characteristic of giving a lot and do it because they feel the need. Thus, these people find their peace by being generous, because they feel that by helping others, they help themselves.

They are people with strong intuition and mysterious, due to the connection of Pisces with the spiritual. For this same reason, they feel that there is a spiritual world and a physical world and that they remain between both. Who has the Wheel of Fortune in the sign of Pisces understands that limitations are only an appearance.

Childhood Experiences

If the natives with Wheel of Fortune in Pisces have experienced pressure in their childhood, in adult life they will oscillate between being satisfied and confident in their decisions and questioning these decisions, fearing failure.

Or more, if they do get positive results, they will question whether they are worthy of it. This will be the person who has a fertile mind to create thoughts about self-esteem or lack of confidence. But, as said, only when they had situations in their childhood that led them to this, such as too much pressure on them from someone.

In your relationships

The native with the Wheel of Fortune in Pisces, through his relationships and love, whether in the form of friendship or love, will transmit what he perceives about the world and life. And what he perceives about life is spiritual and physical duality, conscious and unconscious.

In their relationships, these people will give themselves in a pure way, because deep down they know that beings are gathered by the whole and that everyone is similar. Besides inheriting from the sign of Pisces the strong capacity to be empathic, they do not have selfishness as a characteristic.

Harmony with the Cosmos

Those who have the Wheel of Fortune in Pisces have the strong inherent characteristic of this sign: the search for fusion with the cosmic, that is, their way of flowing between spiritual and physical reality. In this, the personality can form artists, astronomers, physicists, mystics of all kinds, scientists, poets, philosophers, among other professions.

This desire to seek harmony with the cosmos can be manifested through the exercise of the professions mentioned, for example, as well as the connection of Pisces with nature. Therefore, in their most subtle acts, they will demonstrate this harmony, besides being mysterious people.

The knowledge of the essence of Reality

The native with the Wheel of Fortune in Pisces has the strong perception present in this sign: to see life through the existence of the spiritual world and the physical world. This native will better understand the essence of reality by knowing and feeling this existence of two planes.

They will understand that the essence of reality is to perceive that all that is on Earth is a reflection of the non-earthly world, but that there is information inaccessible to beings like us, and in this Pisces realizes that the essence is a life full of possibilities, for their perception will be just as they see the sea: giant and full of traps, known only on the surface, and so will life be for them.

They don't promise

Natives with the Wheel of Fortune in Pisces don't like to make promises, because they understand that keeping or breaking a promise is not totally under their control. These are issues that may suffer interferences that don't depend only on them.

Because they are people who believe in the spiritual and how everything in the universe is interconnected, they have the perception that they are not in control of everything in their lives and therefore do not make promises. They choose to separate themselves from the results and just let things flow, because they believe that life has a flow.

They do not submit

Those who have the Wheel of Fortune in Pisces are people who do not like submissions, because they understand that conquest and submission are opposite concepts. In other words, to conquer someone or something, it is not necessary to submit to anything.

For them, it is not necessary to conquer, because they perceive themselves as part of the whole, being part of that which governs everything. Therefore, conquest does not exist for these natives. Without submissions, they understand that joy comes from the simple flow of life's experiences.

The Opposite Point of Wheel of Fortune in Pisces

Let's further explore what the Opposite Point of the Wheel of Fortune is. Who has it in Pisces has the Opposite Point in which sign? In what ways can we use this to the advantage of the characteristics of the sign of the Opposite Point? Check it out below!

The sign of Virgo

The native with the Wheel of Fortune has the Opposite Point in Virgo. This is an Earth sign, and its natives may seek perfection in their actions in an exaggerated way. In love, they are loyal. Whether in romantic relationships, friendships or family, these people really love.

The native is known for being the sign of practicality and it is through this that he will seek perfection. The native has persistence and determination to achieve what he wants. As a main negative characteristic, it is difficult to satisfy as he is always in search of perfectionism and therefore is a sign difficult to please.

