Moon nodes, north and south: in Aries, Scorpio, Leo, Pisces and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of the lunar nodes in the birth chart

All people have lunar nodes somewhere in their birth chart. In general, we can define them as virtual points where one is pointed to the north, while the other points to the south.

So, know that they will always be in opposition to each other, that is, if you, for example, have the north node in Aries, it means that your south node will automatically be in Libra, because both are complementary signs.

The lunar nodes are considered to guide people in their life paths. However, some characteristics of each one are essential to understand the real meaning in relation to each sign. So, follow the reading to understand everything you need to know.

Fundamentals of lunar nodes

The lunar nodes are nothing more than a meeting line between the orbital planes of the Earth around the Sun, and the Moon around the Earth. Thus, they are two virtual points in which one points north and the other points south.

According to Astrology, the lunar nodes represent the path of evolution of the Soul of each being. Thus, each person follows its path that goes from the tail, which is the south node, to the head, represented by the north node. In this way, it is possible to discover which are the past experiences of each being and how it is possible to move forward after discovering this information.

However, there is a lot of complementary information that is fundamental to understand the real meaning of the lunar nodes. Continue reading carefully to understand.

Positioning in the sky

The dragon's head (north) and dragon's tail (south), originate from the Eclipses. These names came from the ancient peoples who claimed that these events were dragons in the heavens, who ate a portion of the Sun and Moon during eclipses.

Thus, the Nodes are connecting elements between Moon, Earth and the path of the Sun. Thus, they remain in each sign during the period of 19 months and their daily movement is of the 3rd arc.

The north node which is considered the Ascendant is defined when the Moon crosses the ecliptic as it passes from the south to the north of the path that was defined by itself. Meanwhile, the south node which is considered the Descendant, is defined when the light crosses the elliptic as it passes from the north position to the south.

Importance in the astrological chart

The paths of the lunar nodes last about a year and a half in each of the signs. Because of this, it is common to see that people who were born at the same time bring with them similar life experiences, as well as some characteristics of their personality.

Because the north and south nodes are opposites, these opposing energies must be worked on throughout our existence. This can be considered as our daily challenges, in which we discover, through the astrological chart, the path we must follow, as well as our characteristics and behaviors that come from our essence, but which we must know how to balance.

In this way, through the nodes in the birth chart it is possible to acquire even more knowledge about yourself, in order to allow you to grow and evolve even more as a human being.

Relationship between the north and south node

Although they are opposite energies, the relationship between the north node and the south node is very intimate. When we think about our existence, for example, we can say that the south node is what we were yesterday, while the north is what we should be today or tomorrow.

In this way, there is a connection between our past, the present and the future yet to be discovered, represented by the nodes. Thus, by making an analysis of them it is possible to find answers and even tips that will help in your journey.

It is also important to understand that there is no node more important than the other, because both complement each other. After all, it would not be possible to exist today if there was no yesterday. In the same way, if there was no past, it would not be possible to program for the future.

Benefits of knowing the lunar nodes

According to astrology, in the south node we can find our most overdeveloped characteristics. Therefore, if you don't have much knowledge about this area, it is possible to get too attached to this information, which would be detrimental to your life. On the other hand, in the north, we find your qualities which you need to develop.

In this way, from the moment you know your nodes, it is possible to balance all these opposing energies, in order to have a much more harmonious life. So, from the moment you discover where your lunar nodes are, it is possible to know what your life lessons are, as well as what you need to learn or change.

In this way, you will know exactly which characteristics of your personality you need to let emerge, as well as which ones you should change, which will make you a happier and more fulfilled person.

How to find out what your lunar nodes are?

To find out which are your lunar nodes it is necessary to make a calculation which is based on the transit of the Moon as it travels around the Earth. However, its position in relation to the Sun must be considered. In this way, the north node will always be located in the sign which is opposite to the south lunar node.

Knowing that the karmic periods last 18 months, one of the best ways to discover your nodes is through your date of birth. Thus, for example, a person who was born on 14/12/1989 will have his nodes found between the intervals of 05/29/1989 and 12/15/1990. This way, according to the astrological chart, the nodes will be going from the sign of Leo (south) to Aquarius(north).

However, it is important to note that in order for you to have a personalized experience, an expert in the field can assist you.

Characteristics of the south node

The south node is represented by the dragon's tail. It is considered the negative energy coming from your karma and actions that were not finalized in previous lives. The south node is totally related to the cause itself. For example, if you fought with someone and in the heat of the moment said things you shouldn't have, it is as if the south node is the regret that will hit you the next day.

