Moon phases: learn more about the 8 phases and their influences!

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Jennifer Sherman

Learn more about the phases of the moon!

The moon is a star that has fascinated mankind since the beginning of time. By observing its phases, the ancients were able to establish relationships between the cycles of agriculture and tides, and to understand the influence that this natural satellite of the Earth exerts on the beings that live here.

Through the observation of the lunar phases, it was also possible to start measuring time by means of lunar calendars and start planning life events based on the changes of the moon. As we will show in this article, each lunar phase is suitable for specific goals. And that is precisely why often some plans simply do not work out.

Since the Moon influences our lives, we unveil all the secrets surrounding its 8 phases (that's right, 8 phases!), presenting its relationship with mood, beauty, love, money and which areas each one favors or not.

So you can plan your life so that you can live in more harmonious ways, understanding and relating your cycles, even discovering the dark side of the moon.

Moon phases

There are 8 phases of the moon: new moon, crescent, crescent quarter, gibbous crescent, full moon, gibbous waning, waning quarter and waning. Each of these phases occurs at specific periods in the lunar cycle and, as we will show, directly influence our lives. Understand how they occur and how the lunar calendar works below.

How do the phases of the moon occur?

The phases of the moon occur according to its position with respect to the Sun and Earth. As the moon moves around the Earth, half of it always reflects light from the Sun, while its other half is always dark.

The part that is always illuminated by the Sun can be observed from the Earth and, depending on the degree of illumination observed, we perceive different phases.

For example, when the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth, the side of the Moon that is being illuminated by the Sun cannot be observed on Earth. At this time, the Moon is dark and we call this phase the New Moon. When the Moon goes through all phases, we have a lunar cycle.

What is the lunar cycle like?

As it makes its movement around the Earth's orbit, we notice a change in the portion of the Moon illuminated by the Sun, and this whole process is called the lunar cycle. The Moon takes approximately 27.3 days to make one revolution around the Earth, but the cycle of lunar phases (from New Moon to New Moon) occurs in about 29.5 days.

This lunar cycle is divided into four main stages, the most well-known moon phases: new moon, crescent moon, full moon and waning moon. The longest period between a full moon and a new moon is about 15 days and 14.5h, while the shortest period between these phases is 13 days and 22.5h.

Lunar calendars in the ancient world

From observations of the lunar cycle and its phases, ancient civilizations developed a timekeeping system known as a lunar calendar. As the name suggests, a lunar calendar is based on the monthly cycles of the moon, taking into account its phases.

Ancient civilizations such as the Celts, the Chinese and even the Yoruba peoples made use of this system of measurement, which is different from the system that Western civilization uses, since its Gregorian calendar is based on the movements of the Sun.

Since lunar cycles take about 29.5 days to complete, lunar calendars tend to have months that change between 29 and 30 days, and are mostly shorter than solar calendars.

New moon

The New Moon is the Moon of beginnings and of everything new. In this phase, the Moon is invisible in the sky as its illuminated part is on the opposite side of the Earth. It is an ideal period to establish new parameters, have new ideas and start new ventures.


The New Moon favors beginnings. It is the ideal time to make lists with plans and goals to achieve, as well as to focus on an important intention. You can light a candle asking this side of the Moon for help so you can start something new.

This is the time to prepare the ground so that you can then plant the seeds of what you wish to manifest. You can buy clothes, enroll in a course, and meet new people. This is a time that favors the new but will require that it be nurtured so that it can manifest.


The New Moon disfavors all that is linked to the past. It is not the time to cultivate sorrows or to feel nostalgic because, just as a new cycle of the Moon has begun, it is time for you to prepare yourself for this new phase of your life.

Since the New Moon promotes that which is new, avoid ending up doing something you enjoy in this phase or spending your energy on people who aren't worth it. And, considering that the New Moon will attract new people and opportunities to you, be open to them. Avoiding that which is new only attracts problems.

Humor and beauty

The New Moon is a time to open yourself up to the new and to be in tune with yourself. It brings a refreshing feeling of new beginnings, as your energy has been renewed and you are ready to face challenges with more energy and hope.

This phase can come accompanied by that cold chill of the fray typical when starting something, but nothing to worry about. It's ideal for renewing your wardrobe, changing your hairstyle and kick-starting beauty treatments.

Love and relationships

When the Moon is New, it's a period to focus more on yourself, with a period of self-care and self-reflection. However, if you're single, this doesn't mean new people won't come to you. The New Moon brings with it new opportunities, so don't reject people who try to approach you.

Just be aware that this is not the ideal time for a long-term relationship, let alone commitments such as engagement and marriage. Focus however on your self-esteem and autonomy.

