Psalm 128: Life, Family, and Prosperity Bible Study Read!

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Jennifer Sherman

Study of Psalm 128

Psalm 128 is one of the most recognized and proclaimed psalms of the Holy Bible. Receiving the title "Fear of God and Happiness in the Home", in most translations of the Holy Book, the biblical passage has only six verses that pronounce blessings to the home of those who seek God and trust in Him.

An in-depth study of this biblical text is necessary for those who seek refuge in the Scriptures and believe that the practice of what is written is a way out of problems. In this case, the family sphere is influenced.

Continue reading this article as we have prepared a complete compilation of studies that discuss the implications of each minimal expression of Psalm 128, and demonstrate how they can influence the lives of those who believe. Check it out!

Complete Psalm 128

To start our compilation in the best possible way, check out the complete Psalm 128 below, with all verses transcribed. read!

Verses 1 and 2

Blessed is he who fears the LORD and walks in his ways; you shall eat the work of your hands, happy shall you be, and all shall go well with you.

Verse 3

Thy wife within thy house shall be as a fruitful vine; thy children as olive shoots round about thy table.

Verses 3 to 6

Behold, how blessed shall the man be who fears the LORD! The LORD bless you from Zion, that you may see the prosperity of Jerusalem during the days of your life, see your children's children. peace upon Israel!

Psalm 128 Bible Study

As with other Bible studies that can be found on our website, this reflection on Psalm 128 is based directly on the Bible, not on third party interpretations.

Therefore, in this section we bring you details of what is written in this chapter of the book of Psalms, verse by verse. Look!

Blessed are those who fear the Lord

At the beginning of Psalm 128, the psalmist expresses another of the so-called beatitudes, well-known biblical expressions that bring words of blessing to people who have certain types of behavior.

Here the beatitudes are addressed to people who walk in the ways determined by God, obeying him in everything. The blessing proposed is to have peace and tranquility to lead a life and to be able to support oneself with one's work.

In general terms, the passage brings to mind the biblical passage from Genesis in which God determines that Adam would start to eat from "the sweat of his face", referring to sustenance through hard work, after the capital sin committed by him and Eve.

However, the text makes it clear that for those who do the Creator's will, this seemingly cruel sentence ceases to be a burden and becomes a simple and pleasurable execution. (Read verse 2 of Psalm 128)


From verse 3 to 6, the psalmist concludes the beatitudes and reinforces that blessed is the one who prostrates himself before the Creator God and follows his statutes without further question.

To end the chapter, Jerusalem and Israel are mentioned, "The Lord bless you from Zion, that you may see the prosperity of Jerusalem during the days of your life, see the children of your children. peace upon Israel!"

In quoting "children of thy children," the words of blessing are directed once again to the family prosperity of the obedient. When blessings on Israel and her capital Jerusalem are quoted, in the form of the words "prosperity" and "peace," we understand that the psalmist regards the success of the Jewish state as a triumph for the lives of the God-fearing, too.

The tacit understanding that one may have at the conclusion of reading this psalm is that the citation to the term "prosperity" throughout the text encompasses far more elements, such as continuation of lineage and tranquility to live, rather than just material and financial goods, which are often associated with this word.

Psalm 128 and the Family

Among the beatitudes directed to those who obey God, verse 3 of Psalm 128 refers to the well-being that can be experienced in the home of those who fear the Lord.

The phrase "Your wife within your house shall be like a fruitful vine," found at the beginning of the verse, refers to the fertility of the wives of God-fearing men. And of course, the passage refers to the faithfulness that the woman in question herself offers to the Lord.

In part "B" of the verse, it is written: thy children like olive shoots round thy table". Here, the psalmist, inspired by God, indicates that the children begotten by men and women who fear the Creator will also be fertile, carrying on the blessed lineage.

In addition, there is a reference to the olive tree, a very common tree in the region of Israel and mentioned several times in the bible, which produces the olive, from which olive oil is extracted. Olive oil, in turn, has always been a valuable delicacy for the Hebrews, Israelites and Jews.

With this, the symbolism leads one to believe that the psalmist was also speaking of the value and pride generated by the children of fearful parents, far beyond mere biological reproduction.

How to have harmony and peace with the study of Psalm 128

To conclude our Bible study, we address the learnings that Psalm 128 brings and ways to put into practice all that can be understood from reading this Bible passage. Understand!


For those who believe in the Word of God, the recommendation to "pray without ceasing", is already a practice. Anyway, it is always worth stressing that, according to the Bible itself, none of the teachings, blessings or commandments has any value in the life of those who do not pray, because this act, for much trivialized, is basically the connection between man and the Creator.

Through prayer, directions are given and the way to put into practice the teachings absorbed in the reading of the Scriptures is inspired by God Himself, through the Holy Spirit, in the hearts of those who give credit.

Have a good family life

All families have problems, whether big or small. However, the first step to get out of conflicts and disharmony that may eventually settle in the home, it takes mutual effort of the components of that clan.

It is not enough just to find the words written in Psalm 128 beautiful, actions and renunciations are necessary for those expressions to materialize within your home. Love your family above all other people!

Work with dignity and honesty

The beatitudes described in Psalm 128 directed toward work and sustenance are linked, even if the text does not make it explicit, to honesty and uprightness of character.

It would be unfair and contradictory for the Scriptures to direct blessings to evildoers. Therefore, if you want to have peace and prosper from the work of your hands, based on what is written in Psalm 128, you need to be God-fearing and follow his precepts, which includes working honestly and being totally upright before men.

Will studying Psalm 128 bring blessings to me and my family?

As we can see throughout our study, yes, blessed are those who give ear to what is written in Psalm 128, according to the Holy Bible. However, it is worth noting that the mere study and passive understanding of what is in the "letter", does not guarantee the blessings.

At the beginning of the text, the psalmist points out that "Blessed is he who fears the Lord and walks in his ways". With that, right away, those who disregard God's commandments, totally or partially, are dismissed.

And besides, it is important to stress that the fulfillment of the Creator's commandments is associated to a series of good practices that have impact by themselves on the mentioned issues. For example, it is useless to want a happy family treating your relatives badly. As well as, it is impossible to receive the blessings of the Eternal in the professional life being a dishonest person.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.