Pods: what it is, benefits, types, properties, how to make and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the benefits of the pod?

The pod, or cowpea, is a legume native to South American lands that belongs to the same family as the bean, in all its variables, the lentil, the broad bean, the pea, the okra and some others.

Just like its "cousins," which span more than 150 variables, the pod is an extremely nutritious vegetable. Even vegetables from the Phaseolus vulgaris family are often recommended for daily consumption by nutritionists, such as lentils and beans, for example.

The reason for such a high degree of consumption recommendation is the irreplaceable properties of this class of legumes. In addition, it is worth noting that both grains and legumes of other shapes, which make up this family, are quite easy to grow.

This article was made with the intention of informing the reader everything he needs to know about the pod. Its origin, properties, benefits, ways of consumption and more. It is worth reading!

Understanding more about the pod

To open our article in the best possible way, we have gathered four topics that explain the origin, characteristics, properties and types of the pod. Follow along!

What's the pod?

The pod is a legume belonging to the same family that contains beans, peas and okra. Unlike many of its "cousins", the pod is harvested green, and its grains are protected by a "cover" that is also edible. Thus, the vegetable gets a dark green "straw" shape.

In terms of flavor, the pod has a rather mild touch, but retains a crunchiness that makes it an integral part of many dishes, especially vegan salads. In addition, the pod is also used as a seasoning by many chefs and cooks in general.

Origin and characteristics of the pod

Nowadays, it is possible to find the pod in its fresh state in supermarkets, specialized stores and street markets all over the world, but its origin is probably in the soil of the forests and humid areas of South America, Central America and the Caribbean.

In fact, it was precisely its experimentation in soils located in humid regions that made the pod this versatile food that is marketed and consumed worldwide. Because of its variants, this legume can be cultivated even in semi-arid soils found in the interior of the Brazilian Northeast.

Properties of the pod

All the acclaimed and proven benefits of the pod come from its immense range of properties. Like most vegetables, especially those that make up the Phaseolus vulgaris family, the pod is recommended for use in any type of diet.

See some of its main properties of the pod:

- It has few calories;

- It contains almost no fat of any kind, restricting itself to only good fat;

- It is rich in simple and complex carbohydrates;

- It contains high levels of vegetable protein;

- It has a high content of soluble fiber in its composition;

- It is rich in essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus;

- It contains just about every type of vitamin possible, including vitamins A, C, K and the B complex.

Types of pods

The pod has become such a beloved food around the world not only because of its benefits, but mainly because of its variety of types and shapes, which also offers a variety of tastes and textures. Below is a compilation with explanations about the main types of pods:

Noodle pod: The so called macaroni bean, which is also known as string bean, is the most common and consumed type of legume. It has a cylindrical shape that reminds a lot of a "thick noodle". It can be eaten stewed, cooked, in soup, etc;

Dutch bean: Similar to the macaroni bean, the Dutch, or French bean, has the same shape of a straw, but thinner. The Dutch bean is also more fibrous, being indicated for consumption stewed to increase its crunchiness;

Butterbeans: The butter bean is similar to the macaroon bean and the Dutch bean, with the difference that it is flatter and less cylindrical. It can be eaten steamed and earns its name for having a soft and smooth texture;

Tart pea: Very common in the East, the tart pea type pod follows the pattern of its similar peas, but is much flatter than the butter pea and has a sweeter flavor and is much crispier. This type of pod gets its name because its branches have a very pronounced curved shape;

Edamame: The edamame pod has as its main difference a smaller size than that seen in its other variants. This vegetable is very common in Japan, where it is called "green soybeans". It can be consumed in several ways and usually has quite robust internal grains.

Benefits of the pod

To further enhance the beneficial claim of the pod, we present below 12 types of benefits that this vegetable has.Continue reading!

It has antioxidant action

It is possible to say, without any exaggeration, that the pod is a true deposit of antioxidants and it does not matter the type. This vegetable is rich in vitamin C, beta carotenes, flavonoids and even manganese, which is an essential mineral and has known antioxidant action.

Thus, the consumption of the pod ensures the control of the action of the so-called free radicals, which are responsible for oxidative stress in the body. The antioxidant action can prevent from simple inflammation to some types of cancer, including serious cardiovascular problems.

Source of fatty acids and omega-3

A very important property of the pod is the high content of fatty acids, also called "good fat", and omega-3 that this vegetable has. In fact, the pod is recognized as one of the main plant sources of omega-3.

