Psychopathy: meaning, characteristics, how to identify, and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is psychopathy?

Psychopathy is a behavior that runs away from the established social normalities, and can have characterized specifications. With a process linked with frustration, it also presents aggressiveness and violence, and can even come into conflict with other individuals, because the guilt is unloaded on them.

In front of a specialist, it is possible to identify it, mainly by the depth of the disorder and in relation to the social sphere. By making observations, the professional will analyze the attitudes, as well as the interactions with a compilation of circumstances.

Without empathy present in the personality, manipulation can develop. Read the article to understand the complexity of psychopathy!

Meaning of psychopathy

The meaning of psychopathy is that of an adversity, mainly by the behavior of contempt and disregard for the legalities of others. With a technical term, it is referred to as an Antisocial Personality Disorder, APD.

In the 1941 book "The Mask of Sanity", it was popularized by psychiatrist Hervey M. Cleckley to justify a calculating personality. In textbooks, this concept was avoided because the consensus was not approved by professionals with Cleckley's description.

Using practice, this disorder usually develops in people who are politically authoritarian. Read on to understand the disorder, psychopathy and sociopathy!

Personality disorder

Within a group of psychic illnesses, personality disorder portrays a specific pattern of thinking, with rigid behavior. Through psychotherapy, it is possible to control it, as well as with the use of medications and long-term prescriptions. It is then demystified into suffering for relationships.

Personality disorder affects other areas, and is characterized in three categories:

- The eccentric disorders, counting paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal;

- Dramatic disorders, including antisocial, borderline, narcissistic and histrionic personality;

- Anxiety disorders with the elusive, compulsive, and dependent.

Therefore, the problem is considered within these aspects with their specifications.

Psychopathy and sociopathy

Through manipulation, psychopathy is determined in a person who is acting out. Considered a dangerous personality, it is part of a percentage of 1% of the world's population. It may seem limited, but it portrays the whole world.

In contrast, sociopathy is characterized by nervousness with ease. These people's emotions are explosive and relying on anger. With difficulties in sticking to something, they don't stick to a job or relationship. Bonding is difficult and they may socialize, but not socialize.

Childhood Psychopathy

Childhood psychopathy can be detected and is frightening. In a survey done by the Brazilian Psychiatry Association, about 3.4% of children show problems in behavior, besides conduct. Disrespect was included with fights and aversion to animals.

Aggression can also occur in a worrisome sense. With narcissism, selfishness is visualized with overwhelming aspects. Also, it is normal for a child to develop the selfish side, but with time and development this can disappear. Then, as the child matures, adjustments can be made.

Characteristics of psychopathy

Specific characteristics can develop in psychopathy, including many disturbing processes. With a lack of empathy as an aspect, impulsiveness, lying, and self-centeredness can also be seen. More than this, a lack of sensitivity and emotion, as well as irresponsibility and superficiality.

Seeking adventures is identified as megalomania, so there are treatments that can provide support. Medications are indicated, with the support of a specialist.

Deception is an act that is formalized in psychopathy and making it stay that way. Read on to learn more about the characteristics of psychopathy!

Lack of empathy

Lack of empathy is one of the most common aspects of psychopathy, as these individuals do not rely on feeling and use contempt as their main factor. They may even show this emotion, it is one of the few that is formulated in them.

After a selective determination, they prefer to manipulate and dissimulate. The only relationships are based on this, giving no room for anything else but this feeling. With high levels, some are characterized by conduct.


Portrayed in psychopathy, impulsiveness relies on rejection. This person does not like to be contradicted and holds to this behavior. They even use aggressiveness, and are explosive.

They don't care about these negative characteristics, making them overwhelming. They make a point of getting deeper and deeper, and show no remorse for what they do. Staying this way builds psychopathy with all the necessary requirements for the disorder.

Good Conversation

A good conversation can be developed with a person with signs of psychopathy, because he can manipulate. Involving the other, he presents his positions and questions. Without letting him realize it, he convinces. More than this, he presents a certain charm.

This person can do this with anyone, mainly because of the admiration of the other that he or she sets. A professional can easily analyze with solving processes.

Egocentricity and megalomania

Self-centeredness and megalomania remain in this individual with psychopathy, because he relies on high pride and certainty. Not being afraid of what he does, he assures himself in these characteristics full of improvement.

The actions are watered with megalomaniac acts, giving no room to feel remorse. Not being part of this personality, the level of psychopathy evolves. The solution does not take over, preferring to be driven and managed by this disorder.


Morbid, psychopathy is constituted by lying. Having no control, an individual may not be able to constitute himself through this. As usual, he comforts himself by presenting aspects to others and making them believe his words.

He doesn't care if people trust him, developing deception in a provocative way. He likes to manipulate and without the limit that needs to be set. Facing the prospect he doesn't care about naivety, leaving more and more involved.

The search for adventure in a person who develops psychopathy is constituted by the fear he does not feel, as well as the concern he may cause in others. Challenges are always sought by him, not content with the simple. Rules are not established and boundaries are crossed.

Adrenaline is imposed, not being afraid of what might happen. The outcome doesn't matter, only the frightening. Needing help to fight, it needs the specialized help. Not taking the first step, it will keep itself to raise the disorder.


