Psychological pressure: know what it is, symptoms, how to deal and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is psychological pressure?

All of us are subject to experience situations in which we are imposed a pressure that we never get used to. Personal and third-party demands impose a weight on our consciences and that, many times, we are not able to express positively, thus generating a serious of psychological problems.

If you are living under a constant psychological pressure, know that your body will give the signals that something is not right. So, be on the alert with the symptoms that this psychological state can create. Some disorders such as Burnout syndrome, depression or anxiety may happen.

So, you need to be careful. Read on to understand more about psychological pressure and avoid its symptoms!

Symptoms of psychological pressure

When the mind is placed in a state of great pressure, the body seeks ways to extravasate and deal with the negative feelings generated. Thus, emotional and even physical consequences end up arising in these situations.

One of the ways to identify if you, or someone you know, is going through psychological pressure is by analyzing the symptoms. In this section you will understand a little better about the main ones. Read on!


Sleep problems can arise when the individual is under psychological pressure. This happens because the mind and body cannot relax and enter into the state of tranquility necessary for sleep.

The person suffering from psychological pressure is constantly restless, with agitated and piled up thoughts. Therefore, unregulated sleep is one of the signs that something is not going well.


The pressure makes the individual feel trapped and incapable. In this scenario, some people externalize this feeling through aggressive attitudes. Many times the reactions of the person who suffers psychological pressure may seem exaggerated, however, this is a way to channel this intimidation.


In other cases, the individual is unable to bring out the negative feelings caused by the pressure and ends up internalizing them. When this happens, one feels a deep and disabling sadness.

The sadness generated by the pressure can also involve low self-esteem, lack of hope in the future and, if not properly treated, can develop into depression.


The person who suffers from psychological pressure is always being stimulated to do more and better. Nothing he does is enough and at every moment more effort and dedication is demanded.

For this reason, it is common for these people to have a chronic fatigue, which is present throughout the days and independent of the time of rest. This also happens because the individual who is in this situation is mentally tired.


Demotivation is one of the symptoms of psychological pressure that appear over time. After trying so hard to achieve the expectations placed, at a certain point the person overcomes fatigue and no longer has the desire to continue.

When no longer seeing reasons to continue, demotivation predominates and it becomes even more difficult to perform tasks, whether related to the place or person who performs the psychological pressure, or not.

Daily life affected

At that point, the person's entire routine will be affected. Once you have put work or a relationship at the center of your life, the other day-to-day activities will take a back seat.

In this way, the individual may harm other relationships, studies and leisure by prioritizing the activity that pressures you in an attempt to succeed. The other symptoms already mentioned will also make it difficult to perform tasks.

Insomnia, for example, will leave the person tired for the next day and when they cannot perform the activities due to fatigue, they will feel unmotivated and sad. A vicious cycle of pressure, disappointment and sadness is created.

Consequences of psychological pressure

By suffering from the symptoms presented, the person who is experiencing psychological pressure may develop disorders and illnesses. Some conditions such as depression, anxiety and panic syndrome may be developed or increased.

Therefore, it is essential to deal with the situation before it escalates further. Read on to understand other consequences of psychological pressure.

Depressive conditions

In the beginning, the person may demonstrate reactions related to stress, anxiety and even feel guilty for feeling incapable of performing tasks. However, their condition may end up evolving to a consequent low self-esteem, social withdrawal, awakening anxiety with other relationships and even depression.

The most characteristic symptoms of this depressive condition are anhedonia, disinterest, anxiety and constant urge to cry. The person soon loses the will to be alive, gradually losing the capacity to love, empathy and interest in life.


It may also awaken basic symptoms of stress and anxiety capable of incapacitating them periodically, thus generating a sense of fear and disappointment for not being able to fulfill their tasks.

It is important to be alert to relationships, which can awaken derogatory feelings, especially if there is a relationship with an abuser. Psychological violence can trigger several physical and emotional symptoms, making anxiety much more present and constant in the victim's life.

Panic syndrome

Panic syndrome is one of the basic symptoms presented by those who experience intense psychological pressure in their lives. It usually occurs through emotional triggers that are awakened in situations of fear and despair, and can become a constant episode depending on the presence of the abuser.

It is usually associated with a range of other symptoms such as anxiety and depression, and can even trigger psychotic outbursts.

Origin and signs of psychological pressure at work

The professional environment is the most common place where the first signs of psychological pressure appear, originated by a series of common charges of this environment such as meeting targets, efficiency demonstration and excessive work. Understand more about the origin and signs of psychological pressure at work in the following reading.

Origins of psychological pressure at work

A task overload originates from a series of goals and deadlines that you have taken on as a responsibility at work and this has led to basic symptoms of psychological pressure such as stress. However, it is possible that you are causing this overload in your routine due to lack of planning.