Work and finance

The New Moon is excellent for opening an account, especially if it is of the savings type. It is time to reflect on your finances and what you want to manifest in your life as the moon begins to become more and more visible.

This phase is also auspicious for buying real estate, long-term investments and having new ideas for ventures, whose main and exclusive driving force is yourself. You can also undertake planning to find a new job or start a new career.

Crescent moon

The Crescent Moon is the phase of embracing your wishes and plans made during the New Moon. The Crescent Moon starts from the moment part of the lunar sphere begins to be visualized at sunset. It is the phase linked to action and growth, so take advantage of it.


The Crescent Moon is a positive phase that favors desires, hopes and intentions. After the recovery and planning phase of the New Moon, it is time to act and take advantage of the motivation that this moon brings.

Ideal time for planting fruit and vegetables and getting projects and plans off the ground. It's a time of relative restlessness but one that favours growth in all areas of life. Dare to be more creative because as the Moon rises, your personal powers will grow too. Getting a haircut during this phase will make it grow faster.


The Crescent Moon is unfavorable for buying perishable foods like fruits and vegetables. Also, it is not a time to finish what has been started. If you wish to get rid of a bad situation, this Moon serves only to increase that desire.

Also avoid waxing and, if you're a man, shaving, as hair will grow in full intensity. Painting your nails and dyeing your hair are also unfavorable, as the roots will be more quickly exposed.

Humor and beauty

The Crescent Moon's influence on moods comes through agitation. You may be more restless and anxious, so use the energy to act or these issues will be accentuated. It is important that you seek to spend your energy or the build-up could leave you feeling insomniac and more electric.

In the beauty field, it is the ideal time to exercise if you want to gain weight or muscle mass and so taking supplements at this time will only increase the benefits. In addition, you can devote yourself to intensity workouts as your energy is increasing. If you wish to cut the ends of your hair, this is the time. Your hair will grow with more vigor.

Love and relationships

This is a positive phase to increase love between couples and strengthen ties. If you are single, in this period your power of attraction will be greater and you should take advantage of this energy.

Since this phase involves collaboration and growth, it is ideal for making commitments such as engagements and marriages, as well as starting to date someone. It is an ideal time to expand your social ties.

Work and finance

The Crescent Moon increases productivity at work. It is suitable for advertising products to broaden your clientele. Projects developed in this phase will have a greater chance of success, as well as hirings made under the influence of this Moon will be more lasting.

Ideal period to get more money, through partnerships or simply through the fruits of your own labor.

Fourth crescent

The crescent is the lunar phase in which the moon reaches a quarter of the journey of its monthly cycle. Visually speaking, one realizes that the moon has reached half of its luminosity, missing another half to reach the full phase. This phase occurs one week after the new moon and rises at noon and sets around midnight.


The fourth crescent favours action. In this phase, it is necessary to have greater resistance, as obstacles can appear on the way. It is the time to start harvesting the fruits of what has been planted in the previous phases. This lunar phase also favours decision making, challenges, and is therefore considered the phase of action.


The crescent quarter disfavors the limp body, laziness and passivity. The period of resting and planning is over, so get up and start working hard so you can harness the energy of this moon.

No matter how difficult the obstacles brought about by this moon are: remember your plans established during the new moon and the energy you gained during the crescent phase. Act and make the appropriate decisions with this energy.

Humor and beauty

During the influence of the fourth crescent, your mood can swing between action and procrastination. The obstacles which arise during this stage are trials which need to be overcome if you are to be worthy of what you want.

You may be more competitive but don't let this energy get in the way in a negative way. On the beauty front this phase influences greater attraction. You can continue your beauty routine but remember that you may have extra difficulties at this time.

Love and relationships

The influence of the crescent moon on love and relationships is positive, but caution is needed. If you have continued a relationship during the crescent, you will notice that it will grow stronger during this new phase, but be aware that this is a crucial time for it, as you are about to discover other facets of your partner which have not yet been shown.

Get ready to get to know more about your partner in this period and let him get to know you better too.

Work and finance

At work, it's time to work on partnerships and the promotion carried out. Try to seek maintenance for these areas as they need to be strengthened so that they bring positive and lasting fruit.

Check your balance in your bank account and see how your money may have increased during this period.

Growing gibbous

The gibbous crescent phase occurs when much of the moon is illuminated and so it appears in the sky increasingly clear and can be seen in broad daylight, just after noon. This phase is the last step before the moon becomes full.


The Gibbous Crescent phase favors the redirection of actions. It is a period that involves adjustments, revision and taking control over the planning and actions taken in the previous phase.

