Meet 8 sympathies to get lucky: for work, games and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Why do sympathy for luck?

Sympathies are ways to alter energies using easily accessible ingredients that are aligned with the desired purposes. By practicing them, it is possible to attract or repel energy and in the case of sympathies to get lucky, it would be no different.

By doing a lucky charm, you will align yourself with this energy and will be able to bring about changes in your aura so that you can have more luck in the activities you perform in life. As a result, a new world of possibilities will present itself, with more open paths to love, money and success.

Have you ever thought of having the power to ward off evil? Or simply having a little help from destiny just in a specific day that you need more luck like in a job interview or an exam? Well, all this and much more is possible, as we will show you in this article. If you want to change your luck and alter your destiny, keep reading to learn how.

Sympathy for luck and ward off evil

Often when luck is in short supply, a tide of negative energy surrounds people and consequently many bad things happen.

All this is a consequence of the law of attraction that says that not opposites, but similarities attract.


The sympathy for luck and ward off evil is indicated for:

1) Increase your luck in the game and potentiate your chances and opportunities for growth;

2) Ward off evil, dispelling cycles of negativity and breaking demands;

3) Break the pact with bad luck, poverty and misery;

4) Clear your paths of bad energies that prevent your life from moving towards improvement;

5) Break negative thoughts;

6) Improve the egregore of your home, transmuting the energy and bringing more well-being harmony and happiness to it;

7) Reprogram your aura so that you can attract positive energies.


To have more luck and ward off evil, you will need only the following ingredients:

- Two cinnamon sticks;

- 1 small nail;

- Hammer;

- A white cotton or sisal cord.

How to do

This sympathy should be practiced on a night of waning moon, because it is a sympathy to ward off evil. Choose, preferably, a night of waning moon that is as close as possible to the new moon. In a quiet place position a stick of cinnamon on the other to form a Celtic cross (type of cross with all arms equal).

With the help of the hammer, drive the nail into the middle of the cross, hammering until the two cinnamon sticks are nailed. Then, with the help of sisal, cover the nail, reinforcing the union of the two cinnamon sticks. This cross will be, from then on, your protection amulet and lucky talisman. So, hang it in a high place in your house, to ward off all evil and bring more luck to your home.

Sympathy for luck with 13 strips of banana leaf

The banana leaf is a very versatile item. Its powers are linked to love and protection, but it can also be used to attract luck. In this powerful traditional sympathy, we will use the banana leaf as the main ingredient. Understand how to do it and its indications below.


You should practice the sympathy to have with luck with the 13 strips of banana leaf if you wish:

1) Attract more luck in gambling and in your life in general;

2) Break the chains of bad luck by pushing it away;

3) Prevent any and all evil from reaching you, thus ensuring more physical and spiritual protection;

4) Neutralize the effects of the evil eye, envy and bad thoughts aimed at you;

5) Align your aura with the energy of prosperity, money and abundance, drawing these energies to you;

6) Create a powerful protection talisman and good luck charm to improve your quality of life.


To make this powerful sympathy, you will need:

- A banana leaf;

- A clean knife, preferably with a white handle.

How to do

When the New Moon comes, go to a place where you can collect a banana leaf. With the help of a white-handled knife, cut 13 strips of the same leaf. It is important that they are 13 strips of the same leaf for the spell to work.

Then, you will need to tie a knot in each of the 13 strips, individually, while imagining the effect of bad luck and negative energies being trapped as you tie each one. When you have tied all 13 knots, bring all the strips together and tie a big knot, binding them together.

Finally, take the rest of the banana leaf and bury it, so that the earth neutralizes all the bad energy. Keep the knotted strips as a lucky talisman and protective amulet. If you don't have access to a banana tree, you can use a leaf bought or gifted from someone as long as it was during the new phase of the moon.

Sympathy for luck with 3 branches of rue

Rue is an old acquaintance of Brazilians, who usually use it to attract protection or in astral cleansing baths. In this sympathy, we use its energies to remove the evil, as well as to inspire luck, attracting it to your life. Find out how to do it below.


Do the sympathy of the 3 branches of rue for luck if you wish:

1) Be luckier;

2) To ward off evil;

3) Open your paths and cleanse your aura of impregnated bad energies;

4) Improve your life and attract more opportunities;

5) Increase your personal protection, reinforcing your energetic defenses;

6) Attract more opportunities and luck into your life;

7) Promote the renewal of your energies;

8) Ensure more protection during sleep against energy attacks and nightmares;

9) Bring more harmony into your life, ensuring more well-being and balance;

10) Remove stagnant energies that cause energetic blockages;

11) Balancing the energies of your chakras.


To make this powerful sympathy to increase your luck, you will need:

- 3 sprigs of rue.