Therefore, it is important to have a good time management so that you can handle more efficiently with your daily tasks. And you don't have to do much to improve your productivity, you can start by listing the tasks and creating a level of priorities for each of them.

This way you'll assimilate which tasks should be accomplished first and you'll be able to proceed with your activities fulfilling your daily goals without being overloaded with demands. To facilitate your organizational work you can resort to tools such as mobile applications, for example.


When our body is in a state of alertness, it can be considered that we are stressed. From this, our body releases a series of hormones such as Cortisol and Adrenaline that react with our body as a response to this psychological state.

In a few moments, every cell in your body will be completely affected by this "fight or flight" reaction, which is responsible for speeding up your breathing and heart rate. Firing a sequence of stimuli with the intention of awakening this survival state.

And know that one of the main causes that makes much of the population stressed is related to psychological pressure, which can be caused by pressure from family, work and your relationship.

Soon, your routine and relationships may be generating several physical and psychological problems due to this psychological pressure to which you are subjected. This causes stress and serves as a trigger for anxiety, depression, fatigue, pain, among others.


Psychological pressure can often trigger problems such as stress and anxiety, thus distorting your thoughts and making you more irritable. Nothing seems to please you and by repressing these feelings you gradually feel the anger rising to your head.

Therefore, a stressed person can end up getting involved in conflicts with family members, friends and even co-workers, thus affecting your relationships and preventing you from achieving your individual and social well-being.

Beyond your own limits

Each individual has their own limit of physical and emotional load that they can handle. Therefore, productivity at work can be affected if you stimulate your body beyond these limits, overloading your body and leading you to Burnout.

The psychological pressure can be enormous, but it is necessary to recognize your limits so that you can support your demands. Only in this way you will not suffer from psychological and physical problems caused by a stressful routine in your life.

How to deal with pressure at work

The psychological pressure at work has become one of the most common triggers for several problems of physical and psychological nature. It has generated a global health crisis by exposing workers to the limit of their functions. Do you see yourself in this scenario? Follow the reading and learn how to deal with pressure at work.

Take a break

The human being tends to act mechanically when performing the same activity for many consecutive hours, thus impairing his performance and critical sense. Soon, he will not be able to accomplish the tasks by deliberating on them, he will only act in an automatic way neglecting his work and making mistakes.

Taking a break will help you refresh your mind so that you can return to the initial state of work, with an invigorated consciousness you will be able to focus better on your tasks and thus achieve better results.

Talk about other things

At work it is very common that happens that coffee break, this is a positive attitude to relieve stress at work. For, in addition to renew your energy, you will feel more productive when returning to their activities.

Remember that stress and psychological pressure generate a low productivity and its consequences can make it impossible for you to continue doing your work. Use this coffee break to talk about other things with your co-workers, this will release stress and make you feel lighter.

Physical exercises

The feeling of analyzed tension is one of the first symptoms of stress, your body tenses to the point of feeling muscle pain in the shoulders, back and legs. That is why it is so important to practice physical activities, because exercises assist in the release of tensions in the body and relieve stress. Besides providing benefits for the mind, improving the quality of sleep and increasing thearrangement.

To release stress at work, for example, it is recommended that during breaks you perform some stretching movements. Besides releasing muscle tension, you will feel lighter when you return to your activities, thus becoming more productive and lively at work.

A good night's sleep

You will have a good night's sleep when your body is able to carry out its restorative functions such as protein synthesis, tissue repair and muscle growth. It is at this moment that it will be able to restore its energy and regulate its metabolism.

Sleeping well then is a habit to be included in your routine to keep your mind and body healthy, thus ensuring a better mood in your day to day. Therefore, it is recommended that you sleep for at least 8 hours a day without interruptions, so that you can release the tensions of your routine.

Have hobbies

Hobbies are activities that are usually undertaken out of one's own volition in which people seek to indulge and enjoy these activities. They can be diverse, from sports, walks, music, another type of art, the important thing is to feel pleasure while doing your hobby.

When we do an activity like doing, the endorphin levels in our body increase and we start to feel more willing and happy. That's why having a hobby is so crucial to relieve tension and release stress from work.

Here is a list of hobbies that can be inserted into your routine:

- Cooking;

- Photo;

- Paint;

- Dance;

- Watching movies and series;

- Reading.

These are just a few examples but it is important to remember that you should seek activities that will have a positive return on your life. The activities should be light and good enough to distract and entertain you.

Occupational gymnastics

Gymnastics in the workplace is a form of prevention for a variety of physical and mental health problems through a series of exercises, usually performed in a work environment, with the objective of stretching different parts of the body such as the head, lower limbs, upper limbs and trunk.