Among all the important functions of fatty acids and omega-3, the capacity of these substances to act in the prevention of hypertension and other cardiovascular problems stands out.

When there are satisfactory levels of these compounds in the body, there is a relaxation of the walls of veins and arteries, which facilitates blood traffic, mainly avoiding the formation of thrombi.

Strengthens the immune system

The consumption of the pod can be beneficial for the immune system on several fronts. It has high amounts of vitamins A and C, which help in the formation of new defense cells and antibodies. In addition, the minerals present in the pod promote the defense of the mucous membranes present in the body, balancing its pH and preventing the access of infectious agents through them.

On the other hand, the antioxidants, bactericides and antimicrobial agents present in the composition of the pod directly attack viruses, bacteria and fungi that try to invade the body to cause disease. Thus, it is possible to affirm that the inclusion of the pod in the diet is an action that promotes the strengthening of the immune system.

Improves bone health

Many people know that calcium is the mineral responsible for strengthening the bones, hence the term "calcification". However, despite being so important for the body, calcium is often eliminated from the body through urine, because kidneys, liver and other components that do the "filtering" of the blood understand the mineral as a toxin.

Because of this, many people need to ingest, in addition to calcium, some natural products that help the body absorb the mineral. In turn, the pod is rich in vitamin K, which is one of these natural components that help the absorption of calcium.

Therefore, it is correct to say that the consumption of the vegetable presupposes a greater absorption of calcium, which is also present in its composition. At the end of the process, calcium accumulates in bone structures, causing a strengthening of its tissues.

Improves the cardiovascular system

Most problems that affect the cardiovascular system have two fronts: intravenous and arterial pressure and the formation of fatty plaques that clog veins and arteries. These problems are caused mainly by oxidative stress caused by free radicals and by the excess of substances such as sodium.

To help in the fight against these problems, the pod has one of the largest clusters of antioxidant substances among vegetables of all kinds. In addition, it also has properties that cause depressurization of the vascular system, preventing the formation of thrombi and fatty plaques.

Combats anemia

Anemia is a serious disease characterized by a deficiency of hemoglobin, one of the proteins that make up the so-called red blood cells, which are also called RBCs.

The red section of the blood, composed of red blood cells, is responsible for carrying oxygen to the cells that make up the various types of tissues in the body. Therefore, with the deficiency in the production of red blood cells and the decay of the existing ones, some tissues may suffer from lack of oxygenation.

Thus, the pod has good amounts of iron, which is the main mineral responsible for the production of hemoglobin and, consequently, of red blood cells. With regular consumption of pods, iron levels will never be low, preventing the appearance of anemia.

Good for your eyesight

Among the classes of nutrients that it has, the pod has several types of carotenoids. Three of them, in particular, are essential for eye health. They are: beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin.

When it is processed by the digestive system and enters the bloodstream, beta-carotene is transformed into retinol, which is the substance that goes by the name of vitamin A. It is important to ensure the firmness of the ocular structures that allow night vision.

On the other hand, lutein and zeaxanthin strengthen the eyes in terms of their defenses against excess light, especially blue light, which is present on the screens of electronic devices, for example, and can be very harmful to vision.

Improves mood

Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, among other names, is a substance present in large quantities in the pod. In fact, all vitamins of the so-called B complex are present in the pod and can have their benefits absorbed.

In particular, folic acid helps in the production of hormones and neurotransmitters that are able to modulate and maintain good mood. Among them are serotonin, dopamine, noradrenalin and homocysteine.

Improves intestinal transit

The human intestine is often exposed to various toxic substances that can impair its function. In humans, there is not the resilience of some digestive systems of other animals.

The dietary fibers, present in large scale in the green beans, are substances capable of helping the intestinal transit, accelerating the synthesis and disposal of substances that arrive there. Thus, the intestinal mucosa is protected against inflammation and irritation that can cause serious diseases, besides having a greater control of the intervals between bowel movements.

Controls blood sugar levels

Hyperglycemia, popularly called diabetes, is a serious and progressive disease characterized by the accumulation of sugar in the bloodstream. This accumulation happens, among other things, by the rapid absorption of sugars when food is digested.

Presenting itself as an important food to combat this dysfunction, the pod has large amounts of carbohydrates and fibers that regulate intestinal transit, preventing the exaggerated synthesis of sugars that end up in the bloodstream and cause diabetes.

