Metaphysics of health: know what it is, diseases act on the body and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is metaphysics of health?

Metaphysics in its literal sense means what is beyond matter and, therefore, outside the physical body. Thus, metaphysics is the set of forces or systems that deal with the energetic, emotional and spiritual fields of being. These concepts added together form the psychic part of man, and the maladjustments in this area can reach the physical body.

Thus, the metaphysics of health is the set of non-material factors that interfere in the health of the physical body. According to this theory, each organ of the body has its corresponding metaphysical point, which when in energetic or emotional imbalance causes symptoms and diseases.

Metaphysics is a concept still little studied, because the man in the current evolutionary state still does not understand well even the classical physics. However, with the little that is known is already a great advance. With the reading of this article you will better understand this concept and its relations with the organs of the physical body.

Meaning of health metaphysics

The term metaphysical indicates a reality outside of known physics or matter, and its connection with health is through the interaction between the metaphysical systems that act in the human body, with its corresponding physical organs. The theory is that for each emotional disorder, for example, a physical disease can be generated.

Definition of metaphysics

The word originates from the Greek Aristotelian school and means everything that is beyond matter. It is the world of perceptions of things and facts that classical physics cannot realize. Fundamental elements such as God, the soul or spirit, intuition, subtle energy not perceived by the ordinary senses, this and much more is possible to learn by studying metaphysics.

Therefore, metaphysics is the subject of study of philosophy, of which it is an essential discipline, as algebra belongs to the mathematical field. The advancement of sciences allowed the knowledge and popularization of metaphysics, which in the past was a subject forbidden to laymen and full of taboos and prejudices.

Metaphysics of health by Valcapelli and Gasparetto

Luiz Gasparetto was a psychologist and spiritist medium, who wrote several spiritist books and painted pictures of famous painters through mediumship. Valcapelli is also a psychologist, metaphysician and chromotherapist, and for about thirty years has promoted courses and lectures on self-help and metaphysics.

Thus, the union of the two enabled the creation of the work "Metaphysics of Health", a collection in five volumes that relates the functioning systems of the physical body with the metaphysical phenomena, establishing a cause and effect relationship between both. Therefore, any dysfunction or imbalance on one side will cause effects on the other, since both react with each other.

How diseases act on the body

The human body has its own defense system against external invaders that can cause disease, and it works very well, especially when the person is aware of this system and keeps it activated.

However, most diseases have their origin in metaphysical causes, that is, they appear as a function of unbalanced emotional states. Thus, the disease begins to manifest from the inside out, sending out psychological warnings in the process before the physical symptoms appear.

In this sense, self-knowledge and the use of metaphysical precepts for health can significantly help in the prevention of diseases, enabling a healthier and more productive life.

The metaphysics of health does not annul medicine

The use of metaphysical knowledge is not limited to health issues, but to the functioning of the body in general, physical health problems being a reflection of disharmony in one or more of man's metaphysical bodies.

The metaphysics of health is therefore an excellent means of prevention, resolving anomalies before they manifest physically. Although metaphysical processes can also act to cure ills, this does not mean abandoning traditional medicine, which still has much to teach man.

They are two distinct paths, but like all things in the universe they have points in common that need to be explored and developed in order to be understood and taken advantage of in the best possible way.

Respiratory system in the metaphysics of health

The metaphysical principles applied for stable health work for the entire physical organism, as well as for the perfect balance of emotions and feelings. Thus, through this interactive process it is possible to establish good health, as you will see with further reading.

Nasal fossae

The nasal cavities make the initial contact with the air of the external environment, executing among other processes the filtering of the air that will go to the lungs. In metaphysics this corresponds to the way you react to external stimuli such as hunches, or interferences of other people in the direction of your life.

It is these reactions that will determine the emergence or not of diseases in the nasal cavities. In this sense, if you are a confused person, unable to cope with the transformations because you do not trust the new things.

Furthermore, you are shaken by external events, you are unforgiving of yourself for mistakes, and you tend to raise expectations and be disappointed by them. You are predisposed to cold or flu problems, rhinitis, sinusitis, nasal congestion, and other ailments which occur in the nasal passages.