The exercises will vary according to the activities performed at work, being applied in a functional manner so as to meet the objective of preventing injuries. Besides this, it was noticed that workplace exercise, by relieving stress at work, made the company's employees more productive and efficient.

Signs of psychological pressure in marriage

Relationships can often seem complicated and generate anguish in the couple, especially when there is no dialogue. Married life can then generate psychological pressure associated with jealousy problems or interference from family and friends.

Soon, the couple finds themselves fragmented in this universe of demands and the first signs of psychological pressure in marriage begin to appear. Follow the reading to identify what these signs are.


The consequences of isolation occur gradually in marriage, and there are several reasons capable of awakening this estrangement in the couple that range from traumas experienced in previous relationships, lack of dialogue and even unrequited expectations.

When there is no involvement in common activities, or no attempt to be close, then comes the first sign of isolation. This happens when the partner starts to feel pressured by one of them, at which point frustration takes over the relationship.


Jealousy caused within a marriage is common and even normal when there is dialogue in it for these episodes to be resolved in view of the health of the relationship. However, this emotion can present itself with negative tendencies and generate pressure on your partner if it is not dealt with.

You may be creating a barrier in the marriage and isolating your loved one because of your obsessive nature. While jealousy is normal, depending on the level of this symptom it needs to be talked about so that it doesn't affect the health of the marriage and make it untenable.


The complaints that arise before a relationship serve to adjust the behavior of both partners, so that they will exist habits that will be uncomfortable in coexistence and will harm their home. However, couples usually have difficulty differentiating a criticism from a complaint.

Criticism is more aggressive and generates psychological pressure on the relationship that can be devastating. Once it appears offensive to the victim and generates negative feelings of hurt and anger.

Fear of disagreeing

It is common to avoid conflict in relationships because there are times when we believe that it is not worthwhile to confront the other person, so we keep quiet for fear of not being understood by the partner, or to avoid any mismatch in communication.

However, the fear of disagreeing can create negative consequences in the relationship. By only carrying out your partner's wishes you will be depriving yourself and preventing shared experiences in the relationship, affecting not only the health of the marriage, but also your own mental health.

How to deal with pressure in marriage

The psychological pressure is amplified by the social standards to which we are subjected, often preventing a healthy relationship between the couple. These standards generate demands which penetrate the marriage and poison the life of the partners until the load of pressure overwhelms them.

Dealing with pressure in marriage is first respect yourself so that in dialogue you can position yourself and that you can talk in search of the best for both. Check out some tips below and learn how to deal with this psychological pressure!

Do not accept humiliation

Humiliation in marriage happens when the partner feels superior to his partner, or vice versa. At that point, he will do his best to attack her pride, treating it with disrespect and embarrassing her as much as he can.

For this reason you should not be allowed to be humiliated, regardless of the situation. You must position yourself in the relationship in a way that protects your dignity, because as a human being you deserve respect. Don't accept being humiliated by anyone!

Stop charging yourself so much

Self-charging often hides the true nature of the problem, because by charging yourself we pull the responsibility for the problems in the marriage onto you and forget that this is a joint effort.

Don't cover yourself for not being able to fulfill tasks that are the responsibility of the couple. While you are in a relationship, responsibilities should be shared in a way that supports each other. This is the only way marriage will be healthy, because the commitment to sharing life should be present in all aspects of life.

Do what makes you happy

At this point, many people give up their time for leisure living only for the sake of marriage and the other. They forget themselves and neglect what is most important, which is their happiness.

Therefore, it is essential that you take time for yourself. Take up your hobbies and relive the things that made you happy. This will make your marriage lighter and more joyful, by doing good for yourself you will be doing good for your partner too!

Don't accept less than you deserve

If your husband does not respect you, that is the time to open a dialogue with him. Do not accept less than you deserve, clarify in conversation what is important within the relationship for you and seek together to correct these errors.

For, it is only when you are dealing with this pressure together that you will be able to address it. Once your partner will be integrated into the issues and realize how it influences the relationship.

Get rid of toxic relationships

When you realize that you are living in a toxic relationship, try to talk to your spouse or seek therapy so that you can deal with this condition together. If he despises all attempts the ideal is to get rid of the toxic relationship, you need to look for someone who deserves it!

What is the greatest risk of being under psychological pressure?

Psychological pressure affects everyone regardless of the context in which they are inserted, and can happen at work, in the family and in marriages. Therefore, it is common to have moments in which everyone will go through some kind of psychological pressure in life.

And the risks of being under psychological pressure can be both psychological and physical. The symptoms of psychological pressure are similar to those caused by stress, which would trigger stomach upset, irritation, heart arrhythmia, headaches, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders and even lack of concentration.

Soon, you may develop psychopathological disorders and it has also been proven that psychological pressure favors the development of hypertension!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.