Preto Velho in Umbanda: performance, characteristics, offerings and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Who is a preto velho in Umbanda?

The Preto Velho is one of the best known entities in Umbanda and represents the African ancestors, who are considered to be of great spiritual elevation. These entities are attributed the knowledge related to divine magic and also the manipulation of herbs used for various purposes within the religions of African origin.

The image of Preto Velho also reflects characteristics such as humility, patience and wisdom. He is also known in many religions of African origin for his gift of offering love, hope and faith to those who need a home. Learn more about Preto Velho below!

Pretos Velhos in Umbanda

The Preto Velho, who can also be called Preto Veio in Umbanda, follows the regency line of Obaluaiê and works performing divine magic passes with the use of herbs, which are used in several bath recipes.

The line of action of this entity is linked to the mysteries brought by the image of the elder, which refers to wisdom and other aspects. Thus, it also favors beings to pass their spiritual evolution processes and follow their paths.

The way the Preto Velho acts is to help in this process so that people can follow their spiritual paths with cleansing of mind and spirit in search of peace, happiness and understanding. Learn more about this entity of Umbanda!

Performance on the right

Umbanda is divided in two ways, between right and left, which are called pillars. Like other entities, Preto Velho is found on the right, together with Caboclos, Baianos and Marinheiros, for example.

As the Preto-Velho follows this line of action, some entities of this area act to absorb unbalances. Thus, they bring improvements to the life of a misguided person or one who is going through problems of this nature.

Line of souls

The line of souls is formed by spirits who have a deeper connection with the transition between life and death. Among their duties and responsibilities, they need to ensure balance and order between the material and spiritual planes.

There are, however, those who act in the light and those who are responsible for the darkness. In any case, they need to act together so that there may be the evolution of humanity and of all beings that make up the world. The Old Black Men are part of this action and are present in the material and spiritual world.

His orixá is Obaluaiê

Obaluaiê is responsible for the regency of the lines of souls, where the Pretos Velhos are found, who act in the process of balance between the spiritual and material worlds. The power of this orixá commands the journey of the spirits to the field of good and meeting with the side of light.

No spirit can begin its journey without the authorization of Obaluaiê. Therefore, the Pretos Velhos will follow this regency and the orixá's determinations to guide the spirits in the process of balance with their worldly and spiritual lives.

Characteristics of Pretos Velhos

The Pretos Velhos in Umbanda are represented by some particular characteristics, just as other entities have their own specifications as to appearance, clothing, manner of behaving and acting.

As a wise entity who assumes the posture of an elder, the Pretos Velhos show themselves as elderly people, as their name suggests, and have an appearance that reflects their life struggles.

Some details about the entity directly reflect the qualities of the Pretos Velhos, who have great value for Umbanda and other religions of African matrix, for representing knowledge. Read some more details about Pretos Velhos below!

Curved posture

Because it is an entity that is represented by an older person, the Pretos Velhos have dark skin and are usually seen walking in an arched manner, which reflects the fatigue and pain in the entity's dues.

Due to this characteristic, the Pretos Velhos walk slowly and have all the patience to move through time, just like many old people. The figure reflects all the tiredness of an entity that has lived many years and accumulated experiences in life.


The figure of the Preto Velho brings the simplicity of a person who has lived for many years and can understand a lot about life. The entity has a way of talking that takes a simple language, without refinements and elaborate words.

During the giras, Preto Velho usually appears conversing and using the simplest terms possible, because as part of his qualities, the entity has a vibration that comes from spirits of great humility, even though he possesses vast knowledge.


The Pretos Velhos are seen as entities of great wisdom. The representation shown of an older man who carries with him the knowledge of a lifetime reveals that this is an entity with a lot of knowledge.

Due to their vast knowledge, the Pretos Velhos are the entities responsible for guiding people along the search for balance between the earthly and spiritual worlds. Their souls are enriched with all the suffering they went through in life, which made them resilient and knowledgeable about the world.


A very strong image of the Pretos Velhos is that they appear seated on their stools, smoking their pipes while uttering words of wisdom. With such vast knowledge about life, they are great counselors and figures of great impact.

In the terreiro, these entities are listened to attentively, for their advice is extremely important and very well directed. This is all because the guidance coming from the Pretos Velhos has a very great spiritual wisdom, which can favor the spiritual journey of the people who listen to them and follow their advice.

Most Common Names for Old Black Men

In Umbanda, the Preto Velho is a central image of an elder who holds knowledge and wisdom of a life of much suffering, which provided them with this kind of mentality and vision. But there are several forms that it can manifest, which take distinct names.

Pretos Velhos belong to the major line of Obaluaiê, but they can also work on behalf of other Orixás of Umbanda and other religions of African origin. Thus, in each line of action the entity will receive a distinct name that matches the way it appears in the terreiro.

The names will depend on the regions where the Pretos Velhos came from. Therefore, read on to learn some of the names that the entity may receive.

Father Joaquim of Aruanda

In association with Oxalá, the Preto Velho may receive the name of Pai Joaquim de Aruanda, who is considered the one who came from heaven.

The term Aruanda that accompanies the name of this Preto Velho is due to its activity in the line of Oxalá and is the term that refers to the sky. These definitions, besides relating to the line of action of Preto Velho, also come from the characteristics of the corresponding Orixá.

Father Antônio da Mata

The Pretos Velhos, when acting in the line of Oxóssi, will receive the name of Pai Antônio da Mata. This name is defined not only by the line of action, but also by the characteristics of these Pretos Velhos.

They receive a strong influence from Oxóssi and his characteristics. Therefore, like the Orixá of this line, these Pretos Velhos will have a much stronger connection with nature, as well as Oxóssi, who represents knowledge and the forests, the latter making him known as the Orixá of hunting.

