Neptune in Pisces: characteristics, birth chart, retrograde and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What Neptune in Pisces means

Neptune is the ruling planet over the sign of Pisces. Therefore, it is a source of high connection with spirituality for the natives of this sign. In addition, Neptune in Pisces connotes immense sensitivity.

This is why Pisceans are people with a deep spirituality, a strong need to practice charity and possessors of an almost unattainable romantic idealism. However they are also sensitive people who, thanks to the influence of Neptune, feel difficulties in forgiving.

In addition, Pisces natives also have an ease of adaptation, so they live in constant transformation and can absorb some of the personality of the people they live with.

The planet's influence on the sign can influence several characteristics in work, love, family, friendship and much more. Moreover, Neptune in Pisces can still interfere in natural events when this astral position is in effect.

In this way, understanding the aspects of the rulership of this planet and the qualities of its stay over the 12th house can bring us more clarity. So, learn more about the influences of Neptune in Pisces below.

The characteristics of those born with Neptune in Pisces

For those who are born with Neptune in Pisces, there are different positive and negative characteristics attributed to the individual through the influence of this astral position at the time of his birth. Check it out!

The positive aspects of Neptune in Pisces

With a sensitive nature, heightened intuition and high spirituality, Neptune in Pisces still reflects the need to help others and holds the most acute sense of empathy of the twelve houses of the zodiac.

People of this sign try to find happiness in the details and live a life based on simplicity and charity, always making themselves available to help solve problems and assist the development of others.

In addition, when the individual is influenced by this astral position, it is common for there to be an amplified connection with the spiritual world. Therefore, they are constantly spiritual leaders, mediums, or good energetic counselors.

The negative aspects of Neptune in Pisces

The main negative aspect about Neptune in Pisces refers to the ease of involvement with alcohol and drug use, because the sensitivity of these people can cause them much pain and distress.

Furthermore, because they rely on a mission of kindness and empathy, they may suffer from betrayal and be victims of profiteers who try to take advantage of their good feelings and good intentions.

What to expect for those with the Neptune in Pisces combination

Those who count on the Neptune in Pisces combination are spiritually connected people with a charitable mission on earth. In this way you can expect kindness and empathy.

In addition, because they are people with the emotional side predominating over the rational, they feel the need to connect with other people, establish a home and build a family full of love and companionship.

The interaction of Neptune in Pisces in the Birth Chart

The interaction of Neptune in Pisces can directly reflect on the way these people relate in different areas of their lives, so check out this influence and its details below.

Neptune in Pisces in love

Neptune in Pisces in love can make it difficult for these people to communicate with others about how they feel, yet they find it easy to love intensely people who have just entered their lives.

In addition, people with this astral position still count on difficulties in leaving the past behind. Thus, relationships that have not ended definitively or were left with some hang-ups tend to return to the present.

Neptune in Pisces at work

Although the natives of this astral placement of Neptune in Pisces have no interest in money, these people usually take their work seriously and therefore strive for good results.

Moreover, natives of this position can still achieve great success in careers which involve politics and diplomacy. Although Neptune reflects a creativity in its natives, this factor does not interfere expressively in this astrological position.

Neptune in Pisces and family

Neptune in Pisces within the family reflects a need to keep the family close and inspires those in this position to learn to balance their lives in order to share more family time.

In addition, because they have a strong sensitivity, relationship problems in this area can arise and tend to create sorrows in Neptune in Pisces natives, making reconciliation difficult.

However, because they exert an influence of empathy and charity, natives of this astral position feel the need to help people close to them as strongly as they feel to help strangers.

Neptune in Pisces and friends

Friendship with a Neptune in Pisces can be a little challenging, because from time to time these natives can drift apart, get stressed and vent accumulated feelings.

However, this only happens because those who count on this astral position end up absorbing easily the feelings and problems of those close to them. Therefore, over time, they end up overburdened.

However, they are loyal and faithful friends, present at all times. Moreover, because of their fundamental characteristics they are always willing to help their friendships in all possible and impossible matters.

Neptune in Pisces and routine

People influenced by Neptune in Pisces experience certain difficulties in dealing with routine, because although they like to have things well established, timetables scheduled and appointments written down, they get bored easily.

In this way, they need an outlet and, from time to time, escape from daily tasks to express their feelings. In this way, they know how to live with routine, but need to be stimulated periodically.

However, they have a characteristic that tends to make their lives easier. This is because they have the ease of adaptation of the house of Pisces and, therefore, they can go through sudden changes in routine smoothly.

Neptune retrograde in Pisces

When the planet goes retrograde, it means that we need to reflect on the energy it transmits. In this way, Neptune retrograde in Pisces means that there is a need for analysis about relationships and spiritual life.

Generally, it refers to the need for connection with the higher world through faith work. This is because it is associated with the opportunity to disconnect from the material world to connect to the spiritual.

