Neptune in 1st House: retrograde, transit, solar revolution and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

The meaning of Neptune in 1st House

People born with Neptune in the 1st house are dreamers. In general, they inherit some characteristics of the sign of Pisces, which is ruled by Neptune, such as sensitivity and the idea that their personality is unique.

Thus, natives with this astrological placement have high expectations of themselves, which can cause them to live guided by their illusions. They also tend to have a natural tendency to dispersion.

Throughout the article, further details about Neptune in the 1st house will be commented on. Do you want to know more about it? Below you can find out in what ways this positioning affects you!

Meaning of Neptune

Neptune is the planet of optimism, so the people influenced by Neptune have a tendency to see life in an unrealistic way. He is the ruler of the sign of Pisces, so the people influenced by him inherit these characteristics in a very strong way.

Want to know more about the meanings of Neptune? Read below for details about the planet in Mythology and Astrology!

Neptune in Mythology

In Greek Mythology, Neptune is known as Poseidon. He was designated to take over the realm of water in the structure of the universe. It is possible to state that, in terms of kinship, Neptune is associated with Saturn, his father, Reia, his mother, and Jupiter, his brother.

According to some scholars, Neptune was given the power to control the waters after helping Jupiter dethrone Saturn when he found out about his identity and decided to claim his rights to the throne.

Neptune in Astrology

In Astrology, Neptune is the ruling planet of the sign of Pisces. Thus, it is responsible for giving these natives their dreamy and optimistic characteristics. Thus, the feeling that Piscians are distant from reality comes exactly from the planet's influence.

Therefore, when Neptune appears in someone's birth chart, it serves to determine exactly in which area of life the person will adopt this type of posture and will show his tendencies to self-deception. However, it is worth mentioning that the way Neptune expresses itself also depends on the maturity of each one.

Neptune Fundamentals in 1st House

People who have Neptune positioned in the 1st house are considered dreamers. In addition, they have a keen sensitivity and tend to see their own personality as something special and unique, which separates them from other people. Because of this, they can end up creating unrealistic expectations about themselves. Do you want to know more about this position? See below the basics of Neptune in the 1st house!

How to discover my Neptune

To find out where Neptune was positioned in your birth chart at the time of your birth, you must perform the complete calculation. Doing this is something quite simple and requires basic information such as the date, place and time of birth. This way you will be able to know in which area of life you are most likely to be deluded.

Meaning of the 1st House

Associated with the sign of Aries and Mars, the ruling planet of this sign, the 1st house is considered the place of the ascendant. Therefore, this space of the astrological chart speaks about the native himself and represents the beginning of his trajectory, highlighting his most basic sensations and the way he places himself in the world.

Therefore, it is a house directly linked to the idea of autonomy, initiative and spontaneous reactions, being considered one of the most important of the astrological chart for expressing the temperament of people.

The Astrological Houses for Vedic Astrology

When we talk about the houses in Vedic astrology, there are some differences with the traditional model. The first is that they are not arranged in a circular form. This happens because the map can be expressed in two different formats.

Thus, each house corresponds to a rhombus and is called Bhava. In all, there are 12 spaces and each one of them shows a different area of the life of the individual. Each wing is represented by a sign, exactly as in traditional Astrology.

1st House in Vedic Astrology

In Vedic Astrology, the 1st house represents the self, therefore it speaks about the innate nature and body of the native and also highlights issues related to his or her appearance. Therefore it highlights the way a particular person presents himself or herself to the world and manifests the power of all the planets, so that it is possible to isolate the weaknesses of the sun sign.

The weaknesses that surround one's birth are also dealt with by house 1. Thus, the planet occupying this space profoundly impacts the beginning of life.

What Neptune reveals in the Birth Chart

The presence of Neptune in the Birth Chart serves to determine in which area of life the native is more prone to lie to himself. Therefore, it serves to highlight the points that people do not have a very clear vision and may end up choosing to deceive themselves, especially about their own abilities.

This planet is considered optimistic and this happens because of this characteristic, therefore Neptune's vision is obscured and he always seems to see everything better than it is.

Neptune in 1st House

People with Neptune in the 1st house carry some characteristics of the Pisces sign, especially their flighty way of dealing with the world, so it is not uncommon for many natives with this placement to be described as people who seem to be out of orbit much of the time.

This happens because the influence of Pisces makes them value very much the field of imagination. Besides, they are also impacted by the sign's sensitivity and can end up considering themselves very special.

Neptune in 1st House Natal

The presence of Neptune in the 1st house of the birth chart reveals people with a high sensitivity. They consider their way of seeing life as unique and can end up having high expectations about their own achievements. This attitude tends to cause a lack of direction to the natives with this position.

Therefore much of their life will be ruled by illusions, and they may feel some difficulty in setting boundaries, especially in their interpersonal relationships. As they are tolerant, adopting a firmer stance can be very complicated.

Neptune in 1st House in the Annual Chart

Neptune in the 1st house of the Annual Chart highlights natives who absorb everything that is around them. Therefore they need to find ways to shield themselves against negative influences or they may end up succumbing. When they manage to overcome this barrier, they are strong people who are able to influence the opinion of others.

Their personality, in general, will be marked by ambiguity. As they have artistic tendencies, they may use this to try to gain relevance. Also, there is a chance that some will end up becoming actors.

Neptune in Transit 1 House

When Neptune is in transit through the First House, the natives turn to spirituality, so they are people who value faith and feel the need to follow some doctrine. Those who do not end up adhering to a religion, follow the paths of mysticism to satisfy this need.

This phase is also favourable for questions of creativity, so when Neptune passes through this space of the horoscope the people influenced by it feel more inspired. However they may find it difficult to come out of themselves.