It can interfere in different areas of our lives, so it is essential that you continue reading to understand everything about the characteristics of the south node.

Past lives

The south node, represented by the dragon's tail, is directly linked to where we come from, that is, everything that was done in previous lives, as well as the skills that were developed in it and all the mistakes that were made.

In this way, this junction of things formed what you are today, in order to make you get where you are, as well as the way you are nowadays.

Understand that nothing ever happens in this or any other life, so whatever your mistakes may have been, at some point or another you'll have to face them head on. However, keep calm, because mistakes are recognized as synonymous with growth and learning.

Rooted patterns

The South Node is considered by many to be a line of least resistance, so it is related to everything that belongs to you from birth, and because of this, some patterns become ingrained.

Thus, it ends up representing all that is familiar, in relation to actions, behaviors, etc. In this way, it expresses all the patterns that have been brought into the current incarnation.

In this way it is normal that you feel more at ease with things which you have a greater knowledge of or intimacy with. It is important that you do not become dependent on your ingrained patterns, for it is important that you discover the world and know new things which will give you new experiences.

Comfort zone

The south node is considered the comfort zone of every being, because it is in it that things seem simpler, more accessible and easier, besides you come across situations that are more familiar to you.

Because it appears to be too uncomplicated, the south node often indicates an area of your life that may be being neglected. Because of the simplicity in which things that are found in it appear to have, these areas often end up not getting the attention they deserve.

It's that old story: when something seems too easy to be executed, it always ends up being last, because it is believed that it will demand less time and work, unlike more complex things, which, usually, a longer period is reserved for its execution.

Furthermore, you end up having a certain discouragement in performing some activities connected to the south node. This happens because in a past life, you focused too much time in these activities, and now, in your current life, you don't value them anymore. Thus, you turn your back and stay restricted to your comfort zone.

North node characteristics

The north node is represented by all the karmic goals of each being's life. Thus, it points the path in the person's growth, which will result in the evolution of his soul. The north node also means everything that needs to be done for the person to fulfill his destiny.

So, follow below all the characteristics involving the north node in which you need to know.

Life purpose

If you want to fulfill your destiny, it is essential to find out what position the North Node occupies in your birth chart. This is extremely important to know in which area of life you need to focus your attention.

The North Node also has a direct effect on all your relationships, and helps you to understand your behaviour, as well as helping you to identify the attitudes and actions you should have in certain situations.

In this way, the North Node gives you hints for everything that needs improvement in each person. So, it is essential that you give due attention to the North Node, because it will provide you with a sequence of enriching information.

Evolution of being

Unlike the south node, the north point is an unknown terrain, which encourages the person to get out of his comfort zone. Thus, this set of situations helps the evolution of the being.

With him you will need to brave a new world, know the new, make discoveries and, for this, you will need to learn to deal with them, because there will be no way out of all this learning that will be provided.

By stepping out of your comfort zone you are willing to confront all unfamiliar issues head-on. These confrontations are extremely challenging and yield many experiences which are fundamental to your evolution as a human being.

Expansion area

As the North Node represents everything that the soul needs to do to fulfill its purpose, it encourages us to get out of our comfort zone to seek our mission. In this way, you enter an area of expansion, confronting what is unfamiliar and discovering new opportunities.

Therefore, the north node represents everything related to where you are going through your discoveries, thus indicating your zone of expansion, knowledge and learning, which together form your true evolution.

Keep an open mind to explore your new zone of expansion. It is true that anything new can cause certain fears, but keep calm and understand that this will make you an even better human being.

Other interpretations of the north and south node

Many interpretations revolve around the issues surrounding the north and south nodes, especially in relation to the story that started it all. It is always interesting to understand what each type of astrology tells about this.

In this way, it is possible to acquire a deep knowledge on the subject, allowing you to truly find your purposes and missions on this Earth. So, continue reading and understand everything that Vedic and Chinese astrology say about the subject.

North and South Node in Vedic Astrology

In Vedic astrology, the main differences are related to the names and also to the history of north and south. Thus, the south lunar node is known as "raku", while the north is called "ketu".

According to experts, raku and ketu were united in the form of a serpent. However, both committed the sin of desiring immortality and because of that they were separated.

As for the rest, not much changes. The south still represents what is connected to the comfort zone and the talents of each one, while the north has to do with the mission and destiny of each human being.

