Moon in Taurus in the birth chart: characteristics of the sign, in love and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does it mean to have moon in Taurus?

When the Moon falls in Taurus, it is received with all the pomp and comfort, as a true Goddess deserves: she is in exaltation, it is an extremely happy Moon. Having this aspect in the chart makes you a sweet and peaceful person, but also decided and empowered.

The Moon, which illuminates the field of feelings, has in Taurus the affective and emotional security. The water element, which the Moon represents, rains on the fertile land of Taurus, giving fertility, good harvests and balance.

The person who has the Moon in Taurus is someone who knows how to listen and understand his feelings, and searches all the time for stability in all fields of his life. He is calm and light, but like the bull, he is strong and convinced, with constancy, robustness and firmness.

Next, we will understand a little more about the aspects of this Moon and how it influences the lives of those who possess it.

Meaning of moon in Taurus

In astrology, each position has a sign that best suits it, and in the case of the Moon, the best sign for it to be in is Taurus. When it is in this position, it is called Exalted Moon.

This means that the Moon has total comfort to explore all its best attributes, and depending on the other chart positions and the house it falls in, this Moon becomes the most intuitive in the entire Zodiac.

People with this aspect tend to be magnetic, sensorial, intuitive, emotional and peaceful. Because of their calm nature, those who have the Moon in Taurus may think that things happen slowly in their lives, and this feeling is due to the fact that attitudes and decisions are more pondered, that is, thought with feet on the ground and head in place. They are sentimental, but very analytical and fair.

In order to understand how these energies flow into our lives, below we will look at how lunar representations play out in mythology and astrology.

Moon in mythology

For the ancient religions of the West, the Moon and the Sun are representatives of the two great energies of the Universe - the feminine-masculine polarity. In the religions of matriarchal matrix, the Moon is the Great Mother, called by various names: Artemis, Diana, Jaciara, Selene, Tanith and many others in various cultures.

So many names that represent archetypes of the same lunar energy: cycles and renewal, death and life, light and shadows. It leads the tides, the crops, the fertility of the earth and of women, the cycles of nature. It has three faces - maiden, mother and elder: crescent, full and waning.

During each phase, the Moon influences different energies between the tides, the plant fluids and also on us, especially on our psyche.

Moon in astrology

The Moon, for astrology, is the energy of intuition, habits, instinct, comfort zone, our unconscious and our passionate personality. It is connected with the cycles of nature, as well as our cycles and phases, limiting beliefs, irrational habits and our nonverbal communication.

When we are under strong pressure or stress, what stands out are our lunar characteristics, what we do without thinking, based only on our instinct and intuition, when we act in a more passionate way.

The Moon also manifests in family relationships, when we are protected, and among our family and friends. As we become more intimate with people and let down our guard from the outside world, we end up showing the more emotional side of our personality, that is, we expose our Moon.

So some people change drastically when intimacy is created, and being aware of our phases is of utmost importance for personal relationships.

Taurus Sign Characteristics

Taurus is known as the gluttonous, lazy, and stubborn sign. There is a certain amount of truth in these statements, but they nowhere near sum up what Taurus is all about. Taurus is a highly artistic, loyal, companionable, and intuitive sign.

Let's think about the archetype of the Bull. It is the most robust animal among the others of the zodiac, in body extension. It is muscular, symbolizes fertility and strength. Nevertheless, it is a peaceful animal, quiet when not disturbed and feeds on pasture, it is not predatory.

Ruggedness symbolizes the material, we are all matter, and Taurus being a fixed earth sign, materiality is very important. Calmness and peacefulness make the Taurus a calm and patient person - but they do not allow themselves to be trampled on, given the fact that they have very powerful defense gimmicks.

Taureans love the most basic and essential pleasures of life, like good food, comfort, intimacy, a good night's sleep, financial security, and have trained eyes for the beauty of things, as they are born aesthetes, mainly due to their ruler, Venus.

There are several facets of Taurus natives, as we will see below, in the trends, in their element and in their ruler.

Taurus is the sign that most connects with nature and all that it represents: peace, harmony, love, balance, tranquility.

It is the sign of the senses: vision for beautiful things, hearing for music and words, smell to appreciate the aromas, touch to feel the sensations on the skin, taste to experience the flavor of life, and also the sixth sense - that of spirituality, which in Taurus is extremely developed.

When we understand the Taurus sensoriality, we understand how valuable materiality is for them, after all it is from this body that we inhabit that we are inserted in the world, and in the Taurus' vision, to enjoy all the good experiences that it offers us is mandatory.