It is a time when you will come to realize the mistakes you have made, and from them, you can act so that your plans will come into their fullness when the moon is full in the sky.


This type of moon disfavours doubt and lack of control. Instead you need to exercise mastery over situations so that they move towards a positive outcome.

This is not the time to start things or to finish things: you must continue what you have started so that your fruits are harvested as you planned. This phase is unfavourable for hair removal and skin cleansing.

Humor and beauty

At this time you will be more critical about your own actions and tend to act more cautiously to review the course of what you had programmed. This is a phase of re-evaluation, and you will tend to act more seriously to achieve your goals.

Your mood could also be swinging, with a little more anxiety and energy as the full moon is approaching. In the beauty field, it's time to rethink the treatments you've undergone and take the necessary steps to make sure they deliver the best possible result.

Cutting your hair or trimming your beard at this stage will make the hair grow faster and become more visible.

Love and relationships

Although a positive phase, the gibbous crescent can bring an additional complication to love and relationships, as it involves the energy of revelation. Be prepared for possible surprises coming from the people you live with, and be prepared to adapt to them.

In addition, you will have access to new aspects of your partner, which will cause you to reflect on your relationship and then give it a direction.

Work and finance

Again, the most important factor in this Moon is reflection. You may need to redirect your investments or the promotion of your products or even your presentations and functions in the workplace.

Rethink about the use of your money and reflect on what step should be taken for you to realize your goals during the next stage of the lunar cycle.

Full moon

The Full Moon is the period when the visible side of the Moon completes 100% visibility. The Moon is on the opposite side of the Sun when observed from earth, thus showing its clearest face. When the Moon is full, it appears on the horizon near sunset and sets when the sun rises.


At this stage the time for change has passed and it is time for the harvest, to achieve your rewards. At this stage people reveal who they really are and so it is time to investigate the truth and gain light on the dark sides of others.

It favours the exposure of emotions, but it is important to be careful as many people lose control during this phase. It is the moon that favours romance, fertility and especially sexual activity. Also, spending can become higher due to the impulsive nature promoted by this moon.


The full moon puts you at a disadvantage when it comes to making important decisions as emotions are running high. Avoid surgery as you will experience more frequent bleeding. Stay away from controversy whenever possible.

The Full Moon also does not favor the beginning of diets to lose weight, because the full moon ends up contributing to the retention of liquids. In addition, avoid trips over the sea or driving at high speed, because there are more chances of accidents.

Humor and beauty

The Full Moon is a phase more susceptible to emotionality. Although it makes people more sociable, they are also more likely to act on their instincts and may have a heightened sex drive.

This phase can also bring more restlessness and if you suffer from anxiety, the full moon can make it escalate. Also, your sleep quality can be affected due to the brightness and influence of this moon phase.

If you want your hair to become more voluminous, this is the most suitable phase. Also, doing hydration and nourishment of the skin or hair is best during this moon.

Love and relationships

The Full Moon brings the climax of a love story that began at the new moon. However, emotions can be quite mixed with this phase. Since the Sun and Moon are in opposite position in this phase, there is a tension in the air that needs to be balanced. Therefore, you may suffer to balance how you feel.

Sexual desire is more intense, so you will tend to look for casual sex partners to release tension. This is a phase which stimulates passion, and you may be tempted to grab the contact list to consume it. Both weddings and honeymoons are more intense at this time.

Work and finance

At the Full Moon, all your hard work will finally show its fruits. This is the time to show off as this phase aids the promotion of products through events and trade. When negotiating, try to leave emotions aside but it is important to consider the other parties involved in the deal for it to be successful.

Avoid spending money impulsively, as there is a tendency to accumulate debt due to impulsiveness being on the rise.

Waning gibbous

When the Moon is in the Gibbous waning phase, it moves towards the Sun. In it, the illuminated part begins to shrink, so that we see it less and less. The Moon then begins to rise later and later in the night. It is a time to give thanks for the gifts harvested so far.


The Waning Gibbous Moon favors rest. This is the time to plan your strategic retreat to regain strength as you will gain knowledge through reflection on the experiences you have gained during the course of your actions throughout the other phases of the Moon.

This lunar phase is also associated with gratitude for having achieved your goals during the full phase of the Moon, in which you can feel the benefits and finally the mission of duty fulfilled. It is also the ideal time to practice generosity and pass on your knowledge to those who are willing to acquire it.


As the moon begins to wane in brightness, new beginnings and ventures are unfavorable. This is no time to buy, for if you spend, there is a chance that all your money will go away.

Investments should also be controlled as the possibility of losses is higher. This is not the time to be selfish. Even if you are self-centered, you should be open to others.

