Meaning of zodiac signs: dates, elements, planets and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What are the 12 signs of the zodiac?

Everyone has heard about the 12 zodiac signs, but do you know what they really are? As you may already know, the astrological signs are: Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn.

With their own qualities and limitations, the signs are representations of the characteristics of subgroups based on the date of birth and the position of the stars in the sky. What is usually called a sign refers to the Sun's rulership. That is, when you read the horoscope, you are receiving information from the Sun in the house of your sign.

But did you know that your sign goes far beyond what is in the horoscope? Here are some important details, like what are the elements of each one, their qualities, the dynamics between them, the ruling planets and, of course, the characteristics of each one.

Meaning of the elements of the signs

Like all nature, the signs are divided into groups of four elements: earth, fire, air and water. Each element has its own characteristics and represents a certain type of energy, which is impregnated in everything. It is from the predominance of a certain element that the main characteristics of the signs are formed. See the meaning of the signs based on each element.

Earth signs

Earth signs tend to be very attached to family and are sometimes emotional. A striking characteristic of the earth element is the tendency to feel very jealous, either in romantic relationships or even in friendships. Loyal and very companionable, people of earth signs appreciate the small and big luxuries of life.

The signs of the earth element are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. They are signs that value stability and comfort and can be very conservative in many aspects of life. More realistic than the signs of the other elements, they stick to their principles and seek to prove their truth hard. They are also extremely hardworking and prefer more determined routines.

Fire signs

Like fire, people with signs ruled by this element tend to have a lot of energy and be extremely dynamic. In addition, they can be somewhat temperamental and passionate about what they do and the people they live with. When they love, they give themselves body and soul.

The main fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. In the same way they lose patience very quickly, they also forget the easy matter and move on. Generally, those who are of a fire sign have a healthy and strong physique, being also intelligent, creative and idealistic.

Air signs

Astute, quick-thinking and ever-changing, people of the Air sign cannot stand still. Extremely communicative, they are always willing to use every last argument to prove a point.

The signs that represent this element are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Usually, they like to analyze the situation before making a decision, and they can even be indecisive or even a bit fickle. People of this sign also tend to like gossip.

Water signs

People who have the characteristics of water in their sign are extremely sensitive to what they think or what is said to them. Intuitive and with a certain air of mystery, they can adapt to any situation. In relationships, they like to connect before establishing a healthy and shared relationship.

The water signs are Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer. Natives of these signs tend to have closer and more intimate relationships, and love to talk about deeper themes, which escape the trivialities of daily life. They also tend to be very critical with themselves, but patient with others.

Meaning of the qualities of the signs

Another point of differentiation between the signs is their qualities. Don't understand quality as an adjective that magnifies or diminishes a person. In this case, it is a set of characteristics that, when united with the elements, define the basis for the zodiac signs. Understand each of these qualities.

Cardinal quality signs

The cardinal signs are those most likely to start things, represented by Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Innovative and full of energy, they tend to always seek new horizons and constructions.

Organized, courageous and even impulsive, they are always creating something new. Natives of these signs tend to lose patience more easily and have no problem keeping their word, being reliable and great leaders.

Fixed quality signs

Signs of fixed quality are those which help to give stability and continuity to what has been started, for example Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. They appreciate routine and preservation of habits and customs, and have a tendency to conservatism.

With lots of energy, they can be stubborn and incorruptible. They're also great at solving complex and time-consuming challenges, not realizing the time to stop and move on to something new.

Signs of changeable quality

The signs of mutable quality represent the capacity of transformation, the change from the old to the new, and have as representatives Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo.

These are much less rigid energies, with a tendency to flexibility and adaptation. Geared towards growth and constant learning, these signs like to experience new experiences. Somewhat indecisive and dualistic, they are the drivers of change.

Dynamics of the elements of the signs

The signs of different elements interact with each other all the time, but they don't always understand each other. This is because their characteristics can differ a lot from each other. For example, imagine managing a business, having, on one side, someone from the sign of Earth and, on the other, someone from the sign of Air.