How to do

When the moon is crescent, cut three branches of rue, then leave them under the mattress of his bed. Wash your hands, because the rue can be toxic, especially for sensitive skin. The branches should stay in this place for 15 running days and it is extremely important that you do not touch them, not to disrupt the process of cleaning and activation of luck.

Every night during the 15 day period, you should drink a glass of water before going to sleep. It's okay to use more than one glass during the spell. After the 15 days, remove the rue and bury it in a nice garden. If you prefer, you can use dried rue to do this spell. Use 3 tablespoons of rue in a paper bag.

Sympathy for luck on a particular day

This sympathy is indicated for that specific day when you need an extra help from destiny. Whether it's for a job interview, an important day at work or even a test that will determine the course of your life, you will have the luck you need by performing this powerful sympathy. Understand how to do it, below.


This powerful sympathy is indicated for:

1) Change your auric field, so that you attract and vibrate with lucky energy;

2) Ward off obstacles, negative energies and open your paths to victory, success and happiness;

3) Increase your luck on a specific day, chosen by you;

4) Bring more happiness into your life;

5) Attract more positivity, energy and vigor;

6) Combat stress, envy, evil eye and negative influences of visible and invisible enemies;

7) Purify your body from attacks of obsessive spirits, psychic vampires, astral larvae and malicious people;

8) Receive help from your spirit guides and mentors to conduct this specific day of your life.


To perform this sympathy, you will need:

- 1 stick of incense of orange blossom, cinnamon or clove;

- Tea of your favorite herb;

- 1 seedling of rue;

- 1 white clothes.

How to do

This sympathy should be conducted the day before you wish to have luck. Initially, start your day by putting your right foot out of bed. Then, open all the windows in your house and drink a cup of tea of your favorite herb.

As soon as you see someone and everyone you interact with, you should say good morning. Don't just talk for talking's sake, really wish people a good day. If you work on this day, do the same at work, welcoming everyone with a smile. Then, buy a rue seedling.

When you return home, greet everyone with hugs or kisses and leave the rue beside your bed. Take your bath as usual, but imagine that all the negative energies are going away with the water. After the bath, get dressed in white clothes.

Sleep with the rue beside your bed and ask your personal deity to grant you a wonderful day. Leave the rue beside your bed for 13 days. Then, plant it in a beautiful place.

Sympathy for luck with sugar and sunflower seeds

This lucky charm is a powerful energy bath. In it, sugar, sunflower seeds and chamomile are combined to make a strong cleaning in your aura and thus bring more luck into your life, opening your paths. Its indications, ingredients and preparation method are presented below.


Sympathy for luck with sunflower seeds, sugar and marigold is for:

1) Promote your success by attracting more luck;

2) Open your paths in the professional and financial fields;

3) Bring success in job interviews by improving your mental clarity and communication;

4) Combat the evil eye and envy;

5) Protect from negative influences of energy vampires and astral larvae;

6) To keep away from your paths obsessive spirits and mal-intentioned people;

7) Defend your body from curses, spells and plagues;

8) Bring the assistance of your spirit guides;

9) Block negative energies.


For this lucky bath, use the following ingredients:

- 2 tablespoons of sugar (preferably unrefined);

- 1 tablespoon sunflower seeds;

- 2 tablespoons of dried flowers of marigold;

- 3L of water.

This bath is most powerful when done on Wednesdays, Thursdays or Sundays, preferably when the moon is crescent.

How to do

To do the lucky bath, follow these steps:

- When the Crescent Moon can be seen in the sky, add 3 liters of water in a pot;

- Then add the spoonfuls of sugar, stirring well until dissolved in the water;

- Wait for the water to boil;

- When it is boiling, turn off the heat and add the marigold and sunflower seeds;

- Cover the pan and leave the mixture to infuse for 7 minutes;

- After the 7 minutes, strain the herbs, reserving them;

- Then transfer the infusion to a bucket;

- Take your hygienic bath as usual;

- Finally, use the infusion to soak your body from the neck down focusing mainly on your solar plexus (between your navel and ribs).

Dress in a light color and bury the strained ingredients in a garden.

Sympathy for luck for Great Mother

The Great Mother is an archetype that is part of the Sacred Feminine. Considered the universal source of feminine energy, she is a Goddess (or group of Goddesses) that generates, nurtures and welcomes all living beings and all that exists.

In this sympathy, you will have the opportunity to align yourself with the energy of the Great Mother through a powerful aromatic bath and thus obtain the luck you seek. Check it out.


Sympathy for luck for the Great Mother should be done for:

1) Connect with the ancestral energy of this powerful archetype;

2) Attract good luck and happiness by opening your paths to these energies;

3) Balance your energies, purify your aura and attract more harmony into your life;

4) Get in touch with your feminine side for luck;

5) Drive out all evil;

6) Change your vibrational brand to get the divine help you desire.


To make the sympathy for luck with the Great Mother, you will need:

- 1 sunflower flower;

- 1 sprig of cilantro;

- 2 tablespoons fennel seeds;

- 2 liters of water.

