Midheaven in Cancer: meaning, 10th house in the birth chart and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

The meaning of Midheaven in Cancer

If you have just joined the site or if you have recently started to get interested in the world of Astrology and have been trying to understand the meaning of the terms used when it comes to the horoscope and the issues surrounding it, you must have already heard about the Midheaven and the famous 10th House of our Astrological Chart.

If you have done your birth chart and found out that you are a person who has the Midheaven in Cancer, read on and find out what this means and what reflections the position of your 10th house has in your life.

The Midheaven in the Birth Chart

To begin with, we have separated below the most important information so that you can know what the Midheaven signifies and, thus, be able to better explore its influences in your daily life.

What is Midheaven?

The Midheaven, in the astrological chart, is a conjunction of our sign, the planets and the position of the ruler of the house. It is the point where the local meridian intersects with the point on the ecliptic, having a lot of influence in our lives, professional environment and in our own personality traits.

The definition of someone's Midheaven occurs at the moment of birth, according to the top of the sky of the newborn, that is, his sign, also helping in the formation of his personality from that moment on.

Astrological meaning

The Midheaven has a very important meaning in astrology as it is responsible for influencing us in the professional area: the Midheaven provides us with help in forming our wills and thoughts regarding work, as well as our professional ambitions and dreams.

It helps us, throughout our lives, to build our dreams, to define our goals, to decide our choice of career and to discover what our professional passions are. The Midheaven defines what your native's interests will be and helps you to understand little by little what your vocation is and thus to improve yourself more and more.

The House 10

The 10th house in astrology is one of the most powerful and important. It symbolizes the highest point in the sky and also represents the sun's best phase, when it is at its peak.

The 10th house is directly related to the way we mature, build our personality traits and begin to better understand how the individuality of each one works, as well as the choices and consequences and responsibilities we have before society.

Besides being important in the process of understanding ourselves, the 10th house is also connected to our professional side, which dreams and defines goals, as well as the Midheaven.

The Influences of the Midheaven in Cancer

Now that we better understand what the Midheaven means and how important its influence is in our lives, it's time to find out what it means for you if your Midheaven is in Cancer.

The emotional nature

People who have the Midheaven in Cancer usually have their emotional side more emotional and sensitive than other people.

Bearing in mind that these natives can get very carried away by their own feelings, it can be said that they end up being a little more susceptible to some moments of greater emotional instability.

They are fragile about mood swings, and get very involved with their own and other people's feelings. It is common for people with the Midheaven in Cancer to worry too much and spend much more time than they should thinking of solutions to problems that are not their own.

In love

As people who have the Midheaven set in Cancer are very emotional, it can be rather complicated to relate to them. Even so, it is very worthwhile to have them as company.

Because they have an emotional side which can get shaken up very easily, people who have the Midheaven in Cancer can have insecurities and feel excessive jealousy at times because they are very attached to and dependent on their partners.

Nevertheless, if you know how to deal well with this person, you will have an amazing relationship, because the one who has the Midheaven in Cancer knows how to love the other fully and be loyal and companion in an unconditional way.

At work

Because they are so worried, people with the Midheaven in Cancer end up thinking too much, which can hinder them professionally.

We can say that this is a weak point of these natives in relation to work, because their sentimental side can interfere with their productivity and their mood, making the results not as satisfactory as they themselves expect. This ends up creating a vicious circle of dissatisfaction that they cannot escape.

Despite this, these people are usually well-liked in the work environment and have an ease in dealing with people, which can make it much easier. Their vocation or professional passion may be related to caring for other people: medicine or psychology, for example.

Midheaven in Cancer

We have gathered some of the main personal characteristics of people who have the Midheaven in Cancer. So, if you want to know more about this important part of your birth chart, read on!

The woman with Cancer in the Midheaven

Women with Cancer Midheaven tend to be very devoted to other people. With their strong concern and dedication towards their family, these women always do everything to protect it and see the people they love happy, even if it costs them time, money or even some of their emotional stability.