While one likes stability, the other craves change, and this can generate some conflicts. This can happen with various combinations, in order to bring beneficial and not so interesting results. See more about these interactions and how to make the most of each one.

Complementary elements

In the same way that some elements may not understand each other very well, others fit perfectly. With this, relationships are calmer and work is better. Some good examples are the combinations of earth and fire or water and air. Understand better below each of these complements.

Dynamics between earth and fire

The union between earth and fire signs is certainly challenging, requiring a lot of dialogue and understanding from both. On the one hand, the earth sign appreciates stability, comfort and long relationships. On the other hand, the fire sign needs constant change in all aspects of his life and may have difficulties even to stay in a relationship.

However, when it comes to the professional environment, this is a great combination, as they are different points of view working towards the same goal. They may even disagree eventually, but it is through dialogue that powerful ideas emerge, with the strength and innovation of fire and the durability and security of earth.

Of course, both must be willing to listen and give in, which is challenging, but absolutely possible.

Dynamics between water and air

People with water signs are careful, passionate, attached and somewhat jealous. On the other hand, those with air signs like freedom and have a less passionate love, despite great companionship.

Your views on love are different, but perspective isn't the only thing in a relationship. Both of you need to be well aligned with each other's desires, in order to talk openly, for the relationship to work out.

In the professional field, different points of view are always very welcome, and if they know how to harmonize the relationship, they can be very successful. The water element is more careful and adaptable, using its creativity to innovate in the processes. Creativity is also a mark of the air signs, but it is a less intuitive and more analytical element. Amazing projects can arise from thisunion.

Earth and fire in excess

The characteristics of each of the four elements are present in all signs, but they can present some more striking than others, in this dynamic between earth, fire, air and water. It can even happen that an element stands out more in a person, so as to emphasize some positive or negative characteristics.

When the earth element is in excess, the person tends to become more rigid, inflexible, stagnant, stubborn, slow, skeptical and critical. Besides that, the attachment also intensifies, and he/she can become a controlling and jealous person. If it is the fire element, the excess makes the person more aggressive, irritable, arrogant, proud and vain, leading to constant conflicts and daily weariness.

Meaning of the ruling planets of the signs

The planets are completely related to the signs, so each one of them rules one of the signs of the zodiac. All of them are present in your birth chart, but some are more influential than others. It is the amount of power of each one over your life that will outline your characteristics, in general.

Besides the planets, there is also the presence of other important stars in your birth chart, like the Sun or the Moon. In addition, there is Pluto, which today is not considered a planet, but still has influence on the signs. Understand each one of them and their characteristics.


The Sun is the most well-known ruler, as it is exactly the meaning and influence you usually find in horoscopes. It represents your essence and is related to luck in life, pleasure, victories and success. Its day of the week is Sunday and the sign it rules is Leo. In addition, the amount of energy to perform activities is also related to the influence of the Sun in your chartastral.

Essentially masculine, the Sun is linked to impulse and ego. The conscious and active mind is designated by the Sun, as well as rational creativity. When out of balance, these characteristics can represent a person who is insecure, arrogant, dramatic, self-centred and fearful. In excess, it shows a person who is proud, vain and who thinks he is superior to others.


Very well known to the lay public, the Moon represents the emotional, feminine and protective aspect. She is linked to intuition, her day is Monday and her sign is Cancer. Related to customs and comfort zone, she represents the hidden part of your consciousness and a reactive posture of your personality. When regent, she increases the need to be in security and comfort.

It is during moments of crisis that the Moon manifests itself in greater or lesser intensity, and may expose the passionate side of the sign. When the star is in balance, empathy, donation and intuition manifest. However, when it is unbalanced, it generates a lack of stability in emotions, low self-esteem, dependence, negligence, passivity and even depression.


Mercury is related to communication and intelligences. It forms a link between the unconscious and the conscious, governing day-to-day activities. Its day of the week is Wednesday and the signs it governs are Gemini and Virgo. Extremely adaptable, Mercury plays an important role in learning and stimulates the taste for travel and change.