Antisocial people fall under the aspects of psychopathy, since this characteristic has its parameters. Always wanting to elevate themselves, a person identified in this way takes great pride in what they do. Never putting themselves below others, they boast of superior attitudes.

Avoiding outside contact, one closes oneself within a personal and individual perspective. One does not make room for others, always staying within a bubble. Selfish thoughts are developed, as well as the whole process of fitting into this disorder.

Lack of emotion

Without the involvement with other people, the individual characterized by psychopathy does not develop true feelings. Therefore, emotions and affections are not built, and he does not give space for these aspects to grow. The exploitation comes with deception, presenting what he is not.

By offering a lie, some think it is positive, and in fact it is not. By deceiving themselves, they sink into these feelings that are not real. They need medical follow-up, with the proper prescriptions.


Irresponsible, the person with psychopathy does not commit to anything. Moreover, he does not truly give himself for a purpose and using only what he thinks is right. By deceiving himself within this aspect, he magnifies the psychic issue disadvantaged with the disorder.

Acting without scruples, he prefers to fit within these requirements. He doesn't care about the discomfort he causes to others and continues to act this way. Without remorse, he increasingly elevates this process of psychopathy.

Superficial feelings

The superficial feelings are transformed into psychopathy, because this person does not truly feel affection. If they are in a relationship, they stay in it only for the pleasure they can have over the other. If someone close dies, they are left helpless and with one less person to count within their circle.

It is never driven by love, because it thinks only of itself and does not care about the rest. Therefore, selfishness is also strengthened, making it only see itself. In addition, it feels the need to strengthen its personality all the time.

Myths about psychopathy

In the generalization of psychopathy, there are also the myths about it. More than that, there are the processes that some say have no cure. Besides this, there is treatment and within the indications of the specialists.

Some prescriptions are passed on for the best performance. Psychosis also enters the context of myths, revealing characteristics that do not match the true reality of the disorder.

All these issues must be evaluated and understood, especially so as not to spread lies about this complex subject. Read the following topics so as not to be misled by psychopathy myths!

No cure or treatment

With the lies that can turn into hidden truths, there is the myth about psychopathy and its non-cure. Going beyond this, the treatment that some think does not exist relies on medical follow-up.

If there is a need for medication, it will be prescribed for the best performance. Furthermore, follow-ups should also be available, in order to assist and comply with legal medical principles.


Psychopaths still have a violent streak, however, it is not a determining factor, so it is not necessarily an established rule. However, emotions may not be contained and anger may prevail. Also, a person may bring out his or her emotions intensely, trying to unload them in an aggressive way.

This aspect is only visualized with external exhaustion to relieve. It is not a prerequisite, but a conduct that can turn into anger.


Psychosis may confuse, but psychopathy differs. More than that, those who are psychopaths are usually realists and use a lot of rationality. With ability, they are able to differentiate their own acts. In this sense, they all keep doing, besides the pleasure they feel.

Circumstances are well worked by them, with the drive they need. They are dedicated to manipulation, strengthening the negative instinct. They control, convince, and deceive. Characteristics like this are harmful, beyond their control.

How to identify a psychopath

It is possible to identify a psychopath by his attitudes, but these must be evaluated by an expert on the subject. Using the depth of his methods, he is able to characterize what shapes an individual with this disorder.

The diagnosis needs to be high, presenting all the visualized aspects. In addition, the patient must choose the professional's conduct, relying on the prescribed medications and prescriptions. Knowing how to conduct will lead to the success of the treatment. Keep reading the article to understand the identification of a psychopath!

Hare Scale

The Hare Scale is a test to analyze the level of psychopathy. The test is done with a series of questions, using the individual's potential and with a rating of 20 criteria. Using the example of sexual behavior, impulsiveness is also highlighted.

With a scale to define the elevation, it is within 3 points. Zero is not constituted, one point applies, and two is definitely. A sum is done to determine the rating, in addition to the 40 points. The conclusion is given by the average of 30, presenting psychopathy from there.

The test

In 1991, Robert Hare developed an assessment to identify the levels of psychopathy. In degrees, he defined the criteria and its aspects. This method can be used by all experts in the field. Presenting characteristics of the disorder, the test has evaluative questions.

Designed to diagnose, they rely on objectivity, proliferating phrases such as: "you have an excess of self-esteem", "you use manipulation all the time", "you show superficiality", "you feel no remorse", "you are insensitive", and "you have no empathy", it is possible for a professional to conduct a consultation.


In view of the demonstrations made, there is a level to determine whether or not psychopathy exists. Not being a diagnosis, it is possible to have a minimal psychic notion and evaluate yourself. In need of a qualified professional, the specialist will be more precise.

If the sum exceeded 30 points, it is possible that the characterization was: "a little" or "definitely", so she can be considered a psychopath. Less than these points and below the established average, she is someone healthy who does not have any aspect of psychopathy.

What is the treatment for psychopathy?

There is treatment for psychopathy, with development for people with mental disorders. With follow-up, specific symptoms can be relieved, and the consultation can be worked on individually or with the constitution of other people present. Those who are directly affected can attend with the prescriptions imposed for them.

Being important to reinforce some signs that can be seen early on, the infantile and juvenile process fits. Besides attention, sensitivity must be imposed to family members who don't know how to deal with the disorder. The specialist must not be left aside, because the most efficient option is his.

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