Always taking care of everyone, they are unforgettable women who always carry good energy wherever they go, cheering everyone around them, forgiving and making everyone feel loved equally, with the same intensity.

Men with Cancer in the Midheaven

Men whose Midheaven is in Cancer are usually very dedicated, especially when it comes to work and family. They are always focused on helping others, being very helpful and sweet in their jobs and also providing all they can for their families.

These men do not sleep on the spot and are always producing. Very concerned, they do not like to see their family or close friends in dangerous situations. They always do their best to please everyone without losing their own essence.

General characteristics of those with Cancer in the Midheaven

Besides their great dedication to work, people who have the Midheaven in Cancer are usually extremely "family oriented". Their sense of teamwork and working together makes them a great company for their colleagues, friends and family, as they are always there and willing to help in whatever is needed.

In addition, they care more about other people than themselves, which makes them quite altruistic and available for any kind of help that is requested.


People with Cancer in their Midheaven are usually very sensitive, because of their emotional part which can be fragile at times. However much they try to show themselves strong and secure, they can end up feeling fragile at times and keep this to themselves as they don't like to let people close to them worry.

The "shell" that these people create to hide their weaknesses may go unnoticed by those who do not pay much attention to their feelings. Therefore, it is always very important to make these people feel good and comfortable to talk to.


Because they are such "team people", those with the Midheaven in Cancer end up thinking too much. They often get sensitized to situations that, in reality, wouldn't affect them enough to make them lose sleep.

These people take other people's problems on themselves, and may over-commit themselves to what they shouldn't. One of the greatest pleasures in the life of a person with Cancer Midheaven is to see their friends and family smiling, so they are able to tear themselves apart to make everyone they love happy.

Pleasure for the studies

Just as they are very dedicated to their work, people with Cancer in the Midheaven also do their utmost to achieve their goals when it comes to study. Being very close to subjects having to do with human relations and the performing arts, it is difficult for one of these people to consider themselves "exact".

They like everything that involves the beauty of the human being and its different concepts. These people are also always willing and committed to learn new things: be it a hobby, a job or something that requires more reflection.


Despite being very dedicated to their work, people who have the Midheaven in Cancer can feel out of place in an environment where they are put under a lot of pressure. They like to be sure of their steps, so it is not ideal for them if there are last minute changes of plans or hasty, poorly planned decisions.

Even though they like to work in teams, the main concern of these natives is that everything is done with planning and organization, and that everything is always in agreement on both sides.

Own rhythm

Those with the Midheaven in Cancer do not feel well when they need to follow very fast rhythms.

Because they are demanding with themselves and like everything well done and organized, these people usually have their own ideal pace so they can develop their work in a well thought out and efficient way, but not necessarily with great speed.

It is common for them to take a little longer than others to complete their tasks, however, they are very likely to deliver better results and make the wait worthwhile.

Positive aspects

The positive aspects of people with Cancer in the Midheaven are connected to their way of working and their loyalty to others. Always productive if they can think calmly, these people usually give their best at work and present great results and good performance in their functions.

Talking about relationships with other people, Midheaven natives in Cancer, although they also have negative points about this, are always very companionable and stay for a long time at a person's side. They only "leave" if the other person really does not deserve their company.

Negative aspects

The negative aspects of those with the Midheaven in Cancer are matters relating to your relationship with other people, even though you also present very positive points about this.

Despite being very loyal and companionable, these people can have difficulties when it comes to communication, as they tend to hide their feelings so as not to worry anyone about their weaknesses.

Long held feelings can end up taking over these people and making them psychologically ill, as well as causing them to become more emotionally fragile over time.

Common professions for people with Leo in the 10th house

People who have the Midheaven in Cancer can have the 10th House in Leo, and the characteristics of this 10th House are not left behind when it comes to professional ambitions. Check out the list we made with the nine professions that best fit the Leo natives in the 10th House.


Because they are fearless and dream big, these people like professions that give them a sense of power, and this is the case with medicine. Besides being a desired profession for many, medicine can be highly challenging for those working in the field.