The larynx is a connecting tube between the pharynx and the trachea, and is formed by cartilage, since it performs many movements. The larynx has an important function in the formation of the voice, as well as in closing the passage of food to the trachea, the air passage pathway.

In metaphysics the larynx is responsible for the faculty of discernment of all ideas and events that happen during life, as well as the form of expression of these ideas. The absence or inefficiency of this faculty causes speech and voice disorders such as stuttering, hoarseness, besides laryngitis and other inflammations in this sector of the body.


The bronchi are the channels that carry oxygen to the lungs, bringing the carbon dioxide gas to be expelled. They are fundamental parts of an essential system, which is breathing.

Metaphysically the bronchi relate to interactions with others, promoting a harmonic connection between the inside of the body and the external environment.

So, if you feel unable to express yourself as you would like, experience the need to attract attention to yourself, feel inferior and don't know how to react, this lack of skill in connecting with the outside will potentiate physical disorders such as asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory ailments.


The two lungs perform the task of exchanging venous air for arterial air and this gaseous exchange is essential for the maintenance of life. Similarly, metaphysics points to the lungs as responsible for the acts of giving and receiving, symbolizing all the exchanges we make, both with other beings and with the environment.

In this sense, good lung health is natural in people who have joy in living, value life and the need to maintain good relationships. The degree of energetic disharmony in the area of the lungs initiates a series of respiratory disorders such as emphysemas, edemas, tuberculosis, coughing and others, each one being a consequence of a different imbalance.

Digestive system in the metaphysics of health

The digestive system is responsible for the nutrition of the body by means of food, starting in the mouth and going to the anus, through which the digestive residues are expelled. The system has several organs and not one of them escapes the metaphysical influence.

Thus, for each one there will be a line of attitudes that can facilitate or not its perfect functioning, as you will see next.

Salivary glands

The salivary glands begin digestion before food enters the mouth, which is filled with saliva by a metaphysical reaction. Salivary flow performs important functions in digestion beyond digestion and swallowing.

Saliva cleanses inside the mouth after a meal, eliminating food debris that could generate harmful bacteria to the body. Saliva has the function of preparing the oral cavity for the meal and its full functioning relates to your preparedness to deal with daily events.

These glands are associated with the feeling of pleasure, which increase production in the face of pleasurable situations. The physical disorders caused by these glands occur in people who have lost the pleasure of living.


The tongue is an organ of multiple functions in the human organism, acting in different systems, although at the same time. The tongue contains the receptors of taste, touch and the erogenous zones, nerve endings that transmit sensations in the realm of sexuality.

In addition, it has a function in chewing and is fundamental for oral expression, through verbal articulation. For metaphysics, the tongue as a physical organ reflects the behavior before others, the way of speaking and living in society and other postures that demonstrate mastery of what you speak.

Speech errors or abuse can bring problems of a physical nature to the tongue, such as tongue clenching, tongue biting and glossitis.


The pharynx is a part of the digestive system that also acts in the respiratory system, allowing breathing through the mouth in cases of obstruction of the respiratory tract. In metaphysics the pharynx suffers the impacts of the consequences of the postures of the being before the routine obstacles.

All situations that you have difficulty understanding and accepting generate emotional imbalances that are reflected in the pharyngeal region. This reflex manifests itself through closing in the throat, pain in the swallowing process and irritation and inflammation of the mucous membranes.


The jawbone is the bony support of the teeth and gums and is where the necessary force in chewing comes from, which metaphysically means how much aggressiveness the individual can accumulate and demonstrate. Thus, a well-formed bone structure, with teeth and gums that are also healthy, can say a lot about a person.

The cause of the fault in a physical organ being a feeling or an emotion, or anything that connects with soul, spirit and different dimensions, is the study of metaphysics, the development of which will raise man to a new level, both intellectual and moral.

Teeth and gums

Teeth and gums form a set that needs special care, because besides being the first contact of food at the beginning of chewing and swallowing, they form the smile, which is the business card and source of self-esteem.

In addition, showing teeth can mean an aggressive attitude, and the lack of care for teeth and gums originates from metaphysical receptivity. In this sense, people who have problematic teeth are usually insecure people.