Humor and beauty

You may feel quite tired during this phase and this will directly affect your mood, so rest to be prepared for the last bright moments of the Moon and to prepare for the New Moon coming soon.

You may be feeling empty as you realize that a phase has been completed. Don't worry as this will pass when the moon changes phase. In the area of beauty, you can go to a spa, get a relaxing massage or take a herbal bath to get rid of the bad and tensions. You can dye your hair now as the roots will take longer to appear.

Love and relationships

The gratitude you feel can make you feel the need to share the fruits of your labour with those you love. This is a time of closing a cycle, in which you have gained access to new aspects of your partner.

As the moon moves into its darkest phase, don't let this energy cloud your relationship. It's time to get rid of the bad stuff and prepare for the subsequent phases that are on the way.

Work and finance

At this stage, you may see the fruits of your labor converted into money. It is time to give thanks for what you have achieved so far and prepare for the new ventures you wish to undertake when the New Moon arrives.

Do not try to invest money in this phase as it tends to wane with the moon. What you have been unable to control so far can no longer be controlled, so simply accept it.

Waning quarter

The waning quarter is the penultimate stage before the new lunar cycle. As with the crescent, only half of the Moon is visible in the sky. This Moon appears in the sky around midnight and can be seen in it until near noon.


The Waning Quarter favors planning for the future. It's time to practice detachment: clean out your life and separate everything you no longer want. If possible, choose things that are still in good condition and make a donation as this lunar phase favors solidarity.

It is time to let go, to continue your rest so that your body, mind and emotions are prepared for the next challenges of the new cycles to come. You have been through most of the lunar cycle and you deserve to relax.


The Waning Quarter unfavors control. It's time to let go, to let go, and to exercise forgiveness. Don't hold on to grudges, as what is held during this phase will be increasingly difficult to detach from you.

You've probably experienced challenges during the lunar cycle, and so disarm yourself of all anger, regret and rancour. Avoid holding onto objects or feelings that hurt you, as the biggest affect will be yourself.

Humor and beauty

The mood in this phase is more restrained and solemn, so you may have more serious, more restrained attitudes that are not in keeping with your natural temperament during the other phases of the moon. Don't worry as this period is temporary, so avoid arguments.

If you want to remove your hair or do a skin cleansing, the Waning Quarter is indicated. Modeling massages and lymphatic drainage are also more effective at this time.

Love and relationships

Even more restrained and tired, if you are in a relationship, you can get comfort in the arms of your partner. If you are single, this phase is not the time to start something serious, although there is a possibility of finding someone to spend a night or two together.

This is a time for reflection but avoid arguments. Problems created during this phase of the moon tend to be accentuated. You can seek help from someone you trust for advice.

Work and finance

At work, you may feel very physically exhausted due to the waning lunar energy. This is a time to avoid friction and collect yourself when possible so that you can reflect on what happened and gain knowledge to act better in future phases.

You can start debt negotiations, but you must wait for an offer with reduced interest rates before closing the deal. Avoid spending money and your investments should be made only if there are no risks, such as savings.

Waning moon

The Waning Moon is the last phase of the Moon. At this time, the Moon is in its last quarter and its luminosity falls more and more. It is the time of introspection, surrender and renunciation, which occurs before the beginning of a new lunar cycle marked with the New Moon, as we will show below.


The Waning Moon favors the elimination of diseases, harm and addictions. It is a good time to perform surgeries, as there will be better healing. This moon favors termination, so if you want to end a stage of your life, fire someone or end a relationship, this is the most suitable phase.

If you wish to buy green fruits to last longer, the waning moon is the most suitable. It is the ideal time to save your energy and avoid conflicts, so that you are well prepared for the next phase of the Moon. The waning moon also favours discretion.


This lunar phase disfavours all beginnings. Also, since the Moon's energy is waning, social skills are getting weaker and so social events should be discouraged.

Do not promote your product more strongly in this phase as the promotion will have little chance of success. No launch should be conducted when the moon is in this phase.

Humor and beauty

The mood during the Waning Moon is more sober. There is a tendency toward withdrawal and shyness and you may feel empty, especially if you don't prepare for the new lunar cycle that is about to begin.

In the field of beauty, you can dye your hair as it will take time to grow. Shaving, shaving or waxing are also favored by this moon if you do not want your hair to grow quickly.

Skin cleansing, correction of imperfections and removal of blackheads and pimples are also more effective when done under the influence of this phase. In addition, this Moon also stimulates weight loss.

Love and relationships

The Waning Moon brings with it a time of introspection and the need to take time for yourself. Physical attraction is less pronounced and so there is more focus on affection. It is not the ideal moon for weddings as love will be reduced as the moon disappears in the sky.

