Personal year 1 in numerology: meaning, how to calculate and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the meaning of personal year 1?

The personal year 1 means the beginning of a long period of new beginnings. It is a year in which you should focus on the definition of goals and objectives in all fields of life, from professional aspects, love and even those related to health. Symbolically, it is related to the opportunities of new stages or phases of life.

Every nine years, a new cycle of personal years begins again, as if they were periods with different energies that will guide each person and year 1 is the beginning of the next cycle, a year of investments and focus on the future. Learn more about personal year 1 and how it can influence decision making in all aspects of your life. Check it out!

Understanding the personal year

The cycle of a personal year runs from January 1 to December 31, not, as many imagine, from one birthday to the next. The personal year cycle is a nine-year cycle, so depending on where you are in your cycle, your personal year may be between years 1 through 9. When you complete the last cycle (personal year 9), you will return to personal year 1, and so on.

Knowing more about the personal year number you are in, helps you set a path for your activities, making them correspond to all the energy linked with the personal year number. Having knowledge about what your personal number is, will support in understanding which decisions can make your life easier, more productive and happier. Learn more, below.

Influences of the personal year

Each year in the traditional calendar is symbolised by a number and this number represents which activities will be favourable or challenging in the period from 1 January to 31 December. The personal year influences the decisions which have to be made about the actions and activities in this period and gives you the possibility to assess in advance how to behave or act in relation to them.

Personal year and numerology

Numerology is a discipline of esotericism which studies the energy and influence that numbers bring to our life. Through it, it is possible to interpret the various human personalities and decipher the main themes that interfere or are linked to a person's life. The personal year is one of the numbers studied by numerology.

How numerology influences our lives

In our lives we are surrounded, all the time, by numbers, from the date of our birth, to the numbering of documents, telephone, license plate number, residence number, among others.

Numerology studies these numbers to anticipate or understand things about a person's destiny, mission and characteristics. Therefore, it has great importance in the analysis of the paths we should follow.

How to calculate my personal year

Based on numerology, it is possible to calculate your personal year. You need to add up all the digits contained in the day and month of your birthday and also add up the numbers of the current year.

For example: a birthday on October 23 brings the following count: 2 + 3 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 11. If the number is greater than 9, continue the sum: 1 + 1 = 2. In this case, the year 2021 for that person will be a year that he/she must work the energies of personal year 2.

Numerology: Personal Year 1

Personal year 1 is a year of beginnings, independence, initiation and achievements. It tends to be a clearer year than the previous one, called personal year 9. Personal year 1 is the beginning of a new cycle after a nine-year period, so it signals that it is time to plant new seeds for what you want. These seeds will grow and mature into another nine-year cycle.

Therefore, do not waste this opportunity with meaningless activities or unnecessary relationships. This is the year to start with as much positive energy as possible. If there is any unfinished business, inherited from the previous year, finish it before getting involved in the initial energies of personal year 1. Read on and learn about the energies of personal year 1 and how it influences your life!

Energy in personnel year 1

During the period of personal year 1, you are likely to feel quite independent. This is because personal year 1 brings energies which encourage you to step into your individuality and manifest your independence. The more you connect with your inner aspects, the more successful you will be.

Your leadership spirit will be sharpened and will influence your projects, whether personal or professional, in a positive way. Some contrary energies may arise, so be aware that failures may happen, but the year is designed to teach you accelerated lessons about self-esteem, self-confidence and creativity.

Love life in the personal year 1

Personal year 1 is a time when new relationships can flourish, but can also take a back seat to other matters, especially as regards career and work, where there will be more focus.

The important thing is that in your love life you can find your sense of independence and individuality even within relationships which are already formalised or ongoing, leading them into a balanced and healthy period.

From this, if today, something in your current relationship is not right, chances are that you will not keep it in personal year 1. This will not be bad, because you will be relieved and will have the chance to rediscover your path. If you are stable and quite happy, chances are that you will renew your partnership as a couple.

Working life in the personal year 1

Personal year 1 is a career-oriented period when you will be challenged to make substantial advances in this area of your life. This is a very arduous time, where you will work hard to put your plans in a row and get on with action, action, and more action. You will benefit from the energy and skill of clarity and can set goals with assertiveness.

In addition, you will be agile and efficient enough to take risks, provided they are planned. But, on the other hand, you must make an effort to keep up-to-date and be attentive to innovations. By following these energies, you will have an outstanding professional year and, as a consequence, a very bright one.

Social life in the personal year 1

At times, the energies of personal year 1 will lead you to think only about having fun, going out and meeting new people. This is because personal year 1 delivers the need to position yourself in the face of independence. Going out and being in active social life, also awakens these feelings.

Take care not to get too involved in this energy of personal year 1, as professional independence will be an important part of your year. Enjoy the social life but come back determinedly to your goals. Let the feelings of independence in the social life contribute positively to the other areas of your life.

Health in the personal year 1

Health will be a sensitive issue in your personal year 1, for although you will feel the need to give up bad habits such as overeating or eating poor quality food, you will be tempted to continue with these habits.

You'll be torn between wanting to do your best and looking after your body, but also wanting to have fun and relax. Starting a physical activity and fitting it into your daily life can be a good option.

Symbolism of the number 1

The symbol of the personal year 1 is the number 1 itself, which recovers the vision of new beginnings, opportunities, fresh starts. It is directly linked to the energy of creativity, originality and power. From energy, the number 1 has impetus, strength and assertiveness.