They do not defend a position because they lack sufficient physical conditions, or do not have a valid opinion that they themselves can accept. The transformations of these people in the metaphysical field would bring about a series of changes in behavior, which would eliminate these symptoms.


The esophagus is a tube or channel that connects the stomach to the pharynx, through which the food cake descends while undergoing chemical transformations by saliva and other agents. It is an organ of great sensitivity in the metaphysical field, and its malfunctioning may indicate the path of cure for various psychic ills.

Dysfunctions in the esophagus accuse the body's reaction against certain situations that cause sudden changes that are not accepted. Depending on the severity of the emotional crisis, these effects can extend to neighboring organs such as stomach and throat.


The stomach is the physical processor of food, transforming it into a paste that continues on to the intestines. However, its optimal functioning, as well as that of the entire digestive system, depends on behavioral patterns that indicate a strong personality, which has control of emotions and the ability to resist and express itself.

The stomach region is a center where several exchanges of energies that interfere in the protection of the organ occur and the knowledge of this detail can avoid disorders such as stomatitis, bad breath, gastric juice, ulcer and other disturbances, which will always be proportional to the psychic maladjustments.


The liver is an important organ of the digestive system by acting in the purification of the bloodstream, among other functions. The liver removes toxic components from the blood that are created by harmful consumption habits, and frequent contact with these substances reduces the life span of the liver.

The best way to maintain a healthy liver is through balance in everything you consume, as well as recognizing the importance of a stable and harmonious emotional life. Lack of attention to the liver is a source of problems such as cirrhosis, hepatitis and others.


The basic function of the gallbladder is to store bile, a chemical compound that the liver produces to digest other substances such as fats. The alert for these substances is triggered, and bile is released to contain some of the effect of overconsumption of fats and other hard-to-digest substances.

The malfunctioning of the gallbladder occurs as a result of environmental and family pressures that the person does not resist, giving in to temper outbursts or other character flaws, when the proper procedure would be a different understanding of the facts.


The pancreas is the gland that produces insulin, as well as many other enzymes used in the digestive process. The pancreas and glands in general have their functioning regulated by the emotional state of the person. Thus, people who show joy and relaxation in the face of life tend to have a healthy and functional pancreas.

The unstable emotional state is responsible for the malfunction of the pancreas, which leads to several serious health problems, including diabetes and pancreas depression. Thus, if you accumulate anger and resentment can develop pancreatitis, while pessimism and depression are products of refusal to accept the daily difficulties.

large intestine

The large intestine is where the process of eliminating food waste begins. Its cells are specialized in retaining water, making the intestine a water deposit in the body. However, the metaphysical aspect of the large intestine is much more comprehensive.

At the same time, the large intestine performs important metaphysical functions, for in the intestines there occurs a constant flow of dense and subtle energies, which unite causing changes with this union.

A life outside the metaphysical standards of energy generates behaviors harmful to the proper performance of the large intestine, causing disorders such as constipated bowel and constipation.

In addition, gas production may occur, but the goal of health metaphysics is to interpret these signals through behavioral patterns, which manifest themselves before the physical signs in the organ.

small intestine

The small intestine is responsible for absorbing the nutrients that arrive with the bolus of food. It works together with the liver and pancreas, from which it receives the enzymes and other chemical substances that will be processed in the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine.

In metaphysics, the small intestine, as well as the other organs of the digestive system, reacts according to the way we accept and experience the ordinary facts of existence. Thus, try to lead a harmonic, balanced life, without holding grudges, be relaxed, give yourself to your neighbor and you will hardly have intestinal problems.


The appendix is an organ that marks the beginning of the large intestine, and is made up of tissues that prevent bacteria living in the intestine from being able to move into the body.

It is a natural containment barrier against invasion, and metaphysically its function is quite similar. In the metaphysics of health, it is in the appendix that is the responsiveness to innermost feelings, and also the ways of dealing with these feelings.

Energy mismatches turn into emotional imbalance, which can cause the appendix to malfunction, releasing various types of bacteria into the large intestine.

Circulatory system in the metaphysics of health

Penetrating into the metaphysical universe is a renewing experience that opens the door to new dimensions of knowledge.