For this very reason, one should avoid starting relationships during this phase. Relationships that end during this phase of the moon are unlikely to be resumed.

Work and finance

At work and in finances, the Waning Moon stimulates evaluations and preparations for the new phase that will come with the new Moon cycle. It is the time to conclude projects, investments, close accounts and eliminate debts.

Because of the latter trend, you can take advantage of the flow of this lunar phase to negotiate debts, trying to bargain for reduced interest rates or find a proposal that more closely meets your financial needs.

Further information about the moon phases

The Moon's influence is not limited only to the power of its phases. Therefore, we describe below its relationship with the signs, how it influences the tides, as well as important information such as eclipses and superluas. Check it out.

Moon and the signs

As the Moon wanders around the Earth, it finds itself in different areas of the sky. During this wander, it constantly passes through the 12 constellations of the zodiac, transiting from sign to sign approximately every 2.5 days.

As it passes through each sign, the Moon acquires its energies. That's why, in Astrology, we also have the Moon sign, responsible for our emotions and the face we hide. Check out the influence of each sign:

- Aries: Beginnings with extra efforts.

- Taurus: beauty, durability.

- Gemini: changes, games, communication.

- Cancer: domestic and emotional issues.

- Leo: Self-centeredness.

- Virgo: organization, health, commitment.

- Libra: cooperation, environmental beauty, balance.

- Scorpio: reflection, psyche, breakups.

- Sagittarius: imagination, self-confidence.

- Capricorn: ambition, traditions, duties.

- Aquarius: rebelliousness, detachment.

- Pisces: dreams, nostalgia, intuition, drama.

Moon and tides

The Moon has a direct influence on the tides. This occurs because its gravitational field interferes with the Earth, flattening its extremities and lengthening its center. This relationship ends up affecting the water of the oceans, which ends up moving and generating sea currents that are converted into two high and two low tides per day.

Tidal movements are most intense during New Moon and Full Moon. Due to this great phenomenon, it is believed that the Moon also influences our bodies, since it is made predominantly of water.

Other influences of the moon

In addition to influencing the tides, studies show that the moon has behavioral and psychological effects on the lives of beings that inhabit the Earth, including humans. These effects can be perceived as the menstrual cycle in women that usually coincides with the lunar cycle. The greatest influence of the moon occurs when it is full.

Among the main effects of influence at this stage are:

- the increase in fertility;

- increase in the birth rate;

- propensity to blood loss (which is why many people refuse to operate during the Full Moon);

- increased propensity to epilepsy;

- increase in traffic-related fatalities (especially motorcycle accidents);

- the highest rate of violent crime.

What is a lunar eclipse?

The lunar eclipse is a phenomenon that occurs during the full moon. In this period, when the Earth is precisely between the Moon and the Sun, the shadow of the Earth is projected onto the surface of the Moon, decreasing its luminosity and often turning the visible lunar disk into a red sphere for a few hours.

During each lunar eclipse, only half the planet can observe it. There are three types of lunar eclipse:

1) Total: the easiest to observe, occurs when the moon moves towards the shadow of the earth.

2) Partial: during this type, there is an imperfect alignment between the Moon the Earth and the Sun. Therefore, the Moon passes only through part of the Earth's shadow.

3) Penumbral: the Moon passes through the front part of the Earth's shadow. It is the most difficult to perceive.

What's the supermoon?

The supermoon is a phenomenon that occurs when the full moon coincides with the period when the moon is closest to Earth, known as perigee. During supermoons, the moon's energies are more intense and so it is easy to perceive its influence. In addition, the lunar disk is about 17% larger and 30% brighter in the sky.

Supermoons happen only three to four times a year and always happen consecutively. During this period the tides are higher than usual.

How to use the phases of the moon to your advantage?

There are several ways to use the moon phases to your advantage. One of them is to try to align with the moon so that, through it, you can develop your spiritual and personal growth. To do this, start observing it in your daily life until your body becomes aware, accepts its effects and aligns with it. If necessary, use a calendar to make sure which phase the moon is in.

During this period, it is important that you take note of each lunar phase and the influences you feel during each period. In addition, you should commit to working on the different areas of your life through each phase of the lunar cycle.

In each phase, follow the tips outlined here and take notes of your influences so that you begin to align your goals with the movement of the lunar cycle. During the new moon, set your intentions so that they are achieved when the moon is full.

In this way, you will follow in the footsteps of the peoples, whose Ancestral Wisdom conceived in the moon a way of seeing life as a cyclic tide, to live in a spiritual way and benefit from it to the maximum.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.