He expresses himself mainly through art and beauty, he is sensitive to beauty and has extreme good taste. The Taurus will never enter into a love relationship to be adventurous, on the contrary, he becomes intense and demonstrates it also with all the senses.

It is very affectionate, attentive and will always cherish the cultivation of love, is one of the most loyal lovers and companions of the zodiac. It is sensual like no other, demands and knows how to give comfort and values the pleasures of life.

Security is the chief position for Taureans, who seek it in all areas, including financial. They are hard-working and ambitious, as they want the best for their lives. They are faithful and lifelong friends, they value deep and true relationships.

The Taurus, due to its search for what is concrete and secure, is highly averse to changes, even if they are essential for its own evolution. Because of its fixed nature, the sign of Taurus can show all its possessiveness in several areas of life, either with relationships or material things.

Because you are so attached to material things, there is a strong tendency to greed, ambition and compulsion.

Depending on other aspects present in the chart, the Taurus may find it difficult to measure how far ambition is healthy and where it starts to become a craving for possessions. He must always remember the finitude and mutability of things and relationships, so that he does not develop an unhealthy attachment.

Laziness, jealousy and gluttony, which are always pointed out in satires about Taureans, have their background of truth in the extreme sensoriality that the sign awakens. The Taurus native finds in small pleasures an escape and becomes a professional procrastinator.

He will always try to find comfort in postponing tasks and remaining in inertia, if he is unaware of these sabotaging attitudes. The Taurus has his own rhythm, which is usually slow, almost halting.

Calmness and patience can be a cane for the Taurus to lean on, which can generate a problem of lack of discipline and courage to face responsibilities. Fear of change can generate an attachment to limiting beliefs and bad habits, which is extremely harmful for those who wish to evolve and pursue their goals.

Earth element

In astrology, there are the elements that help in the best interpretation of the signs, and these are: fire, earth, air and water. Taurus is the first earth sign of the Zodiac, and therefore we see in it materiality and sharp sensoriality.

The other two earth signs are virgo and capricorn. The earth element is materialization, it is when we are born and realize our basic needs, our survival in this world.

Although we have the psyche and spirituality, it is from our physical body that we inhabit this time-space and live our experiences. The people of the earth signs have reality as a parameter, they inhabit the universe of certainties.

Earth signs are committed, sometimes stubborn and insistent in their beliefs and values. They act with practicality and face life in the same way, and even in delicate matters such as love and spirituality, they manage to be objective.

When we think of the earth, in our mind comes the solidity, the security that the soil gives us, the fertility, the lasting, and these characteristics apply to the personality of people of the earth signs.

Planet Venus

Venus is known as the most beneficial planet of the zodiac because it represents everything we like and that gives us pleasure. The main aspects of Venus are: love, art, marriage, business, unions, health, money, aesthetics, balance and well being.

Venus is in Roman mythology the goddess equivalent to Aphrodite in Greek mythology, goddess of romance, beauty, marriage and affection. She was known for her passivity and love, resources that the planet of the same name shares and transmits to the signs that are ruled by it: Taurus and Libra.

For the signs ruled by Venus, art is essential and is the way they communicate and express themselves, love is fertile and transcendental ground, and pleasures are fundamental laws.

But don't think that Venus is a planet of futilities, because it absolutely is not. It is the planet that directly governs our desires and expressions, that which dwells deep within our being, the purest essence.

Moon in Taurus in the birth chart

The Moon in Taurus, or the Exalted Moon, is the most beneficial lunar position that it can occupy in an astrological chart. It combines the lunar energies of feeling and affection with the venusian energies of Taurus, forming a great and luminous combination, which gifts those who possess it with sharp intuition and sensitivity.

Let's understand a little more how the Moon in Taurus influences personality, emotions and relationships.


The person with Moon in Taurus has natural artistic gifts, and without effort can become an artist, involve art in work or even have it as a hobby.

Like the ascendant, the Moon can dictate some physical characteristics, and who has Moon in Taurus usually has a sweet, harmonic voice, but firm and secure. The throat can be a sensitive region, so taking care of the voice and its appendages is important.

The person who has the Moon in Taurus in the chart is a kind and sweet person, with an easy smile and highly sympathetic and magnetic. He is a person who needs security in all aspects of his life, but especially when it comes to feelings. He is calm and tranquil, and manages to stay that way in the face of the most difficult challenges.

However, when they lose their temper or are hurt, people with this Moon may not be able to forgive easily or believe the person who hurt them again, as they value solid relationships with a firm foundation.


The person with the Moon in Taurus needs material security to have emotional security. For him, these two things are never separated, so to have emotional peace of mind, the person with this aspect needs stability in the material sphere.