The transition between dense and subtle matter and the manipulation of these energies are attributes of being, and the manner in which these attributes are exercised is reflected in the good or bad functioning of the systems, as you will see in the study of the circulatory system.


The heart is the organ responsible for pumping blood throughout the body, carrying nutrients and oxygen to be absorbed by cells through capillaries.

It is the organ of feelings that interfere even in the speed of its functioning. Indeed, the heart acceleration due to strong emotions is a known fact.

Good heart health depends on a balanced life and the use of noble feelings such as charity and solidarity. In addition, one must live without fears and insecurities, having freedom of expression seeking to live from a job that also provides personal satisfaction.

Blood vessels

Blood vessels are the ducts through which blood circulates taking arterial blood loaded with oxygen and nutrients, and exchanging it for venous blood, which will be cleaned again and circulate in an endless circle until life ceases. Vessels are formed by the set of veins, arteries and capillaries.

The blood vessels are sensitive to metaphysical manifestations and present problems in people who cannot express themselves with all the potential they possess, having a repressed and repressed behavior.

One of the major physical problems arising from ignorance of the metaphysics of health in the circulatory system is atherosclerosis, but stroke is also common.


In its closed and uninterrupted circuit the blood transports oxygen and nutrients to the cells, while it cleans up by carrying the waste products of metabolisms and the carbon dioxide produced to the lungs. It is in the blood, specifically in the blood groups, that the personality characteristics of the human being are found.

The health problems that affect the blood can affect immunity, cause anemia, leukemia, hemorrhages and strokes, and can arise as a result of various types of emotional imbalances. Thus, harmonious living is the best indication of a pure and active blood.

Urinary system in the metaphysics of health

The urinary system filters the blood in the kidneys and from this filtering arises urine, which contains the waste products to be eliminated in the urethra. Follow the metaphysical relationships that exist between the organs of the urinary system, and the possible damage to this system that life postures cause.


The kidneys are located one on each side of the spine at the back of the abdomen, and are responsible for filtering the blood, separating the substances that will be eliminated through urine.

A life full of worries hits the kidneys, especially in matters relating to family and personal feelings. In the metaphysics of health, living well with the kidneys shows up in how you manage personal relationships.

The partnerships that everyone needs to make in life, when in maladjustments are reflected in the functioning of the kidneys. Thus, the kidneys feel the effects of disturbed affective relationships, which will manifest themselves through renal dysfunctions.


The bladder is the reservoir that holds the urine produced by the kidneys until the moment of elimination arrives. Eliminating urine means in metaphysics the act of forgetting and forgiving oneself and others, getting rid of the memories of negative episodes that occurred in personal and family relationships.

In this sense, you will have a bladder that is always in good condition as long as you learn that family life should be peaceful and harmonious. All the small unresolved family conflicts will accumulate negative charge in the bladder, which in time will show this charge through problems in the urinary system.

Female reproductive system in the metaphysics of health

The female reproductive system consists of two ovaries, two uterine tubes, the uterus and the vagina. The ovaries produce the eggs that will be fertilized or not to form a new being.


The ovaries are responsible for the formation of eggs, which fertilized by spermatozoa will form the new being. The hypophysis controls the activity of the ovaries that produce important hormones such as estrogen and progesterone.

The ovaries connect with the creation of bodies and metaphysically with female creativity. Women have a heavier routine than men, needing more creativity to perform their multiple functions.

A functional and healthy reproductive system requires an equivalent emotional life, in which the woman can develop her talents, fulfil her obligations and at the same time develop as a human being.

Uterine tubes

The uterine tubes are also called fallopian tubes, and are the pathways that the egg travels until it reaches the uterus, being also the place where fertilization happens. They are two tubes formed by muscles that come out of the ovaries and connect to the uterus.

In metaphysics it means a woman's ability to express herself, how convincingly she puts her ideas into a social setting. Coherent thinking, the natural flow of ideas, and the successful application of them in daily struggle make possible a better functionality of the tubes.


The uterus is the cradle of life, where the new being will be formed and will spend the first months of life. The uterus is divided in cervix and body, having an approximate length of 7x5 cms. It is in the uterus that happens the menstruation process when the ovum is not fertilized, and the female organism discards the residues of the preparation for the new life.