North and South Node in Chinese Astrology

Unlike the Vedic interpretation, in Chinese astrology the nodes are represented by a dragon, in which the north is the head and the south is the tail. Because of this, it is attributed that north is the place where food is ingested, while the south is the point where all waste is expelled out.

Regarding the rest of the meanings, the references are very similar: north is related to what is linked to self-knowledge and development, causing the soul to have the attitude of always taking the initiatives.

Meanwhile, the south is connected to all that has passed, having relation to their past lives, giving the feeling of comfort because they have lived that experience before.

The astrological reading always has the mission of understanding the past lives of each individual, as well as the current learning of all people, so that it may be possible their spiritual and human growth. The North and South Nodes will always have a fundamental role in what concerns karmic interpretations.

However, for a more in-depth analysis, it is necessary to take into account the connection of the nodes with each sign. So, follow below all the interpretations related to this theme.

North Node in Aries, South Node in Libra

According to astrology, the person who has north node in Aries and south node in Libra needs to take control of his life. In this way, he walks to learn, decide and act in relation to everything he thinks and feels.

However, inside this person feels that his life will only move forward if he conquers his own independence. If this is your case, it is interesting that you show yourself as a spontaneous person and, above all, excited. In this way, you will be able to exercise the leadership that you seek so much.

Some indications that this could be happening are: being very dedicated to others and forgetting about yourself, low self-confidence, avoiding conflicts at any cost, among others.

North Node in Taurus, South Node in Scorpio

If your North Node is in Taurus and South in Scorpio, this means that you have many memories of emotional dependence. You also have a tendency to keep secrets, and this is because you have experienced many betrayals in the past.

You still show yourself to be a person who deals well with death and all the processes that involve transformations, besides feeling well alone and not liking that they invade your space.

However, you show yourself to be a very emotional person with a heightened intensity, which makes you extremely passionate and deep in your relationships. You still have an extrapolated energy which can be used for positive or negative things, it's up to you.

One kind of negative side, for example, is the fact that you also show yourself to be a violent person. In view of this, know how to control your impulses and balance your characteristics.

North Node in Gemini, South Node in Sagittarius

If you have north node in Gemini and south in Sagittarius, know that this axis is related to the prioritization of communication and search for knowledge. Knowing that north is driven by the search for ideals, Gemini becomes the first expression, representing elements such as air and strength, which makes you seek new experiences.

The North Node in Gemini also has a heightened imagination, so this side makes you more creative in your projects, and this makes you an inspirational being for your friends and family.

Sagittarius, on the other hand, has the third expression of the fire element, representing aspects such as beliefs and philosophies. In this way, the south node being in this sign represents your need to break with people who think that their own opinions are absolute truths.

North Node in Cancer, South Node in Capricorn

If your North Node is in Cancer and South Node in Capricorn, this means that you have difficulty understanding why people around you do not give you the value you deserve. This is because in past incarnations you were a very respected person, and now you continue your quest for dignity and prestige today.

People with these nodes can even marry just to achieve a status that they carry in the memories of previous lives, and this is in the subconscious because the south node is in Capricorn. Thus, it is understood that this was a soul that struggled a lot for recognition in past lives and because of that learned much about professional achievement.

Because of all this, you are a person who is not used to dealing with failure, so you end up being able to invent being sick, for example, just so you don't have to deal with a situation that you believe will fail.

The person with these nodes is also someone who came into the world filled with a lot of rigidity, and for this reason has great difficulty in forgiving the mistakes of others. If this is your case, learn to balance your characteristics so that this does not affect your relationships.

North Node in Leo, South Node in Aquarius

People who have the north node in Leo and south node in Aquarius are beings full of a lot of dependence and influence of others in relation to themselves. Because of this, they find it very difficult to be alone and to believe in themselves, besides having little self-love.

If this is the case for you, these nodes represent that you feel very at ease when you are in the middle of groups, and being in this situation makes you feel stronger and also free. Furthermore, you are an extremely idealistic person, and this fact can cause you to get caught up in thoughts of perfect loves and relationships.

Thus, it is necessary that you learn to give your emotions and priorities their due importance. Learn to make your own choices, without becoming dependent on the group around you. In addition, it is important that you work on your ability to be alone, because it will not be always that you can count on numerous people around you.

North Node in Virgo, South Node in Pisces

The person who has the North Node in Virgo and South Node in Pisces is someone with a lot of sensitivity who shows himself to be willing to sacrifice himself for others. However, his memories have no limits.

If this is the case with your nodes, you are someone who has a strong tendency to victimization, precisely because of your lack of limits. So you end up living in your own fantasy world.