They are people who need peace, tranquility and balance, they cultivate and cling to their values. They have a strong connection with nature, they are nourished by the earth and so being in contact with nature is essential. They may have an ease in cultivating and caring for plants and animals.

Those who have the Moon in Taurus are extremely grateful, contemplative and valuable. They know how to value what is essential, have a strong family connection and value the balance at home. They have a peaceful nature, they will try their best to solve problems in the best possible way, without generating friction and misunderstandings.

Relationships and Partnerships

Those who have the Moon in Taurus will always transmit security and confidence in their partnerships, be it in any area of life. However, they need the reciprocal to be true, and a relationship should always have a solid foundation for trust to exist.

The Moon in Taurus is extremely intuitive, and those who have this aspect will always be surrounded by people who vibrate the same energy and who return everything they give in a relationship. The native with the Moon in Taurus cannot relate to superficial and frivolous people, since he demands reciprocity, delivery, stability and loyalty.

Moon in Taurus in different areas of life

The Exalted Moon in Taurus acts strongly on many aspects of the life of the person who has it in their chart. Highly intuitive, people with this aspect always have their feet on the ground, in all circumstances.

Let's look next at how love, friendships and work are influenced by the Moon in Taurus.

Moon in Taurus in love

People who have the Moon in Taurus simply cannot get involved in love with someone if there is no connection or affection. For them, there is no possibility to just go out and be with anyone, and if they do, they have their energy sucked out to the extreme and are left feeling bad for days and days.

What happens is that this Moon is highly romantic, given to the pleasures of love and genuine involvement, she wants affection, attention, gifts, demonstrations of affection involving all the senses. To be with someone, the person with the Moon in Taurus needs to feel security, welcome and to be involved energetically.

Love is, for those who have the Moon in Taurus, a true expression of that Venusian energy of Taurus, it is transcendence, completeness and security. It is building with someone a solid and lasting relationship based on loyalty.

People with this aspect are extremely sensual, and seduce as they feel, with all their senses sharpened. Who has as a partner a person with the Moon in Taurus, is in heaven: she will do everything to show what she feels in the most poetic way she can, and will cherish the well being in the relationship always.

Moon in Taurus in friendships

It may be that the person who has the Moon in Taurus has difficulty making friends right away, because he or she values trust and security. Therefore, the friendship for those who have this aspect in the chart is built slowly, brick by brick.

Generally, they have few friends, because they are highly selective. But those who conquer the true friendship of the one who has the Moon in Taurus will have a friend for all hours, and probably for life. They are loyal friends and for them, friends are on the same level of importance as family.

Because of their unchanging nature, people with Moon in Taurus seek eternal friendships, and become emotionally attached to their friends. They may even be jealous and possessive, but having the friendship of one is like having a soul brother ready to take you in and give you support.

Moon in Taurus in the family

The family is, for those who have the Moon in Taurus, the nucleus of tranquility and peace. They will always value balance, serenity and peaceful resolution of problems. Who has this aspect in the chart will always bring comfort to the home, both in what concerns material things, words and relationships.

They can be stubborn and difficult to oppose as they are very attached to their convictions, but they are light-hearted, fair and kind people. They will always try to show their feelings and nurture the love of the family if the reciprocal is true. However they can be ruthless if there is no balance or if they live in a troubled environment.

The father or mother with this position in the chart tends to be extremely careful with their children, highly loving and knows how to transmit the most valuable values and knowledge. They also seek total comfort and security for their children and are not afraid to show all the care and love they possess.

Moon in Taurus at work

Generally, the person who has the Moon in Taurus is a hardworking and ambitious person in what concerns his goals. Because he needs material and financial security, the person with this aspect will work hard for everything he wants in life. They are determined and very determined people.

For those who have the Moon in Taurus, work should be as pleasurable as the other areas of life. Although they are adept at routine, they do not like to be pressured and rarely get involved in stressful and methodical work. Because of their artistic vein, they will bring art to any and all work.

They are great leaders, fair and creative. Because they have ease in the peaceful resolution of problems, a person with the Moon in Taurus in a leadership position knows how to lead the team with tranquility and values a harmonious and organized environment.

Moon in Taurus according to gender

Such an intense, highly intuitive and materialistic Moon makes us wonder how it specifically presents itself in men and women.

Next, we will understand how the energies of the Moon apply for different genders and what differences are most noticeable.

The woman with Taurus Moon

The feminine archetypes of the Moon and Venus are a gift to the woman with Moon in Taurus in all its fullness. Sensibility and intuition are guidelines that lead her to her goals. If she learns to listen to her Moon, she will be successful in many areas of life.