The uterus in metaphysics means the intimacy of the feminine nature, and to maintain the uterus in good condition the woman needs to be emotionally stable and fulfilled. Inappropriate conduct, forgetfulness of self to act in function of other people, are risk factors for the uterus.


The vagina is the organ of female pleasure and also where the menstrual fluid passes during elimination. It also has important activity during childbirth. In the human being the reproductive activity is stimulated by the pursuit of physical pleasure, and therefore some of the organs have dual function.

The full realization of women in sexual activities is still not achieved by all of them, who face many psychological and educational barriers. However, this satisfaction should be sought, because sexual fulfillment opens paths to a more productive and happier life.


Frigidity is a woman's inability to reach orgasms, even if her body is in satisfactory health conditions. Some studies state that about thirty percent of women have this difficulty. Medicine still does not precisely point out the causes of this anomaly.

Thus, the causes of frigidity are metaphysical and are related to the difficulties in overcoming centuries of repression and abuse suffered. Some women are already able to lead an emancipated and free life, enjoying all the pleasures that life offers, but this conquest requires a long work to be done.

Infertility or sterility

Infertility is the incapacity of reproduction of the species and its physical causes can be in one of the two reproductive systems, male or female. In men it manifests itself by insufficiency in the quantity and quality of spermatozoa, while in women infertility occurs by problems in ovulation and others that occur in the tubes or uterus.

In the metaphysical aspect infertility is related to people with low capacity to solve complex situations, whether personal or professional. They are people of a vacillating nature, who depend on others to live. Most of them have not developed the faculty of command nor the perseverance to achieve their goals.


The mammary glands produce the milk essential to new life, undergoing volume fluctuations during menstruation as well as pregnancy. The hormones that the ovaries produce are what promote the changes in the female breasts.

Metaphysically, the breasts represent femininity itself, interfering in the woman's self-esteem and emotional state as a whole. As part of the system that will facilitate the new life, the breasts are also associated with affection and gentleness, virtues that derive from the maternal love that women already carry within themselves.

Male reproductive system in the metaphysics of health

The metaphysics of health is a different way of taking care of health, which involves self-knowledge and self-esteem.

In the next blocks you will see the properties of the male reproductive system, which consists of the two testicles, seminal vesicle, prostate and penis, and their metaphysical interactions, understanding the attitudes necessary for good health in these organs.


The prostate is a gland located in the pelvis next to the urethra and bladder. Its function is to produce the substance that joins the sperm before ejaculation. In addition, the prostate acts in the regulation of the urinary process. Prostate health is one of the major challenges for men in mature age.

In metaphysics the prostate is related to the individual characteristics of the male personality. It is what determines one way and not another to solve a problem. The health of the prostate means firmness in defending personal points of view, and carelessness in these postures can generate a series of failures in the performance of the prostate.

Seminal vesicle

The seminal vesicle is responsible for most of the liquid composition of the sperm, providing the necessary substances for the spermatozoa to reach the uterus alive and fertilize the egg. Thus, the vesicle plays an important role in reproduction, since it is directly linked with the production of semen.


The testicles are located outside the body in a pouch for the purpose of controlling the ideal temperature for sperm production. The testicles produce millions of spermatozoa during a lifetime. It is there that testosterone, the hormone of masculine characteristics, is also produced.

In the metaphysical aspect the testicles are in tune with man's creativity in his daily manifestations. Everything that man performs he does it with the development of creativity, essential tool for man's material progress.


The penis is the male sexual organ, responsible for the sensation of pleasure during sexual intercourse. It is also through the penis that the spermatozoa reach the uterus to fertilize the egg and the consequent generation of life.

The penis dilates during erection through blood irrigation, which fills the porous body of the penis with blood. Man's pleasure is not only in sexual activity, but in everything he can accomplish in the professional and personal sphere.

Thus, virility means readiness for all circumstances that need your attention. The man's non-fulfillment within his social context causes dysfunctions in the penis as well as in the entire male reproductive system.