Personality traits of those who have Neptune in House 1

The personality of people who have Neptune in House 1 can be described as playful. They are optimistic, sensitive and tolerant, but may find it very difficult to stand up for themselves. They have ambiguous personalities and therefore it is impossible to predict their reactions accurately.

Want to know more about the personalities of these natives? See below the positive and negative characteristics of Neptune in the 1st house!

Positive features

Sensitivity is one of the most interesting personality traits of people who have Neptune in house 1. Thanks to this characteristic, inherited directly from the sign of Pisces, they have no difficulty in putting themselves in people's shoes and understanding everything that is happening around them.

In addition, natives are people with very pronounced artistic abilities and may end up gaining some kind of relevance in their social groups because of their creativity and aptitude for these areas, which will generate a lot of interest.

Negative characteristics

Among the negative characteristics of Neptune in the 1st house, it is possible to mention that natives can end up becoming unprotected people. Their optimism makes room for them to be vulnerable to negative influences around them and they can end up getting absorbed by them. When this happens, they face some challenges.

Thus, they need to learn to develop their intuition more. From this it will be possible to understand that not all people have the same perception and therefore the native will be able to find the necessary tools to protect themselves emotionally.

Neptune's influence in House 1

Neptune in house 1 is a position capable of impacting all areas of the native's life. This happens because this space of the birth chart speaks directly about the most basic characteristics of a person and also about the way he presents himself to the world.

So, love, sex, family, work and health are directly influenced by Neptune. Do you want to know more about Neptune in the 1st house and its effect in several areas of life? See below!

Love and sex

Love can be a very complicated area for those natives with Neptune in House 1. This is because they tend to be deluded, but this illusion is not only with the person they love, and does not tend to inflate their characteristics. Natives with this position see themselves as special and unique people.

Because of this view and the ambiguity of their personalities, they may end up experiencing problems because they believe they deserve more than they are getting and make unreasonable demands. However, the other side can also happen and they may be treated with disdain.


Because they can easily dissociate from reality, natives with Neptune in House 1 can end up facing serious mental health problems by refusing to see what is in front of their eyes. However, since things will not always turn out the way they imagine, this will have a negative impact.

Another factor that contributes to these mental health issues when Neptune is positioned in the 1st house is the native's capacity for empathy. Because they are able to understand everyone, they may end up absorbing things that are not their own, but will be a burden.


The family is an area which can be the source of the first misunderstandings for people who have Neptune in the 1st house. This happens because they are creative and playful, and if this side is not stimulated, they can become resentful towards their relatives in the future.

After all, they will be largely responsible for limiting what he considers to have the most special. However, when properly understood, they are those people who do everything for their families and have a positive coexistence even with the most distant relatives.


When they are able to pursue careers connected with the arts, natives with Neptune in House 1 are more comfortable than ever. These jobs give them the opportunity to express all their playful side and also to show their creativity. So it is not uncommon to find people with this position who pursue acting as a career.

However, other areas which allow the use of creativity, such as design, decoration and architecture can also be positive for the native with this placement as it allows him to use his unique vision and sensitivity.

A little more about Neptune in House 1

There are other factors which can influence the messages of the astrological placement of Neptune in House 1 and have repercussions in the life of the native. Among these, it is possible to highlight the retrogradation movement and Neptune in the solar revolution.

In addition, it is also worth considering the messages of the synastry, which speaks directly about love. Want a little more about Neptune in House 1? Then read on to find out more!

Neptune retrograde in 1st house

The retrograde movement of Neptune in the 1st house reverberates directly in people who have Aries as their solar sign. This happens because this space of the chart is the domicile of Aries, so the natives will feel especially affected, but this will not happen in a negative way.

Thus, when Neptune is retrograde in the First House, Aryans tend to take the opportunity to connect more with their spirituality and faith issues. In this way, they can learn to slow down their immediacy. For this to happen, they need to learn to slow down the pace.

Neptune in Solar Revolution in 1st House

When Neptune is in the 1st house of the solar revolution, this demands attention. Natives in this position become even more prone to feeding illusions, but instead of directing them towards their own personality, they do this with their projects.

Therefore, even though they are aware that they won't be able to achieve them, they insist on making a mistake. Therefore, even though several frustrations happen along the way, they still face all of them and keep trying to get what they want. When another disappointment happens, they just start over.

Neptune in 1st House Sinastry

The Neptune in 1st House synastry speaks of people who need to find an efficient channel of communication with their partners through their emotions, so they need to learn both to tame them and to use them to communicate what is needed, finding a balance within the ambiguous personality of this native.

Another aspect of the Neptune in the 1st House synastry is the charitable impulse of those who have this position. Being very empathic people, they believe that it is their duty to help their partner to achieve his or her goals.

Famous People with Neptune in 1st House

A person who has Neptune in 1st house and has been very prominent nowadays is the singer Lady Gaga, which justifies her musical talent and her constant inspiration to act in several different areas of the entertainment industry, such as movies and music.

In addition, sensitivity is also very present in the singer, especially in the way she absorbs the influences around her to be able to reproduce them on her records and in the characters she plays in the cinema.

What advice for those with Neptune in 1st house?

People who have Neptune in the 1st house need to learn to live more in reality. Although imagination is an interesting terrain, as is creativity, sometimes fantasy can make them blind to what is really happening. This can end up undermining their relationships.

By the way, speaking of relationships, another piece of advice for natives with Neptune in House 1 is to learn to set limits in all of them. These people find it difficult to be assertive and to take a stand, and this can end up causing them to be run over by others in their desires. Therefore, it is necessary to find a way to be firmer.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.