Father Joaquim of Souls

Because of the influence they receive from Omulú Obaluaê, the Pretos Velhos receive the name of Pai Joaquim das Almas, and may also be called Pai Francisco da Calunga, do Cemitério or also das Almas.

Obaluaê refers to healing, because he is the protector of health. For this reason, the Pretos Velhos ruled by him receive this determination from the Souls, since they are responsible for guiding the spirits in the search for mental, physical and emotional balance throughout their journeys. For this reason, the Pretos Velhos that follow the line of Obaluê are considered this way in Umbanda.

Father Joaquim of the Congo

The Pretos Velhos who receive the name Pai Joaquim do Congo, or also Pai Francisco do Congo, are ruled by the line of Iansã, who is a warrior goddess and known for being the lady of the winds, lightning and storms.

The name received by these Pretos Velhos is to specify that they follow the line of Iansã, who is responsible for commanding the dead spirits. She carries them through a horse tail, known as Eruexim, which has become marked as one of the symbols of Iansã.

Father Francisco D'Angola

Governed by Ogum, the Pretos Velhos who receive the name Pai Francisco de D'Angola follow the line of action of this Orixá and are influenced by its main characteristics. Ogum is an entity known for his strength and courage. His symbol is the sword.

Therefore, this line of Pretos Velhos will be guided by Ogum, who is the one who determines and applies the laws without any kind of flexibility. The determinations of this Orixá are all applied in a rigid manner, taking into account that there is only one path to follow, which is the right one and determined by him.

To relate to old black men

It is important that one knows how to relate to the Pretos Velhos, how to converse and how to act before the appearance of this entity full of wisdom in a terreiro. There are some actions that should be done at these moments in Umbanda.

Each entity has a specific color and also has its symbols and preferences for drinks, food and everything that can be offered through offerings. Besides, of course, the specific days of each one.

Therefore, it is important to know more about the details of the Pretos Velhos in order to carry out the processes properly. It is important to have the help of more experienced people at these times. Want to know more about the Pretos Velhos? Keep reading!

Old Blacks Day

The Pretos Velhos, as well as all other entities, have a specific day for them that in Umbanda can be considered a special day of gira in the terreiros and there can also be specific celebrations dedicated to these entities of great value to the practitioners of the religion.

The day determined as the main commemoration of the Pretos Velhos is May 13. On the date in question, people usually gather in the terreiros to commemorate the entities with their preferences as to colors, drinks and other items that can be taken to please the Pretos Velhos.

Colours of the Pretos Velhos

The color known to represent and be part of the garments and other details regarding the Pretos Velhos is white. It is used by the entities because they have a very simplistic view of life. Another fact is also due to the line of work they perform.

As the Pretos Velhos are constantly working with the search for balance between earthly and spiritual life, the color light is favorable for this process. Therefore, the clothing worn by the entity, in general, is all white, as are their guides, interspersed in black and white.

Food of the old blacks

As the entities have specific preferences, when performing some type of offering or commemoration in honor of the Pretos Velhos, it is common for the food to be chosen according to these preferences.

Therefore, the choices for Preto Velho are as simple as the entity's way of behaving. His favorite dishes are cornmeal cakes, coffee and other more natural foods such as sweet potatoes, tapioca and manioc, which bring all the simplicity and understand the history behind the Pretos Velhos in the history of Brazil.

Drink of the old black men

To greet the Pretos Velhos, besides food, drinks of their preference are also dedicated. The main one is cachaça, one of the most common and Brazilian drinks, which also goes very much in line with the way the entity behaves and the history behind the image of the Pretos Velhos.

Other drinks that can also be offered to them are those prepared with coconut pulp, as well as coffee, very appreciated by the Pretos Velhos.

Prayer to the old black men

In gratitude for their actions and for the way the Pretos Velhos guide the spirits on their journeys, the terreiros usually take advantage of the moments dedicated to this entity to say a prayer in which they ask for protection, in addition to asking that they guide them on their spiritual journeys.

In general, these prayers extol the deeds of the Pretos Velhos and the light that emanates from these entities, which serves to guide people lost between their earthly and spiritual paths.

Stitches to the old blacks

The Umbanda points are the songs dedicated to the Orixás and entities, which serve to praise, call and say goodbye to them. In general, they are accompanied by some very common percussion instruments, such as the atabaque, which is one of the most important and always present in these moments.

Each entity and orixá has a rhythm and, therefore, it is important to know about it in order to dedicate a point to them. The Pretos Velhos have several points dedicated to them, with an infinity of songs that relate the importance of these and their actions.

Offerings to the pretos velhos

The offerings dedicated to entities serve to thank for their deeds. Therefore, it is necessary to make an offering according to the preferences of each Orixá or entity. Remember that it is necessary to have knowledge to do this correctly, and have the help of a more experienced person is ideal.

For the Pretos Velhos, in general, offerings are made using drinks and foods that they appear, such as coffee without sugar, cachaça, sweet rice, popcorn without salt, cornmeal cake and canjica. These are the preferences of the entity and are part of the particularities of the Pretos Velhos, so they should be respected and guided correctly.

How do Pretos Velhos help in Umbanda?

The Pretos Velhos help people in their journeys towards spiritual evolution. Because they are entities of great wisdom and have the gift of counseling, they favor people's journey so that they can learn to become better people.

The action of the Pretos Velhos within Umbanda is to ensure the removal of bad energies, as they are protectors and act in the fight against evil. The importance of the entity is so great that in some cases it is considered as great as Oxalá, in the view of some historians.

Therefore, the Old Black Man is very important for the process of transmutation and transformation of beings, guiding them with all his wisdom to a better path, so that the spiritual journey of each one brings good results and evolution.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.