When it is in balance, it is versatile, practical, persuasive, insightful and objective. It can also help communication, making it fluid and highlighting your cultural baggage. However, if it is out of balance, it tends towards criticism, superficial relationships, lack of truth and the need to slander. It can also become sceptical, cynical, calculating and unrepentant in its opinions.


Connected to affectivity, formation of values and love, Venus denotes softness and tact in relationships, as well as the avoidance of confrontation. Its day of the week is Friday and the ruled signs are Taurus and Libra. Some of its most striking characteristics are well-developed affection, sensuality, attention to life's little pleasures and sense of cooperation.

If it is well balanced, Venus denotes characteristics such as gratitude for life, delicacy of touch with yourself and others, need for cooperation, tenderness, sophistication and generosity. However, when there is excess in its presence, it can lead to lust, desire for excesses - whether of material goods, food or even in sexuality -, possessiveness and vanity.


Related to initiative and aggressiveness, the planet Mars is connected to the ability to survive, to act and also to relate sexually. Its day of the week is Tuesday and the sign it rules is Aries. Its energy is pure creative impulse, which leads to the desire of conquest and achievement. It also confers resistance, either physical or emotional, precision in communication and a strong desire to grow.

Balanced Mars leads to an increase in characteristics such as strength, courage, persistence and courage. It makes the taste for adventure and conquest stronger, also leading to the desire for victory, defense and freedom. If unbalanced, it leads to recklessness, lack of patience, harshness, impulsiveness and irresponsibility. Violence and arrogance can also manifest.


Jupiter is related to growth - personal, professional and spiritual - and to the arising of opportunities or, if you prefer to call it that, luck. Your day of the week is Thursday and your sign is Sagittarius. The energy is optimistic, expansive and leads to a greater sense of equity and justice. Free, generous and expansive, you value freedom, in its broadest sense.

When balanced, Jupiter fosters humor, leading to kind, wise, confident, receptive, and optimistic behavior. It is also linked to spirituality and abundance, having an outgoing, fair, generous, and tolerant personality. If it is out of balance, it shows a more compulsive, clingy, prideful, and ego-driven face out of control.


Very connected to discipline, routine and limits, Saturn shows in your birth chart where the main difficulties and restrictions in life will be. In other words, it points out where you will have to invest more effort to achieve what others do easily. Your day of the week is Saturday and the sign it rules is Capricorn. It is related to perseverance, patience and balance.

Having Saturn in equilibrium leads to greater maturity and makes the person more resilient, in order to adequately control emotions in general, especially desires. Consequently, he has more lucidity, humility of prudence. When unbalanced, it leads to a feeling of inferiority or inadequacy, with low self-confidence and much insecurity, pessimism and ostracism.


Uranus is the planet of changes, revolutions, crises and freedom. It feeds the inner desire for rapid change and innovative action. With no day of the week in its honor, its ruled sign is Aquarius. Linked to technological development, it is focused on speed, electricity and breaking paradigms. It is the planet of transformations, innovation and independence.

When Uranus is balanced, its energy is independent, versatile, fast, free and creative. It helps to maintain non-conformism and to see beyond the obvious, finding new ways out of adverse situations. It brings the impulse to change, with the use of rationality. However, when it is out of sync, it leads to extremism, irresponsibility and inconsequence.


The planet Neptune is connected to intuition, the subtle and the arts. The creative and transformative energy is also related to it, but in a more introspective way. With a strong tendency to escapism - either through thought or addictions - it helps to connect the material to what is higher. Ruler of the sign of Pisces, sensitivity is a key element, having a more mystical andfanciful of reality.

To have Neptune in equilibrium is to appropriate important qualities for life, such as compassion, sensitivity to beauty and to life, as well as the search for transcendence. For this you become extremely adaptable, idealising reality and working for it. If it is unbalanced, the energy leads to apathetic, passive, naive and even narcissistic behaviour.


Related to slow and deep changes, Pluto deals with progressive regeneration and the transmutation of what no longer serves. With great receptivity to what is different, it is an energy that leads to the desire to break paradigms and rebuild. With rulership in Scorpio, it is also connected to sexuality, taboos, secrets and important material aspects, such as money.