The Moon asks for financial and emotional security, so the woman with this disposition in her chart becomes ambitious and very creative. It is a position that, if accompanied by the houses and planets of the astrological chart, makes her a magnet for prosperity, since she will always be working to conquer everything she wants.

The personal magnetism of the woman with Moon in Taurus is so great that sometimes she can try to hide her friendliness and good humor for fear of being misunderstood. She is highly determined, and when she decides something, there is no one to change her mind.

The man with Moon in Taurus

The man with the Moon in Taurus has a strong, determined and peaceful personality. He needs financial security, material comfort and stability. He is a highly intuitive person, and has the gift of reading people around him with ease. He is prosperous in all his choices, since he is highly analytical.

The Moon calls for emotional stability, so a man with this disposition will be very prudent and thoughtful. He does not make decisions until he is sure they are right. He is very assertive in his choices, and usually does not go back on them. His sense of justice is keen, and his sensitivity makes him an empathetic and caring person, a man out of the curve.

It is extremely sensual, but usually reserved in love. It may take a while to show feelings, but when it does it is because it has total conviction. It is very loyal, does not measure efforts for their goals and the comfort of those who love, is a companion for life.

A little more about Moon in Taurus

People who have the Moon in Taurus know how to value the pleasures of life, and make it enjoyable in all aspects. We will understand what potentials and challenges this Moon brings to its natives, and we will also see how to discover which is your Moon sign.

Potential of Moon in Taurus

Having seen about the energies of the Moon, Venus and Taurus, and understood how they act on those born under this aspect, there is still a question: what, in fact, these energies bring potential to the individual who possess them? This is what we will see below.

People who have this aspect are extremely sensitive and loving in childhood, and develop drive and determination as they grow up. They are people who make their own happiness, they will always be in search of their security, and it is through this that they will find themselves in the world.

This does not mean that they are futile people or that they only care about the material. On the contrary, they understand the material as part of the whole, and this only has importance because it has direct connection with their emotional and spiritual. For them, body, mind and spirituality are not separate things, but depend on each other for full success.

Because of their heightened sensoriality, those with the Moon in Taurus will always see the beautiful side of life, and will always cherish being surrounded by it, because it represents, for them, peace and balance. They make their experience in this world full of small pleasures, and for those who have this aspect, this is true happiness.

Challenges of Moon in Taurus

Those who were born with the Moon in Taurus also have several aspects that call for attention, because an Exalted Moon will feel comfortable giving away all its characteristics, whether good or bad. So, what are the precautions one should take if he has this Moon in his chart?

Because they are materialistic, those who have the Moon in Taurus can become accumulators, not only of things, but of relationships and bad habits. It is a huge challenge for these people to let go, they tend to forget the finitude and mutability of things.

This should always be very clear for those who have this lunar position: things change, end and this is part of our evolution. Depending also on the other positions of the chart, the person with the Moon in Taurus can become complacent.

It's easier for them to stay in a bad situation than to act to change it, and procrastination and stubbornness can make them hard-headed and lazy. They should always be analytical with their habits, so that this tendency doesn't stop them from running after their valuable goals.

People who have Moon in Taurus are very strong in their beliefs and values.

However, just as the world turns, we must also follow the changes so that we do not become stagnant. The great thing for those who have this position is not to be afraid of change and not to be attached, to accept the fluidity and changeability of life.

How to find out what my moon sign is?

To see where your moon is, you need to do your birth chart, which will show the aspects of all the planets and conjunctions. The birth chart is nothing more than a record of the transits of the stars in the sky at the exact moment of your birth.

Therefore, with information about the place and time when you were born, it is possible to map all the astral aspects. There are sites that do, only with this information, the total mapping of the stars and their specific positions.

From this information we can understand various issues and trends present in your life, using it as a tool for self-knowledge.

Can Moon in Taurus indicate an emotionally stable personality?

The Moon, which in the astrological chart represents the emotions, our intrinsic desires, our unconscious and intuition, finds in Taurus an extremely fertile ground for all its aspects, one of them being stability and search for balance.

Therefore those who have this aspect are usually people with natural emotional stability. They are people who ponder a lot, who always try to be calm in their decisions and who understand their feelings very well. And when there is trust, they will know how to show their emotions in the best possible way.

If the moon in Taurus finds in the other aspects of the birth chart positive conjunctions, the person who possesses it will be highly intuitive, being able to trust his heart with his eyes closed.

They will know how to surround themselves with people who do them good, build solid and lasting relationships and find security and stability in materiality, as this is always an important goal for them.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.