Endocrine system in the metaphysics of health

The endocrine system is the set of glands that produce and distribute hormones into the bloodstream. Hormones are chemicals that regulate various functions of the body.

Metaphysics seeks to establish relationships between these organs and physical systems with people's emotional and sentimental state. Follow the reading to learn more.

Pineal gland

The pineal gland or epiphysis produces melatonin, a hormone that acts in the whole organism. However, in metaphysics, occultism and many spiritualist doctrines, the pineal means an energetic center of great importance for the manifestation of the soul.

Indeed, the pineal gland is also the main chakra of the human body, a center of movement of subtle energies, the home of the soul. Therefore, the pineal gland is a very sensitive organ for identifying the quality of energies present, and providing the physical responses through the increase or decrease of melatonin.

Pituitary gland

The pituitary gland is the same pituitary, a small cluster of tissue attached to the hypothalamus. For its coordinating function of the activities of other glands it is known as the master gland. The pituitary is divided into posterior and anterior, each with very different functions.

Because of the variety of hormones it produces, a malfunctioning pituitary gland can cause hormonal changes of various kinds. Sudden emotional changes interfere with the pituitary gland, initiating a metaphysical reaction that can have serious consequences.

Thyroid gland

The thyroid gland acts regulating various metabolic activities, ranging from body growth to blood pressure control. In addition, the thyroid exerts control over the nervous system, which increases its importance within the endocrine system.

Parathyroid glands

The parathyroid glands are located behind the thyroid, divided into two pairs, one on each side of the thyroid. The parathyroid hormones act to control the absorption of substances such as vitamins and minerals, regulating calcium and phosphate in the body.

In the application of metaphysics these glands are products of safety behaviors, with ethics and permanence in good principles. These attitudes initiate chemical reactions that feed the glands, leaving them always ready for a good performance.

Adrenal glands

The adrenal glands are joined to the kidneys, each one splitting in two and producing separate hormones. These glands produce hormones such as adrenaline, which is responsible for putting the body on alert during risky situations.

The adrenals produce two more hormones, which together with adrenaline control all human behavior. Cortisol and noradrenaline can cause stress and fatigue situations, therefore the need for a control of the production of hormones.

Nervous system in the metaphysics of health

The nervous system is the set of organs that perform the coordination of the activities of the physical body, in addition to collecting and processing information to connect with the outside. It is the control room of the organism. Read more to learn about the metaphysical relationships of the nervous system.

Central Nervous System

The encephalon and the spinal cord form the Central Nervous System (CNS), which controls all manifestations and perceptions of the organism. The NSC is a transmitter, receiver and decoder of electrical signals, which circulate throughout its extension capturing impulses and transmitting instructions.

The importance of the CNS for the physical body is a reflection of its influence in the metaphysical field, where it acts by registering the individual activities and details of the consciousness. Thus, the CNS is metaphysically responsible for the manifestation of the consciousness in the material world.


The brain is divided into two parts, which in turn also have their divisions. The brain absorbs, memorizes, searches and processes all internal and external events that relate to the body. The brain is the thinking organ of the being, which can change as new information comes in.

However, with all its importance, the brain is just one more organ in the intricate and complex nervous system, which only functions one hundred percent when all the organs work in harmony. A failure in any one of them compromises the entire system.


The bulb connects the brain to the medulla, transporting nerve impulses back and forth, while producing and sending its own impulses. Indeed, it is in the bulb that the signals that control automatic body movements such as breathing, for example, are generated.

In addition, actions of natural necessity like digestion and swallowing are also commanded by the bulb. In the metaphysical aspect the bulb responds for the concentration of attention in one or more focuses.

Focus concentration creates a link between the source and destination of attention, which generates a manifestation in the outer world. Internal problems affecting the bulb can leave a person unmotivated, airy, and uninterested even in life.


The cerebellum commands the body's movements through muscle coordination, the positioning of the body in the environment, as well as its balance. The location of the cerebellum is in the lower area of the brain. An interesting function of the cerebellum is to identify what was intended and what was achieved.