Furthermore, you carry within you some fears and worries from your previous lives because of the disappointments you have suffered, and in this way you become an influential person with a tendency to lose your true self.

North Node in Libra, South Node in Aries

If you have your North Node in Libra and South Node in Aries, this sign suggests that you invest in relationships, because of your North Node in Libra. However you try to maintain a balance in relation to the fact that you seek solutions to your real needs, precisely because of your South Node in Aries.

So you will need to make an effort to be more polite and considerate to your potential mates, especially at times when you are opposed to them. In this way, if you do not learn to live with other people's differences, you will have a tendency to end your life alone.

You need to discover that the best way to receive something from someone is to give them what you have. So, this can be a way for you to free yourself from the ego that consumes you. So, work on these issues in your life.

North Node in Scorpio, South Node in Taurus

People with nodes in Scorpio and Taurus tend to lean towards old patterns of behavior that were necessary in past lives. Because of their old experiences, these people have ended up becoming individuals who have a preference for always doing things the hard way.

If this is the case with you, you are a person who ends up wasting all his energy in doing these activities, weakening your own spirit and blinding you to new possibilities that are in front of you.

In this way, you need to learn how to objectify and simplify certain situations in order to acquire more personal discipline.

North Node in Sagittarius, South Node in Gemini

North Node in Sagittarius and South Node in Gemini represents people who feel uncomfortable in matters related to emotional issues, having a tendency to mental dispersion. This occurs because they try at all costs to solve their problems through the mind and above their own emotions.

If this is your case, you should learn to choose the information that is really worthwhile for your mind. In this way, you should look for activities that bring peace and harmony to your head.

It could be a good time to start a course, begin a physical activity or even get that old project off the drawing board. Whatever you choose, understand that you need to opt for activities that offer you an inner peace.

However, know that you won't always find them on the first try, so if this happens to you, don't be discouraged and keep trying.

North Node in Capricorn, South Node in Cancer

If your North Node is in Capricorn and your South Node is in Cancer, you are a person who tends to be committed to the law, as well as being very interested in finding out about traditions and stories on a wide variety of topics. North in Capricorn suggests you should be patient in order to define what you really want for your life.

On the other hand, the south in cancer indicates that you still have a strong attachment to the past, and miss something that you're not even sure what it is. You still have a lot of attachment to your entire family and are a person who has tendencies to cultivate the emotional side in relationships.

Furthermore, in earlier lives you showed yourself to be someone who preferred his parents to solve his problems, and so some of this "childish side" of you has remained in your present life. Today, however, you show yourself to be someone who is striving to reach maturity, thus proving that you have already taken the first step in your evolution.

North Node in Aquarius, South Node in Leo

People with North Node in Aquarius and South Node in Leo tend to learn how to walk in a light way. They are still determined to go through this life alone because they have a very authoritarian essence, which makes it more difficult to be accepted by others.

However, with the people who really matter to you, you prove to be someone who is extremely protective. Furthermore, your position in the South Node also indicates that you are someone who constantly seeks personal fulfilment.

If this is the case with you, because of the North in Aquarius, you are someone who has been learning to overcome the sense of prestige you had in past lives. You will achieve your complete happiness when you put aside your own needs and start to have a more humanitarian outlook.

North Node in Pisces, South Node in Virgo

If you have a north node in Pisces and south in Virgo, there is something inside you that urges you to always be neat and tidy and to correct mistakes. However, your north node in Pisces warns you to love more and accept imperfections.

In this way you are a person who has a certain compulsion for tidiness and cleanliness, so you need to learn to be someone who learns to identify the order which must exist between chaos and beauty. The North also invites you to be someone who is more receptive to all the complexities which exist.

It is necessary that you leave aside a little of your excess of concern and demand. It is known that these are things that have their importance at certain times, however you must learn to balance these characteristics of yours.

Can knowing the lunar nodes help in the process of self-knowledge?

Some studies say that the movements of the nodes directly affect the life of each one, as well as the path taken by each being. It is known that the north and south nodes are opposites in the astrological chart, and therefore represent contrary energies, which each person must work to always maintain a balance in your life.

Thus, while the south refers to the memories of past lives which bring lessons for the present day, the north dictates the path to follow based on who we are today.

In this way it is possible to say that yes, the lunar nodes can help in our process of self-knowledge, because they bring a sum of countless experiences that have already been lived and left several lessons.

Thus, this becomes a kind of daily challenge, in which we try to follow the signals of the nodes so that the path of each one is traversed in the best possible way.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.