How to do

Prepare this bath on a full moon night by following these steps

- Boil the 2 liters of water in a pot;

- When it comes to a boil, turn off the heat;

- Next, add the sunflower petals, the coriander branch, and the fennel, then cover the pot to stifle. Let the mixture infuse for 4 minutes. Finally, strain the herbs, setting them aside;

- Transfer the infusion to a bucket and carry it to the bathroom;

- Then take your hygienic bath;

- When you finish it, use the infusion to soak your body from the neck down, while saying a prayer to the Great Mother, asking for luck.

After taking the bath, put on light clothes and go out into the street and stroll to gaze at the full moon and receive the blessings of the great hand. Then dispose of the strained herbs in an outdoor place over the moon.

Sympathy for luck to the Goddess of Luck

In many cultures, luck is considered a divine entity, so this sympathy works with the energy of the Goddess of Luck. By practicing it, you will align yourself with this goddess, thus manifesting her graces in your life. Find out how, below.


The sympathy for the Goddess of Luck is indicated for:

1) Access the ancestral powers of this goddess who personifies luck;

2) Be graced by the blessings of the Goddess of Luck, thus manifesting a life with more happy events and attracting more fortune and auspicious moments;

3) Increase your chances of success in your endeavors, especially in your professional and financial life;

4) Attract more luck in all areas of your life.


To be graced with the gifts of the Goddess of Luck and manifest her energy in your life with the help of this sympathy, you will need:

- 1 orange candle;

- 1 plate or candlestick;

- 1 cup with sunflower seeds;

- Yellow rose incense sticks, enough to be used until the arrival of the first night of the full moon.

How to do

When the moon is crescent, fix the orange candle on the plate or candlestick. Inside the cup with sunflower seeds, leave a stick of incense. Then, close your eyes and imagine your life changing. Then, recite: "Rose incense, orange candle, I attract your energies to me, O Goddess of Luck and Good Fortune.

Then light the incense and candle and concentrate, repeating the incantation above. Then let the candle and incense burn to the end. On the following nights, light a rose incense, preferably at the same time and repeat the incantation above.

You should light a rose incense stick by the first night of the Full Moon and you will notice that by then your luck will only increase.

Sympathy for luck to have a vase of rosemary, rue and sword-of-st. George

Rosemary, rue, and sword-of-st. George are powerful herbs for many purposes, especially when it comes to protection against the evil eye.

In this sympathy, you will benefit from the combination of these three herbs in a vase, which can also be used as a beautiful decorative element of your home. Understand how this sympathy works, below.


The sympathy for luck with the pot of rue, rosemary and sword-of-st. George is indicated for:

1) Increase, naturally with the energy of these herbs, your luck;

2) Promote luck in all areas of your life;

3) Energize your body, renew energies and remove spiritual and energetic blockages;

4) Establish and improve your astral defenses;

5) Attract more good energies into your life;

6) Change the aura of your home, bringing greater sense of harmony and well-being;

7) Balance the spirits for the promotion of happiness;

8) Ward off negative energies, fight the evil eye and envy;

9) You wish to create a good luck talisman and protection amulet;

10) Neutralize the effects of energetic vampires and negative entities such as obsessive spirits on your home and the people in it.


To make this powerful sympathy, you will need:

- 1 nice big vase;

- Earth;

- Seedlings of rosemary, arruda and espada-de-são-jorge;

- 1 small cotton cloth bag.

How to do

When the moon is full, fill your pot with soil, not forgetting to make a few holes in it so that the water can drain away. Then, according to your personal taste, plant the rosemary, rue and sword-of-sojorge seedlings in your pot.

Use different sizes to create textures and make the pot prettier. Then, when you have planted everything, remove two rosemary leaves, two rue leaves and a piece of sword-of-st. George leaf and place them inside the cotton bag.

Leave it inside your purse or wallet to serve as a good luck talisman and protection amulet. If you prefer, you can also add four more powerful herbs to boost the energy of your sympathy: cumin, guinea, basil and pepper.

What if the lucky charm doesn't work?

If a good luck charm does not work, you need to check some components. The first one we will deal with is tradition. Each charm was conceived at a specific historical moment and was perpetuated through oral tradition throughout history. Therefore, it has a specific energy called an egregore.

Consequently, it is essential that you practice the spell exactly as described (ingredients, day, moon phase, and preparation method) for it to work. If, by chance, you have changed something, redo it with the correct procedures and ingredients.

Another important component is faith. Did you perform the sympathy believing it would work? It is essential that you believe in the success of your magic acts, otherwise you will waste your time and talent.

Finally, it is important that you review your actions. If you want to have more luck in a job interview, but you don't go after a job, the sympathy may have gone wrong because you didn't act to make it happen. So, practice it again, with faith, tradition and, mainly, action so that you get what you want.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.