The courage of those with Leo in the 10th house calls them to the constant adrenaline that is working in this area. They want to feel like the best at what they do, so they are usually excellent doctors, very dedicated to their careers and willing to fulfill the missions that medicine offers.


Utilizing their gift of caring for others and their willingness to help, individuals with Leo in the 10th house also tend to go into psychology. For those who are not comfortable with the fast pace that some other areas of medicine can provide, psychology is a way for them to use their vocations for good.

Because they are very sensitive to other people's feelings, they are usually great psychologists: understanding and concerned, they make all their patients feel good and comfortable in their consultations.


Another branch of medicine that can charm those with the 10th house ruled by Leo is nursing.

Uniting the adrenaline of being on the front line of medicine and the sensitivity and willingness to care for people with affection and make them feel good, nursing is the perfect middle ground for these people.

Also, their sense of leadership is great for good nurses and nurses to graduate, who take initiative and do what needs to be done in the turbulent work environment that medicine can be at times.

Professions associated with the arts

The passion for Performing Arts of those whose 10th House is in Leo is also something that can easily catch the attention of one of these people, awakening interest in working in this medium. These people tend to have a very strong passion for subjects related to the arts, such as music, theater or writing.

Being perfectionists and very demanding of themselves, you can't expect a bad result when you see an artist with the 10th house in Leo. They are great at following their vocations and showcasing the talents they have.


Giving their best in jobs like this, the natives of House 10 in Leo make it guaranteed that you will be amazed by them in the world of acting. When it comes to theater, television and other related strands, these people waste no time in showing that they are not only good at what they do, but that they are the best!

Their strong sensitivity helps them to play roles with confidence and skill, attracting all eyes and being much admired: an example is the actor Leonardo DiCaprio, who has the Lion in the tenth house.


Another professional field which can charm these natives is the music business. They are usually very good at composing, as they tend to project a lot of their feelings in the lyrics of their songs.

Also doing his best to build his career in such a difficult environment, the native of House 10 ruled by Leo doesn't rest until he reaches his goals, overcoming any difficulty that life may put in his way. An example of a singer with Leo in the 10th house is Michael Jackson!


The perfectionism and search for improvement of those with the 10th house in Leo can also lead them to a slightly different area: Gastronomy. They love the feeling of trying new things, and they love even more the feeling of making new things themselves.

Their courage to innovate and the will to make it work can earn them great careers in this field. When one of these people enters a difficult profession, the challenges are like fuel that increases the desire to deepen in the subject. As Gastronomy is an area that never stops innovating, there could not be a more perfect profession for them.


It is also common for individuals with Leo in 10th house to be interested in poetry and other writing-related careers. Because they are very sentimental and sometimes end up keeping much of this to themselves, these natives see writing as a chance to allow themselves better freedom of expression without judgment.

Writing, for them, can go far beyond work or passion: it can become something therapeutic, a remedy for the mind, soul and body. Everyone needs a refuge, and expressing themselves freely through poetry can work perfectly for them.

Art History

Not leaving this important part of the Art out, it is also very common that the History of Art attracts the attention and interest of those who have the sign of Leo as ruler of the 10th house. They like to go deeper into everything they love, discover new things and deepen their knowledge about it.

As such, art history seems to be a perfect blend of mystery and beauty for these people. While it's not so easy to build a career on it, they never give up perseverance and hope in something they love, and always go in search of fulfilling their dreams.

How can you overcome communication difficulties when you have the Midheaven in Cancer?

It is extremely important for those with the Midheaven in Cancer to remember how comfortable and comforting it can be to talk to other people about your own feelings. We know that this can seem difficult at first attempts, but the first step is to try to open up little by little, first with the people closest to you and who make you feel most comfortable in exposing your feelings.

It is also very important to know that it is nothing to be ashamed of to consult and ask for a professional to accompany you. Look for a psychologist who makes you feel good and take care of yourself from the inside out!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.