In addition, the cerebellum is responsible for the execution of complex and precise movements. The effects of metaphysics by reaching the cerebellum can cause serious disorders such as bipolar disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

Spine in the metaphysics of health

In addition to being a masterpiece of celestial engineering, the spinal column performs relevant functions in the CNS. Indeed, supporting the body on two legs, as well as protecting the spinal cord is only possible because of its design. It is divided into five sections and the details of each of them you will see below.


The spinal column allows a view at an angle of more than 180° and the design of the cartilage fits perfectly to cushion the movements of the vertebrae. All this to ensure the safety of the spinal cord, which circulates throughout the cervical area of the spine carrying information from the nerves.

The cervical region of the brain spine is associated metaphysically with moderation, as well as the ability to discern what is a mental creation from what already exists in the environment. Thus, behaviors that encourage thoughtfulness and discernment will help maintain health in the cervical region.


The thoracic region, which is also known as dorsal, is located between the cervical region and the lumbar region, consisting of twelve vertebrae. It is in this region that the ribs are fixed, which have the function of protecting all the organs in this sector. In addition, the thoracic region has many metaphysical meanings.

Differentiate that which belongs to you, which you have created or idealized, from that which does not belong to you, which belongs to someone else. This means putting the focus on your own interests, and developing a good emotional and affective base, being the foundation of metaphysical interaction in this region.


The lumbar region runs from the neck to the pelvis, and in between are the five vertebrae that make up the lumbar spine. These five vertebrae are the strongest in the spine, since many muscles and nerves are attached to them. In addition to supporting physical organs, the lumbar spine relates to how you manage your cravings.

The search for desires gives impulse to the being, putting it on the path to the satisfaction of those desires. However, the fulfillment of the desires implies knowing responsibilities, which promote new knowledge and opportunities for progress.

Sacral region

The sacrum is a triangle-shaped bone where the five vertebrae of the spine join. In addition, it is through the interior of the sacrum, which has its own orifices, that the nerve endings pass for the lower part of the body, which are the genital region and the lower limbs.

In metaphysics, the bone symbolizes the will to interact with the outside world, reacting and being transformed by the results of the reactions. This interaction reflects the great beauty and wisdom of the universe, where each step taken interacts in many different directions.


The coccyx is the final part of the spine, a bone formed by the convergence of the last four vertebrae of the spine and has the shape of a triangle. Its metaphysical connections relate to the ability to get the right choices to follow the right course.

To change it is necessary to stimulate the detachment of the old and give opportunity to the new. Change is a constant in the course of life, which all the time presents new choices to be made.

Every change requires effort to adapt and the refusal to renew can bring problems throughout the body, including the coccyx. There is no way to escape the changes necessary for development, because time takes care of showing them constantly.


Nerves resemble strings and are the messengers of nerve impulses from the CNS to the peripheral system, of which the nerves are a part. In the reverse path, it is the nerves that transmit everything the body feels to the CNS. Nerves are divided into cranial nerves, which act within the skull and head, and spinal nerves, which work within the spinal column.

The nerves make the connection that enables interaction with the outside world, and metaphysically represents the way the being understands this connection, as well as the way it relates to itself. Man lives under the constant influence of the environment, while causing changes in it.


The ganglia play a similar role to neurons, but in the Peripheral Nervous System, while the neurons act in the CNS. The ganglia are related to the application of will, the internal force that makes the being find your way of living and solving daily challenges. People with firm will, and well-defined goals and usually achieved have normally healthy ganglia andfunctional.

Is the metaphysics of health reliable?

The existence of the soul is a concrete fact that cannot be ignored, but its material composition is not known and is therefore the object of study of metaphysics. At the same time, the soul needs matter in order to manifest itself in the world of the senses, and thus to be perceived and to be able to feel what is material.

The metaphysics of health establishes attitudes and thoughts that favor the interaction between the soul and the physical body, making both remain in the maximum harmony possible, in order to work together towards a single objective: the spiritual progress of the being.

Therefore, the metaphysics of health aims to order the activities in equilibrium, and is totally reliable in its attributions. Moreover, metaphysics is still to develop a lot, because there is a long way to go before mankind can enjoy its full practical application.

In the meantime, you can get out in front and start thinking about how to live in energetic balance, enjoying all the benefits of metaphysical health.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.