In this way, Neptune retrograde can affect the most skeptical people to mature their vision about the world and alter their conception about spirituality. It is important to remain attentive to these details to evolve spiritually.

Neptune in the 12th house: the house ruled by Pisces

People under this regency may find it easier to accumulate feelings of guilt, because there can be a disconnection with oneself and reality, being under the influence of the world of ideas.

However, there is also a strong spiritual connection, and generally people under Neptune in the 12th house tend to be more resolved with their beliefs and place hope in the world around them.

The personality of those born with Neptune in Pisces

Neptune in Pisces can still impact directly on the personality of the people who are ruled by it. Thus, it can vary according to gender and express itself in different ways. Check it out!

Neptune's wife in Pisces

With a keen artistic vision, women with Neptune in Pisces are creative and connected to all forms of art and artistic expressions. In addition, because they suffer the influence of this star, they are people with a keen spirituality.

Another point to the benefit of women with this regency is in their tolerance and understanding of anything outside of normal standards.

The Neptune man in Pisces

With an altruistic personality, Neptune in Pisces men are people who are always willing to help others and easily put themselves in other people's position to understand their feelings.

Furthermore, men ruled by this astral position rely on an idealization of the world and how it should be.

Celebrities with Neptune in 12th house, the house of Pisces

Celebrities with Neptune in the 12th house are people with an intimate connection to the universe and higher forces. Therefore they are usually spiritual and energetically connected to the spiritual plane.

They also have creativity and imagination to make things happen. It is no wonder that there are many Pisceans, sign ruled by Neptune, who live a public life and are recognized for their artistic gifts.

Examples of this influence occurred in H.H Holmes, William Durant, the eternal fabulous Billy. In addition, Hebert Daddock and Douglas Haig were also born when this astral position was influential in 1861.

Celebrities with Neptune in Pisces

Creative and romantic, some celebrities with Neptune in Pisces can prove that art can be breathed and lived by people influenced by this mystical sign.

Pisceans also have feelings on the surface and a romantic and idealized notion of love. For this reason they can compose romantic works with intense depth of feeling.

So, Rihanna, Sharon Stone, Giovanna Antonelli and Justin Bieber are examples of creative people who have achieved fame and are Neptune in Pisces natives, proving all the essence of this astral position.

The last passage of Neptune in Pisces

The planet Neptune passes over the house of Pisces every 165 years. However, when it is in the house, the planet stays for 14 years. Thus, the planet Neptune is in Pisces from 2012 until 2026.

How long was the last passage of Neptune in Pisces

Neptune will be in Pisces from 2012 until 2026, which is the 14-year period that the planet is in its domicile, so until then, we live a phase of learning and spiritual evolution with this astral position.

Prior to this, Neptune was only in Pisces between 1847 and 1861, only returning to its home in 2012. During this period, there is a lot of spirituality in the air and people influenced by this astral position may become more sensitive to this.

When Neptune will be in Pisces again

The planet Neptune will remain in Pisces until 2026, when it will leave again only to return in 165 years, so it is important to make the most of this passage.

To have an idea, after his departure in 2026, Neptune will only return to house 12, which corresponds to the sign of Pisces, in 2191.

The Neptune in Pisces generation

The generation born with Neptune in the 12th house, corresponding to the sign of Pisces, corresponds to spiritual people, determined and with aptitude for artistic development.

In addition, they can count on the ease of adaptation of the Piscean which can help in various aspects of personal, professional and spiritual life. Thus, from this generation it is possible to expect new spiritual leaders of broad knowledge.

The challenges of those born with Neptune in Pisces

The greatest challenge for people influenced by the passage of Neptune in Pisces refers to the need to learn to lead a more realistic life. This is because these people find it difficult to connect their expectations to the real world.

In addition, you need to learn to balance the desire to care for others with the ability to take time for yourself and practice self-care. In this way you can avoid energy overload.

Events that marked the passage of Neptune in Pisces

When Neptune is passing through the sign of Pisces, it is common that the earth experiences events related to the primordial element of the sign in question and of this astral position: water.

Therefore, one can expect events such as strong storms, tsunamis, excessive rainfall, problems with shipping and other events that may culminate in major flooding.

Why can Neptune be an influential star in Pisces?

Neptune is the star which corresponds to the greatest influence with the sign of Pisces. This is because it is its ruling planet and exerts total influence on this aquatic sign of strong spiritual connection.

Therefore, it is common that during the passage of Neptune over the 12th house of Pisces, Pisceans become more sensitive to their spirituality and feel difficulties in concentration and connection with reality.

This influence can also result in problems with narcotics and feelings of anxiety, because the feelings of those influenced by this astral position can become very strong with Neptune in the 12th house.

Now that you know about the influence of Neptune in the house of Pisces, make the most of its passage to express your creativity and strengthen ties with those you love and contact with the spiritual world.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.