How to use the Opposite Point in Virgo to your advantage

The Opposite Point can be used to the individual's advantage whenever he uses it in an impersonal manner. From the moment he takes it personally, he will find it difficult to attain the harmony brought about by the Wheel of Fortune.

Being the Opposite Point in Virgo, as is the case for those who have the Wheel of Fortune in Pisces, these natives can observe the positive characteristics of Virgo, such as the way they organize and plan their lives.

Thus, they can adapt this with the characteristics of the sign of Pisces, that is, understand that the worldly planning is influenced by the universe. If there is this balance between the Wheel of Fortune and the Opposite Point, the natives will be on the way to finding their happiness.

Negative effects of having the Opposite Point in Virgo

The Opposite Point of the Wheel of Fortune blocks the flow of energy of the individual and makes it more complicated for him to find joy, if he takes it personally.

Being in Virgo, what happens is that the way the Virgoan plans and organizes his life will also be seen by the individual who has the Wheel of Fortune in Pisces, causing blockage if there is no balance between the two signs.

This is because Virgo lives restricted in the consciousness that material reality is the only one that can be reached. So, the one who has the Wheel of Fortune in Pisces can see beyond and knows that reality is infinite. Therefore, there is this mismatch of ideas.

The Wheel of Fortune for Astrology

What does Wheel of Fortune mean to Astrology? Let's understand the origin of this point in the astrological chart, how to calculate it and what is its connection to the Sun, Moon and Ascendant. Follow along!

Origin and the Goddess Fortune

In Roman mythology, the Goddess of Fortune represented good and bad luck. In the story, this goddess distributed luck among people in a random and impartial way, that is, making luck a fluke. Thus, she also became known for being the Goddess of Destiny.

For this reason the Wheel of Fortune in the Astrological Map was known as good luck, happiness and meeting with the destiny of each one, not meaning fortune in the financial sense. Still, because this goddess represents chance, this position in the Astrological Map also represents everything that is not in human control, like destiny.

The Sun, the Moon and the Ascendant

The Sun sign represents the main characteristics of the person's personality and is considered the main position in the entire Astrological Chart. The Ascendant is the way we show ourselves to others, as if it were our "gift paper", our wrapping or our "facade". The Moon represents the feelings of the people, the emotions and the way of dealing with them.

Everyone can find out the sun sign through the date of birth. But the ascendant and moon signs require a little more information. You need to know more details, like the time of birth.

The Calculation of the Part of Fortune in the Birth Chart

In the astrological chart the Wheel of Fortune shows the point of alignment between the Sun, Ascendant and Moon of the native, the place where the three are in harmony. To calculate the Wheel of Fortune it is necessary to know your time of birth and whether it was day or night, to identify if the Sun was above or below the horizon line.

If the native was born during the day, it will be calculated as follows: distance between the Sun and the Moon from the degree of the Ascendant. If the native was born at night, it will be the opposite, the distance between the Moon and the Sun from the degree of the Ascendant.

Calculation for day births and night births

The astrological calculation differs for those born during the day and those born at night. Therefore, the simplest formula given by astrologers is as follows:

Daytime births: Wheel of Fortune = Ascendant + Moon - Sun

Night Births: Wheel of Fortune = Ascendant + Sun - Moon

In other words, you will see in the birth chart the degree of the Ascendant, add the degree of the Moon and subtract that of the Sun, for daytime births. For nighttime births, you will take the degree of the Ascendant, add the degree of the Sun and subtract that of the Moon.

What is the "Pot of Gold" of those who have the Wheel of Fortune in Pisces?

The pot of gold of the native with the Wheel of Fortune in Pisces, that is, the actions to achieve happiness and success, is their imagination. Using a harmony between imagination and understanding that there is a natural flow of life and a oneness in all things and beings of the universe, that is, that the universe does not end in physical and mundane matter.

The native with the Wheel of Fortune in Pisces has his Pot of Gold by understanding that life and the limitations imposed are appearances. By understanding this, this person can adapt to any vibration and consequently satisfy his needs, obtaining the success he desires.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.