It also has as outstanding characteristics leadership, ambition, courage, self-confidence and independence. It represents the unity of God, the Trinity, the Father, the supreme power.

Advice for those in personal year 1

The best advice for those who are in personal year 1, is to live intensely always doing their best in all areas of life. Think well about your future and everything you want for the next 9 years. Make a list with your goals. Keep them in your mind or review them constantly to have security and focus on what was planned.

Because of all the responsibilities and changes that will accompany you this year, stress and anxiety can arise. It's important that you pay attention to the signals your body sends and look for ways to relax. A good way is meditation and therapies that help you deal with the pressure.

Personal year 1 in 2021

If you are living in 2021 your personal year 1, this year will be synonymous with new achievements and you will be very lucky in all of them. This is because this number brings perfect moments to start your goals and makes everything conspire for them to work out.

If you have been cautious in the past, personal year 1 in 2021 is the time to let your ambitions flow. It is also a time for self-knowledge so that you can value your opinion and intuition. All of this is because you are under the influence of positive energies, linked to your personal year 1. Read on and find out about the challenges and benefits of personal year 1 in 2021!

What to expect from personal year 1 in 2021

According to numerology, the personal year 1 interacts in vibration with the universe to attract energies of new cycles. Thus, those who have the personal year 1 in 2021 should expect to perform new activities, such as: change of city, job, beginning of a new professional or personal project, birth of a child or a new relationship.

The numerology of 2021 for personal year 1 indicates that whoever is in this cycle will be prepared to experience all the novelties that will be presented. So don't be afraid or worry about the arrival of these changes, you will be full of initiative, guided by your independence. Thus, you will reap the fruits of this year, in the next cycles.

Love in personal year 1 in 2021

In love, the personal year 1 in 2021 offers great opportunities to meet intelligent people, for those who are single. You are likely to start a serious relationship, but if this does not happen, the energy of 2021 is also conducive for you to enjoy social life, interact and communicate with interesting people.

If you are already in a relationship, love in personal year 1 in 2021 helps you to deepen the love relationship, as long as you can also exercise your independence and freedom. Otherwise the relationship may become tumultuous. Pay attention to the details and transform the energies of 2021 into positivity in your relationship.

Personal Year 1 Benefits in 2021

The year 2021 as a personal year 1, brings benefits that can be observed throughout the period. Firstly, there will be a feeling of lightness, as if the weight of other years was removed from your mind and body. Enjoy this feeling!

Decisions about how to act and how to move forward will become easier, as the personal year 1 in 2021 will bring clarity to see the best options. You will feel renewed energy to move forward with your projects. You will have the opportunity to explore your vision of the future in a unique way.

Finally, in the coming year, you will be able to better see what you want in your life. You will be able to choose a priority goal and set goals to reach it. Probably, opportunities to do things outside your comfort zone will present themselves and you need to trust yourself and accept the challenges.

Challenges of personal year 1 in 2021

The personal year 1 in 2021 will also be one of challenges. Be aware that you will feel that everything you are doing is accomplished by you alone. There is a sense of necessary isolation. This is an opportunity to develop mastery over yourself and all that you are building.

It will also be a challenge to protect your self-esteem so that it is renewed in conjunction with your abilities and the successes you will achieve. Be prepared to enter a world of confrontation as you will always be asked to impose your identity, your existence. Do this with courage!

What to wear in personal year 1 in 2021

For your personal year 1 to be really enjoyed in 2021, we separated some tips on items and artifacts that can help to ensure that it will be a year of good energies, full and renewing. Use the right colors, call for the help of stones and crystals, make use of essential oils, herbs and plants and seek to fill your year with good vibes. Check it out!


The colors orange, red and green are the most helpful to attract good energies for your personal year 1 in 2021. Use orange in your diet, consume water tempered with orange, opt for vegetables and greens with this hue. As for red, use it in their compositions of clothes and accessories. In nail polish and hair ornaments.

Finally, for the green the recommendation is that it is used in moments of meditation and spirituality. It can be used in clothes or in the environment where you are practicing exercises to be with yourself. Green plants in the environment can also help

Stones and crystals

As the year 2021 is a year of change of cycle, the most indicated stone is Fluorite. It relates well to changes, especially mental ones. It contains elements that eliminate impurities and past patterns.

Place this stone somewhere where it can be constantly seen by you. On your desk at work or at the head of your bed. You can also wear it as a pendant, carrying it with you at all times.

Herbs, aromas and essential oils

Geranium essential oil has an aroma that offers strength to face new challenges, renewals and opportunities. To leave the past behind in personal year 1 in 2021, Geranium will welcome the new year. Use, after bathing, a few drops on the body or put a few drops on a cotton pad and use in an aromatic necklace or in an aroma diffuser.

How to act during your personal year 1?

Personal year 1 is a year to start new things. Don't be doubtful, renew your projects and act with the certainty that good energies are accompanying you. You should avoid lack of initiative. Don't be apathetic and don't let this positioning extend throughout the cycle of personal year 1.

During your personal year 1be forewarned against laziness, start something important or at the very least begin some new activity. The events and circumstances of this year will teach you about self-awareness, individuality and about vital changes which have to take place within you if you are to achieve what you set out to do in this life and also in all that life has to teach you.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.