Pluto has the ability, when in balance, to help with self-control and understanding of one's thoughts and feelings. It also enhances willpower and resilience, as well as overall health. If it is out of balance, it leads to a destructive tendency, with obsession, coldness and a total lack of care in attitude.

Dates and characteristics of each sign

It is essential to know how to identify the main attributes of each of the Sun signs. They are the most important, because in general, they outline what you are in essence, even if the ascendant and other stars influence the way you manifest yourself to the world. See which is the sign of each birth date and its characteristics.

Aries Sign

Aries is a sign of the fire element and has a cardinal quality. It is the solar sign for those born between March 21 and April 20, and its ruling planet is Mars. Self-centered, Aryans focus on their goals and hardly ever give up what they want.

People of this sign can be somewhat self-centered, demanding unattainable perfection from others. They tend to prosper and are very competitive, motivating those around them.

Creative and calm, they tend to enjoy a good debate, and are usually very direct in their opinions. They are great leaders, passionate about what they do, and may start several projects at once and unintentionally overload themselves. They can act on impulse and will not shy away from a challenge or a good fight, and must learn to control their temperament.

Taurus Sign

Taurus is a sign of the earth element and has a fixed quality. It is the sun sign of those born between April 21 and May 21, and its ruling planet is Venus. Persistent, strong, emotional, sensual and with a strong tendency to stubbornness and feelings of possession, Taureans are very down to earth and do not let themselves be carried away by any talk. With a lot of energy, they usually persist consistently in their goals.

Taureans like luxury and stability, they can be very self-confident and have good control over their instincts. They know what they want and how to get there safely, although slowly. Jealous, they are not ones to lose control, but when they lose their immense patience, no one can hold them back. They do not like changes and abstractions, being dedicated workers, disciplined, they can even becomeexcellent dancers.

Gemini Sign

Gemini is a sign of the air element and has a mutable quality. It is the sun sign of those born between May 22 and June 21, and its ruling planet is Mercury. Communicative, Gemini people know how to use words and physical expressions to convince others of what they believe. They are great athletes and have a lot of energy to channel and accomplish, always looking for changes.

With their rational and analytical aspect, they tend to learn quickly, but usually in a superficial way, about many different topics. In love, they take a while to trust, but when it happens, they give in. But this only happens if the relationship does not create any kind of limitation, because more than a partner, Gemini love freedom. They can be great leaders, they inspire their team and areadapt easily.

Sign of Cancer

Cancer is a sign of the water element and with cardinal quality. It is the sun sign of those born between June 21 and June 23, having the Moon as ruler. Emotional and nostalgic, Cancerians are resilient, sensitive, caring and gifted with a powerful intuition. They can also become manipulative and with an emotional demand above normal.

Generous, Cancerians tend to fantasise a lot about their own lives, often suffering from reality. They like to keep family relationships healthy and expect the same commitment and care in return as they give. They can be traditional, patriotic and even a little fanatical, with great difficulty letting go, whether of an idea, situation or person.

Leo Sign

Leo is a sign of the fire element and has a fixed quality. It is the solar sign for those born between July 24th and August 23rd, having the Sun as ruler. With a magnetic personality, the Leonines have their presence noticed as soon as they arrive in an environment. Full of energy, they overflow with security and like to live different experiences, always with optimism and expansiveness.

The ego can be the great challenge for the person of the sign of Leo, since people of this sign tend to be self-centered and somewhat domineering. On the other hand, they are loyal, independent, creative, romantic and eternal optimists. They usually fall in love with people they admire, because without admiration, there is no love that resists for the Leo. Professionally, they like to be in focus, being greatspeakers.

Virgo Sign

Virgo is a sign of the earth element and with a mutable quality. It is the sun sign of those born between August 24th and September 23rd, and its ruling planet is Mercury. Talented and with a certain focus on individuality, Virgoans always want to make the best of their abilities in order to promote growth. They see the world in a rational and pragmatic way, in which even their instinct followscertain logic.

They are usually dedicated and extremely capable workers and are judicious about the results achieved. They can be very critical, whether with others or with themselves, seeking the impossible perfection. Analytical, they have no patience for prolix people and can seem pedantic and insensitive, but at the same time, they are usually very tolerant.