Helps muscle recovery

Many bodybuilders see in the pod an important ally. The reason for this preference is the recognized power to aid muscle recovery that this vegetable has because it contains high amounts of magnesium.

When a person does a weight training session at the gym, the fibers of the muscle set affected by the training break down. This fact is proven by the characteristic pain felt the day after the physical activities practiced.

Magnesium, in turn, is a mineral that helps in the structuring of some tissues in the body, among them the muscle. Thus, when a muscle fiber is ruptured, the mineral comes into action to restore it, also helping in the gain of muscle mass and resistance.

Promotes fertility

The folic acid present in the pod is a strong ally in the search for a healthy pregnancy. Including, many doctors who monitor women with high-risk pregnancies prescribe a higher intake of B vitamins, including B9, which is folic acid.

Without the necessary amounts of folate, babies can develop congenital limb or even neural tube problems and be born with some sort of disorder.

Simple recipe for cooked green beans

One of the best ways to consume green beans is by boiling the vegetable. This method preserves the properties of the legume and makes it more palatable. See how to make a boiled green beans of respect below!


The ingredients for the cooked pod are:

- 300 g green beans;

- Salt to taste;

- Extra virgin olive oil to taste.

How to do

To begin, wash all the pod stems well, remove the strings and then cut the vegetables into small pieces. Then, place the pods into a common pot with water, bring everything to a boil and let the food cook for about 20 minutes.

After cooked, drain the water and place the green beans in a bowl or on a plate. To finish, salt the food and add olive oil to give a distinctive touch to the taste. The cooked green beans can be eaten with white rice, in salads, accompanying meats and various other uses.

Further information on the pod

Before you leave, read four more topics with precious information about the consumption and management of the green beans. Among them is the answer about the reputation of weight loss food that the green beans have. Read!

Does eating green beans make you slimmer?

In general, it is possible to say that the pod helps in healthy weight loss. This type of legume, like all the others, has a large amount of water in its composition, as well as a high content of dietary fiber and carbohydrates.

Together, the water, fiber and carbohydrates in the pod create a great feeling of satiety when they are processed by the digestive system, inhibiting the brain impulses that promote the desire to eat.

In addition, one cannot forget the very low amount of calories and fats present in the pod. It is estimated that there are less than 25 calories for every 100 g of cooked pod, and almost no fats.

Ways to consume the green beans

One of the distinguishing features of green beans is their versatility and the great possibilities of attaching this vegetable to various types of dishes. Green beans can be eaten alone in cooked, stewed and grilled forms.

However, the food is also used to compose salads and to be cooked together with other foods, forming soups and meat stews, for example. Not to mention the possibilities of accompanying cooked or stewed beans in dishes containing some types of meat, such as chicken and fish.

In addition, it is always worth remembering that, in order to maintain and enhance the benefits of the pod consumption, it is necessary to avoid the consumption of salt and excess fat along with the vegetable.

Warnings and contraindications of the consumption of green beans

In general, it is correct to say that individuals who do not have health problems can consume the pod every day without any fearful restrictions. However, the consumption of the pod is not recommended for people suffering from kidney problems because of the high potassium content of the vegetable.

On the other hand, individuals who have inflammatory bowel diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome, should refrain from consuming the pod, which is a fermentable food and can cause intestinal discomfort with the presence of heartburn and excess gas.

How to buy and how to store the pod

When buying the pods, the user should pay attention to the color and texture of the vegetables. If the pod is wilted or has points of difference in color, it should not be purchased. The pod stalks should be firm and in a bright green color.

To store the legume correctly, it is necessary to put the stalks in a plastic bag and then store in the refrigerator (not in the freezer) of the refrigerator. The pod can be kept for up to two weeks and it is not necessary to wash it before storage, only at the time of consumption.

Enjoy all the benefits of the pod!

Throughout this text, you could know the fantastic benefits that the pod has, positioning itself as one of the most beneficial types of existing vegetables. Its consumption has almost no contraindications, and the vegetable can be found anywhere in Brazil.

To make good use of the benefits of the green beans, it is necessary to pay attention to how to prepare it for consumption. In addition, it is always worth reaffirming the care that is necessary when buying and storing the green beans. Therefore, with the tips given in this article, you will be able to consume the green beans in the best way!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.