Sign of Libra

Libra is an air sign with cardinal quality and is the solar sign for those born between September 24th and October 23rd, having Venus as the ruling planet. Cooperative, diplomatic, extremely sociable and fair, Librians can be very tolerant and empathic to what is different, always seeking harmony in relationships.

Companions, they love to have someone around and tend to be impulsive when they fall in love. In general, people of this sign ponder a lot and take time to decide, whether in important or trivial matters.

With a more dual personality, they try to adapt to who is next to them, not always expressing their real needs. They feel they should not express everything they think and may even cancel themselves in a relationship to keep the peace, which is absolutely not healthy.

Scorpio Sign

Scorpio is a sign of the water element and has a fixed quality. It is the solar sign for those born between October 24 and November 22, with Mars as its ruling planet. Obstinate, Scorpios fight to get what they want or to help a friend. They do not show much affection, but they are always willing to help. They are fond of extremes and may dislike someone at the firstsecond.

Resentful but true, people of the sign of Scorpio live ups and downs in life, always in constant change. Intensity is a word that defines their personality, in any aspect experienced. However, they do not show themselves completely, even if they trust the person they live with. They are loyal, sensual and do everything to make the relationship work for both of them.

Sign of Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a sign of the fire element and with a mutable quality. It is the solar sign of those born between November 23 and December 21, having Jupiter as its ruling planet. Extremely frank, Sagittarians tend to be confused with rude people, but in reality they only speak what they think, without intending to hurt (which happens more often than they would like).

They are generous, fair and value freedom, both their own and that of those around them. Free thinkers, they enjoy a good adventure and when they put down roots, they need to have their space respected. Independent, they live with intensity and optimism, always trying to help those around them. They also have many friends, with whom they celebrate life.

Sign of Capricorn

Capricorn is a sign of the earth element and with cardinal quality. It is the solar sign of those born between December 22 and January 20, having as ruling planet Saturn. Capricornians are almost synonymous of discipline and search for perfection. Obstinate, they are organized, practical, reserved, hardworking and have a deep need to prove themselves to the world.

In relationships, they tend to be practical and little attached, using a lot of rationality and less affection than expected by other signs. Capricorns are slow to open up, but when they do, it is for life. They can be little flexible, very conservative and supporters of hierarchy and meritocracy. Distrustful, they demand a high degree of obedience and correctness from those around them.

Sign of Aquarius

Aquarius is a sign of the air element and with a fixed quality. It is the solar sign of those born between January 21 and February 19, and its ruling planet is Saturn. Full of good intentions, Aquarians can be misunderstood and behave out of the ordinary. They need to prove their point of view at all costs, and when they are not heard, they tend to withdraw.

Rational, they are not very emotional in relationships, besides enjoying their freedom. Even though they have their physical preferences, what enchants Aquarians is their mind. They can be conflictive in relationships and have constant mood swings. People of this sign love the arts and are always surrounded by loved ones, attracted by good conversation, aspirations and ideals.

Sign of Pisces

Pisces is a sign of the water element and with a mutable quality. It is the solar sign of those born between February 20 and March 20, and its ruling planet is Jupiter. Eternal romantics and dreamers, Pisceans can be introverted in large circles, but extremely communicative with those they trust and live with. They are usually naive and tend to sacrifice themselves for others.

Creative and dreamers, they do not leave aside the material aspect, managing their money very well. Despite this, they do not get into competitiveness, having greed under control. Empathic, they try to understand the other and give in easily, but they can keep many sorrows. When this happens, they end up exploding, and it can be very difficult to calm them down or reverse the damage done.

Can knowing the meaning of the signs be a tool for self-knowledge?

From the moment you try to understand what your personality traits are and why you act in a certain way, you are trying to understand yourself better. Consequently, understanding the meaning of the signs can act as a tool for growth.

Of course, to do this, you must use your judgment to see what is valid or not and why you have come to that conclusion. So, stop and think about which of these traits you need to work on better and which ones should be nurtured and be happy!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.